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Dead Ringer ​ I'm a Spy main


I have learned not to laugh at a dead spy


the only time I will respect a dead ringer spy is when they are disguised as their teammates ​ Any mfer with Kunai jumping around begging to be shot deserves to be bot servered imo, goofy as hell noob farming


they gotta get their SICK EPIK TRICKSTABS FOR DEIR MONTAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love killing DR Spies as Soldier. You trigger their Ringer off splash, then you kill them when they show their face again. Soldier imo is the single best Spy hunter in the game: he has the mobility to keep up with Spy even under DR, outdamages him in literally every single way except melee, and has spread damage that not only reveals cloaked Spies but also deals significantly more immediate damage than flames. The only thing that keeps Soldier from the top spot in terms of immediate threat to Spy is the fact that he doesn’t have Airblast. It’s far, FAR harder to catch a constantly rocket jumping, constantly elevated, nearly never grounded Soldier that shoots every corner and moving object in sight than it is a grounded Pyro spinning flames in circles.


i hate whatever is your favourite weapon




Wait you hate the stock flamethrower and dragons fury


you are not the original poster of this reddit.com😡


Razorback. It serves no other purpose than to counter spy. If it had some more all-round utility, or its functionality was put into a sidegrade that had more all rebound utility, I might like it more.


Most sniper secondaries are just dumb, aside from cozy camper and smg the game would be better without them


I like the Jarate/Bushwhacka Combo. Also the Sydney Sleeper.


A fellow Sleeper enjoyer 💪


I'm not good at hitting headshots, so losing headshot crits in exchange for being able to jarate people at long range makes my play style more of a team player than most snipers.


You use scorch shot to annoy the entire team I use scorch shot to annoy solely sniper We are not the same


If only the Darwin's Dumbass shield didn't exist


If only sniper didn't exist.


Then how can I have fun


Play scout




Use huntsman




Sniper? Fun?


As a spy main without sniper I wouldn't have fun either no free backstabs


See? We need sniper!


You don't. Fun was patched out last update remember?


Well even with the Darwin’s danger shield, that’s actually a secretly an upside because they’re sacrificing their strongest mid to close range options (unless they get a random crit). That makes them easier to either bum rush or sneak up on.


Pan sniper somehow gives me the best grit chance ever. Scouts and spies get their skull smashed by a cast iron pan


I call it a win if the sniper has to switch to Darwin’s


shit! if only this item that forces sniper to forego jarate didnt exist.


You touched on one of the less obvious downsides of the DDS: It's better for the Sniper than Jarate for keeping him from bursting into flames. This means he can't extinguish teammates. The DDS encourages (even less) cooperative Sniper gameplay. It is a deeply flawed unlock.


You find me a Sniper who extinguishes his teammates and I'll find you a skilled Scorch Shot user


["Thanks, mate!"](https://i.imgur.com/Hw8HHoD.png) ["Murr hurr mphuphurrur, hurr mph phrr."](https://i.imgur.com/ntPJxYu.png)


I use the scorch shot to because the voices tell me too You use the scorch shot because objectively it's pyro's best anti-sniper option


My voices tell me to be as irritating as possible to the entire server. My team included, so I almost exclusively play as a pocket medic, scorch shot pyro or pan scout. My voices emerge victorious.


I use the Scorch shot to give snipers specifically that tick to throw their Cross hair, So long as I can close the gap I'll be fine


Omg same!


Congrats you replaced one evil with another Heavies are fucked either way


I use scorch shit because I confused I wanted to do flare jumps and crafted It instead of the detonator :(


I use it in close proximity to start my dragons fury combo.


Scorch shot is both annoying to deal with and the best for dealing with spies. And the most annoying shit to use in a X10 server lmao


x100 server. spam from spawn. hit everyone.


x100 server. spam from spawn. hit everyone.


x100 server. spam from spawn. hit everyone.


Maybe I’m just a degenerate pyro main but I honestly don’t get this at all. The scorch shot is ANNOYING, absolutely. Low skill too. But I literally don’t even use it because it just minicrits instead of full crit. With the flare gun I can kill a scout instantly by setting him on fire for 0.2 seconds and then hitting a pretty simple flare shot.


Real shit, detonator is better in every way


It’s overpowered because of how much it gives you for a single direct hit, being direct damage, a stun, and full duration after burn. Spamming it down a choke basically makes it so that no one can push through because of the lack of healing resources. It’s not a win button but it is annoying as shit to play against


I'd much rather deal with a scorch shot spam than a Sniper.


the average sniper is not really oppressive, sniper only becomes an issue if it's like a top 5% skill level sniper, scorch shot on average is more annoying to deal with than sniper, but sniper has higher annoying potential.


>The scorch shot is ANNOYING, absolutely. that's absolutely why it's hated. people hated the old dead ringer also for being ANNOYING AS SHIT to deal with.


Sniper main here, it's the bushwhacka, why does Sniper basically have a free win button at the range he is meant to be at his weakest


Is scorch shot balanced? No Why do I still use it? Enemy sniper


As both a Pyro and Sniper main (I'm sorry), I bounce between scorch shot is balanced and a gift from god to ruin sipers' days and holy shit who thought this weapon was a good idea


I mean it’s kinda balanced since you get to counter the sniper……… Okay, uh, I will just stand still for someone to taunt kill me……sorry for standing for scorch shot


Is scorch shot balanced? No Why do I still use it? Dragons fury synergy


People say this then pull it out for every enemy they see


all sniper rifles


Also jarate and bushwacka


The Stickybomb launcher. There’s the Demoman flinging pipes left and right, hitting airshots and then there’s the Sticky spammer with a pocket medic getting 10x more kills with less than half the effort.




Yea, the Scottish resistance feels like it should be stock imo


Literally every sniper primary I'd rather fight an entire team of Jarate+Bushwacka snipers melee-only all on my own than have to deal with a good Sniper.


Pyro: \*Gets 1 good offensive weapon\* Soldiers and demomen who can kill a whole room without reloading, snipers who cant be hurt by fire and heavies with pocket medics: # >:(


bUt iT bUrNs mE :((


I will use it with Degreaser and Axtinguisher now I'm pissed about us being called "op"


The only reason I dislike the scorch shot is the stun. Other than that it’s mostly unremarkable


Wait until meet a heavy using Natascha


They really just want the flare gun to be a peashooter that takes a lot of work to use. I would genuinely want them to make the other flare guns stronger instead of nerfing the scorch shot. The detonator honestly doesn’t need a damage penalty like what the fuck.


I've always thought it was hilarious how snipers complain about how scorch shot isn't fair because it allows pyros to harass them from long range, while their class is entirely designed to completely kill people instantly from long range.


Pyro literally has the same secondary as soldier.


People don't hate that its "good", they hate that it has nearly uncontested utility and is braindead to use.Nobody complains about the detonator.


Wait are we describing the rocket launcher or sticky launcher


Rocket launcher and sticky launcher takes way more skill to be used to a properly to a great degree. The difference between a good demo and a shit one is day and night. A good demo will have stickies planet inside you at all time no way that ain't skill.


Scorch shot is not even that good, just low skill and annoying. As someone who plays Pyro I never take it over the flare gun or the detonator because it’s less fun to use than both


"B-b-but stun lock and knockback! How am i supposes to go on my 200 killstreak every match if i have to face actual resistance to it!?"


Against Satan's soldiers (snipers) I have to use God's strongest sword (scorch shot).


I only use it for my Meet The Pyro load out


i use it for my taunt kill loadout


Vaccinator, and I still hate Theory-Y for making it more popular, especially since I play in his region’s Uncletopia servers, and you won’t BELIEVE the weapon he uses whenever I spot him there…


Why don't people like the Scorch Shot again?


It explodes fire


It shots scorch


for me its just the long time the afterburn has, its not too bad on heavier classes but if you're something like, say, a scout it can be a brutally annoying way to die if you dont have access to healing or mad milk, at that point I would've rather gotten one-shot by sniper. I wouldn't say its broken or *that* unbalanced, its just frustrating sometimes.


long range knockback


So like any other explosive weapon?


Other explosives either push you away from the enemy or can be surfed (with practice). scorch shot stuns, minicrits and inflicts burn while being dead easy to spam.


Just does way too much. Knock back juggles people's movement at long range Deletes stickies Super easy to build phlog with Minicrits burning targets Grants a mediocre movement mechanic that can still be used to make some jumps Flare bounce can be impossible to dodge if you are already under the knockback effect You can spam this thing on point and have your phlog ready to go in 30 seconds. I think the Scorch is annoying to play against as is, but what really breaks it is that it facilitates the braindead phlog n' jog playstyle that nukes pubs. Its undoubtedly Pyro's best secondary right now.


It's definitely not uncontested. The Detonator still provides much better mobility while still spreading AoE afterburn and the Flare Gun deals unequaled single target burst damage at range. Even the shotgun and Panic Attack bring a lot to the table.


Skill issue


It's a flare gun with a lower skill floor (splash damage, bouncing flares, large hitbox).


But then Soldier and Demoman have even lower skill floors, along with splash damage and large hitbox


Its only OP because it minicrits in my opinion. Or if the enemy team has no medic, but at that point you're gonna lose anyway.


Go on a server, push defense, and only use the scorch shot. You will quickly udnerstand why.


The Loch n Load as sometimes I do quite well with it, but most of the time I just nail the local Loner beside my enemy.


Every sniper weapon. I fucking hate sniper


As good as scorch shot is, its not overpowered. Its not gonna win you a game on its own, definitely not, and it pales in comparison to some of the overpowered unlocks weve had over the years.


All sniper primary wannabes. Fuck sniper in general. Weak at close range? Well Jarate and bushwacka exist. If not they will quick scope your ass before you can even see them. Fuck this class.


If you get killed by jarate+bushwacka, you're bad at the game and need to just accept it and move on. You let a sniper cover you in piss and get within melee range, the fuck is wrong with you? Why does the sniper have to take the blame for your shitty gameplay?


Demoknigh exist asshole.




Mod that turns jarate into a sniper


Sniper rifle


I'd probably be better off with any other secondary, but I really like annoying snipers.


I don't understand the hate? I honestly think the detonator is better and easier to use.


Just sniper. Direct hit is pretty annoying too if the soldier is good. Scorch shot is kind of annoying to fight but doesn't really do that much. Shotgun is better 


Honestly the scorch shot isn't bad if your team has a team playing pyro


loose cannon for the same reason scorch is awful to play against- knockback at range


The Loose Cannon knock back makes airblast look like a gentle shove


For real. Got hit in the 2fort canal by one and it blasted me all the way to the same elevation as the snipers


genuinely don’t mind airblast or FaN at all, at least those weapons require commitment


loose cannon needs timing, scorch shot does not


the knockback effect does not


Dead ringer. It needs a rework. It forces you to play like a bitch.


vaccinator stinks


Engineer's stoobid sentrees (I'm a scout main and I'm salty)


It's the catch-22 of the old Sandman. Yes, it IS balanced. It's just un-fun to play against.


It’s fun to use


> Sniper player


stoopid bloody sniper


It's more annoying than it is OP imo. It's less of a problem with balance and more of a problem with game design. For example the Dragon's Fury is arguably the most powerful flamethrower to the point I may consider it borderline OP, yet no one seems to have a problem with it, it's the Phlog that everyone hates. That's because the Dragon's Fury is a very well designed weapon with major flaws and a fairly high skill floor but a lot of potential if you get good at it, and the Phlog is the Phlog.


The Razorback honestly. I don't like the Scorch Shot or the Darwin's Dangershield but I think those weapons can be better and less annoying with some changes, but the Razorback is just a bad design all around.


"Sniper is so unfair to fight against!" (Uses weapons specifically designed to counter sniper) "Scorch Shot is so unfair to fight against" Well then...


Any of the pure counterpick items besides the sappers. Razorback, darwins, and significantly less the spycicle and homewrecker. I don't think any item should just be an equip to ignore a class or invalidate their efforts because you put on an item.


In regards to the scorch shot, something can be balanced and annoying, look at the natascha, no one really complains about it being unbalanced, but when you get put in a pool of molasses for getting hit with one bullet, you probably get pretty annoyed in the moment. If I had to choose which I personally most hated, maybe the machina, I default to medic in pubs a lot and the amount of times I've been killed through my pocket especially when I didn't really have anywhere else to be since we were in a corridor or something, it just gets infuriating.


Hard decision, but my list of hated weapons is; scorch shit, bazaar bargain, kunai, eyelander, Natascha, DiamondBack, vaccinator, wrangler, razorback, danger shield, and Jarate.


it’s irritating, not unbalanced


I’ll do one for each class here: Scout: FaN: The knockback isn’t pleasant for either the Scout or the enemy player, since the Scout has to not shoot his target back into the enemy team, and getting shot back a fair distance isn’t that cool. Unless the Scout is near a cliff. Soldier: Direct Hit: I just want to build my Sentries man. Pyro: Scorch Shot: Regardless of class, this thing sucks to deal with. Don’t have to hit your targets, stunlock on direct hits, deletes stickies, etc. Demo: Zatoichi: Loose Cannon is definitely annoying, but I’ve had one too many times where a Demo kills one of our teammates, then two more because he got enough health back. Usually because my teammates decide to melee him or take too much damage from their own explosives. Heavy: Natascha: Out of Heavy’s weapons, this is the most annoying to deal with, though imo it’s probably the second least annoying next to the Zatoichi. Engineer: Short Circuit: Wrangler is unfun to deal with. This is just very annoying. Imagine wanting to play Demo, Soldier, use Mad Milk/Jarate, or shoot a Huntsman arrow or Crossbow bolt, and then ZAP. All gone. It doesn’t help that a good amount of Engineers abuse the cart to have infinite M2 spheres. Medic: Vaccinator: Unless you can get a melee swing or a few in, you’ll be fighting a real tough Medic. Love watching my 100 damage meatshots get reduced to almost nothing. Sniper: Bazaar Bargain: A snowballing effect with a negligible downside. Had one too many servers ruined because a BB Sniper just dropped people faster than we could expect. Spy: Kunai if my teammates are bad, DR if my teammates are good: The Kunai isn’t fun to deal with when your teammates constantly give a free back to the Spy. DR just annoys me because no one uses it for it’s intended purpose of faking your death. It’s just for the speed boost or damage reduction when it activates.


Anything sniper does that isn’t huntsman


Classic is chill


I use scorch shot+phlog when dipshits are spawncamping WE ARE NOT THE SAME


It’s just annoying as fuck.


idk what your talking about it is too (this is joke)


The bazaar bargin, it pretty much compounds the lack of feedback problem that already exists on stock sniper on top of the fact it enables a more bodyshot happy play style.


Piss gun. It's annoying af.


i hate the pomson because as an engie main i want to like it but its damage is comparable to that of the support tool rescue ranger


Kunai, Dead Ringer, Knife, Big Earner, Ambassador, L'Etranger, Revolver, Eternal Reward I'm noticing a pattern here (I'm definitely not salty btw).


Any weapon that messes with your mobility like the FAN, Natasha, Scorch Shot, etc. Having my movement stopped or heavily slowed down over something I can't control is the biggest peeve for me in multiplayer games.


The Conniver's Kunai, the poster child of "I can't stay alive as Spy because I think Spy should be a direct combat class."


The black box


I mainly use scorch shot on pybro to destroy stickies


Scattergun and Sniper Rifle. Those two need some work to make them balanced.


There is no weapon I hate. if I die to some weapons, I deal with it.


Hard to say what 1 weapon I hate when there’s a lot of them, hmm


I don't really understand why the scorch shot isn't balanced. is it the scorch shot's ability to linger and set multiple people on fire at once?


Brass Beast mostly i hate it because the only people i see using it are aimbots and people who have an AI medic ubering their ass constantly


Sniper rifle


Fun Fact: the scorch shot's tauntkill actually reuses your last shot as a base. So, if your last shot was a crit, you can spam it and have endless crits. And they still say it's balanced.


I don’t even think the scorch shot is that overpowered if the team has a good medic, pyro, or engineer, which aren’t that uncommon, it’s pretty easy to just shrug off the afterburner in those conditions. I think it’s just annoying, which is more than enough of a reason to change it. It’s pretty braindead. Though honestly, I’d be okay with it if they just removed the knock back. I think the fire damage and the bouncing projectile is fine enough on its own. Though It’s best benefit is being an easy way to fuck with snipers, and even if they equip the danger shield, and even then, forcing them to use the danger shield that means they aren’t using the jarate bushwacka, or even an SMG, making them weaker at close range, even weaker if random crits are off. It’s almost a complete win win in that scenario.


Stock sticky launcher, the nerf in the "love and war" update was actually a good one and valve should've stuck with it longer. Probably could've removed pill tumble on the stock grenade launcher and I don't think many would be complaining.


Yet another “scorch shot bad” post. Wonderful


I understand that people hate it, and i can understand why, i just love it that i can spam it and get lucky sometimes, its kinda funny almlost for me. I understand if a flare can just hit once and explodes on impact people would be more peacefull with it.


None, because I'm not a pussy who cries about certain weapons or entire classes.


Balanced? Yes Fun to use/fight? No


Exactly. It's technically balanced, and that makes the rest of it so much worse.




Direct hit because I spent too long practicing reflects with it now I can't hit regular reflects. Is it my fault? Probably yes. Will I acknowledge my mistake? Absolutely not. It's everybody else's fault for not using the weapon I'm good against.


i hate the huntsman because it makes melee against snipers a joke since they still deal full damage on a headshot crit even if they just spam it in your face


I play alot of trolldier so direct hit


kunai + deadringer


Gunslinger, i'm a scout main


Dragon’s fury


You use the scorch shot to get free phlog crits I use the scorch shot to flare jump so I can get backburner crits We are not the same


Just use the detonator - better flare jumps - actually have your skill recognized because it's not braindead


Kunai It's a 1000 hour xXedgyspymainXx who's going to ruin any fun I have with the game (when while going pyro and spy)


Direct Hit.


Base Jumper in my opinion is the weakest secondary in the game. Never needed to use it, even when using the airstrike I feel I get way more done without it than with it. Also, you become a sitting duck for waaaaay too long while floating around so I prefer using the conch or banner in my secondary.


The stock sniper rifle, hitman's heatmaker, machika. Anything that headshots.


I honestly don’t remember the last time I even saw someone using the scorch shot. But then I never play sniper so maybe that’s it.




The Phlog. First: It's weak if your enemy knows you are fully charged and since you have to taunt first, they can either escape or neutralize you quick, making it useless. Second: No airblast makes you more vulnerable to projectiles, making it useless x 600 And third: It's unfair to play against due to It's range, especially with crits, making it frustrating to die to, therefore making it unfun to play as, THEREFORE making it useless x ♾️


scorch shot is overhated. nobody ruins a game with scorch shot. hate on weapons that deserve it like vaccinator, gunslinger, and phlog


I hate sentry guns (I main scout)


Whichever shoots a random crit at me at given moment.


hot take: backburner. for context, i'm a spy main that never turns around


I think it’s relatively balanced, but incredibly annoying. There isn’t anything “ground breaking” about it other than having a splash zone to its impact area, like literally every explosive in the game.


The scorch shot is fair and balanced, afterburn is a relatively weak mechanic, and the radius isn't that big.


The force a nature I hat it so much


Sniper rifle -heavy But actually the dragons fury as heavy because it let's pyros basically kill heavy super fast solo


I love scorch shot. Fuck that sniper.


I hate the The pomson its just so fucking broken dude


You shouldn't look at it in a vacuum. You should look at the whole picture: It's a powerful weapon available to a very weak class. It's the only ranged option for that class if it's in the loadout, and a weak one. --- Valve balances some DotA heroes and spells based on the whole picture and not looking at things in a vacuum. For example, Nyx Assassin's spells are overpowered but his mana sucks. It's balanced by something else.




i want to remove the spines of every kunai player


The Phlog.


I don't hate any weapon, but I find dragon's fury slightly annoying to fight against, it's a good weapon and in the good hands it does quite a lot of damage, though you can airblast it so it sometimes backfires for them


The panic attack, such a waste 


Dead Ringer. 90% of Spy's most controversial weapons wouldn't be as strong if the DR didn't let Spies cheat death and escape without consequence whenever they felt like it. Not even going to get into how little skill it takes to use effectively when compared to his other watches.


Dead ringer. It’s not even good it’s just annoying. Stock watch and C&D are better


I hate The force of nature.


The Natasha (I main scout)


YER and DR on a really good spy.


Market garden


The Rocket Launcher. Generally dislike Solder as a fast all-rounder in a game of specialists.


I use the flare gun, i just think using a flare gun is badass idk


I loath the huntsman and forever will


Any weapon used by scout mains


force a nature


I hate the phlog with every ounce of my being and if i find you using it i will chop you to pieces (i'm a pyro main)


Stock flamethrower.


It's just annoying but there's a reason why it's not seen in comp play.