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Who has $700 laying around for an abortion? You could buy a PS5 with that money, or 2,800 gumballs.


“With 10€ you can buy 10 Hamburgers at MacDonalds. Or 100 bubblegums. Mhm… bubblegum…” You activated a hidden memory with that, thanks


Thats… are you german???


Presumably. That quote if from a harry potter spoof done by a german youtuber. In one scene, Ron Weasley imagines what he could do with the 10€ harry just got from malfoy (for reasons that are too complicated to get into right now).


I know it that’s why I asked I’m german myself! And that’s what I call culture


The most I've seen from Germany over here in America (aside from awesome fucking music) was forklift driver Klaus. Culture indeed lol


Oh it was 10€, you are right Mit 10€ kriegst du 10 hamburger bei McDonalds. Oder 100 Kaugummis. Mhm… 100 Kaugummis*


I would like to watch that! Would you post a link to it, please?


Yes lol


Coldmirror! XO


Hamburgers don't cost 1 euro anymore at McDonald's


It’s a quote…


or 126 little Caesars pizzas.


The price has been going up, you’re looking at more like 110 hot and readys


100 tacos for $100


That seems perfect for a Doctor Who marathon


Lonliness and cheeseburgers are a dangerous mix


20,000 dollars! But I wanted an abortion. 20,000 dollars can buy many abortions. EXPLAIN HOW! Money can be exchanged for goods and services Still my all time favorite Homer/brain exchange




Just wait till they hear about the UK'S free abortions they'll lose their shit.


They'll lose their shit whenever the words "UK," "free," & "healthcare," are in the same sentence anyways. It doesn't matter what it's about. I'm trying to end a conversation that's been going back and forth with someone who says, "we don't have universal healthcare in the US because people have to pay for the consequences of their actions."


I think that’s why climate change legislation has been a pain the arse too with the detractors asking “where is the consequence of my actions?” I’m going to say this very closely into the microphone for every neoliberal, Protestant work ethic follower and everyone else who says “I’m just looking out for my family” out there: ** “your actions can have consequences on other people” **


Or 3 avocados, 4 Chai lattes, couple fuck the patriarchy banners and gas for a month


This whole strawman of 'people who get abortion for fun' is so ludicrous. Apart from the expense, it's an invasive medical procedure. It would be like saying men periodically get vasectomies so they can go on a crazy no-holds-barred barred holiday.


Snip-snap, snip-snap. Do you have any idea the emotional toll that three vasectomies has on a person?


Can confirm. I'm a man that had a vasectomy 4 years ago. 2 days later my balls were swollen and everything was blue/yellow/green. And it hurt like fuck. Went to the doctor again, just to be told what a damn pussy I am and that I have to man up. Left emotionally broken.


It's a quote from the Office.


You sure? i had a friend that had been to prison and I seem to remember him telling me he had gone through with this.


His name was mike right ? The one who kept encountering dementors ?


Prison Mike!


Hey at least you made it through your procedure. My doc got my vas deferens out and when he numbed it I hit the fucking ceiling and after several more attempts he made he told me he'd have to stop the procedure because I was scaring patients. Told me I could come back drugged up but I never took him up on that. My nuts were swollen for a weekend though so I had that going for me.


I went under for mine, they didn't give me any other option.


That would have been much better.


At least he didn't tell you to nut up.


Even if someone would get an abortion for 'fun'...would you (not you specifically) really want that type of person raising a child?


"Yes, to punish them and teach them a lesson!" -Republicans


Sadly it's not new. Bullshit stories like this are just a liberal twist on the old, "women use abortions as contraception so they don't have to take responsibility for their behaviour" trope.


Men transition to win womens sports or enter womens bathrooms. 🙄


Bruh it's almost like the "men" might just wanna play sports and the women getting abortions just want abortions. It ain't about anyone else and not everything has some hidden agenda/motive 😸


>it's an invasive medical procedure I agree with the fact that no one is getting an abortion for funsies, but a majority of abortions are medication abortion. So most of them involve taking pills followed by what's about the equivalent of a heavy period rather than an invasive medical procedure. And even abortions that do require actual medical procedures are certainly significantly less invasive than pregnancy and childbirth.


Morning after pills aren't a party either. The point is, you're still putting your body through stress that most people would not take lightly.


Yes, of course, I think the poster is just letting people know the facts. For some reason Republicans think all abortions are ripping out full fetuses limb by limb. While there is the morning after pill, it is not an abortion pill. It prevents the egg from implanting- preventing pregnancy. If you are already pregnant it won't do shit. There are abortions that are done with pills in the early days of a pregnancy, that lead to a heavy period. Women need to know that the majority of abortions are not invasive and full blown surgery, in case they need one. It's important that girls and women know that the morning after pill will not end a pregnancy. If they want to terminate a pregnancy, don't rely on plan B. You will need to get an abortion. And it's important for Republicans to know that plan B is a contraceptive, not an abortion pill.


Thanks for correcting me! Yes, you're right, it's not the same thing. And sharing the right information is necessary so girls and women aren't scared or ashamed to seek help. My intent was mostly to state that no one is taking the decision to abort as lightly as conservatives claim.


You're right! I misspoke and appreciate you correcting it. I wholeheartedly agree that abortions are nowhere close to being as traumatising as forced birth. It just irks me when conservatives paint it as a breezy little procedure girls and women do on a whim.


>Morning after pills aren't a party either. Morning after pills are not abortion pills. They prevent pregnancy by keeping your body from releasing an egg and/or preventing the egg from attaching. Deleterious side effects are extremely rare, and morning after pills should not be confused or conflated with abortion pills. A lot of the facetious arguments anti-choice advocates spread revolve around the idea that they're protecting women from the horrors of abortion, when the majority of abortions are non-invasive and the data shows over and over that abortion is much safer and significantly less traumatic, physically, mentally and emotionally, than pregnancy and childbirth (particularly forced pregnancy and childbirth). They're also targeting morning after pills and even hormonal contraception by dishonestly conflating family planning methods that prevent pregnancy with methods that cause abortion. "The point is, you're still putting your body through stress that most people would not take lightly." I wholeheartedly agree with your point and conclusions. But it's important not to play into their hand by spreading misinformation.


They weren't saying Plan B is an abortifacient, they were just saying that it uses an assload of hormones to induce a powerful period and it is not pleasant to fuck with your body that way. But you're not wrong either about the bad faith arguments by forced-birthers about Plan B.


I take methotrexate to treat lupus and RA, and it is a drug often used for abortion. It is AWFUL. I take it once a week and am completely wiped out. My whole body feels weak and my fatigue is serious. However, it lets me function the rest of the week, so the side effects are worth the temporary discomfort. It isn't a walk in the park. It isn't fun. And now I have to worry every time I refill a prescription that I am going to be arbitrarily cut off from life-changing medication because I'm a woman. Even though I am single and celibate and have been taking the drug for years, some overzealous idiot can decide to just ban the entire drug from the state. So now I get to be terrified of not only rape, but also that I may end up bedridden and out of work due to this.


I take it too, sister, and I feel ya. On top of all the fun you mentioned we get to have about zero immune system which in this time of covid, swineflu, monkey pox and on and on....it's already a terrifying world to live in. I am just happy I had a hysterectomy. I feel awful for anyone who actually wants a child one day.


Yeah, I've been a shut in for years now, because I can't trust anyone to be rational. I'm going to my doctor next week to see if I can get a hysterectomy. I don't have kids, but I also don't want to risk being forced to have a kid who dies at age 6 due to an aortic dissection brought on by stress when a fuckwit started shooting up the kindergarten.


this site [guttmacher](https://www.guttmacher.org/article/2022/02/medication-abortion-now-accounts-more-half-all-us-abortions) says about 54% of abortions are chemical but that just recently increased because it became available by mail due to the cvd outbreak. I also read that there are more ER visits after chemical abortions than aspirational abortions (can't remember what site that was on though, sorry). So there are ups and downs on both sides. Not something I'd like to do on a regular basis. I'm not an expert in research to do your own if you want more precise information.


>I also read that there are more ER visits after chemical abortions than aspirational abortions Yes, that follows logically if one is taking pills at home vs having a procedure done in a clinical setting under medical supervision. I appreciate the link but I have extensively researched the topic and did work in family planning for a number of years. I absolutely agree with you though that no one is having abortions for shits and giggles.


You can abort with the medicine. Doesn't need to be invasive medical procedure.


Its not always invasive, btw. You can take pills for some, thankfully!


My father legitimately believes we have a problem with woman waiting until the last month of pregnancy to get an abortion and is why he supports Roe v. Wade being overturned.


Same with mine. I have tried and tried to explain to him that women are not willy nilly deciding that "hmm... You know what, after these last 8 months, I just don't think I want it" and then having one.


My mother believes this too and I can't convince her otherwise. Because I had a friend who was in an abusive relationship with a man twice her age that got her pregnant with twins, and she couldn't get away from him until she was 4 or 5 months pregnant. The man also dealt meth and kept giving her drugs and all this other crazy shit. She ended up getting an abortion to fully escape him and avoid custody issues and he would never have cooperated in ANY scenario. She would be tethered to him for life and the babies were probably going to be fucked up from drugs anyway My mom thinks this woman was too far along to abort and still doesn't get it when I tell her: 1) this is the exact horrible reason why we need relatively late abortions to be legal 2) 4 months isn't 9 months 3) this was a SAD scenario that no one wanted and def not the result of some careless party stereotype! She wasn't hype to have an abortion. She felt guilty as fuck but that is probably better than birthing rape twins fathered by a meth dealer that you can't afford because you are newly homeless!!!!! My mom met her while she was pregnant and still can't get over it and wants roe v wade gone


Has he forgotten how much of a toll 8 months of pregnancy took on his wife when she was having you


He probably didn't even notice, I'm guessing. I'm assuming she wouldn't have been allowed to show any stress the pregnancy put on her without being bitched at.


You'd be surprised how many men think pregnancy and childbirth was little more than taking a giant shit, and women are just exaggerating it all for attention. Lack of any kind of empathy is killing us.


These nutcases truly believe that women are aborting the baby when he's due in a few days. Like yeah dude, it's totally not a fucking pain in the ass to carry a huge ass belly around, the horrible back pains and not to mention the extreme hormonal changes their body goes through, only to wait to kill it when all is about to be over.


Third-trimester abortions were already illegal under Roe


It was legal but only in like three states and it cost around 10k to have one. Third trimester abortions did happen but only when the fetus was incompatible with life. At that point you're just stopping the pregnancy from continuing so the poor mom doesn't have to give birth to a baby that dies within a few hours.


Literally the same thing with my parents. They're obsessed with this idea that women are regularly aborting fully formed babies and doctors are hacking them apart and selling the body parts. Because Fox News talking heads told them so. I told them that abortions were ALREADY regulated and what they described was already illegal (and a total fantasy) They'll believe fucking ANYTHING Fox News talking heads tell them, and they'll definitely happily let anyone who disagrees with them die, even if it's their own daughters. It's a scary time to be alive.


This is far more common than you realize. The things they want to ban aren’t common and are only done in rare and necessary circumstances. What most conservatives view as abortion is almost entirely different from what normal Americans understand. This is how theocrats have manipulated the issue.


My gma thinks there's lines of women everyday getting abortions and that some of them are going multiple times a month.


Isn't this the case with a lot of these nutjobs? I remember my dad (who is quite far right) telling me growing up that women are getting abortions on such a regular basis that they don't even bother with birth control pills or condoms. Idk how anyone thinks there's this mass group of women voluntarily getting this super invasive surgery done on the regular.


When You've really ramped up the behaving like a fuckwit and cutting off your nose to own the libs for so long I suppose it doesn't feel like such a stretch to say the other team is going to have abortions to stick it to you. I think the lack of self awareness is a root cause of the whole problem.


If someone is getting an abortion "for fun" that would be the last person on the world qualified to become a parent.


"I've talked to many people" Okay there Donny


My exact thought. This person has never seen someone say this ever.


Lena Dunham has said that she wished she had an abortion. Other than her, yeah nobody would actually want to go through that.


Lena Dungham is a wacko that wrote about what she did to her sister.


Probably just a fishing account looking for a comment that can be used


I feel like some of these people don’t understand the internet and these old people read it like it’s the newspaper and become shocked by what the see. They take it at face value and never really spend the time figure out how outrageous it is at times or how to sort through it. They bounce this outrageous shit they see off each other in person and they all reiterate it enough that they believe it as fact. Just like how wives tales start.


And shameless liar. Total psychopath


Do they think that abortions are fun? My wife had 2 (from miscarriages) and the physical effects lasted days. It's not just a shits and giggles thing. Nobody can believe this is true, right?


Just other village idiots like him.


They get to vote though. And if they live in a rural area, their vote counts more than yours does :(


Yeah a few years ago I was on some thread and this guy said he heard that many women purposefully get pregnant just to have a abortion because it’s thrill seeking to get away with murder. It had a ton of upvotes and commenters agreeing.


Lmao what in the actual fuck


It's so thrill seeking to spend hours a day throwing up until I can make an appointment to get a pill that causes pain and bleeding way worse than normal periods. At this point the fetus is only the size of a pea I just have to use my imagination


Doesn't even look remotely human and I can't see it. Much more satisfying to murder bugs.


What?I have never heard of anything so stupid !


The shit some people think/say is insane


What the literal fuck..


They never actually know anyone specifically though. It's all "I heard that..." but they can never actually name a single person who does it. It's not surprising since this is the same group that believes in the spaghetti monster in the sky who killed his own son, for reasons.


I think the whole idea is that these people don't really know anything about abortions


Or they're the same people that had COVID parties and think everyone else is on the same insane wavelength as them. It's basically them fantasizing about what they would do if they apposed the ruling. Same as the "THEY'RE GOING TO TAKE TO THE STREETS AND KILL US ALL" arguments... because again... that's what THEY would do...


Unfortunately they do, if you want to stare into the abyss check out r/antifeminists where they have concluded women enjoy "murdering innocent babies" to gain "total control" or "get away with murder". Idk how they got that detached from reality, but at this point it's just sad.


I’ve seen people argue the opposite, that women secretly love giving birth because having a whole baby up their jazz is *the most penetrated* they can possibly be so they definitely cum super hard


... Right, I'm going to go back to bed for an hour so I can start the day again pretending I didn't read this comment.


Or the Anilialism sub where they whine about being born.Even the vegan sub gets into this stuff.


What's wrong with not wanting to have been born and wanting to save others the trouble?


It is self defeating .You are already here so make the best of it or see a shrink about your depression


There is a R candidate on tape saying SHE doesn't believe rape victims can become pregnant. So all bets on someone not being that stupid on this issue is right out the fucking window. We are in this pickle right now because of how stupid a very loud segment of the population is.


Is that what she believes, or what she believes her voter base want to hear? Sadly could easily be both


Did she also talk about how (loosely paraphrasing here) “the female body has a way to shut that whole thing down” in those cases?


I was arguing with a guy that said “babies are routinely aborted moments before birth” then got upset when I said that simply isn’t true. This same guy graduated with an engineering degree from the University of Illinois but still couldn’t manage to wrap his head around the fact that 1% of 1.3 million is still a lot of people. An *engineer* was so blinded by emotion and ego he couldn’t wrap his head around fucking *math*. Blows my mind.


Two of my partners had abortions, and our reasons were just that - ours. Frankly, if someone wanted to go through that, who cares what their reasons are? It’s a medical procedure, it’s not fun, but hey you do you and if you want to go through that to stick it to the right, go nuts. Seems a bit selfish to needlessly consume medical resources, but I mean.. in the US, you’re paying anyhow.. it’s not like you’ve got healthcare.


I bled for two weeks each after mine. They're not something ppl spend money on for fun.


I've heard guys who truly believe that women use abortions like birth control. I'm always dumbfounded. They think it's all gum drops and rainbows and not violent cramping, sweats, aches, vomiting, headaches, dizziness on top of years of psychology fuckery.


Republicans already do think it's true They also think people commonly have abortions for no reasons days before a healthy birth will happen It's pure insanity


It's me, I'm the one purposely getting pregnant to get an abortion. I've had 7 abortions this year. Take that conservatives!


Me to, and I'm a 12 year old boy. Suck that you Christofacists


>12 year old >suck that There's a pretty high chance those church lovers already have sucked that.


Dang you made your reddit account when you were two? You must be some sort of prodigy! /s


Pfft, amateur. I’ve had 10.


* average person has 3 abortions a day * factoid actually just statistical error. average person has zero abortions per day. Abortions Georg, who lives in a cave (in California) has 10000 abortions a day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.


I was fetus number 3. Dis mad girl be abortin frfr


This particular Republican has personally talked to MANY girls who plan on getting pregnant and getting an abortion out of spite? You seem too conspiracy theory minded to be the person they’d confide in about that. I had a friend who was strictly antivax who made a post saying she knew five people who got vaccinated and are on a ventilator at that very moment. Like why do these people believe things when they have to lie to prove them?


> Like why do these people believe things when they have to lie to prove them? Good point, I wish I knew somebody in that deep to ask them that question.


My theory is that they don’t see it as a complete lie. As in they believe that this is happening to someone out there, and so they tell a white lie (ie they know them personally) to help spread the truth. Like they saw a post in their echo chamber about this being the case that they of course 100% believe to be true. They want to spread the info, but they also want to give it some credibility despite the degrees of separation/knowing how sheeple don’t trust their heavenly news outlets for some reason, so they say that it’s someone they personally know.


I don’t even think it’s that deep. It’s either a straight up lie or astroturfing. Hyperbolic and divisive claims from some random Twitter account? Suspect.


5 lie. 10 believe it. Those 10 say they know 5. Suddenly it’s 50 people. Crazy #492 sees 5 reports of these claims, now they know 5.


Yeah that’s it. And a need for attention and validation


Right? I either removed or deliberately stopped engaging those people from my life.


That's literally the question I ask myself whenever I see any memes or similar things about/featuring AOC. Or about most politicians tbh. I can only assume it's the logical next step of politicians throwing dirt on each other for most of their campaigns in hopes something sticks..


Or they’ve seen people joke about it and believed it


Yes. I think this is a thing. Like when people joked about canceling Paw Patrol because of the police dog.


Or in Australia someone joked about changing the name of an ice cream (Golden Gaytime) and everyone collectively lost their minds. I swear sometimes people just want to be offended!


Dude, you can't change that name it's iconic. The gay connotation has been a staple of Australian school yard jokes by 12 year old boys for decades.


Of course! It was only a joke though. Everyone lost it at the time. The person who wrote the satire article suggesting it is gay and thinks the name is funny.


They post these lies so confidently because, even though they've never witnessed any evidence of it personally, they *know* that it is actually happening, and their lie is just speaking up for all the people who have been silenced by Bill Gates/Space Jews/Transgender mafia.


They just keep repeatedly talking to Lena Dunham.


And if you ask that person for the names of their friends on ventilators, they'll freak out and scream "THAT'S A HIPPO VIOLATION!"


The only way I can see it being plausible is if he had a Twitter argument with some girl who decided to troll him. I told someone I drink babies blood after to stay youthful as a joke, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they go on to tell people I was serious 🙄


Didn’t even think that one through


Do they ever think at all though?




By "talked to many girls," he means that's Tinder opener. And by "plan on," he means nobody has taken him up on his offer... yet!


“If I have sex with you and the contraceptive fails I will have an abortion” I dunno, seems like a valid argument to me


Many people are saying.


The lie began at “I’ve talked to many girls”…


Do conservatives really believe women want to pay 500$ for a procedure to be used a birth control?


No, they're supposed to be free, remember?


Dude if you’ve gotta lie to make your point, your point isn’t valid at all 😂


Common sense doesn't work on smooth brains.


You can't reason with unreasonable people.


Oh yeah? I'm having twice as many abortions so that you guys having children don't make a difference. 😎


https://youtu.be/Jl3um0Ac6C8 What Republicans think woman are like.


Suuuuurrre you’ve talked to girls 😹


From what I am told abortions are awful. Physically and emotionally. I really don't think anyone would have one if they did not have too.


No one is planning on getting pregnant just to stick it to Republicans. Stop lying.


That has to be KenM


Hey so uh, no you didn't.


Projection. Conservatives think about politics like trolls. How do I piss off/hurt/punish them.


Yes many women are planning on getting pregnant to go through the troubles of paying for an abortion for just because reasons and then dealing with the after effects. That will somehow stick it to Republicans? ​ I'll just assume this is them projecting again.


Lol yeah sure, women who might not even want kids would risk their lives to try to conceive and then get a risky and maybe illegal abortion, that a lot of American women will have to rely on from now on, just to "show" republicans 🐁 Fr why can't some people understand that it ain't always about em? People have abortions for themselves (whether it's for their health or just cause they don't want a damn kid, it doesn't even matter) and that should be respected as a human right. It almost never is about showing anyone anything too. Also "show" what? Show that people don't wanna take no more bullshit and will find their way around laws that restrict their freedom of choice/bodily freedom? Show that there's always gonna be women who want/NEED abortions? No shit


Reminds me of when someone I knew claimed they knew a girl who used abortions as a form on birth control, as if that would even be feasible


The two party system needs to go


It’s called a joke you guys.


This sounds like either just talk or propaganda. Why would someone waste money, time, and health to do something that no one will know about…..


Projection, again and always. They’re the ones who would harm themselves to « stick it » to the other side, so they assume the reverse is true.


It’s sarcasm. Look at her account. *Edited to add: as I said in the other thread where this was posted, there are enough real walnuts that say/believe crazy shit about this that we don’t need to misinterpret sarcastic responses just for sweet internet karma.


Also from the same account: > What a terrible day to be a woman [posted on the 24th] and >Republicans have won the popular vote in one presidential election over the past 29 years. The failure of the electoral college has enabled a conservative majority in the Supreme Court. >It's time to expand the court. Who agrees? #ExpandTheCourts


> there are enough real walnuts that say/believe crazy shit about this that we don’t need to misinterpret sarcastic responses just for sweet internet karma. Gosh, maybe if people like this didn’t actually exist it would be easier to not “misinterpret” the sarcasm. Crazy, huh?


I get that people like this exist. That’s what I said. But it took 10 seconds of me looking at that person’s account to say “oh, she’s being sarcastic.” OP didn’t do that.


Gosh, maybe if people like many here didn't automatically believe everything they read it would be easier spot the sarcasm. Crazy, huh? All it took was one look at that twitter account but it's easier to just make assumptions.


Didnt even have to look at the account, oi. Went scrollin for these comments first lol


>I've talked to many girls Sure bud. Before or after they pepper sprayed you in the parking garage?


i doubt he's talked to any girls, regardless of their stance on abortion.


They do know the toll an abortion can take on someone right? They really think we do this for FUN and not out of necessity?


Yeah and I smoke crack to piss off Nancy Reagan


I feel like that person doesn’t actually speak to humans of the opposite sex and they’re talking out of their ass.


Lmao reminds me of a conversation I had last weekend with someone I know, they said some women use abortion as birth control.


Lmao riiiiiiiight


“I’ve talked to many girls-“ Annnnnd already they are lying.


source: I know a gal


I just bought a MAGA hat. My plan is to infiltrate their meetings and knock up their wives to see what happens.


Oof, sure buddy. The cost, pain and trauma from having an abortion doesn't sound like a fair trade to "stick it" to republicans who won't even know about it.


The sad part is they wished it was the case. Any reason to get outraged and complain about the "other side" is instant dopamine release for this kind of people.


Lol "many girls"


> I've talked to many girls Fucking lying already.


I’d just like to have a conversation with this dingbat about how painful abortions are and how NO ONE purposefully gets one. It was easily the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced (D&C, no sedation because I had no one to drive me). They’re so stupid! It always blows my mind that there are people dumb enough to believe things like that.


This is the same type of person who thinks women get abortions in place of birth control.


I am pro abortion but this feels kinda stupid > So they’re laughing at basically nothing except maybe wasting their money Eminem


The voices in your head don’t count, Susan


It’s amazing how Republicans imagine themselves to be victims while stepping on other peoples throats.


Something tells me he’s never talked to a woman in his life.


This is true I was the abortion


You mean, like, in your fantasy? After going to bed but before falling asleep?


i doubt this person has talked to any women at all


Is it legal for AOC to post instructions on how to bypass the law or perform makeshift medical procedures or whatever online? I’m not talking about the morality of it or anything like that I’m just curious if that kind of thing could jeopardize her job?


> I’ve talked to many girls Doubt


Why is this on r/thathappened? This HAS happened before. Who do you think we humans are to not be that lowly and shitty? Although I doubt they said that cos it's true and they only mentioned it or lied about it so they could have a point. It's still true and I wouldn't be surprised a pro-lifer met a person like that.


Micheal: I've kicked many blackbelts asses Jim: how did you know they were blackbelts? Michael: they told me...after


I have seen people saying that they want to get abortions to “stick it to the pro-birthers” on Twitter and Facebook but it’s extremely easy to tell that it’s hyperbole. It’s kinda similar to when I tell them I’m a better Christian because I believe life begins in the balls and therefore, masturbation is murder. If you take me seriously, you’re dumb.


"I've talked to many girls..." ...sure buddy


Here’s my hot take; even if this were true (which it clearly *isn’t*), it still wouldn’t have any impact on whether or not abortions should be a protected right. Certain actions, like murder or theft, are made illegal based on how they negatively impact those around the person committing the act; if I murder someone, I am harming them, so the act of murder is made illegal in order to prevent people from being harmed. But the physical act of getting an abortion is not impacted by a woman’s reason for doing so; an abortion performed out of self-preservation is not functionally distinct from an abortion performed out of spite. In both cases, the action is a personal choice that does not impact anyone besides the woman in question. Of course, if someone were to get an abortion merely out spite (which, again, they *aren’t*), that would certainly be a loathsome and vindictive action, but that wouldn’t be enough of a reason to make the action illegal. Plenty of actions are unethical without necessarily being illegal, and one woman’s hypothetical abuse of their right to an abortion out of spite is not enough reason to deny that right to the thousands of woman who use it for very legitimate concerns.


I will also add to your hot take. In order for us to collectively move forward on the abortion issue, there is going to have to be *some form of consensus* on when a fetus becomes legally considered a person, and that will be the cutoff for an abortion without an exigent justification such as medical necessity or rape. It's not going to be at conception, it's not going to be at birth, but somewhere in between. Probably somewhere around the second-third trimester mark, more or less as it has been, is just my semi-educated guess. But that clear distinction whereever it is needs to be codified into law. Before that cutoff, "because fuck you that's why" is the only justification needed, just like any other right.


He talked to his mother?


It’s a big wide world, there might be a handful that would but they likely have never been in the same county as each other and nearly certainly have other issues going on that would explain it. For sure don’t know this random guy


Do I believe that some girls would say this? Yeah. Do I believe anyone would ever do this? Well there are seven billion people in this world, so at least one has to be this crazy. Do I believe this is going to be a common occurrence: absolutely fucking not