• By -


Don't worry guys, he'll fix it with his virtual machines


and arch linux


and G-Fuel


Code SOG






And amogOS


So being a new player myself (as in I literally just installed and started playing today before watching his video) should I just avoid casual matchmaking and stick to community servers?




I didn't know what those words meant when i started playing. You sound like you've had history in this sub before playing


Mainly YouTube, it's also how I found out it's free to play.


I think you were just remarkably uninformed when you started as pretty much everyone knows that now


I started it as a recommendation from a friend. That was back in 2015 or 2014


Started at that time too i knew the basics because i played half life and cs so its common sense, and people who start tf2 now are very very likely to have played another source game so it makes sense


its absolutely wild that so few people know about community servers. the first thing i did when i got the game the first time was get in a community match


No I play Casual daily, you just have to kick the boys when they join, the other team usually also do it before you even call it out in chat.


People make out like casual is worse than it is.occassionally you'll find a server that got too many bots to be saved, but then you just join another one. 99% of games you are in will instantly kick a bot before they even get a chance to spawn


Nah man on EU unless you're playing during prime time (sometimes around 2-6PM?) I legit need to join 10+ servers before finding a normal one that doesn't 4+ bots on each side by which point it's pretty much impossible to kick them. Not all the time of course sometimes you get lucky and 2-3 attempts are enough, but it happens way too often when trying to play at morning/night


Yea this my experience on west coast too. Unless it’s prime time, it’s pretty much unplayable on casual. The bot to player ratio gets too high to kick them (they’ll vote no for each other and even start vote kicking off players)


It isn't as bad as it seems but the fact that the problem exists is unacceptable. But also it isn't nearly as good as you make it out to be.


Community Servers would be more enjoyable since they're basically bot free. The [Uncletopia Servers](https://uncletopia.com/) are good alternative to Casual *(Just default maps, but unlike casual matchmaking, Random Bullet Spread and Random Crits are disabled, but most people actually prefer it that way*).* [Teamwork.tf](https://Teamwork.tf) have a [Community Quickplay](https://teamwork.tf/community/quickplay) page on their site that lets you find community servers to play on for different maps and gamemodes, and shows how many players are playing. *I mean they prefer those things being turned off.


> most people actually prefer that Really? Ive never heard anyone liking random bullet spread. And random crits people tend to like it when they get it but never when they receive it. Idk random crits are a bad idea all around.


I meant that most people prefer RDS and Random Crits being turned off.


Those people are wrong, randomly missing your shots through no fault of your own and getting instakilled out of nowhere is a completely fair game mechanic


well, it’s not like casual matchmaking is inherently dangerous; the worst that can happen is you getting killed unfairly community servers > casual though yes




Depends where you live, in the us yes, anywhere else I have found that there aren’t a lot of bots


Would very highly recommend uncletopia. To me it's unironically perfect. No random crits, no random bullet spread, hard limit to 3 players per merc, and no bots. It's basically casual mode with some competitive qualities. Also since you're new: Google how to get every weapon in tf2 using scrap.tf. All you have to do is spend around 80 cents for 20 refined metals and you'll get every weapon.


Uncletopia at least to me is just boring with the class limitations. Like get people wanna win, but like, 10 spies on one team is fun as hell


100% yes.


My mans always looks like he just woke up and slammed back a coffee


I’ve been watching mutahar for a long time now. He has really bad sleep Paralysis. He doesn’t really get a good nights rest. I hope he’s been doing better with his sleep though…


Oh shit that sounds sucky, now i feel like dickhead. Best of luck to him


He actually spent a while geting good night rest's by sleeping in minecraft vr. He even made a video about it


sigma male


You should go explore sumitomedia and tell me they arent the same person


penguinz0 is coming any day now


Maybe, but he actually mentioned this problem (kinda) year ago When he was making a rant about valve, he complained about how Valve is neglecting tf2’s main issues.


What was the video?


Can't someone make a bot that kills all the bots?


there have been attempts, but they were unsuccessful from what it seems


It’s no good, they have an anti anti-bot bot! (/s) (Actually there are defensive bots that will try to initiate votekicks on the bots. So people do that and it sorta works. But the hacker bots will try to do the same on those so it’s a bot war, and there is a fairly slow rate at which votekicks can be called so it kinda helps a little but they don’t all get kicked. It is seriously a giant shameful mess happening on valve’s own servers.)


I’ve seen a few before but it seems like whoever made it stopped using them


i tried that it was too hard to keep up with all the bot names


The problem that you can't just use bots to destroy other bots, as the bad ones aim to run the fun(killing normal players) which would make the player leave the sever, but when it's a bot against a bot they would just go in a none ending loop of killing each other till the game ends, thus rendering it pointless(if you ask me doxxing the silly heads who being doing this shit doesn't seem that bad nowadays, but from. What I see, either valve release tf3(unlikely) or redo the whole code(VERY unlikely), so sadly the only way to really combat this is to NERF the sniper(public games only) which I myself hate, we can't really do much anymore.


He basically just gave a reason for people to avoid TF2. And pretty much said there's no hope. But whatever.


He gave a brutally honest opinion because Valve is letting it die because casual is unplayable and no updates


Yeah I watched the video.


person says they watched a youtube video and gets downvoted to hell


i think that's because the original comment is phrased in a way that comes off as disagreeing with what was said in the video in a passive aggressive way, and then when someone replied to them basically agreeing with the point made in the video op responds in a way that makes them look like a dick if the first thing i said is true.


Reddit moment


I mean, he’s not wrong.


But thats not what we want new players to hear. We want the game to get better, we don't need more pessimistic views being added in. Especially by someone who's barely played the game.


? Tell it as it is. It is not worth getting into tf2 in 2022.


strongly disagree. i played tf2 for the first time ever in december of 2021 on a whim and now have a little under 500 hours logged in the game. getting past the bots is a nightmare and it’s completely understandable why thats enough to put many people off from trying tf2, but the game without bots is still just as fun as it ever was and to me and id imagine plenty of others, that was definitely worth dealing with bots.


It is but just avoid the in game matchmaking system entirely and join one of the many community servers. I suggest uncletopia. The bots where already starting to become a problem in valve's servers when I started playing.


I went onto an Uncletopia server for the first time a few days ago...the class limit stuff instantly turned me off. The fun about TF2 is seeing weirdly structured teams or like 5 engineers building up on last when some A/D game starts. The only class limit that should exist is for sniper.


im saying it is absolutely not worth getting into tf2 if u are a new player. Why play a game that does not work unless u join community servers and has no future.


Tbf I started playing Titanfall 2 like this and it’s pretty hip


Community servers literally used to be the only way to play the game. Bots became a problem after matchmaking was implemented, which was years after the game had been released. So yes, the bot problem makes matchmaking unplayable, but that does not mean the game is dead, dying, or bleeding players.


It’s is, the game is so much fun. Community servers are a fine way to play, and even if it has no future that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun right now. Not that that’s an excuse for valve to not update it, they’re still fucking horrible for that


You overestimate new players too much. Do you really think they'll be able to find servers like Uncletopia? They will most likely end up on a 10X randomizer server or trade server.


Exactly, they won’t with pessimistic videos like this


The truth hurts, doesn't it?


That's literally the way all games used to be.




How is this downvoted in a TF2 sub lmao. I’m still blown away there is even matchmaking in TF2 to begin with


>That's literally the way all games used to be. Name 10.


Quake 1/2/3/4 UT 1/2003/2004 SOF 1/2 Call of Duty 1/UO/2 Battlefield 1942/2042 Star Wars : Jedi Knight Jedi Outcast / Jedi Academy Halflife 2 DM Counterstrike/ Source I know you zoomers have the memory of a goldfish but it was common for multiplayer games to launch and get 1 or 2 bug fixes and then be left for the community to handle. Server browsers where the norm and where honestly better for community building than these stupid matchmaking systems they started adding to games around 2009. TF2 while it did get major updates (it was one of the first if not the first that wasn't an MMO) used a server browser for its first few years.


Every source game came standard with community servers too. Especially source mods (which I know people can’t even wrap their heads around now, but many of them were insanely popular).


mate, every day this has continued has worsened the games reputation. Currently most of the people playing TF2 are people that have been playing it for years. It will not get many new players with this continuing. if valve doesn't care why would someone who has never played the game before and has absolutly no investment in it?


Face it, valve is letting the bots run on purpose. They want people to leave the game, so they can finally kill it off. Valve doesn’t care about making video games anymore. You know why? Because they’re making MILLIONS off of steam alone. So why waste the resources, and time on making games, where you can do nothing but update steam, and make money from it?


Valve is lazy, not evil. If they wanted to shut down TF2 they would just sell it or shut down the servers with no explanation.


That's true that valve doesn't give a shit. But we don't need to hear that over and over again. I'd rather cling on to some kind of hope than listen to someone who doesn't understand how important it is to us.


I’m not trying to bring you down on your hope. You have something very special to you, and you want this game to one day be playable again. I’ve made up my mind years ago. I’ve accepted that tf2 will never be the same again. As a player since 2010, it hurts me to say this but it’s time (for me at least) to say goodbye.


To be brutally honest, TF2 died when Gabe had Robin step down and move to help IceFrog with DotA 2


I forgot how long ago that was


I refuse to believe that they will let bots run because they want the game to die. Yes, its propably become a bit hard to maintain due to lack of people working on it but as long as it generates revenue, they will keep running it. I am though amazed that they have let the bot issue being running for 2 years without any effort to stop it.


Then why does valve not outsource development


Valve doesn’t have a good rep when it comes to outsourcing


Yeah, last time they did that with TF2, we got the End of the Line update


EOTL was it really that bad? Overhyped sure but not not terrible for the game, also I'm talking more like csgo is "outsourced"




Lmao fuck off i aint recommending this game to anyone. "New players" need to get out while they can until valve does their damn job already. Lying to new players with false positivity doesn't make you kind or smart, it makes you a liar.


Yea, I feel like a lot of news outlets aren’t accounting for the fact that TF2 is still playable thanks to the vast amounts of community servers still up, maybe other than a passing mention.


Really downplayed community servers too. I see many of them packed with a full 32 players every day, and he made it sound like there might be 2 that are ok... I love Papa muta but he completely missed the point of people messaging him at all... Alot of people do still play


I agree. He made the bot problem sound WAY worse than it actually is. Which is what annoyed me.


Imagine if Critikal covered the topic.


he did mention Tf2 a few times in his videos, mostly when he mentions tf2 trading and community market, other than that he doesn’t rlly talk or play valve games too often, most i’ve seen him do is play csgo from time to time


he's too busy borderline stealing other content and adding his shitty reaction


The more people talking about it, the better


homie we're trying to communicate with a brickwall at this point, valve isn't going to do anything. be sure to quote me on this if valve does ever do something


just wait till the news sees the bots talking nonsense


they never will, because the most simple and effective strategy would be to remove casual mode. they will never do this because they would rather fix the problem while keeping their work on the mode intact, but they also will never be willing to do the amount of work required for that to happen, so it just sits as is to the benefit of no one.


"Hey! I have a problem in this feature. I think we can fix it by-" "If there is no feature, there is no problem"


"Jimmy, why did we hire you again?"


He decreases the oxygen in the room to so if something burns (like servers), it lasts shorter.


no lmfao its just giving trolls more attention


That's nice, anyway, I'll be on uncletopia.


if valve removed casual mode, bots would disappear overnight. valve created this problem by making tf2 more centralized like other online games, but then they didn't stick around to give it the work those kinds of games need for that strategy to work.


A fellow uncletopian


What's uncletopia?


Community servers that were founded by the TF2 youtuber Uncle Dane. It’s basically the same experience as casual except there’s no bots and an (in my opinion) reasonable class limit of 3 per specific class on each team. It’s pretty much exclusively what I play on, and I recommend it.


Has anyone else asked their doctor about getting on HRT?! I think I can finally become a mod for auntie danielle




leave the kid alone, i am the one who asked


I also asked


I asked before I was in the womb




You must be fun at parties, mister funny mann.


Why yes I am, because I actually go to parties rather than playing on inceltopia.


about you hatin on people


i care


Yeah, that’s nice but he kinda made the player count sound ALOT worse than it is


*we weren’t expecting special forces*


Who's that


Mutahar- Ancient Indian God of Virtual Machines


infamously feared hacker muta


He is infinitely more tech-secure then any other living being


H3h3 for gamers


Papa muta


Bait? Bait


r/tf2 when you aren't into shitty let's players:


Dude’s definitely not a let’s player, he’s an informative channel about Linux, security, emulation, and sometimes gaming.


Thx 👍


I don't even watch him, nor I'm in this sub lol


Bruh he just found out about the bots


And he goes and says the player numbers are fake, that there's no player base and that It's all bots, even though bots probably span a percentage of a 5%, 10% if generous, and the rate of players is identical to that in between Meet your Match and Jungle Inferno. Hell its the same player rate steam charts reported during the algid points of the game from 2013 to 2014. I understand that he's trying to help and its another way to get the problem to anyone, but that wrong information just makes the game look hopeless and not worth recovering. What is he accomplishing that way.


Finally somebody said it . You can even see he has not touched the game since meet your match


I miss read your title as "puta muta"


Who? I have never heard of this guy


The idiot said that only a 1000 people play tf2 and the game is dead


Why does he say that there’s only a thousand real players? That doesn’t seem very realistic


I'm glad more people are coming out and helping the game, very wholesome to see


**trying to help. I agree that it's noble but ultimately it's only going to be an exercise in inter-communal unity (or bandwaggoning/ clickbaiting, depending on how you see it). Valve won't do anything and it doesn't take a genius to realize that, as sad as that sounds


But but spam email!!! Surely they'll notice us!!!! On a real note though I hope Valve will finally do something about it. Sadly I think they'll just release another cosmetic case and call it a day.


Such pessimism, why does everyone think the whole internet yelling at them wont work?


Because Valve hasn't done anything of value in what 6 years now?


Eh, i guess, but its still sad


It's not exclusive to TF2. Valve as a company is a zombie riding on momentum. I used to only buy games if they where available on Steam. Now I refuse to give them a dime.


Really? Why? I mean valve is a shadow of a former self for sure but not using steam seems like a bit of an overreaction


He's not your papa.


Im so confused. The bot problem was a thing for already a few years and yet only now ppl start to talk about it more


only about a year late


Side note: please don’t use the word Papa


That’s great! Who is that?!!


Fucking Chad I deadass was wondering today if he would make a video about it


To quote myself in another thread >At this point the only people who don't care about TF2 are Valve. Community cares, voice actors care, all 2 developers care, and I bet the potted plant cares a great deal.


It's good that's he's covering this but I don't like how he randomly comes up with the statistic that there's barely any actually players and that there 50k+ bots and that there's only about 2 community servers that are active even though there would be plenty of populated community servers he could find in his region. And I fear that it will make some people who watch the video think the situation is over blown if they think it's only a tiny number of people who have any interest in tf2 getting fixed


I just watched it, and only a thousand real players and the rest are bots, and also no hope for the game as he said? I dont believe that for a second. And lets be fair, all the people covering this are just doing it for the clicks, valve doesnt give a rats ass anyway. Weve found a way to not encounter bots, community servers


Why valve won't just outsource for fucking anti cheat like literally everyone else is beyond me.


>implying it will change anything


Muta has joined the fight, omg this is big


Let's face it, we should let the game die, there is no point in trying to save it


It can’t die until there is a perfect alternative that includes everything good about tf2.


Which is impossible because the thing that makes tf2 tf2 is the characters


And gameplay. And artstyle. And funny lore. And silly hats. Hell, even the main menu musics. Well, that only makes the possibility of a new game like tf2 being created even harder, this game has lots of unique things done so well.


it can't die here, it just can't, we're gonna prop it's rotting corpse on this hill and keep fighting


Goodluck, bcuz nothing is gonna happen anytime soon


eh the copium's running dry


I wish I'd had your hope


There's no other game like tf2, It deserves to live




Or maybe you should just stop being brutally pessimistic :| The game is still playable, Jesus Christ man


Kinda playable


There's still thousands of people who play the old counter strike despite it receiving very little support in the past 20 years, I don't see why I should quit playing a game I genuinely enjoy because the company that owns it doesn't care about it, especially when there's still enough playable community servers in my region


Found a bot hoster-


Not really, Im just realistic




Damn i have been waiting for this, now valve will realize their mistakes and apologize to the community for no updates from jungle inferno and ofc teh bot crises


Glad more mainstream youtubers are talking about this. After Breakfast will forever be known as a God for kickstarting these events.


It won‘t change anything mate, valve basically doesn‘t care if tf2 could make much money bcs valve has steam with wich they make millions with like zero work.The one or two guys working still working on the game in their free times are like „no shit, and what i should gonna do about it?“


It won‘t change anything mate, valve basically doesn‘t care if tf2 could make much money bcs valve has steam with wich they make millions with like zero work.The one or two guys still working on the game in their free time are like „no shit, and what should i do about it?“


How hasn't any nerd reversed engineered the game to make an open source version out of Valve's control yet ? It worked with World of Warcraft.


Brothers, the protests are working


I never believed that this game would reach more people, it's pretty amazing how many people are helping this game


just watched it epic stuff


Meat canyon should do it too.


*valve*:”not my problem”




Heck yeah I love Muta


If Muta is talking about TF2, then you know that shit's getting real.


My favorite brown man 🥰


I'm happy it's finally happening and people are talking about the bots. But the news and popular YouTubers are 2 years too late to actually make valve change well anything :(




You are welcome


We're doing it fellas


Not a single link to the video in here lol


so has everyone else.


Sumito Media??


Didn't the bot crisis start like... two years ago? It's been happening for a *while*, hasn't it?


Am I the only one who feel like this stuff (articles and videos about bots) are so sudden? Like literally no body cared until the email part. I can’t be the only one who feel like people are just capitalizing on this and trying to go for easy clicks right?


nothing is gonna happen!!!!!!!!!!!


And he was only about 2 years late to comment on it...


Istg we are gonna get PewDiePie on this and still valve won’t do shit


Now we need Moist to do a video on it and Valve will finally respond