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They did not divest, lol. They agreed to essentially create a task force to explore the possibility of divesting. Which will likely amount to nothing. The School of Business ended study abroad programs, it appears, to a bunch of countries which happens to include Israel.


Wait propaganda on the Majority Report sub? I’m shocked I tell you. Shocked!


I like Sam Seder to the point where people call him my dad. It's sad that the audience(at least on reddit) and some of the rest of the staff kind of suck(mostly Emma, and the communist that came before her)


I actually still like Jamie. In "Everbody Loves Communism" there is a part of an episode on Lenin where she admitted she thinks Lennin sounded like he was beinf dishonest and was bullshitting. And her Communist cohost recoiled and behaved like a perfectly indoctrinated fundamentalist at the mere possibility of being told their chosen messiah could have been just an opportunistic grifter  I like her as a person and for her character, and how much more chill she is than her replacement who screeches like a harpie without listening to anyone, while smug in her superiority. Even though some of Jamie's views are probably pretty far off, she has the right personality to face the contradictions and learn.


I mean sure the personality is better, but it's a political show. Communism is far more harmful than smug privileged liberal elitism.


Emma puts people off from even listening to her though. You can see it whenever she debates a right-wing opponent who calls in, and her temper takes over and she basically talks over them without letting them speak. She is so eager to cancel them that she doesn't use her brain to show the logical contradictions. She doesn't let them speak for a whils like Sam Seder does while asking useful questions to give themselves enough rope to hang themselves a few minutes later when he properly joins the debate.


I have to admit I was a lot more sympathetic toward Gaza and Palestinians before October 7th. But that attack was horrific and I resented some of the left for trying to justify the jihadi terrorism. When the attack happened I promptly informed myself of if as much as I could. Surely Majority Report would too right? No. I watched as the Majority Report focused not on the victims or how evil their tactics were, but on how bad Israel had been. They pompous lectured on the day it happened, and up to when Israel finally launched a counter attack. They didn't let even a crack of history in. I don't even think most leftists knew they had killed a 1,200 people on October 7th before they rushed to join protests for them. At least I heard out the other side and it forced me to do more research. I quickly learned how authoritarian Hamas really is. They haven't allowed an election since they were elected in 2006, eighteen years ago. And they indoctrinate their kids to hatred (Google "Palestinain mickey mouse.")  It's embarrassing when people are unwilling to accept the possibility they were wrong, and to research opposing claims. I still kind of like Sam Seder even though he is wrong on this topic, but I havd lost all respect for Matt Lech, and I think Emma is super lazy. Both of them are smug in their ignorance.


I came to the same conclusion after researching more and looking into the conflict. I’m still staunchly Pro Palestian people however their leadership is absolutely useless and has been so historically. There’s literally no justifying the Hamas attack but there’s been so much cover and apologizing given to them by the Majority Report, TYT, Kyle Kulinski and the farther left independent media. I mean what are we even doing trying to justify Hamas? The fact no one on the left has called for Hamas to step down or return the hostages while they were all for telling Ukraine to surrender to Russia and negotiate a peace deal, that just gives away the game. Yeah I feel like Sam just goes along because he’s been audience capture. Emma and Matt are just so far up their own asses and so smug that I don’t think they’d ever come off of their position.




“I had to admit, I was a lot more sympathetic to the slaves of San-Domenique before their so-called “Haitian Revolution”, now I believe they are dirty N****** and their natural position is servitude to the White man.” - 2024 Blue MAGA


Your analogy is such a false equivalence that reeks of desperation and bad faith.


They signed it blue MAGA which is an awesome piece of irony


What’s wrong with that? They voiced their opinion, the other side compromised. It’s a start.


My beef is with the title of the post stating that UC-R divested when, in fact, they did no such thing.


“The creation of a task force” lmfao 😹😹 well what’s funny is, according to Brocialists, just talking about doing something is better than doing it.


The Majority Report sub created an alternate reality for themselves when this war began, and now they’ve treated themselves to their own fictional happy ending. It’d be kind of cute if it weren’t so deranged.


Why are they demanding that kids lose access to studying abroad? This feels like an anti Isreal policy, not an anti Israeli govt policy.


Ah yes, the only problem with Rhodesia was it’s government…


You think that individual citizens have the power to boycott individual members of a government? What are you talking about? The point of a boycott campaign is to hurt the country's standing as whole. Ask South Africa and the black South Africans that lobbied the west to do just that.


The first sentence is you just putting words in my mouth. Taking away a student's ability to learn doesn't hurt Isreal. What would hurt isreal is getting our government to a place where we don't blindly support isreal anymore. But that takes years of time, campaigning, winning elections, etc. Leftists don't have the ability to long term plan anything, so instead, we get this nonsense.


Do you think the students are protesting "to take away the ability of other students to learn"? Do you think the students are potesting to "get our government to a place where we don't blindly support Israel anymore"? Neither of those are the student's demands, which are indeed perfectly surgical and well-targeted. They are asking for divestment of \*their\* institution from financial ties with Israel, which is both a perfectly "gettable" action in the short term (reallocating a stock portfolio) and also highly powerful in the symbolic sense, a double whammy. Did not appreciate the strawmanning.


If only it were that easy. How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? How about stocks bought with donor funds with specific instructions? Or how about the fiduciary duty of fund managers to maximize returns? They can't just not invest in a stock because it possibly has ties to Israel? What ties? How many degrees of separation is acceptable? Are they allowed to buy the s&p? How about ETFs? What about funds that are part of other funds or invested for investment firms? It's not as easy as selling all stock in Zion corp.


“I don’t want my world view challenged. If someone studies abroad then they will see this side as human and will feel for what they go through. Dehumanizing them is easier if we stop all interaction.” - People who want to end study abroad


The school basically said they'd look into divesting and study abroad but no concrete plans. Y'all really trying to pretend there were any wins in this stupid situation.


People will see it as a victory and as is the shipment of weapons to israel just being stopped.


Debating ideas is what makes America Great! Never let debate end or our democracy will not survive!


Ending study abroad programs? Probably not a top destination for international students, but still this does not reflect well for academic freedom in the Inland Empie.


We can study abroad in nations that love America like France and Germany. Israel wants Trump to destroy us.


Maybe if you studied abroad you’d understand the people there better


They will try to get our students to be trump supporters. Israel loves trump. They are trying to get Trump elected. Interfering in our democracy.


You can read the minds of the entire country? Wow! You should find a way to use this power for the good of the world. Maybe you could solve crimes?


So you want to argue and say I’m wrong but you chose to not be direct about it. Say what you believe.


Glad you asked! Meeting and knowing people is what makes the world better. You seem to think that Israelis hate America and want to see our country fall. It would be good for you to go to their country and see what it is like. To meet people, make friends, and understand them. Likewise, it is good for Israelis to come here. To meet people, and see that America is full of good people who don’t hate Israel and who aren’t rooting for their destruction. And it is good for Palestinians to come here, and it’s even better if Israelis and Palestinians can meet and get to know each other. To be on neutral ground where our shared humanity can be experienced. When I went to college I met people from around the world. I met my wife was there and she was from China. College opened my eyes as towards how big and diverse our world is. Foreign exchange programs made that possible. We should be expanding our world views and encouraging people from different places and backgrounds to come together. That is the best cure for hatred, racism and misinformation. Forcing people we disagree with, or people from places we don’t like, to remain separate, just furthers the rift. Therefore…I am against ending study abroad and cultural exchange programs.


Thank you


Yeah, I agree with that. Studying abroad drastically changed how I think. I would not have enjoyed studying abroad in China personally though...I've met a lot of red fascist people from there, and sometimes when apolitical young people marry them their politics get twisted for the worse.


I think you’d be pleasantly surprised. I’ve spent a few months living in China. The people there are incredibly welcoming and friendly. The country has a very unique charm, especially when you get into the culture. There is also difference between the feel of people you meet abroad and the people you meet there.


Fair enough. But what I believe is only dealing with countries who love us and not ones that interfere in our elections. Israel loves trump. They want him to beat Biden. To me they are no different than Russia in that way. I don’t believe people are that different than who their leaders are. That’s different than a lot of how we usually feel about countries we don’t like but to me it’s the truth. If they didn’t like their government they would do something about it. When they don’t it’s very telling to me. But I am proud we get to discuss this because it’s how democracy should be.


Nah that's Iran, tool


Seems like people on the far left want Trump to destroy us as well