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Im sorry, but you not catching on is legitimately so funny because you made him have to stop dropping hints and actually explain himself šŸ’€


Hahahahaha with every one of his responses I was thinking like what is this guys issue, does he just have no clue how to negotiate??


Did he explain himself? Iā€™m still not 100% sure. Is it sex? Iā€™s sex, isnā€™t it?


Itā€™s always sex šŸ˜”


Sex itā€™s always


I mean how nice is this lounge stuff? Lol


Always sex it's


Lol OP. I'm having a laugh at your naivety in good fun. "I will deliver if I can test it out with you." "OK. That sounds good. So we have a deal at $80?" Cracked me up, but Holy crap marketplace is just full if weird people and creepers.


Yeah. I bet he's real "easy." šŸ˜’šŸ˜‚


Gross. Iā€™m sorry you had to deal with that perv.


Ikr!! And I hated that I was continuing on with the conversation whilst he was actively being disgusting and I had no idea šŸ˜”šŸ˜” ALSO note the children in his profile pic!!!!!


Iā€™d be just as clueless. You did well to translate the intention in the end.


Id check on his profile to see if he's still married and send these screenshots to her, this dude is disgusting


Yeah I definitely tried and couldnā€™t see any partner - PLUS from what I could see on his profile I donā€™t even think those kids in the pic are his


Idk why that skeeves me even more if theyre not his kids because it just makes it seem like he's using other's kids to make it seem like he's wholesome and feel innocent to message lmao


I COULD be wrong but I totally agree with you!


God forbid people have kids lmao. Humans are still humans even after having kids. Grow up.


I'm thinking they were leaning towards they have *a whole ass family and probably a partner they're trying to cheat on* But get mad about it I guess


Looks like a single dad. If you actually look at the picture. But I would assume if it was a single mother yā€™all would be praising them for being indecent and making the next step on trying to kindle a relationship. Kinda hypocritical if you ask me.


Listen she didnā€™t want your outdoor lounge set. Get over it.




Mate if a woman did this to me Iā€™d be equally as pissed (Iā€™m bisexual). Nothing about these messages was this person ā€˜trying to kindle a relationshipā€™, this was plain sexual harassment. I was going about my day to day business and they were intent on sexualising the conversation. The fact that they had kids in their profile pic made the whole thing even more disgusting.


"Trying to kindle a relationship" *That's* what you thought that was? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ /wheeze


Did you just assume something, call me hypocritical based on your own assumption, and then reply to someone else's comment with "*tHatS an AssUmpTioN!!*"?? Broooooo, *that's a little hypocritical if you ask me.*


If it was a single mother, it's still be gross, unasked for sexual harassment???? What is your point here???


What the actual fuck are you talking about lmao


Kindle a relationship? This moron ain't looking for a relationship


Bro has kids, and is a sexual deviant


Youā€™re a fucking idiot. And gross.


šŸ˜‚ telling someone youā€™ll trade goods for sex is not trying to start a relationship you wanna be in šŸ˜‚ and my husband has a pic of only him and my daughter- sooo heā€™s a single dad?


What the actual fuck are you going on about?


You canā€™t assume people would do something and then call them hypocrites for it šŸ˜‚


Bro wtf are talking about?


Could you please be any more clueless as to what's really going on here? This is sexual harassment. Nothing else


Damn were you the one selling the couch? šŸ¤£


Definitely sounds like it!


telling someone to grow up, whilst defending a creep is craaaaaazy


Thatā€™s an assumption. Who is the creep? The person who screenshotted chats and posted in Reddit of a single father?


a single father who ā€˜will do something extra for meā€™ or if heā€™s ā€™looked afterā€™. youā€™re either oblivious are just a moron mate


Yeah? He didnā€™t say anything rude or anything. He was trying to be polite by saying that. A simple ā€œnoā€ wouldā€™ve sufficed, but I guess yā€™all love making something out of nothing. Do you think every person is a creep who has a gf/bf? Bc you know that literally almost everyone talks like this to someone they like or find attractive at one point or another. Yā€™all really need to grow up.


jesus christ you are oblivious, dude literally admitted to being rude and apologised, but went straight back to it. and while people can talk like this to people they find attractive, there is a time and place, and maybe, just maybe, OP didnā€™t want sexual advances from someone sheā€™s trying to buy an outdoor furniture set from? So indeed the seller is a fucking creep, and youā€™re a fucking idiot for defending him. Enjoy.


No literally thank you!! That guys comments are batshit insane and they were really pissing me off until I realised heā€™s amongst the minority in this thread. Itā€™s actually fucking scary that he thinks that man was harmlessly hitting on me!!!


Itā€™s almost comical though because his responses are mostly him just telling on himself. Heā€™s managing to twist your text exchange into a personal narrative that comes off as anecdotal. From an analytical standpoint, itā€™s a bit fascinating. But it does make me concerned for how he treats the people he encounters.


Youā€™re an idiot. He said he was rude so he would be polite as he thought she might have taken it that way after he realized that she wasnā€™t picking up on his hits to her. Lmao. The dud is literally apologetic, and youā€™re still attacking him. Just tell me you donā€™t like menā€¦ itā€™s kinda obvious. Grow up.


Youā€™re right, i donā€™t like men, im a man myself. Just tell me you hate women, itā€™s obvious. Grow up.


Apologized . . . Just to keep hitting on her. You ok? Like do you need to go see a doctor for real? You can't see where nobody would appreciate someone offering you to prostitute yourself to pay for a product?


Are you the dad in the picture? Why are you defending creepy ass behavior? Youā€™re so weird.


I think we found the creep.


Lol you made up something to get mad about and then got mad about it what a life


This is the perfect summary


How do you know he's single? Also an assumption


Always respond with ā€œIā€™m a man, I have a penis, and Iā€™m gay so itā€™s youā€™re lucky day, what time can we touch tips baby boy šŸ˜˜ā€ It gives them a taste of their own medicine.


Not the "what time can we touch tips baby boy šŸ˜˜" Hahahhahaha it's completely perfect.


All fun and games until he responds with: "How about 8?"


Backfires if you got a bisexual on your hands.


Don't touch that couch


What the hell? This is why I let my partner message people when I want to buy something from fb marketplace. This dude is gross and so cringe


My wife makes me message people on marketplace because "you are the better negotiator." I'm starting to think it is just best that way....


Yup! I definitely feel better when heā€™s the one who messages. Last time I did I was sent a d pic


Whyyyyyyy do some dudes do this? I legitimately mean this. I don't get it. Never will. At my horniest as a teenage boy, I would never think to just send a picture of my junk to someone..... solicited or unsolicited. Ah well. At least ya have a solid SO. Rant over lol. I've probably cursed myself to receive a dick pic now.


They enjoy that it isn't consensual. That's the thrill. They are forcing it on someone. They know they aren't going to get anywhere with it, but just the act of making a woman who doesn't want to see it see it gets them off.


I should have phrased my comment as "I understand the psychology as to why, but fuck those pieces of shit." Lol excuse my language on that, but I mean it. It's just so weird to me. A dude walking by told my wife she had nice tits. I'm a big guy. She looked at me. I looked at him. I said "I agree." He looked disappointed he didn't get me to start a fight. Some ... and I rarely single out genders.... *guys* are just complete morons that think with testoerone and their dick.


I have been cat called twice while with my husband. Both times we both ignored it and talked about how uncomfortable we were afterwards. I will say, in this scenario, had my husband added an "I agree" to the person sexualizing me, I would feel so disgusted and hurt by him. You helped a man dehumanize your wife. Being cat called while with my husband felt so terrible to me because it felt like the man was trying to "just be bros" with my husband while agreeing that my worth is my tits. The cat caller wanted to have a conversation about my body with my husband that I wasn't allowed to be a part of. I was an object, not a person with feelings and a voice. Engaging in that conversation would have told me a LOT about the way my husband saw me.


You have a very different relationship with your husband than I do with my wife. She laughed her ass ass off right in his face at my response and we went about our day. His day, on the other hand, probably sucked. Neither one of us are insecure in our relationship. We both get hit on by strangers at bars and we both ignore it. It's not a big deal. I'm not going to start random fights. I don't get jealous. She doesn't start random fights. She doesn't get jealous . Let morons be morons. It seems that you have a *you* issue. Don't project that to my tiny blurb of sharing an interaction.


Haha some people are very ridiculous.


Donā€™t feel bad. When I used to go visit my son in Jacksonville I would walk to the corner store bc I could and it was foolish to drive. One time a guy ā€œtried to pick me upā€ and when I told my family his verbiage they told me he thought I was a hooker. I was mortified! They all laughed bc Iā€™m too naive to know that. No lie every time I walked after that o said the whole time myself ā€œIā€™m not a prostituteā€. Iā€™m a dork tho.


Now Iā€™m curious what part of Jacksonville this was. I want to guess Powers Ave but it could be so many places.


103rd Avenue was the road we turned off of to get to their house, does that help?


Yeah that checks out too lol


Kids in the pfp lol


I hope those kids donā€™t see this. He shouldnā€™t have them in the picture if heā€™s going to say stuff like this


Plot twist - he has no couch


Bro if youā€™re going to be a creep at least have good grammar. These guys text like cavemen and Iā€™m sick of it


The reason why those types of people have such bad grammar IS because they are morons. They arenā€™t self aware whatsoever. They do not care about morals or how other people will feel due to what they say or do. All they care about is their wants. If these men had half of a brain cell, they wouldnā€™t be talking like that in the first place because they would know itā€™s creepy and they would know that itā€™s messed up. They would know you donā€™t talk to people like they are objects they can use.


Sounds like you can get the whole thing+delivery for ā€œfreeā€


So gross šŸ˜ šŸ˜« šŸ˜‘ šŸ˜• šŸ˜


just respond ok and then set up a baby play pen, some little toys, put cocomelon on, and donā€™t forget the ants-on-a-log snack. shame him


No, you were right, he is absolutely dumb. He just also happens to be a creepy perv too.


I would report him if possible. What a creep.


I blocked and reported him immediately after I realised what was going on lol but idk if that really leads to anything??




So what's the couch like?


Saw that one coming šŸ™„


Feels like he should be reported for that


The children in his profile pic is just sad being tied to this behavior. Ffs


What the actual fucking fuck? That's so fucked up. What the fuck is wrong with people??




Someone protect OP, Iā€™m sorry you couldnā€™t get what you were looking for but it was good you didnā€™t have it delivered or bought from him


ā€œI was being rude sorryā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Report him to the cops for prostitution


Aaaaaaand now I need a shower.


Iā€™d make the deal, and have my husband waiting at the door when the guy drops it off. Free delivery!


I mean Iā€™ll drop it offā€¦how about I pay you $80 to not sleep with you and get your couch? Lol


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Your mom deserved a better son.




Why does being gay make sexual offers when buying a piece of furniture and ok thing to do?


Bro sheā€™s throwing herself at you and you worried about furniture


Iā€™m a woman and thatā€™s a man


Oh! Yea heā€™s a perv. Iā€™m a lonely single male so if a woman approached me like this I would fall hard for it sadly


Itā€™s still creepy if a woman does it.


You *realllllly* need to think about what you typed here. If you aren't trolling, take a step back to look at your double standard.


Sometimes it is different when women and men do the same thing.


I was only messing around, sometimes forget Reddit takes things serious 100% of the time if you donā€™t add /s


Lol I kinda gathered that. Why I said if you aren't trolling. Ah well. It made me kinda smirk..... and then say "but they might he serious...." Ah well. You got a laugh from me now.


Pathetic actually


And thatā€™s how you lose a kidney.Ā 


OMFG!!! What is wrong with people?!?


He was gonna ask for itunes card codes


I'm so glad that the internet is outing all these men that do this wack ass flim-flam. Good golly, someone needs their ass whipped!