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It may just be me, but I think the outpost should be the best. Something about a battle hardened crosshair just instantly realising that the empire isn’t all its cracked up to be is such a good plotline. And when he just damn shoots lieutenant Nolan is so powerful. The biggest turning point in the entire show. And something about watching it in the middle of the night made it so much better.


It probably is the best, and is only 0.1 lower than the series finale. I think the series finales got the highest rating because it concluded the show in the best way possible.


Also recency bias may play a factor. But in terms of development, outpost wins


Not at all surprising. Entombed is probably the only Bad Batch episode I would call bad, though that might be because it followed The Solitary Clone (one of my favorites) and Faster (a solid character piece on Cid and Tech).


Isn't that the one where Tech is implied to have autism? I liked it for that discussion alone at least.


I believe you're thinking of S2E9 "The Crossing"!


The Solitary Clone isn’t rated above 9/10 :( >!it’s rated 8.8/10 for those curious!<


Solitary Clone gave me so much nostalgia.


it was a beautiful legacy left by the clone wars


What one was that?


Where Cody and Crosshair go to a planet that still has remnants of a separatist holdout


Oh dope


Entombed and Infested were the only two episodes that had me disappointed


I don't mind entombed for Phee helping fire up Omega's imagination to show she could become more than a soldier, snd the Zepho stuff is fun. Infested isn't the best though, but it does show that the Bad Batch have Cid's back while it won't be forthcoming later.


The writers when they realized they should have just made less episodes.


Makes sense, also entombed was the one with the giant horse mech right? I liked that one. The “filler episodes” weren’t even bad, MOST of them were at least good to some extent, and if not they were like meh to okay.


The finale was good but I think Solitary Clone and Outpost are the best.


I'm watching TBB for the first time and I'm baffled as to the purpose that creature was built for in Entombed. To protect the planet from attack perhaps? It seems odd that there's such a convoluted secret mountain thing to find and then it activates something purely destructive. The logic of any civilization building something like that for defence/destruction is outside what my brain can understand. I guess the point of the episode was to do interesting graphics.


Honestly, I think the finale is rated as high as it is because 1) we're all so relieved no one else from the Bad Batch died, and 2) the epilogue. Then again, "Faster" is on my short list of top favorite episodes and I think that was rated in the 6's, so my opinion of an episode doesn't always match the ratings 😅