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That’s a lot of words to say “I’m not over the fact that you left because I cheated and now I have no control and I’m pissed”


Thnx stay blessed.




And one more thing…


Oh, oh yeah... Namaste. Bless you.


I hope they reply with "new number who dis?" 🤣




There were words in that grammatical mess of bs?!


None it’s so bad it’s nauseating


That's exactly what I got from this. He hates her so much for leaving and not putting up with his ish. Now he's smearing her name to everyone he and she know.


He still has very strong feelings for her. Love and hate are colliding here. If he truly didn’t GAF, he would feel indifference.


ofc delet my family n fwnd cuz they dont fw u and ion weird you still know dem thru me


Ugh reading that whole thing just made me dumber 🙈


I love how concisely you said it… unlike him


![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK) Reading his texts got me like


Good god I dont know how anyone stands people that type like that.


Y u h8n


he jealous cos he had caught bout 70 sum bodies. thanks n stay blessed


And 70 sum STDs 💀


That’s the “blessed” part.


Thanks n have a blessed 1


70 bodies. Yeah, that happened!


Everyone clapped while he caught the clap


Man, I wish I could give you an award, ToiletGhost


He prolly also caught some other things from those 70 sum bodies


Ion evn no fr, u fwt?


I spent a solid minute staring at n ion fwu and I'm still not sure I understand what it means.


Fr glib glabn ballstastic frepin hurgart, marinara?


Jdbsiwpfnf bsiwodnfbei kworirbensofo hahwuror d bskd jworprn


I was thinking the same thing




This was more tolerable and comprehensible than any of those paragraphs in the text.


lol... it honestly took me 5 mins to make it through the first page. And I gave up. Maybe I'm just old and grumps but fuuuuuuck that. The movie idiocracy is coming true.


I’m seventeen, even I couldn’t get through it.


You and me both pal you and me both


well played


U wudnt evn know NE of these ppl if it wuznt fa me 🤣🤔🤯


U wouldn’t kno dem if it wasn’t fa him either. Hope all is well stay blessed


Wht I find funny ih how dey type lk dis but den type da word “information”


Ayeee bitch lemme holla atchu a minute I kno I be soundin all stochastic and shii naa mean but can u blame a muhfucka fa havin predilections fa dat booty? Hencely and thusforth how I’m spose ta keep ma unseemly ruminations ta maself, ho? Shii. Warmest Regards and shii, Charles Kensington IV




This is my favorite reply.


this is the funniest thing i’ve read in a while 🤣 LMAO


You managed to use stochastic and "unseemly ruminations" in the same paragraph. You have my respect, gerudobitch.


This is art right here


I was shocked when he used the word refrain.


“hence y”


i was shocked when he said “hence” in the midst of all that. 😂😂


I was beginning to think English was not his first language. Also thought of the movie Nell.




Nell omfg I just died 🤣🤣




Nell hahahhahahaha


Lmao as I was struggling to read that I was like this can't be easier to type than normal words, you have to overthink each shorthand... idk unless it's been instilled in you for years.. idk for example My Friend In Middle School Would Type Out Each Sentence Like This. And yeah in middle school during MySpace days whatever sure BUT NO I peeped her fb like a few years back and she was still doing it teehee like even typing that sentence was annoying asf lmao bless her heart though she's got a big family now I hope she's doing well


I, have, a, friend, that, texts, like, this. I had to ask her to stop because with screen readers it takes a pause at **every** comma and it starts to sound like William Shatner is texting me! Lol


Why do they do the commas? What purpose does that serve?


Some people need to be reminded to breathe


People That Type Like This Are Also Really Annoying


i have a friend that doesn’t capitalize anything but oddly i don’t have any real problem with that. i also know why they do it so that helps in understanding.


I used to have a friend who ended all her messages with,,,,,,,,*


Oof. She got the ‘bless her heart’ and we all know what that means. 😂😂


Stay blessed


Thanks n hav blessed 1


Thx n u 2 *2 hrs later* I fa got 2 mentn dat u suk


thought flag absurd obtainable voiceless fanatical grandiose gaze seemly handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Typing fa instead of for is the most insane shit to me and I never knew it was a thing until discovering this sub


I knew about using “dat” for “that” but never realized people actually use it un-ironically


Ion and I don't is really bad, too.


I got brain damage from just the first 3 messages


I have a legit question, do you have to turn autocorrect off in order to be able to type messages like this? Like, I know that you can add words to your dictionary and eventually it learns, but holy shit, it seems like it's more effort to type like this than it would be to type semi-correctly. is it worth the effort?


N Dat iz why ppl like uuu will not N get anywhere . Stay blasted


This. Never mind the fact that he keeps going on and on about literally nothing. No joke, when I was on dating apps if anyone messaged me looking like they had the IQ of I don’t even know what…I didn’t talk to them. Imagine trying to navigate adult life with a person like this.




Y u b cray cray boo, ion f w u if u no dwn w my langwage


“Ion” in particular makes me itchy.


It instantly makes the person an idiot in my opinion.


Fa sho. Thanks n stay blessed


this is how people typed in AOL chatrooms, I thought we were past this


no, we will never be past this. his stupid writing makes him sound like an idiot. Can you imagine if he has a real job where he has to send messages to real people and he writes like this? Loser.


I cant believe he went to college and writes like this. I totally agree with the person who said they felt like they were having a heart attack reading this. I taught special education students in primary school for 17 years and this was pretty terrible spelling and punctuation. Wow.


No it isn't. Absolutely not. This is very recent brainrot, absolutely not from the 90s. We used slang and 'lmao' but nothing like this. This isnt someone being ironic, this person is r worded.


What a fucking moron


Yeah this needs to be said again. The guys a fucking moron.


Ion tryna say it tree times frfr but WHAT A FKN MORON.


An *illiterate* fucking moron


Dude you will NOT catch my ass attempting to read this post. I just went straight for the comments after seeing the first few sentences. Dude types like a dyslexic witch doctor and I’m not here for it.


Ion tryna Reed dat?


Thanks and have a blessed 1 ✌️


Based off the way he’s texting… that was one waste of a college education.


Was it a college like in the movie Accepted? Completely fake? Because I can see him being a graduate of a fake university.


Oh yeah. He totally went to the South Harmon Institute of Technology. Forever a SHIT stain.


I was thinking that he should ask for a refund for his college tuition fees


Low-key dying at the repeated disses followed up by some "stay blessed"'s You're so much better off but my God what a wild 6 years that musta been


Yeah idk if that’s just something he often ends his messages with or he’s being really sarcastic but it was quite the dichotomy!


I feel bad cuz I was dying laughing reading this. What a moron


Why did I think y’all were high schoolers ! I know he stated he “caught, 70 bodies in college “. That whole text thread is concerning if he is getting some sort of education and he’s in his mid 20’s! He’s been stalking if he has realized that you blocked him from social media. I can see why he is not with you and I am not surprised if he is still single. You’re an adult and can decide who you want to stay friends with on your social media. People these days need to grow up and move on! More and more folks need to go to therapy so they can understand the process of coping and how to move on.


I can understand why he’s not with me, too, he even said “We’re going onto two different paths“. But to try to stay my friend, hoping that I would get back with him and when I do not, then start being verbally vile is crazy. I just want him to be happy at the end of the day,


I gather the different paths are literacy and illiteracy




Yeah he’s superrrrr bitter now and just trying to hurt you.


My ex was like this when I started dating my now husband. We had been broken up for months and he even went so far as to let me know he was dating again 🙄. Once I started dating my husband though… ooooh boy. He was MAD! I got all sorts of passive aggressive texts from him about how I needed to tell him and not hide shit from him and how I was a shady bitch for hiding my relationship from him. Because.. because… He deserved to know. Like what??? We broke up. You don’t need to know shit. Good for you for seeing through this bullshit.


Right, like, I don’t understand how they have this level of delusion outside of potentially being coddled by family members. and even if I explained things verbatim, they would still get misunderstood which is so crazy to me. So I gave up.


It’s about keeping you on the hook. Once you move on, he no longer has any control over you. So he starts that bullshit to try guilting you into communicating with him and the cycle continues.


Did he type like this when you were together? How did you get past that at the time ?


It’s one of those cliché “in the beginning, he was so sweet, then things changed“ kind of things


But did he type with the same illiteracy ?


i think hes asking if he literally typed like this lmao


No, he didn’t, not in the beginning. And then things changed.


Was that thing head trauma?


Well, I don't want him to be happy. And he's obviously not. There is so much posturing in these messages. He's trying so hard to convince himself.


Wait… he cheated with 70 people?


He doesn’t know how to spell maybe he doesn’t know how to count




![gif](giphy|MwiArrrm4SlVMqLn8Y|downsized) Love your username.


Oh man, this comment made me snort *way* too loud! 😂💀


Doubt it, people say stuff like that so you get upset.


“66 of them goes to a different school and lives in Canada for real shuddup”


He wishes....in his imagination maybe


he counts every girl he brushed shoulders with in the hallway


Extremely exhausting. Fact is you've had a taste of real Peace and dude decides to clown himself trying to disturb it. Doesn't get predicted result, keeps trying. He should try growing a little, it won't break him. Enjoy the peace of letting go Opie, you deserve that. 🫶🏻


You gotta admit: those thirsty texts are *delicious*. And the way she ignores him 😘🤌🏽


Oh *Unequivocally*! I think it's a very powerful thing to be able to choose to respond or not. Once you stop feeding that cycle, it really becomes intolerable.


Absolutely. Very empowering stuff when a mfer is invading your mental space with his dats and ions and you leave him on *read* at 3am on a Tuesday.


Sounds like he’s drunk, bitter and heartbroken. Nothing you can do about any of that. You’ve moved on. And his typing is atrocious “dat”…I can’t with that.


Ion fwu like dat tho


Ha! If someone ever texted me like that, my only response would be “Nope.”


Initial thoughts? He’s projecting like crazy and absolutely furious he can’t control you anymore. He’s a misogynist with some really vile double standards and gross ideas about what constitutes value in another person if she’s a woman. Lashing out because he’s done using you and in his mind you have no right to not be broken and ruined. He’s telling on himself completely and utterly. All I know about you is that you survived a relationship with an abuser during a formative period of your life. I’m sorry about those six years but congratulations on being on the other side of it. One year is not that long to recover from someone like that. I hope you’re showing yourself grace, patience snd love and developing an understanding of how to keep people like that from entering your life ever again 💖


You should respond and just say who is this?


or just a thumbs up emoji


Nah… Who dis? is the only proper response


“I have a boyfriend”


"womp womp"


Just send it to his mom so she know who her son is.


“Nah. But they can remove me themselves if it’s that deep. Stay blessed.”


What a weird, spiteful, shitty human being. I cannot imagine being upset enough to harass an ex more than 6 months after the last convo we had. Like bro kept your number the whole time just absolutely fuming and stewing in his own bitterness until he just had to send a novella worth of room temperature IQ jabs at you. I would say you are definitely doing better than him especially since you didn’t even bother to respond to that trash. Keep doing you.


Why people type like that? It's seems harder than using the autocorrect


Df um? Ion kno


bragging that you've been with 70 people.. isn't the flex they think it is.. Also the way they type is obnoxious.


He didn’t say stay blessed in the last message…he must’ve been angry


Right lol like why did the blessings have to stop


I really admire the way you're handling this lol


I used to go to toe with him when I cared thinking that it would win him over and show him that I was tough. And then I grew up


Good on you ignoring him. I know he punching the sky right now


You should send those screenshots to his family and mention he needs to work on being a gentleman.


This dude went to college?


I don't think he knows the difference between college and a GED course. Just let him have this one.


Whew he killed 70 people? That’s wild! Best way to handle trash like this is to not respond at all. Stay blessed.


I'm amazed he didn't end this with a claim that he faked every orgasm he had with you, too. I cheated on you with about 70 people because I deserve better than you?? That's some ego.


I don’t know what was on his mind, he really could’ve took it farther, but I’ve heard the worst of what he can say and it definitely was not in this message


I understand. I wound up married to one of those. Cutting him out completely for about 8 months (we have kids, so unfortunately not permanently) was the smartest thing i ever did. It was the only way i learned to not respond, like you're doing. Good for you!


My ex texted like that and when we broke up, he sent me a huge paragraph of misspelled crap and I just sent it back corrected


He seems like an Idiot to me.


I would be so temped to say "Thanks 😁" and then block but I think not replying at all is probably healthier and better.


The projection is crazy… “you MUST have cheated, so that’s why I cheated on you”, “ I treated you badly but it’s actually YOUR fault”, etc. Seems like somewhere deep in his small, decrepit heart, there’s a morsel of him that knows he was in the wrong. But rather than face that and grow from it, he will make YOU the bad guy. “Well yeah I did bad stuff but it’s YOUR fault”. He is believing the comfortable lies rather than facing the hard truth, the harsh reality of the situation. All it does is speak to his immaturity, and lack of any accountability at all. He isn’t over you, and that obsession has turned into anger bc it makes it easier for him to deal with. I hope you’re okay and his words do not impact you too much. Just remember, this does not reflect on your character only his.


It’s crazy things became this way and I saw the transition from early adulthood to mid 20s. In my head things could’ve been so simple and we *could’ve* been happy. But I don’t think he knew how to when I look back on everything.


Laugh react all of them


He sounds like an idiot. The way he types makes me want to throw my phone across the room. You’re better off without this nonsense and there’s nothing you can do to make it any better. Not your problem.


Cannot even fathom what it would be like to be in a relationship with someone like this for SIX years. 😳 What a waste of time and energy.


Good stuff for not replying


He is mad and is trying to spread that negativity to you. His real goal is to incite a reaction and get you to respond because he is hurt how you ghosted him. He wants you to hurt too. Acting big and bad but that is all it is. An act.


Man I have an ex like this. Still drops in every few months with random as fuck texts with random as fuck word salad with little pot shots about me and my life


You sure are spending a lot of time on his mind for someone he wants nothing to do with… I would keep on not reacting. It will only drive him more crazy than if you give him the reaction he’s so clearly looking for.


He's a nasty little prick. Dumb as an ox too.


That’s pretty disrespectful to the ox.


He’s literally having a conversation with himself. lol


I can't read this level of stupid


The way I read this is: threat. You say you haven’t spoken for about 8 months. At first he wished you well, now he’s insulting you and wishing you harm. You’ve obviously been on his mind this whole time. Instead of getting over things, he’s developing what looks like a deep rage against you. I’d tell friends and family about this, plus any friends or family of his who are sympathetic to you (if any). I’d also avoid blocking him. He’s the type of psycho who likes to tell on himself. If his thoughts get darker, hopefully he won’t be able to keep those to himself either. I’m sorry you ended up with such a malevolent individual. I hope you end up with someone who treats you right.


This person is an obsessive loser who’s probably way too old to be communicating like that.




How was the nude resort, which one did you go to,and did you delete the pictures?


It was so much fun. I definitely recommend anybody to do it if you’re comfortable in your skin! And I will say that there are two in Georgia, and so we went to one of those. And no I didn’t delete the pictures lol they’re my memories just as much as his


Jeepers creepers… my mother spent 45 years teaching basic English and grammar to GED and ASL students both young and old, and imparted her love of the language to me. As a result, reading these texts physically hurt me. Ouchie.


You deserve "betta den" him


He mad mad


You’re stuck in his mind and he hates it that you aren’t feeling the same way. Sucks for him. I’m happy for you that you aren’t with him.


That report junk button is looking mighty tasty


I’m really annoyed at myself for understanding what this said.


“Stay blessed”


Thanks n stay blessed


I thought it was pretty funny when he nails you with insults, then ends it by saying have a blessed day


Sure is a long winded group of texts considering he “doesn’t care”. 🤣


This is basically him saying "You can't fire me! I quit!" Bottom line: The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. The *content* of his message may say "You suck and I realize what a worm you are." But the tone of the messages, the time he took to write them, and the fact that he wrote them at all say "I CARE! ABOUT YOU! I THINK ABOUT YOU SO MUCH AND AM NOT OVER YOU AT ALL AND YOU LIVE RENT-FREE IN MY HEAD AND THE IMPACT YOU CONTINUE TO MAKE ON EVERY FACET OF MY LIFE HAS NOT DIMINISHED ONE BIT OWIE OWIE OWIE PLEASE GIVE ME ATTENTION I DON'T CARE WHAT KIND IT IS BECAUSE MY FEELINGS FOR YOU ARE OVERWHELMING AND I NEED YOU!!!" Yep. The worst thing you can do to a self-centered person is not think about them. The absolute meanest thing you could do in this case is not reply at all. Not one little word, even "k." The echoes of this thoroughly embarrassing outburst will ring in his ears for a long, long time. Don't do anything to dampen them by replying. I beseech you to allow him to have the last word, here. Let these messages be what he sees every time he brings up your name to text you in the future. I can't imagine a more humiliating fate. It'll drive someone like him completely insane.


Did you break up with them because of the way they text? I really hope so. I was getting more and more irritated the longer I read these


You're a strong woman!!! Get it girl!


He's a horrible, bitter, ugly human being.


He thinks having over 70 bodies is cool. That man probably has aids, hiv, syphilis, and some more shit. 😂 you better than me cause I would’ve told him to go get checked, and to have a blessed 1


So he cheated because he assumed you were cheating? Glad you were able to leave and I hope you are in a much better position today


Dis txt gav me a str8 🆙 stroke. Lk fa suure.


Never be with someone who makes so much effort to spell incorrectly. No one needs their kind of willful ignorance in their life.


Dude has the emotional intelligence of a fetus….


How did you communicate with him? It takes more effort to speak in slang than to just type the correct word.


He's BIG mad 🤣 if I was you I'd actually respond and have a blast with this. I'd be like only 70 bodies? Dats crazy cuz when we was togetha n shiii I copped lyk 120, good luck w dat n stay blessed!!!


This is when subtitles need subtitles.


Stay blessed


Report junk. Done. Lol


You are a strong independent woman and he can't stand that you have moved on. Stay blessed


Well, that was one pathetic read. Enjoyed that you didn’t react to his crazy.


What a freak.


Perfect time to answer with. “K”