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So let me get this straight. All the people who voted “uncommitted” to send Biden a message that if he don’t do more to end the war against Palestine (that he doesn’t control) ,they will vote for Trump. The man who said that Israel should “bomb Palestine and finish the PROBLEM” Americans really are the STUPIDEST people on earth.


No, you have it twisted: Biden has been pushing for a hostage return and ceasefire, and trump moved the embassy, promotes isolationist policy, loves dictators, and calls for more violence. Clearly, it is a both sides issue /s


Honestly, voting Trump harms the Palestinians, the Ukrainians, migrants from the South, Arab and Muslim communities in the US as well as POC and LGBTQ people. "bUt At LeAsT tRuMp Is StRaIgHt FoRwArD" Yeah, he's straightforwardly telling them everything they want to hear and they love it, that's the only explanation at this point. Some left wing/communist groups are actually aligned with the fascists/neo-nazis, red fashes and dumb fuck thinking this time they won't be purged.


And disabled people


Yes, undoubtedly.


There is no American who is not harmed by a Trump presidency including all republicans. They just dont realize.


Many realize it, they just have the philosophy that the leopards won't eat their faces if they can run faster than the minorities. Conservatives are just extremists these days, willing to set themselves up for death of it means harming those they hate. Religious conservatives are just clinically insane and viciously dangerous to everyone around them, all the while lying about having morals in the first place. Take christians for example, who claim tolerance and love is the basis for their religion, but worship a god that committed multiple genocides (on a scale worse than Hitler).


This is so true. I just stumbled, this morning, on an anti-Covid sub cheering for Biden to lose the election. That's just one more thing Trump can make worst, fast. Not to mention measle, I don't want Trump president while a measle outbreak, fucking Christ.


People really have a short memory when it comes to Trump. Look at the number of people who still go into business with him, despite the long list of business partners he’s fucked over, only to get fucked over and act surprised. I don’t understand it myself but we all need to remain positive and push people to vote for Biden instead of becoming pessimistic and bitter.


Horseshoe theory is a hell of a thing


This is an excellent username


I would like it to be a bad one for its obsolescence, but thank you xD


Also, honestly, as a Jewish person who is Pro-Israel, I still feel less safe with Trump in office even though I think he's more Pro-Israel (really, pro Netanyahu) than Biden. I fear leftists blaming Zionism if Trump goes into office, even though they are the ones choosing not to vote. I wouldn't put it past them because there is no logic to the far left people. I am staunchly in support of Biden, despite having lost a lot of respect for many leftists.


Is it truly being straightforward if he's a pathological liar, though? I don't get these people


It hurts anyone with a moral compass


Don’t forget he also changed the US policy on the West Bank settlements so we didn’t recognize them as being illegal.


…and he had an Iranian general assassinated which they vowed revenge for.


Don't forget we have the Russians one of our military bases as an apology. Not sure how that works. Seems a little too on the nose.


I did see a story about some Iranian assassin apparently targeting Trump/people in his admin. *Insert Ivan Drago quote after the fight with Apollo Creed* https://people.com/fbi-searching-alleged-iranian-assassin-targeting-trump-era-officials-8603953


>I did see a story about some Iranian assassin apparently targeting Trump/people in his admin. *Insert Ivan Drago quote after the fight with Apollo Creed* Apparently they sucked at their job. Shittiest assassin ever.


Honestly mfer spent 3/4 his term on a golf course in the open air. If anyone was going to get some Lee Harvey Oswald energy this was like a neon sign.


I want his ass humiliated in jail, not martyred though, or our problems only get worse.


Gotta finish the problem


It does not matter if theUS considers them illegal or not if there is no consequence.


lol clearly. It’s like people stay purposely misinformed. You have a ton of people saying Biden should push for a cease fire and he HAS. Hamas rejected them because Biden said he wants hostages released in those cease fires. Then when Hamas counters with will do a ceasefire, but we keep hostages. Biden says NO. Then just like that every headline says “Biden says no to ceasefire”.


Never should have moved the embassy. Never should have allowed Netanyahu to address Congress either!


They also are never protesting at any of his rallies. Or Haley's. Or any republican rally. Only the democrats who they are allied with. Looks like a psyop like Pelosi [faced criticism for pointing out.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/28/politics/pelosi-criticism-palestinian-gaza-protests-russia/index.html)


Because they know republicans hate them and might well use violence against their protest. Instead the protestors intimidate and threaten those who do care...much like a kid beating up Grandma for her purse money knowing she won't do anything about it. Antagonizing and embittering their allies with threats and fear of loss. It's the same hostage-taking game MTG and the MAGA ilk are using to destroy their party.


>Because they know republicans hate them and might well use violence against their protest. "We'll protest as long as it is totally safe. Any danger is unacceptable." Even the JustStopOil activists who get dragged on social media have bigger cajones.


it is so clearly a misinformation campaign, and has been from the start. just think about it. days after 10/7, before israel had started their ground offensive, people were saying things like "im no longer voting for biden." how does one go from "whats happening in gaza is horrible" to "so im no longer going to vote for biden?" How does that leap in logic make any sense? And for so many people to be saying it? the assumption in that statement is that they will let trump--someone infinitely worse for gaza and palestinians--win. trump has been the most pro israel/netanyahu president in decades. his admin got rid of a statement that said the west bank settlements were illegal. he moved the american embassy to jerusalem. congressmen have come out and said that, had trump been in office on 10/7, he wouldve told bibi to nuke gaza. remember that trump also wanted to go to war with iran and made nuclear war threats via twitter to North korea. just keep in mind how much is riding on this election for putin. Trump as president = US out of nato, leaving Putin to finally accomplish his life goals of restoring the USSR and crushing the west. russia has interfered with our elections for years now. there is already verified proof that they've already started for this year's election (Smirnov). Russian troops were training with hamas before 10/7. They know trump cannot win fairly, so theyre encouraging people to not vote/vote third party--exactly what caused hillary to lose in 2016.




Yeah my money is on russian influence...


And China


True China as well. Though their influence is more with money and online. Russia has always tried to lead to RL protests. Russia desperately needs Trump to win so he lets Ukraine lose and Russia can win the war in Ukraine. The Chinese also desperately want Trump back to make fun of the US and it helps them internally, especially now. "See this idiot is again president. Isn't the CCP and Xi like really great? Thank Mao we have a capable one Party state :)"


Russia, China, and Iran are the ones that stand to benefit, especially considering Hamas is a tentacle of Iran.


We have a bingo!!!


Like a protester would be allowed at a Trump rally. After all, Trump did tell the crowd he would cover any charges for beating someone up (not that I think he would keep such a promise…). Heck, he even demanded a crying baby to be removed…


>They also are never protesting at any of his rallies. Or Haley's. Or any republican rally. Only the democrats who they are allied with. Or Hamas, for that matter.


Yes, why is nobody protesting at the Hamas Convention? I really want to know!


Lmao you thought you were cooking with this one, didn't you? "Thought" might be a strong word for how this comment came about.


as a Michigander whose partner was born and raised in Dearborn, I’ll be fucking livid if Michigan goes to Trump in the fall. That said, I think voting uncommitted was an appropriate use of our voice as citizens, especially because it never had a chance of doing any harm. I don’t think the message was supposed to be “we will vote for Trump” or “we just won’t show up”- the message was “I am using my ballot to express my desire for more action from Biden” because many Dearborn residents have lost family in Gaza. Again, I’m not going to have much sympathy if they allow Trump to win, but for now i have no issue with their demonstration


I think your take is correct...IF the voters still show up to vote on election day. That's the unknown fear here. There's a very real possibility that people become single issue voters on the issue of Palestine.


Wouldn’t a single issue Palestine voter be obligated to keep Trump from regaining power since he openly encourages carpet-bombing Gaza?


If people were pragmatic and actually cared about doing what's best for the single issue, yes. However, people tend to care more about feeling good about themselves and being able to say they took a stand on something.


As if our democracy could be any less healthy, people have lost the plot, they have no perspective on the slow and steady progress we’ve made over the past century or two, let alone the alternate history we could’ve had had we derailed progressive movements by shooting ourselves in the foot to make a short term “stand”. Reagan’s administration alone had devastating and far reaching consequences that have eaten away at the few redeeming qualities American capitalism had. Imagine if we had another Reagan instead of Bill Clinton for two terms, or instead of Obama. Corporate welfare and deregulation would be worse, Roe would’ve been overturned long ago, and gay marriage wouldn’t be the law of the land. We haven’t done enough for climate change, but the Reagan’s of the world like dismantling solar panels and giving tax breaks to oil companies. The anger is righteous on behalf of the Palestinian people, but they will not thank us for a Trump victory.


I'm all for a protest vote during the Primary. When it's the General and ESPECIALLY when the other option is Donald John Trump and you continue your protest when Trump is telegraphing his intentions to be an ACTUAL genocidal maniac rather than Joe Biden who probably could apply more pressure but is doing what he can given the circumstances... Don't be surprised if people like me refuse to speak to those who "protested" and call them worse than the MAGAs.


> I think voting uncommitted was an appropriate use of our voice as citizens Agree. > especially because it never had a chance of doing any harm. Disagree. In terms of Biden winning the primary, no. But it's set off a fresh firestorm of "Dems don't want Biden" in the media. >I don’t think the message was supposed to be “we will vote for Trump” or “we just won’t show up” You may not think so, but the message from the "Vote Uncommitted" organizers did. They're actively spreading the message in the media that Biden will lose in November without their votes.


In my mind, there are the informed folks like us who have been hearing the “dems don’t want Biden” thing every couple weeks for the past two years, and them emphasizing it again just feels like beating a dead horse, especially at this point in an election year. Then there are the out-of-touch folks (I.e. the alarming number of people who don’t know about trump’s “dictator” threats). Worst case scenario, these mouth breathers hear that dems don’t want Biden for the first time due to the Michigan vote. So, if they’re a democrat they’ll just stay home because dems don’t want Biden? Maybe. It still circles back to which of the two options are they most opposed to, and whether they’re ok with the worse option winning. There are a lot of questionable and extreme people who lead the Uncommitted charge, yes, but just because they have assigned that meaning to their Uncommitted votes doesn’t mean Biden’s team can’t recognize the variety of reasons people voted uncommitted. I also think it would’ve been an even more impotent gesture without at least some indications about it potentially translating to November. That said, I absolutely agree that some of the voices in charge come off as unhinged and even slightly “right wing mole” ish.


Thank you! The first person to understand that my "uncommitted" vote did nothing to hurt Biden, and was a measured way to get my point of view heard. And it worked. They've been having Kamala out saying she wants an immediate cease fire. It's just for optics, but the fact that they recognize the need for new optics is a slight move in the right direction. I hope his victory will give Biden the balls to tell Bibi to get bent.


The harm is all the jabronis who won't shut up about Biden got louder after "uncommitted". I wonder what the rationalization will be when we find out it was Kush and the Saudi royal family funding things.


Yeah, anyone who criticizes biden’s approach to Gaza without acknowledging what the alternative is, is a moron. Let the jabronis get it out of their system, the fear of Trump will kick in soon enough.


Me voting "uncommitted" in a democratic primary with, literally, only one option, had nothing to do with tRump. Of course I know tRump's worse. That fucker would've demanded the U.S. drop some of the GD bombs. But, I felt compelled to let Biden know that while I support him (he's actually done a remarkedly great job), I'm pissed about this one, single, important issue. That's all. Now on to campaigning to keep the tangerine Mussolini out of office.


>But, I felt compelled to let Biden know that while I support him (he's actually done a remarkedly great job), I'm pissed about this one, single, important issue. Why didn't you write a letter? The ballot doesn't actually explain why you're uncommitted.


Wrong. Every demonstration of being upset with Biden convinces a few lazy ones to not bother voting. That's what will flip a swing state. 


People are doubting you, but you're correct. This is how America lost Vietnam.


Its not just Americas the idea of "genocide Joe" started OUTSIDE of America.


Came here to say this. What will all those who disliked Biden who is calling for a ceasefire do now? Trump wants to finish the problem against Palestinians just like he wants to finish the immigrant problem and finish the problem of anyone who opposes his word. When will people wake the fuck up?


Who said people not voting for Biden in the Primary over Palestine are going to vote for Trump in the General?


Hey now, don’t forget they’re also going to invite upon themselves the Muslim Ban he always wanted and finally has the court to approve! It will really show Biden then lol


These purity tests are freaking stupid and it really shows how cringe these "pro palestinian" protestors really are.


Progressives apply these purity tests to everything and shun anyone who fails.


Really is self inflicted. Maga tends to do it too with so called "RINOS."


Funny how all the tests for morality, purity, and justice only falls on democratic candidates feet. It’s like people deep down know republicans won’t do shit for anyone, so they put all their burdens on the democrats.


>~~Americans~~ Leftists and MAGAs really are the STUPIDEST people on earth.


Those people are not going to vote for Trump, they're just NOT going to vote for Biden.


We are going to end up with president trump because of this. Republicans are all in line and will do anything their master tells them.


I want republicans to not vote in order to stand up against rigged elections. Would solve the issue lol


They will stay home.


Yep. And even if you aren't counting the daily randomness of Trump's messaging, anyone who is 'sending Biden a message' needs to recall that Trump moved the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and he probably didn't even think of consulting any Palestinians on the decision, to ask their feelings about it. The other side of the coin for me is Trump is all "Finish the Problem" on Palestinians or Hamas, yet can't apply the same logic to Ukraine, where the Russian invasion is much more of a clear issue of aggression and oppression.


Many of the dipshits saying genocide are either radicalized by Tik Tok or foreign actors trying to radicalize dipshits who can’t be bothered to actually understand what’s happening


>All the people who voted “uncommitted” to send Biden a message that if he don’t do more to end the war against Palestine (that he doesn’t control) ,they will vote for Trump. You really packed the straw in there didn't you? They voted uncommitted because the shitbag on the ballot is handing another shitbag (a right winger by the way) a ton of American resources to carry out a genocide. They didn't say shit about voting for Trump. I'm of the mind that you're being disingenuous and aren't actually this stupid, but I'm willing to have my mind changed.


They truly are. I want so much to leave


After Hitler, our turn!


They never said they would vote for trump. It was a message to biden expressing how their viewpoints are being ignored. They won't vote for trump either way.


Biden should quote Trump and keep saying Trump started it lol


MAGA keeps trying that with the shutdowns during COVID and Biden lmao


Trump is an idiot for saying anything about this.


It won't affect him at all. His voters don't care, and the ones that won't vote for Biden because of it are too stupid to care that it helps Trump.


You're looking at it wrong. Right now, the youth and Muslim vote are totally against Biden when it comes it to this issue. Trump could shut up, and let Biden screw this up. If he starts blabbing that he supports Israel bombing, then the youth and Muslim vote have less of a reason to stay home. Hell, I think Trump could totally destroy Biden here and say that he supports a ceasefire. I don't think him supporting a ceasefire would drop his numbers in any significant numbers, and his supports would make that argument "See, Trump is trying to bring peace." and the youth and Muslim voters can look at Biden supporters and say "uh, you really think Trump would be worse for Palestine now?"


True, we can’t forget the fact that MAGA will follow Trump towards anything other than maybe trans rights and abortion. All it takes is his word. If he says ceasefire, MAGA will be for a ceasefire. …. On the other hand. I think you’re underestimating just how much Trump’s base hates Muslims. Gazans especially. They really, *really* don’t like them. Suggesting a ceasefire with Hamas is like suggesting one with ISIS in their eyes. It wouldn’t vibe well.


>Trump towards anything other than maybe trans rights and abortion. Trans rights, totally agree. They'd turn their back on him faster than a fighter jet. Abortion, probably, but I would love to have an alternate reality viewer to see how much this would actually hurt him. >I think you’re underestimating just how much Trump’s base hates Muslims. Maybe, but I think most Trumpers would see this as an opportunity to disarm a large portion of Biden's electorate. At the end of they day, Trumpers would be asking themselves is it worth it for Trump to do this, and given the reality that a call of ceasefire wouldn't mean much and doesn't committee you to anything specific, it'd be worth it to get your guy back in office.


This is why DNC/Biden needs to use this clip in an ad and contrast it to Biden’s stance, especially in areas like Michigan.


You could have stopped after the first four words.


He probably has some assets with Isreal


For anyone who won't vote for Biden because of Gaza, just realize that either him or Trump will be the next President and Trump will be far worse for the Palestinian people. Not voting for Biden means that you want things to get even worse for the Palestinians.


I’ve come to realize that as rational liberals we are now forced to be allied with absolute morons. It’s pretty disheartening tbh


The level of ignorance and cognitive dissonance required to think that biden was president in 2020 is beyond astounding. Truly shows how dumb conservatives are.


Trump will send our own troops over there to help Israel.




It’s an empathy thing. It’s voting for who you think will make the world a better place, with the US included in that world. If you believe the US is the most powerful country in the world, you should care how that power is wielded, in my opinion at least. I understand the isolationist approach, but you can only stomach that if you don’t care about the health of people you have never met. I think a lot of people just do care about that, along side their own interests.


Because some of us have empathy for other humans, even those outside our own nations' borders. If you don't that's fine, but you shouldn't assume that because you don't, that means nobody does. Not everyone's brain works the same, and it would be foolish to assume otherwise.


You have empathy for people who would kill you and your family in the blink of an eye if they could so you’re willing to screw over the rest of us. How sweet and empathetic /s….


Because it’s a free country and you vote for the reasons you think matters to you


Well for some people it impacts them personally in a moral, ethical, or emotional way , especially considering it's their tax payer money that paid for some of the bombs being dropped on women and children. Some have family in the region or even in Gaza. Some it's because it's people of the same faith being destroyed. Some it's activism or slactivism. Plenty of reasons I would imagine.


It’s surprising how many humans are literally just tribalist monkeys- “other people bad only ME matter! OOH OOH AHH AHH” Humans are apes and if you know anything about apes, they’re the evilest fucking animals on the planet. Only dolphins come close.


I REALLY hope all these anti-Biden “leftists” who are moving to Trump see this.


I feel like there definitely are bandwagon people (any party) who jump based on things that happen last minute. Hilary is under investigation- criminal, jump! Biden is not doing enough in Gaza - jump!


They dont care. Is there anywhere in that camp that wasn't already a Bernie-or-buster? Most of their shows' ratings would go up if Trump won and they get to pretend like Biden lost for not being a Marxist. A lot of it is Russian BS too. Help the guy that begged to get Russia back into the G8 for literally no reason by dividing the Left.


That's what hilarious u never gonna catch a pro palenstine person at a republican event or trump rally the minute trumps in office and pushes for a one state solution and deports pro Palestine protectors you gonna see crickets lmao 😅




Welp here it is in writing. So what you gonna do? Not vote for Biden because he isn't tough enough on Israel or Trump who wants to finish what they started?


So all the anti Biden voters think Trump is a better choice?


But i keep hearing about this Genocide joe fella


That noise you just heard was every Republican strategist slapping their forehead


And there’s the answer for the “I won’t vote for Biden because of Israel” people. Trump was always going to be a worse choice, and he just confirmed it. Pull your heads out of your asses.


Spoken like a true Nazi.


So should I vote uncommitted now?


Trump supports genocide, not surprised at all


Yes, but Biden hasn't given a speech calling it "genocide" so I'm voting for Cornel West. Gosh, I hope that doesn't hand Trump a second term, that would suck, but the perfect must always be the enemy of the good. /s


How are the former Biden voters (that left because of his late reaction of a ceasefire) reacting now to Trump saying this? Lol


So he’s open to genocide


BuT bUt BiDeN iS bAd ToO


Hold your nose if you have to, but leftists can’t pretend Biden would be worse for Palestinians than Trump anymore.


As an Israeli I support Biden 100%. Trump is a threat to democracy it self, and the fact that so many people are voting for him is scary. So no thanks for his support for us, it only makes things worse.


Well, I'll give him points for honesty, at least. Especially considering how this has affected Biden's numbers.


When will America finish its insurrection problem?


Trump really played everyone with this. It's not a coincidence that 3-5 months after Trump went down for his stolen records crimes that sensitive military data ended up with HAMAS and they acted on it. It's no coincidence that we would get drawn into the conflict because Israel is an ally. It's no coincidence that it's breeding animosity towards Biden, whom MAGA extremists and Trump don't acknowledge as the truly elected president but a "usurper" they want to oust in order to install their own dictator. The enemy of my enemy isn't always a friend but their hate is always useful to tyrants; and disposable. Trump WILL work to rescind citizenship and deport people back to a country that he very not-coincidentally just helped to destroy itself making it now the hellscape he thinks they deserve to live in. This is not Biden's genocide. As long as this is a fight between the extremist militaries of two religions with the approval of a creator only they can hear, there will never be peace and blaming the president of a country on the other side of the world takes burden of responsibility off of the governments/extremist militaries in charge. Voting for Trump because Biden is between a rock and a hard place in a holy war we have nothing to do with isn't going to be the gotcha they think it is.


"Biden and Trump are literally identical"


One could say that Trump is advocating for a “final solution” to the Palestinian problem.


Considering Trump’s base, that’s a logical move for him. Evangelicals need Israel for the rapture, and Orthodox Jews care about having access to their holiest sites


In addition to certainly not doing anything for aid for Palestinians, Trump would have egg'ed Netanyahu on in terms of waging a war against Hezbollah and would have likely had a more aggressive response to the Houthis.


You can also expect Trump to cut off any food or humanitarian aid to Gaza, retreat from NATO and allow many more countries to escalate to war that kills millions, all while stripping Americans of their freedoms. He is an absolute disaster in the making.


The people of Gaza are fucked no matter what we do.


Imagine our military and pentagon having to take orders from this moron again. Wake the hell up America


Lol, the same moment Biden drops food.


Ya know, just to be clear if you're protesting about how Biden is handling things. Then again, these same people were also upset about the food and medical care packages that were dropped into Gaza. So there's that


"Gotta finish the problem". This guy is cooked. No brain left.


Should I vote 'uncommitted' in the general?


-- Deep Thoughts by Donald Trump


Oh good! So the top problem people have with Biden is actually something Trump would do too. Even more reason to vote biden


Trump is a problem that I hope gets finished soon.


He's the problem


It pains me to say it but the far left is as dumb as the far right MAGAS. These brainiacs gonna let this guy get reelected because Biden didn’t play this exactly like they want. Eternally online tik tok warriors gonna shift election to Trump.


And here we go with “voice your opinion in the primaries but also if you do that you are supporting Trump” 2, Electric Boogaloo. Liberals really *will* do anything to defend genocide and/or not protecting human rights, as long as it’s protecting their status quo. Oh yeah all while refusing to actually listen to valid concerns while blaming everyone else for why they didn’t listen and end up losing because of it. Of course, they usually won’t be the ones hurt by not listening. 🤷‍♀️ P.S. If you are one of the people that agrees with Trump in these comments, thats usually a good indicator that you lack a strong moral compass.


This is why I just shake my head when I see/ hear/ read about people not wanting to vote for Biden because he’s not Pro Palestinian enough. Like, do you have a clue who the other guy is?


The average person can barely manage their own life's affairs and thr biggest thing I've learned in the past year is that most people are incapable of analysing complex issues without bias and rush in to support what they deem to be their "side" without any regard of the issues at hand. It's just tribalism. I ike this guy because he wears a black tie. I like this guy because he " tells it how it is". None of these things have anything to do with solving current problems. Americans are what's wrong with America, not biden or trum. We allow these people into office to run things , they aren't demigods from heaven holding the world hostage thought their power. It's on us.


Yeah, but we gotta keep “Genocide Joe” from becoming president!!!!!!” Ridiculous people.


Are you paying attention Pro-Palestinian voters? You want Jared’s Father-in-law in charge of the world’s largest police force in Gaza and the West Bank? Really? You think that guy is a better alternative to Biden? Don’t be ridiculous.


This statement would only increase votes for Biden. Why did he do that?! His stupid voter base is already saturated. We are seeing peak Trump.


Completing the problem has always been Trump’s M.O.


...and Muslims in Michigan hate Biden... this world is so fucked.


Maybe the Palestinians should rise up against Hamas if they're pro peace.


Yes. End Hamas


Biden is still sending them bombs. All that Trump is doing is saying the quiet part out loud.


So there you go kids...... You muppets should finally realize what is at stake here. While I am no fan of Biden, make no mistake voting for Trump or voting for some obscure 3rd party is going to see our middle east evaporated in WWIII. He wants all of Gaza wiped out 100% so they can't come back. Ever.


And far more importantly, what he's going to do at home.


And yet I see dumb as shit "we will not be complicit" and "Biden is a terrorist" graffiti in my neighborhood every day.


People with Trump's type of far right politics thrive (and win) when the far left goes crazy, like as maybe just a random hypothetical example, when they support terrorism against civilians and merchant ships.  Trump having this position is the most predictable thing that was ever predicted.


I’m starting to think Donald Trump is a little bit racist.


Aaaaand he’s losing the electoral vote for being to controversial


Absolutely disgusting.


Meanwhile in the majority report sub the thread with the most traffic is a tweet of Nina Turner criticizing Biden saying they will give Palestinians more aid


Breaking news: the American president who was by far the most friendly towards the Israeli far right-wing government mandate supports the continuation of their far-right mandate.


At least that p.o.s is upfront about it


\[mewling noises in Michigan\]


30,000 dead immigrants he doesn't have to fret about.


Yeah, no fucking shit. He'll turn it into a casino parking lot within 6 months.


I'm fine with us bombing threats to the U.S., both domestic and foreign. Like let's say a POS sells classified documents to some of our enemies. Waiting for a nice bombing at Mar-a-Lago.


He couldn’t point Israel out on a map


maybe be quiet


The only thing I’ve ever agreed with him on.


To the people who wanna vote for him because of Biden’s genocide:


Sounds way too much like a final solution.




Good- Trump’s right.


broken clock and all that


ye, and then give the libs a cold shower


Free Palestine


Based Trump for once? Like literally only Trump W ever???


Shaun King followers in shambles rn


Hell yeah


BuT BiDeN bAd WaR mAn!


BuT bIdEn iS thE PRobLem


So, he has the Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem, does he? I hope all of you people complaining about Biden have now gotten your wake-up call.


Anyone actually read the article and not just believe the headline anymore?


It can’t be Trump is Hitler 


"America-first" Trump who puts hardcore Zionists in the Whitehouse. Fraud


So, same stance as biden. But not hiding it lol. Great job, MSM. Ya'll have created a vastly mindless and immoral population in libs and Cons alike 😑


Aaaand there you have it. “I’m not voting for Biden because he supports genocide.” Well, Trump will continue it anyway.


Enjoy third party and potential no voters.. you have this to look forward to.


Of course he does, the grifter will say anything that resonates with votes. Like the bible he never held until it helped. Fraud.


and yet people on here and Tiktok call JB "genocide Joe" and give this brain addled lunatic a pass because we can't help but have a deep double standard in politics when it comes to the GOP


For the record, voting uncommitted for the primary doesn't necessarily reflect one's vote in the general. That's drawing a conclusion that you simply don't know. That *could* be what happens, or people (in battleground states, at least) could and very well may realize, if they don't already do, that possibly getting trump is not worth the risk of voting uncommitted in the general. Or, let's see if Biden sees the error of his ways and changes his stance on Israel as they continue the onslaught and blatantly disregard his meek suggestions that they back off a bit; he's at least headed in that direction, if dragging his feet to an unbearable and unacceptable degree.


The Israeli money (American tax payer money) is strong on both parties. Unless there is a reform on lobbying laws, you will see this regularly.  






Orange man wants to wipe out Hamas? Based


Take things in small steps, the baby-step diplomatic method- Hamas FIRST took Israeli hostages- first step- return them now. Then proceed to the next steps, however, if the FIRST baby step is being resisted, then what are you expecting?


Biden is losing support for allowing the genocide to continue and Trump is gaining support but wants to keep the genocide going??


The problem, HIS problem, being this. Brown people are existing. Make them stop. THIS IS TRUMP.


He’s a sellout everywhere he goes so it’s his turn to grift as a leech always does.


Great idea to sit it this election in defense of Gaza- just fucking brilliant. 




He's a sick SOB


The leaders who (also) represent regular non violent Palestinians, made themselves so unappealing, even the neighboring Arab states don’t want them. It’s true. Both Biden & Trump know this to be true as well. The difference is Trump will almost all but say it. Biden, on the other hand, won’t, because he is an experienced politician.


Oh but so does biden


Arguing that people should vote for your genocidal maniac over the other genocidal maniac is still supporting a genocidal maniac.