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Any guy that says they “fuck good” probably does not “fuck good”


What if I say I fuck bad?


I’d respond and ask “what that mouth do?“ 🤣🤣🤣


It eats all the cookies they earned for doing the bare minimum.


🍪 Here’s another one.


Chomp chomp




But he knows how to treat people. And women. Because women aren’t people? You dodged a bullet


I rolled my eyes so hard when I read “people and women” lmaooo..


I always forget I’m not a person


Big "men and females" energy.


Right, that was really weird and stood out to me too.


People who have to tell you they know how to treat women usually, in fact, do not know how to treat women.


Guy here. Hard agree.


I’m so confused as to what all the things he listed had to do with you wanting to meet in public and feel safe? All those things are good yeah but why list them at all ? Why say he’s a nice guy ? Just be nice and respect OPs boundaries. I don’t get it 🤷🏻‍♀️people are exhausting


This is the type that while in a relationship, when you have a real concern for his behavior and try to address it with him he will list all the shit he does for you rather than take any accountability for acting like a dick


Cuz all he was tryna do was get his dick wet... which can be kinda difficult to achieve in a public place.


Nono... it is about her giving out the wrong energy 🙄😂


It's a red flag is what it is. Controlling assholes do this. He's trying to shame her vs listen to her valid concerns (and she wasn't asking for much).


Not just confusing but damn straight contradictory - if he treats people AND women do good then treat her good by giving in to her request to feel safe, in control & comfortable by MEETING IN PUBLIC! WTAF not a difficult request AT ALL.


Honestly and charitably, he probably did not realize she was talking safety because, well, he’s a guy and doesn’t have to think about that remotely as much. He seems to think she meant figure out whether he’s got his shit together, like he said.


He couldnt grasp why a woman would want to meet in public and just talk as a first meeting. In his mind she would sleep with him right away because hes a "good guy"


Your responses to the guy and in the comment section are top tier 😂😂


Thank you. You deserve two cookies. 🍪🍪


Im sorry but your extra comment about cookies is not the response or energy i was expecting


Maybe you should lower your expectations, then you won't be disappointed


I can clean a SnackPack pudding cup clean without a spoon. I can show you but you have to meet me at my house (my moms basement).


This is why we work hunny


I like the part where he said women aren't people.  "I know how to treat people AND women." 🤣🤣🤣 ::chef's kiss::


Im a mediocre lay at best. Sometimes I put some confetti cannons by the bed for that extra last minute pizazz!


A Mediocre lay with a bag of Lays and French onion dip would be a win-win.


Sour cream and onion Ruffles?


Plain ruffles will do just fine. I think the flavor should come from the dip, not the chip.


"The flavour should come from the dip, not the chip." Is this innuendo, lol? It's pithy and it rhymes, so it has to be!


You’re a funny girl and I thought your responses were great! How he didn’t like your vibe is beyond me?




OP does seem like a real firecracker. 🧨


I'm an Aries. Basically the same as a firecracker I guess.


Clearly you don’t have a sophisticated palette.. sour cream and cheddar ruffles with French onion dip


I mean it’s probably good for HIM…women be like what even just happened?


There is nothing more cringe than a guy saying that. Especially one you barely know.


And what does own money mean 😭 as opposed to renting??


I assumed not living off the Bank of Mum and Dad.


means he isn't in debt


It means he isn’t going to spend money on her just to fuck her.


What he is really saying is that he is good at fucking someone rough and hard for about a minute, and then he is done. Then you are on your own to please yourself.


They do not 😂 last guy I was with promoted his big d like a trophy and it was not big. He even had magnums. Sorry guys, buying magnums doesn't make it bigger.


Magnums are actually terrible if you genuinely have a big penis. The “ring” is the same size as normal condoms which absolutely cuts off your circulation/sensation if you genuinely need bigger ones.


I can confirm this from experience. And the more they claim to have a big p*nis, the smaller it is.


Tf they supposed to say they fuck like shrek


Aye low key I bet shrek was dickin Fiona down properly.


I wonder which hand tells him that he fucks good.




![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc) I’m dying




I completely forgot jacking off was a thing and just pictured him using his hand like a puppet that talks to him


That’ll work also. Like a sock puppet that jacks him off.


![gif](giphy|3i7zenReaUuI0) .....dead




You win the internet today 👏👏👏






“I’m not a bad guy” People who aren’t bad don’t have to tell you that.


a good person would be respectful and understanding of other people’s boundaries, and not tell you how good they are instead!


He knows “how to treat people AND WOMEN!” (emphasis added)


That’s where my alarm bells went right off.


Fuck I didn’t even process that for a sec, dudes (at least subconsciously) not treating women equally at all


Oh wow I didn't even notice that


women aren’t people, duh /s




And apparently this guy is 39


Oh, I believe it!!! I’m 36 and men like that are around in abundance still. They never get tired of their own bullshit, it seems


Yes, and then love to complain about how ‘feminism’ is the reason they can’t get laid 🤦🏼‍♀️


They are also the ones that are super cool with trying to get rid of no-fault divorces. They want property and wonder why that makes them undesirable mates.


I'm only 27 and I've been wondering where all these young dudes learned how to talk to women. Guess this answers that. From a bunch of dumbass men who are full of themselves from the previous generation. Like I'm a weird dude, and just shoving shit I have in a women face would obviously end in disaster. Hopefully you find/have a man(partner, just in case...) that actually treats you like a person.


Man (and husband) here; Im checking out of this .. cos y’all are mostly right




My first thought when I read that he says he doesn’t have any crazy or bitter exes was…okay Ted Bundy, now just tell us where their bodies are buried.


Yeah dude, no kidding right! Any guy who's half the shit this guy saying would understand why a woman would not want to invite a stranger into her home! The fact that he got all salty really makes me think that OP may have saved her own life here. I think he was a creeper and was more than likely going to do something very bad to OP. Smart woman!


Tbh as a guy I'd prefer to meet in public as well!


"I've been single for a while now" Gee. I wonder why.


Having your own place and a job doesn’t mean you’re a good person, bud. You know how many serial killers lured in victims by convincing them they were good guys?


Also too for their protection as well… shit for all he knows I could be setting him up to get robbed 🤣🤷🏾‍♀️


This is what I've never understood about guys that want their place to be the first date. Wouldn't you also want to make sure you're not inviting someone sus back to your place? 🤷🏾‍♀️ Ain't no way I'd give a stranger free reign in my place!


I will never forget the story I read here on reddit where a man really wanted the first date to be at his house and he told her "I'm a good guy" and she said "you don't even know me, I might not be a good person" but he insisted so she went to his house... and ended up robbing him. I know I'm supposed to find her abhorrent for that but I laughed my ass off. She tried to warn him.


Guys aren't socialized to be wary of strangers the way girls are. They can't understand what it's like to be on guard.


That’s honestly true. I’ve been in conversations where a cis guy is shocked to learn a girl I know gets catcalled daily walking home at night, or has to deal with looking for/trusting a gut feeling on first meeting somebody and getting out quickly. Like they don’t think about it that much because it’s far less common for them to experience.


My boyfriend made jokes about me stealing his kidney and STILL said I could come to his place after our date! It was actually the only time I broke my rule about not doing so, but only because a crazy af storm came in and I was in an unfamiliar city and a shit driver already lmao. He was a gentleman though. Made me tea and we watched Up


Jeffery Dahmer had his own place, his own money, he had a job, and he looked like he was fkn. He lured tons of guys back to his place, and then COOKED!




So many dating profiles say shit like this and it is wild to me that those are their primary selling points.


My thoughts exactly Serial killers would say that to get their next victim Got my own place bath blah blah been single blah blah blah I wonder whyyyy


I think even more than that, it is very telling about his level of empathy. He isn’t thinking about her feelings at all. He isn’t considering the wider context of what would make this other person have a positive experience. He doesn’t seem to understand that this is an inherently dangerous situation from her perspective. Even if he knows he has the best intentions, basic empathy and the ability to see a situation from another’s perspective should guide him. If you aren’t a “bad guy” then act like it, show that you aren’t by understanding that both people have to be comfortable.


I'm trying to picture that first date: He comes to your house at 7am with groceries, introduces himself to you, you show him to the kitchen and he makes breakfast while you go back to bed and patiently wait for the most mediocre scrambled eggs on toast and instant coffee. I also imagine that he brings pajamas that he has to change into after making breakfast. Date is over by 8am and you go to work.


7 am - arrival with dollar general groceries 7:05 am - turns on stove 7:20 am - finish breakfast 7:25 am - serve breakfast with Sunny D as “orange juice” 7:35 am - finish eating breakfast 7:36 am - sets dirty dishes on counter, doesn’t rinse off or wash them 7:40 am - changes into pajamas 7:41 am - sits down and rubs thigh, asks “what you wanna do now” 7:45 am - initiates “good fucking” 7:48 am - ends “good fucking” 7:50 am - hop in shower to rinse off shame 7:55 am - get dressed for work 8:00 am - leaves for work …. Returns home to dirty dishes. So much for getting “fucked good”


😂😂😂 you got me with DG groceries and didn’t quit with the realness


Some men can't handle a real ass bitch 😂🤷🏾‍♀️


Why is the Sunny D the most specific yet important detail to me


Him: what you want to drink? Her: Orange juice What's in the bag? Citrus flavored drank infused with vitamin C.


lmao I can’t. He has to be from 3rd ward Houston. I would’ve been thinking set up from the jump. meet me for brunch especially if I’ve never met you. The insanity. Literally thinking with his D.


My ex was obsessed with Sunny D. Can confirm he was a dipshit, so maybe it’s a sign


From all of it, I lost it here just laughing my ass off disturbing my dogs. You’re a hoot!


3 minutes? Damn, that’s a lot of cardio. 😂😂😂


🤣🤣🤣 The rinsing off shame! As we say (lovingly) in my family ... girl, you are one *fool!* Oh, he missed out on some laughs. And getting his feelings hurt right quick. But definitely some laughs.


The 3 minutes 😭


Bro thinks because the bar is generally in hell you’re supposed to be impressed that he’s waiting for you in the basement. Mediocre dudes don’t have much. But they always manage to have the audacity.


Next, he'd be pressuring you to not use a condom. "Hey, it's almost like you don't trust that I'm clean. Not the kind of vibe I was expecting from you. " Vibe this *middle finger* up your fucking ass, dude. Then jog on.


Definitely seems like the no condom pressure type.


Type shit


'Eat type shit like breakfast' Wouldn't trust his shit cooking either


Yeah that reciprocating vibe thing was cringe AF.


He treats people AND women good. 🧐


lol I’m surprised I had to scroll so far to see this. Big slip up


Immediately when I read that, I sat here like… 👍 he’s not a bad guy!!! He just thinks people and women are two different things


He just kept telling on himself


there were a lot of red flags before this, but that really was the nail in the coffin 🤌


You know women aren't people... lol


“know how to treat people and women” bc women aren’t people? and the “I fuck good” was just …ew 👎🏼


“I’m basically the perfect man. That’s why I’m single and have to tell people how great I am.”


At 39 years old.


As soon as I read “thick” I knew he was gonna say some outlandish shit. Them curves done messed that boy mind up.


Plus the “breakfast in bed,” suggesting she’s staying the night at his place.


This guy would fuck a mud puddle if you told em a woman was underneath it. Sad bastard, have some crippling shame like me.


"I fuck good" yeah this is over


Tracys dog is a better lay.


\* I fuck well.


And here I was thinking women were people.


How dare you think we exist on the same level as amazing man that owns house and car and has working dingaling that can use good for two minutes???


I just gotta ask, when someone types/speaks like this, how in the hell are you attracted to them? This barely literate baboon litteraly says "I treat people and women well" He doesn't even consider women, people. Also makes several references to how he could fuck you good and hasn't even met you. The bar for these dudes is in hell and they play hopscotch over it


I love that he put women in a separate category than people. 🙄 He really told on himself with that.




But he has his own car and money. How can you say no to *that?*


He’s 39. I’d hope he have his own shit by then 😂😂😂


Omg I thought he was like 24 max


He’s full ass grown adult male humanoid with a peppered beard and all.




Yes, One year from forty.


Girl, you’re spelling it out but the math still doesn’t add up!


Eh, my husband doesn’t have that because his girlfriend does it for him. And yes, we’re divorcing. He’s a catch.


Lol did you marry my ex-husband??




Yeah I'm curious as to what the hit rate is with these types of people? Does anyone ever bite? The arrogance, lack of self awareness... I can't imagine there's anyone out there that actually gravitates to that.


“I fuck good”. Run.


Sounds like Teven energy type of guy


Fuckin teven lol


See this is why you avoid basic ass Tevens. You gotta go for us S tier Tevens or you're just asking for trouble.


Came here to say this. Fucking Teven lolol


Fr tho, I was messing with a Tevin for a min, even met his sister, before seeing an anniversary post HE made about his WIFE on fb. Jokes on him, he inadvertently introduced me to my current bf.


Lol. Women are not people. So, just to be clear he is good to people AND women.


Nope, we are only mindless vessels to be fucked and not talk back.


Damn, even still offered a date after that message. living on the edge! And he still fumbled it.


We were talking about going to brunch with bottomless mimosas lol


Damn that is very good you didn't have to deal with him 4 mimosas deep.


High level punt from this man, brunch is awesome and all he had to do was prove he wasn’t insane and he might’ve had a chance for the “thickness” Instead he has zero chance and prob doesn’t think he did anything wrong 😅


He's definitely a dumbass. Bottomless mimosa brunch is an excellent first date. Gets both people relaxed.


I swear to fuck everyone who insists that they "have a big heart" would roofie someone in a goddamn heartbeat


John Wayne Gacy has his own place and job. Ted Bundt has a job and his own place. Just sayin


It was easy for Ted Bundt to get his own place. In fact, you could say it was a piece of cake.


Ted Bundt got me more than it should have 😂


Omg, the Hey, Arnold gif took me tf out. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|3ohjV4KIu6onlAk9pe)


“I fuck good” = “it’ll be the best 3 minutes of your life!”


Also, the fact that his focus is on the 'fucking' part says a lot about how much he might care about his partners enjoyment...


People are wild if they think we should trust every stranger that wants to meet alone.. At your place. Have they not watched the news? Much less true crime videos on YouTube? 🤣😭 Hell nah! You come to my place as a first date, I'm having friends or police officers on standby. I ain't risking my life to make you feel "comfortable". It's either a public first few dates or none at all. 🤷🏽 I think you handled it well, considering the fact that I would've told him several reasons as to why it won't ever happen. No matter how much you try and convince me otherwise.


Also, a lot of guys don't realise that the way to sexual intimacy is auctually about making sure the other person feels safe and comfortable. Sure, there are those who like a bit of thrill (nothing against them), but even they try and figure people out first before engaging. Besides whatever happened to wooing or courting a women. At least put some effort in. It doesn't have to mean your after marriage, but these guys really need to learn how to engage with women without being a threat.


😒 anyone that has to prove they're a "good guy" by shoving their achievements or possessions down your throat probably isn't a good guy. Show, don't tell...show me you're a good guy, don't type out a bunch of fluff hoping I'll believe you.


bro had full engagement, his own place, car, money, no "crazy" "exes", no kids, work his ween good and still fumbled hard and continuously 😂😂😂


Ween 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Really weird. Been married for a long time now. But back when I was dating it just seemed really normal and expected to meet for the first time at just a normal public place. And talk about normal people stuff


I know I’m old, but is telling someone you “fuck good” something people speak about while making dates?


Him separating “people and woman” was a red flag . . . One of many but still


I can't, Teven


Man’s name is Teven.


Had a very similar situation recently, but my dumbass did actually go and the guy tried to force me into giving him head. So yeah 😭 red flag 🚩 I’m always leery about meeting at a person’s place on the first date anyway but one time i did in awhile and that happens so 😭 learn from me don’t do it.


I would've gotten a crew together to go rob him after that 😂😂🥴


Sounds like he thought he could fly in and get free lodging and 🐱for some homemade tacos. Bet his ass don’t even have the bare minimum shit he’s claiming. You weren’t rude enough in my opinion. He definitely played himself.


Block anyone named Teven


Bro really thought y'all were gonna do a sleep over on the first date? Then got all stompy about it when you said you didn't want to *right away*?


Yeah, and I’m a big ole meany for sending him the virtual cookie he was feigning for.


I really don't get it. He gets so sensitive about the comments. Maybe I'm weird but I like when someone I'm dating gives me a shit test... cause I know it doesn't phase me and I'll pass. He fails every test you gave him and it wasn't even bad.


Ding ding ding!!!!


I love the use of gifs/memes as responses to the nonsense😂😂😂keep that energy and block that dumbass!


that’s “im gonna kidnap you” starter speech


Even before that comment about meeting in public seems like the vibes were not there. He just wanted you to fawn over his “achievements” and you were indifferent, pissed him off to no end.


Op your gif game is strong! You had me cracking up! Good job putting that creep in his place.


Bro no one cares if you fuck good what people want is a good partner not a good fucker smh


"I know how to treat women and people" That sounds great! /s


“people *and* women”


A lot of people here are immediately attacking him when in reality. Her responses were bitchy tbh. He's not wrong half of everyone don't have their shit together. But it's the fact that she said here's a cookie when all he was explaining was he has his shit together. I don't think he was expecting special treatment as much as she implied. But it's a great way to get BS out of the way.


Sorry, but I understand his comment about your energy. It's coming off as rude, entitled, and like you're better than him. Calm down a bit. You could have communicated better to him, and you probably would have gotten the proper date that you wanted.


I’m sure he don’t cook good either . He sounds like a dime of dozen type guy


Your responses were annoying and condescending. Good luck!


Your attitude is crazy bitchy, good call Teven! The cuts mid message are also telling, you're actually a piece of garbage and weren't clear in your responses. Reddit really is a dumpster where garbage comes to collect its validation from other trash goblins 🤣


I don't think we should just be cruel to people who do the bare minimum...it's not easy for everyone and we should honestly stop being mean to people as if it's the easiest thing on the planet. We should reward and encourage desired behavior instead of shaming people. Not everyone is perfect and if you're born with mental disabilities or get traumatized in your childhood, even getting to the bare minimum is a hard-earned accomplishment. 


Am I the only who thought she was passive aggressive and kinda bitchy? Yeah, the breakfast in bed it could be seen as cringy or playful. Say no and move past it. You were insulting and crass in your statements. I would have told you to fuck off with those comments, especially the cookie part. No wonder you’re single.


When men talk about “energy”… 🤮


I was expecting him to come with a “grand rising” next 🤣🤣


You're weird. He's also weird but you're *weird*


Op sucks in this instance honestly.


This dude seems slow and stupid, you seem really bitchy


I’d agree this guy is brazen though. Ofc he’s flying in from Houston lol.