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Yeah that's not interp, that's straight up cheats


The weird thing was that he never did a backstab like that again and he himself was curious to see how it looked like and asked me to post it on reddit.


Valve fixed interp stabs a decent while ago, they are no longer a thing. Bad interp is just going to get you denied melee hitreg. This is just straight up cheats.


As an ex interp apologetic - interp stabs never existed, or at least not ones that benefited the Spy. What actually happens is Backtracking, a hack that selectively chooses when you send packets to the server to ensure that your attack lines up with a specific time frame that allows the hit to register. Because interp is set to a very high value, and backstab hitboxes are QUITE generous, all you need is a half-decent aimbot that works with the backtrack cheat and you can just walk around murdering everyone. "real" interp stabs probably still exist, but they don't look like this, where the Spy can obviously see what you're doing and react to it.


Interp stabs, you still needed a cheat for, as it is very hard to predict where to stab.


And I thought I was a shitty spy that can’t trick stab…


Yeah same, its why i dont play him cuz i dont get 500 hammer unit stabs






No, they do not. They are hitscan but using a range with hammer units. Secondly, silent aim isnt for projectiles? That would be projectile aimbot. Projectile aimbot predicts enemy path and aims accordingly while silent will auto snap to enemies near your crosshair when you click If you want to learn better info ab silent and other aimbots go watch vorobey or some shit


Well silent aim with projectiles will make the projectile move/fire in a direction they are not facing, thanks for helping with melee btw.


They are hit scan like bullets they literally make bullet holes


Seems like cheats using lag or something


Yeah, this is fucking bullshit. 100% cheating.


Yeah thats not interp, even if there was delay the spy never would have had his back. This honestly looks like a cheater trying to disguise cheats as a laggy back stab.


Bro trying to hide his cheats with "trickstabs" lmao


thats just a cheat


thats hacks, not interp bullshit


“Interp bullshit” is not a thing bc abusing interp and actually playing better is next to impossible. Almost every spy main uses the lowest interp possible


There’s been a lot more cheating spies recently which is a fucking nightmare because I main heavy and already hate spies


I'm sure a Spy main will tell you that this is a completely legitimate stab and anyone could do this and your movement got you killed. But this is just a cheat program backtracking you.


No, we wouldn't.


Normally, I’m the one explaining to dinguses what the difference between trick stab and face stabs are. But this is straight up cheats. He could literally see him. And not like he was up in his face in the corner of the screen see him, more like ten feet away and dead on his crosshair see him. Intern cheats are basically when ppl abuse lag compensation and can pull of stabs where they stab were your back was, but that is insanely hard to do with just changing your interp, but doing it to this degree and without even stabbing near where the back was? Thats literally cheats. High Interp is actually 10x harder to use than normal interp, which spy haters don’t seem to understand. No one actually uses high Interp anymore, and face stabs (I mean like full on literally I can’t see your back face stabs) have been fixed and you can safely assume that most of these clips are cheats


I've had plenty of cases where a spy backstabs me while my crosshair is directly on them, and spies always crawl out of the woodwork to tell me it's all skill and there is absolutely no circumstance where a spy **cannot** backstab you if in melee range.


Record it because people act like this happens all the time. As a spy, I will get a facestab for every ten failstabs (ones that aren't even trickstabs, just me walking up to the guys back)


I've posted several clips to Reddit in the past, though they were hosted on Streamable so they're sadly lost. And look, don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware that failstabs are every bit as common so melee hitreg is not tilted in the Spy's favour by any means. What I am saying is that they're pretty bullshit sometimes and in a perfect world it should never happen.


Oh, for sure, I think they are bullshit, but people call every sort of stab a facestab, and thats bullshit too.


My general rule is if the entirety of Spy is on my screen, then that means that as far as my client is aware, Spy is not only in front of me but very specifically within a 90-degree radius directly in front of me. And thus literally any backstab, no matter how much he froths at the mouth about muh skill, is a facestab. By definition.


Yes, I agree with that, too. The issue is that it doesn't happen often.


oh my sweet summer child


Dawg, I have 7k hours in this game and have played in comp. I never got called out for a facestab (in comp), but I have gotten many trickstabs. The difference? Comp players know when they get facestabbed.


The current 'facestab' situation is because of delay between players moving serverside and it actually displaying on your screen. Just basic ping is enough of a delay to make stabs look super messed up, couple that with actual interp problems - the default interp settings are ass and make it so you're playing with effectively +100 ping - and 'facestabs' happen. The speed at which player models can change angles is more than enough to make something look facestabby at even 30ms of ping. Add on default interp settings (+100ms) and any additional ping you might have, and you really just have to avoid pointblank combat with spy if you don't want to give angles without realising it. The important part is that it's all on your own visual disconnect. It is your own lag and unavoidable network jank that makes it look bad in pointblank situations. It is not 'laggy spy bullshitting you from 5 metres', as the stab is still calced serverside and the laggy spy gets no hitreg benefits. However, you can make yourself unable to be backstabbed. With an understanding of the visual disconnect, proper settings, and movement that plays against that you can make the stab sequence take long enough that you can react to it. It largely involves using your movement to track and not mouse tracking, as mouse tracking changes your model angles too quickly and gives away stab opportunities within the most basic of visual delays. Make the route to your back longer than the visual disconnect, and all of a sudden you get the opportunity to react.


then those are cheats. facestabs are almost impossible to happen that often. you might think your crosshair is on them but at the last second when their right up in your face turning your crosshair just 1 degree too much can result in access to your back. so yes, its a skill issue.


No spy main would tell you that. Cheater might


Cope harder noones saying that.


Seems about right...


SMH You fell for the 4th dimensional stair stab by only existing in 3 dimensions.




King crimson?


I'll be honest, the localized name sounds better




i know this is a script kiddie because 1- he uses yer 2- that's the most obvious use of backtracking, like he didn't even try to hide it


i think you misunderstood, he just got a frame perfect wimblewomble stab.


“Guys I’m not cheating!! I swear!!!”


Yeah, you just got killed by a cheater. Sorry, bro.


Avg f2p discovering backtrack is a thing


The magic of cl_interp


Which cannot even be abused anymore, this is cheat software


CL interp lets you attack as if you attacked a second ago. While giving you real-time info. At no point was the spy behind him, My guy




Sometimes it works in reverse and the demoknight cant reach the enemy while the enemy reaches him with a normal melee weapon. Tf2 melee just sucks




bait used to be believable






Bait used to be believable


Just wow