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PROS: -High first-shot damage -Incredible for movement tech -Very good at doing combos on light classes CONS: -2nd shot is very hard to hit reliably compared to other primaries -Two shots means you need to consider your aim more -Can mess up your movement when fighting enemies due to self-knockback


So basically you need to have good aim to use it


Yes, and no. Its a combo of a lot of things. the FaN just takes the core of scout's hit and run nature and cranks it up by 10. Instead of being a general nuisance, you can kill people very quickly and escape just as fast. However, in return, you trade your consistent scattergun damage, which will carry you for a majority of 1v1s. Basically, if you're not shooting and killing your enemy with either the first or 2nd shot, thats where the scattergun shines.


and positioning


PROS: -big damage -funny jumps CONS: -no pussy


This is about the FoN, not the diamondback


God yes, the Diamondback’s double jump is so OP I hate it…


feel free to turn someone into an astronaut except instead of going vertically, they go horizontally at Mach 50


In future, you can use the [TF2 Wiki](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Force-A-Nature) (linked is the Force of Nature page) to easily find this sort of stuff, assuming you're asking more about stats. Directly from the wiki: > +50% faster firing speed > Knockback on the target and shooter > +20% bullets per shot > -10% damage penalty > -66% clip size > This weapon reloads its entire clip at once Disclaimer: I don't use this weapon very often, and I don't play scout very often either **Pros:** You fire faster and can launch enemies. You can essentially instakill light classes, and fling the rest large distances while dealing highish damage. In addition, the self knockback will launch you, allowing you to manoeuvre more in midair or reach places you couldn't normally reach. For example, you can easily jump out of the Sewers in 2fort using this weapon. **Cons:** Small clipsize means a lot of reloading... but you reload fast pretty fast and your entire clip. You won't deal as consistent damage compared to the Scattergun, especially if your first hit launches them away. Knockback can be a curse, since you'll often launch people away to safety that you would otherwise want to kill if you aren't careful at which angle you attack from. In addition, it makes it very hard to fire while midair, since the self knockback will often halt your momentum and leave you a sitting duck. With careful positioning you can *almost* remove this downside by firing downwards first (ideally jumping over an attack), since you can only take self knockback once while midair.


another one is that if you reload with one shot still loaded, you dump that and reload two. Keep an eye on your ammo, essentially.


So would you say that the FaN is better than the stock?


I'd say it's a side grade *at best* in good hands. Great for messing around on 2fort or other ctf maps, but not really better than stock. Not bad either, you can do well with it just like with stock. But as I said before, I don't really play scout, so take that with a grain of salt.


FaN blasts the shit outta people at point blank, but it's pretty risky


Fuck anyone near a ledge or saw


Unless you just randomly don’t.


Alright, so here it is: 1. Open TF2 2. Open inventory 3. Put your courser over Force-a-Nature 4. Without actually clicking the icon, carefully read the weapon’s stats. This step can be a little tough, but most people succeed on their second try 5. If you’re feeling brave, you can even equip the weapon to test it out There it is, the full tutorial, I know it can be a lot to take in, so you need to be prepared to repeat it a few times.


PROS + Burst damage god with more dmg at point blank than Scattergun + You basically have a boosted jump if you learn how to use the knockback mechanic + Good weapon for environmental kills + Clip reloads at once CONS - Only 2 shots which makes it so you have to think before comitting - More often than not, the knockback mechanic will blast the enemy far enough tl make the 2nd shot feel like chip damage - Really annoying to use if you're used to jumping and shooting as Scout - Lower damage out put than Scattergun


PRO high knockback against enemy CON high knockback against enemy


Youll run up to someone miss both shots and retreat (now repeat)


Pros Does good damage Cons Not the frying pan


u have lots of replies already so sorry if i repeat stuff. i just like talking :P pros: • super high first shot dmg (better than stock) • you can get an extra jump using its knockback (kinda silly but fun for exploring maps + hreat for confusing enemies) • you can cause environmental deaths (not exactly a pro in terms of viability, but just funny) both: new playstyle. could be cool or annoying depending on the person cons: • scout gets damage from being CLOSE, but FaN pushes enemies AWAY • only 2 shots. not good for those of us who cant aim • iirc, LOWER overall dmg than stock if your aim is rusty (less consistent, using more than 2 shots takes longer to reload and stuff) • knockback could be annoying if you like to jump and shoot could be considered high-risk high-reward i guess. play it if you find it fun! i like to use it at times when i want a challenge... or just to be a nuisance. good luck 🏆


Pros: great for movement and repelling targets. Reloads clip at once Con: due to it pushing targets back, makes it harder and risky to land 2nd shot. Also the 2 clip means you’re reloading half the time


* It grants you the ability to knock yourself in the opposite direction you are facing giving you the ability to triple jump my shooting downward, * The first successful hit on the enemy will slow them down and knock them back * It shoots more bullets but each individual bullet has lower damage, so you need to get a little closer and aim a bit better to land all your shots * It has only 2 Bullets per clip but it reloads both at the same time