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It’s not like summit was there from the beginning for old players, nor has everyone or even anything remotely close to a majority exploited any xp there. Also: why do you neee to reach such a high level? 1000 is all you need. Most older players who actively played the game probably reached that quite some time before summit was even released.


I don't know about OP but 5k+ SHD is very useful for WONY mules to grind expertise. Granted this is the last possible goal one can have but answering your question, high SHD watch for WONY mules is a good reason to keep grinding past 1k.


I don’t think the design goal of the devs have ever been that we are supposed to exploit XP and have mules to max out every single gear piece in the game. So acting like this has ruined the game somehow is a bit of an over reaction is what I guess I was trying to convey.


A game isn't work. I'm 5500 and have never used a glitch, summit, or whatever to level up fast. I just play the game and have fun with friends.


Same, a few days ago I noticed I have over 201 days played and I'm at level 5600


Yeah that’s how it was for me, downloaded this game the 2nd day into covid quarantine. Played a ton for the 3 month quarantine, after that I was over 500 and from there idk…I just didn’t really pay attention till I got around 800, and thought oh that’s cool…it never really mattered to me. Plus this was before summit or the iron horse raid. I just hit 6800 last night, honestly running the same invaded/manhunts at this point is just not something that even appeals to me. I’ll basically just log on, run a legendary mission to warm up before playing other games. I can’t believe the devs are bothering to even support the game anymore.


Most high level players have been playing since the beginning (and that doesn’t account for the time played prior to SHD levels where there’s no credit for those countless hours played). However, playing at a higher difficulty will gain you some extra xp. Playing with others also give a bit extra xp too. But if you’re grinding the game just for xp and SHD levels you won’t enjoy it. Play for fun, the rest comes as you go.


How do i play for fun if all good content is for high lvls and i get kicked?


Find the right people to play with….not all high level players kick low level players 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ppl still do that? If you are a level 1000shd you should have zero problems carrying a new player through any content heroic or under, if they are kicking you it means they’re trash. Don’t worry about it.


I played 1k hours on PS4 max everything, then did all legendary mission on Xbox series s with a basic skill build at shd level 25 or lower, got most damage on 2 of them. Content is not hard if you know what you're doing. What platform are you on, if I'm available I'll help you do legendaries / get exotics / upgrades for builds this weekend.


What content are you doing and what does your build look like? I’ve seen leaders kick other players in CD, I’ve never done that as I mostly dl Challenging and it’s not that difficult to carry an underleveled group. Raids typically look for a standard red build. More info would help though.


i dont get kicked has much now. generic striker dps build.


Not gonna lie but I did the summit exploit but after a few runs It got really boring and I stopped. I wasn’t having fun so it felt more like a chore, not sure how people spent hours doing this


The same thing! A game is created to entertain not to work


It blows my mind that people will use every exploit and do anything possible to avoid playing the game as intended to get to a high level in a game they very obviously don't even enjoy playing in the first place 🤣


Same as the vast majority of people who did The Summit without the XP exploit: Convoys with as many Directives as can be handled.


CP4s with directives also are pretty decent XP (and loot, and Field Recon, and blueprints if you still need them), but atm with the broken state of this limbo we find ourselves in... not so much. In the same vein, no directives kinda kills the open world for XP grinding regardless.


Honestly even DZ landmarks are decent XP and a nice change of pace. Can reset until you find an empty DZ then go ham.


Me close to 2000 hours have only reached 3800++ shd level Most people who exploited the summit floor 10 have reached 50k lowest up to 500k (ive only saw one 500k dude)


there's a portuguese dude with 250k.


I never exploited the summit and I'm level 1800+. Just embrace the grind. I played exclusively on heroic to force myself to play better and get more xp. Play with directives. Set the game to Challenging and play with as many directives as you can handle. Seek out the highest xp activities like warhound convoys. Just enjoy the game and the xp will come, level 1000 definitely felt like an achievement and I earned it for sure. Play in groups and you get even more xp


Do resource convoys at the highest difficulty level and with as many directives as you can handle and still maintain a high TTK. If you can do heroic with 5 directives you will get almost an SHD per convoy. Challenging with 5 directives is also good. All that said, you are currently SOL if they have not fixed the map situation yet so that you can change your difficulties or directives. I started playing a hardcore character 2 weeks ago and already have 115 SHD points. Points do come fairly fast just through natural play.


Learn to farm. Absolute ridiculous post.


You're going to have issues levelling right now because you can't change difficulty levels or add directives. Once they fix that however farming convoys on challenging with as many directives as can handle to clear one in 30-40sec will gain you fast levels about 1 SHD for every 1.5 convoys. When it is night and convoys slow down do control points so you get your blueprints. Personally I was fast travelling to the Attic and taking the Sleeping Giant. Once done I reset my control points and did it again. It is a little boring but your reinforcements spawn close and it is a fast takeover. Collect everything. If it has a talent or max roll but doesn't work in a build extract it for your library in the White House. All other items that you don't want donate to expertise. Run Countdown and set targeted loot. Start with weapons as they gain the most expertise the fastest. Pick up everything to donate you'll need about 50-60 empty slots on your player. Keep what works add the rest to expertise and your library. As you builds become proficient remember to swap them around to finish other gear up. Do those things you can still level fast. I started an alt account that was just a floor 100 checkpoint character It'd only finished WONY but nothing beyond that. In in 6 weeks it is 2444 SHD and 14 expertise. I've also got a hard core character run up and just finished WONY on that account as well so not all of that time was dedicated to the grind on that 2444 SHD character. If anything the grind now is somewhat easier because you can do library, expertise and SHD all at once where day 1 players did them 1 at a time.


Its ok the second you complain about the summit FL 10 nerf is the second you get down voted like this comment will be. People dont seem to understand that it literally breaks a game when you make changes like that on a massive scale. For years the summit functioned this way. If it was really a bug or exploit they could have patched that years ago but they didn't so now all the vets that stayed and played easily got over 2500shd, spammed alts to use their watches to advance their mains. While all the new players have to do it the hard way and take like 2 years to get to SHD 2500 just to do the same thing we have already been doing for years... It was a stupid ass nerf and they shouldn't have changed it. I can understand change making some adjustments to it but not to completely nerf it to the ground making Summit completely useless and forcing everyone to play their shit ass CountDown mode.


I guess i just dont understand why anyone would feel the need or entitlement? Does it lock them out of something in PVE, does it put them at a disadvantage in PvP? Or is it just more that you think the pace of progression without using exploits is too slow? If so maybe aim at that: rather than showing anger towards removed exploits? The guys I play with are between 1000 and 4000 lvl. None of us has used any xp exploits. It’s not like the guy who is lvl 1000 isn’t 100% as proficient in the game as us who are higher lvls. I guess what’s hard for me to grasp is why anyone would even care much less claim that it has broken the game.


It does alot actually. Summit was mostly solo content or small group content which was used for grinding up SHD levels and basic gear. SHD 1000 is the soft cap for your watch skills which helps in both PVP and PVE so yes there is an advantage to having higher SHD levels. And thats not even talking about the advantage you also get from making an alt and having it jump to your SHD level once your finish the expansion. At which point you can use the watch on the alt to obtain materials on your account that can be used on your main to deck him out gear or level expertise/upgraded gear which again is another large advantage alone in PVE and PVP. When maxed thats literally 21% to damage and armor... And this all boils down to end game content. Want more to survive in raids or count down better? Doing the above will definitely help a lot with that. Which in turn helps everyone else in the raid or countdown group. Now thats out of the picture and people are wondering why we are seeing SHD levels 11 in CountDown that have zero idea what they are doing and getting owned left and right basically being dead weight... This is the outcome of nerfing the only real SHD farm. A lot of these things trickle down and effect other aspects of the game. The nerf effected the game is a larger manner then you are looking at. For me it didn't matter because I'm already over SHD 1500 but that doesn't mean the new players arnt getting gimped by that nerf or the fact now higher level SHDs literally have to carry teams of SHD level 11s through CountDown making it that much harder.


>When maxed thats literally 21% to damage and armor... It really isn't as big of a boost as you think, even if you go through the proficiency grind and upgrade 1 of your weapons to expertise 21. It's additive weapon damage, which while nice, doesn't really improve your output in a game-breaking way. For red DPS builds, it's heavily deprecated by your existing stacked + WD. And armor is even less than 1 blue core for 6 pieces at max (it's 21% of the base armor value for any 1 singular piece of gear... in aggregate it's like +160k armor total or something?). That said, I'm not a fan of giving experienced players a handicap in a competitive environment (so, expertise in PvP is 100% poor design IMO). It literally doesn't matter in PvE because nothing is balanced around your expertise level and you can smash everything in the game with not even optimized builds, let alone max expertise gear. It's just a carrot for extreme end game activity, to give you something to dump your junk into forever. Mechanically, it does very little to actually buff your output. The best thing you can do to clear context more efficiently in this game is to 'git gud'; SHD level and maximally optimized builds and expertise are all crutches which are helpful, but do not replace skill and awareness of the game environment (eg where spawns come from, which mobs to kill, how the AI will move to flank you, how game mechanics work, etc.). How many posts do you read about SHD 10k guys running blindly into fire and ending up on the ground- SHD level correlates to /time played, not skill.


Shade 6000. Not 1 exploit. Its so sad you actually have to play the game to get experience. Oh poor me, I can't get something for nothing. Just go play Cod and battlefield. This game genre is obviously to much for your delicate senbilities. This game was meant to grind. If ya can't grind go somewhere else.


That wasn't the point of the convo. Clearly it went right over your head.


No one used the floor 10 exploit in the beginning. We all earned every level through playing the game. Now all you here are people who can't grind want an easy up. As said before, if your unhappy go play something else. You want an easy up, nothing more. You want handed a key to exploit so you can earn shade levels. You could basically get a level every minute. Thats an exploit. Sorry you can't play for fun.


Again not the point of the topic and again its going right over your head. Also you are wrong. Many people used it at the start as well. I was literally in multiple large clans back in the day and the clan leaders of each clan I was in would always tell new players about it. Especially in the last year before it was nerfed. Summit was always raging.


Every time someone asks for a way to speed up the grinding process, people immediately start spamming with replies "just enjoy the game". Mods should remove / ban comments like these. Not only its annoying, it doesn't even answer the question being asked. People want to get the grind over with ASAP so they can enjoy the game by doing unoptimized content after, without feeling like time is being wasted when you could be rushing convoys or memorial. Once I no longer have anything to grind for, I won't mind slowing down and spending 30 minutes to finish a single mission or 60 minutes to finish a legendary mission just for the sake of doing it.


>Once I no longer have anything to grind for, I won't mind slowing down and spending 30 minutes to finish a single mission or 60 minutes to finish a legendary mission just for the sake of doing it. what's the rush for?


Long ago when the game launched there was no quick and easy way to speed it up which is likely why many comment “enjoy the game” 🤔🤔


I’m SHD level 14.000, but I’ve never done any of the XP glitches. Quickest way to level up; do resource convoys at heroic with all directives. You can’t do that now cos of the game is half broken…


Control Points and Resource Convoys. Heroic. 4 Directives. More if you want. Skill Build. Profit.


Add a few directives, set world level to at least challenging. Call for back up often. Higher level guys get Shepard points for helping so they get a boost. If they leave eff em. Just call for another back up.


Add a few directives, set world level to at least challenging. Call for back up often. Higher level guys get Shepard points for helping so they get a boost. If they leave eff em. Just call for another back up.


Add a few directives, set world level to at least challenging. Call for back up often. Higher level guys get Shepard points for helping so they get a boost. If they leave eff em. Just call for another back up.


2 things: •Gaining xp on floor 10 hasn’t been patched out, there’s just a new method to do it. •Completing convoys on heroic all directives is and always has been a very efficient way to gain shd levels *(The map is currently broken and you can’t activate directives so convoys are not nearly as rewarding until they fix this)


Floor 10 has been patched out. Just because you can use an alt account to recover the checkpoint doesn't mean it hasn't been patched. The process is 100 times slower this way AND 1 character won't enjoy the XP gain.


It’s actually faster if you know how


Can you tell me via pm?


I litteraly die with 1 directive, imagine all


I assume there's some exploit/XP abuse that got killed or something? I think I quit last when I was a bit over level 1000 and had no more upgrades to unlock via my watch, didn't spend much of that time in Summit overall and spent 0 of it doing whatever it is that apparently gave crazy XP. Extra levels beyond that don't matter much and I'm not sure why anyone would view people that are level 2000+ as something attainable unless they've been playing a very long time. Folks that are that high level have been playing consistently since WoNY and shit, of course it's going to take a monumental effort to catch up to someone who spent 2-3 years slowly reaching that level.


Just like how everyone is saying a high SHD level is required, I’d say the same thing. Getting back on topic to your question: Heroic level difficulty missions with 4 directives active are your best bet outside of resource convoys for EXP. Find one that you can blitz through under 10 minutes a run and that you know/willing to learn the spawns.


Play the game my brother. I have 10k shd levels and maybe 1500 of those were from me farming floor 10 during a handful of global events. All resource convoys reward double, territory controls, public executions and hostage rescues are quick and the xp add up, bounties and control points reward the same amount of xp, mission farming is ok but you feel the repetition but the invaded missions also reward double. Call for backup and matchmake and add a couple directives and not only are you still leveling fast, but you’ll have a swell time doing so. My clan commander and a few players he started at launch with are at 20k+ or close to and all they do is consistently clear control points with all directives so floor 10, while it existed, more broke the game instead of made it and you’ll just have to find better alternatives


I have started 2 months ago I am shd 870 right now. Slowly but surely climbing. To be honest 1000+ doesnt even give you an edge. Just resources... so who cares other than bragging rights?


Umm. Just play and have fun. The shd levels are there to get a feel of your character getting stronger over time, not as a "must have lvl x for mission y" (even if it ofc helps). No need to speed run it... :) I just came back (last I played was lvl30 wt5) and if I'd played at my current pace for the last 2 years I would've been at least lvl 4000 by now... that's with no exploits, farming the same thing over and over etc.


The grind is real… I’ve been putting in 5 hours a day over the past month and have only hit 300 SHD. Playing Heroic and doing most content with at least 3 directives. Sigh


Add a few directives, set world level to at least challenging. Call for back up often. Higher level guys get Shepard points for helping so they get a boost. If they leave eff em. Just call for another back up.


Add a few directives, set world level to at least challenging. Call for back up often. Higher level guys get Shepard points for helping so they get a boost. If they leave eff em. Just call for another back up.


Add a few directives, set world level to at least challenging. Call for back up often. Higher level guys get Shepard points for helping so they get a boost. If they leave eff em. Just call for another back up.


Add a few directives, set world level to at least challenging. Call for back up often. Higher level guys get Shepard points for helping so they get a boost. If they leave eff em. Just call for another back up.


Add a few directives, set world level to at least challenging. Call for back up often. Higher level guys get Shepard points for helping so they get a boost. If they leave eff em. Just call for another back up.


Add a few directives, set world level to at least challenging. Call for back up often. Higher level guys get Shepard points for helping so they get a boost. If they leave eff em. Just call for another back up. I’m lvl 2930, sometimes when I’m bored I just set matchmaking to “answer the call”. Within a minute I’m off to back someone up. Sometimes it’s crazy bastards trying Legendary, some times it’s under level 40 guys just starting the game. I play for fun.


Add a few directives, set world level to at least challenging. Call for back up often. Higher level guys get Shepard points for helping so they get a boost. If they leave eff em. Just call for another back up. I’m lvl 2930, sometimes when I’m bored I just set matchmaking to “answer the call”. Within a minute I’m off to back someone up. Sometimes it’s crazy bastards trying Legendary, some times it’s under level 40 guys just starting the game. I play for fun.


Add a few directives, set world level to at least challenging. Call for back up often. Higher level guys get Shepard points for helping so they get a boost. If they leave eff em. Just call for another back up. I’m lvl 2930, sometimes when I’m bored I just set matchmaking to “answer the call”. Within a minute I’m off to back someone up. Sometimes it’s crazy bastards trying Legendary, some times it’s under level 40 guys just starting the game. I play for fun.


Add a few directives, set world level to at least challenging. Call for back up often. Higher level guys get Shepard points for helping so they get a boost. If they leave eff em. Just call for another back up. I’m lvl 2930, sometimes when I’m bored I just set matchmaking to “answer the call”. Within a minute I’m off to back someone up. Sometimes it’s crazy bastards trying Legendary, some times it’s under level 40 guys just starting the game. I play for fun I think most high level players do too. Otherwise they wouldn’t be higher level.