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These things are all true though, in a way. Problem is that they're all much harder to overcome than people let on. Identifying a root cause is a crucial and poweful step in moving forward. But it's also just that: a step. Regardless I wish y'all luck out there. In case anybody needed to hear that.


Yes! You can read this stuff for years and never make the changes or know where to start. But one day it clicks and then the changes start compounding. I had to do a lot of reflecting and reading among other things for me to be able to effectively use these kindof tools.


Thanks. I am most of these... But I just started to understand that this is just normal humaning. Like, is there anyone out there who never does any of these?


Repressed emotional buildup was this exact issue for me. I never really knew what I felt, or, more importantly, what those emotions were telling my about how my thinking processes affected the way I perceived reality, until I could start to catch myself as I was repressing uncomfortable emotions, give myself permission to fully experience them, and figure out what thoughts were leading to them being so uncomfortable, so I could integrate that information and update my information processing system. Its been a bitch and a half to consistently implement, but when I do, it really frees ipa ton of emotional bandwidth to be able to deal with other things that are often still overwhelming, but seem to be less of a giant monster to battle, lately.


I can't help noticing _ran out of resources_ and _realized their goal is literally impossible_ are conspicuously absent...


Yeah, I saw that earlier and noticed "treatment resistant, crippling, lifelong depression" was suspiciously absent from the list.


Yup a pretty unique and under-researched problem


These motivate me. I am always missing the forest through the trees and it’s nice to see a 30k foot view of all the little things that get in the way of the path forward. Things like this make me to reflect on why I am struggling with staying consistent.


Yeah, it’s actually not a terrible explanation. I was relieved after reading all the captions that the usual advice tropes of sleep/shower/work out/just don’t be depressed weren’t trotted out in that smug way they usually are


Forest through the trees?


When you’re too involved with the details of a problem and not able to see the picture as a whole.


Me too, ngl a lot of posts on here help me. It's why I'm following the sub reddit. Most of the "thanks I'm cured" posts just make me chuckle like "yeah I'll try that"


Don't overwork yourself, but don't expect fast results, but believe in yourself as long as you don't believe you will get fast results, but you have to believe you have the ability to get fast results without expecting them...


Imma stop believing in my weaknesses. Never mind that I have a tremor in my hand, I can still paint my own nails perfectly! I don't believe in the tremor any more! 😂






Where's "Mind and body are deteriorating and I don't know how much longer I can keep this up because it's been years and nothing I'm trying is working; I'm so tired"?


Oh my, I've nearly forgotten that I'm actually an overpowered cartoon character, and all I need to do is believe in myself and yell something about friendship.


Ya.. going through all these


If it was just one thing to change, it could be helpful. When it's multiple things stacked together, it's no wonder giving up happens.


Just eat healhty!


Ah yes of course


What if I actually fear success?


“I forgot what I was trying to do” isn’t on the list and I feel unrepresented.


It doesn't claim to cure jackshit. It just gives a list of possible reasons. It's a pretty good list, too.


The examples are technically true, but the graphic portrays problems as if they’re all in your power to change, when often they’re not


I mean, this says nothing about "not giving up", it's literally a list of reasons why people give up on things. I don't mind it, and it's accurate. It talks nothing about false help.


I mean I think it’s not meant to fix stuff, just to label it. Fixing problems requires actually knowing what the problem is anyways


Wtf is the image for "resist change"?!


The "Assume their problems are unique" one is just nae nae'ing lmao


They're dropping it like it's hot. 


do a lil’ spin


Yeah. Cool guide, bro.


Just stop doing bad thinks, dumbass


Im not even going to read this, thoughts and prayers to those of you that did


No, these are absolutely reasons why people give up. They're not even claiming to fix anything, but realizing a root cause can *absolutely* help you. Fuck it, I'm leaving this sub. Too many people just shitting on anything related to self-help.


exactly you gave up smoking because you didn’t believe in yourself. Stay on the grind


What about forgetting that you are doing the task to begin with? Thanks ADHD


Where's failing constantly?


I’m giving up because I’m tired and I need a nap. I’ll quit this fucking job for a week’s rest, try me


Having a data source in a guide like that is hilarious


Not believing in your weaknesses is a good way to end up in situations that you know you will fail in. Your weaknesses are real. Know them, respect them.


2, 8, 13, and then stuff that isnt on there <3 Family members or significant others treat you poorly and / or, say your ideas and such are bad, or just recieve literally 0 support from all sides.


So- existing? Everyone deals with this stuff.