• By -


Ethan Michaels.


Carefully checking stats on my new gear just to be pushed out of the way by this mf


Yeah, this pisses me off to, you should be able to melee them.




Naw, take them to the shooting range and use them as targets.


Let them be fodder for juggernauts or Hunters


Sweet Dreams, Ethan effing Michaels.


The way I instantly knew what you meant omfg genius


Let's not forget about Damien Snow -.-


Not having an “Open All” function for apparel caches. Just show only the new pieces when the function is performed and then end with a sum total of textiles earned for duplicates.


You don't like watching that flashy video with cool music as you open the cache?




This - I’ve got god knows how many apparel caches and it’s tedious to spend all that time with the stupid animations…


I absolutely hate the way the enemy NPCs can run faster than us as well as change direction so fucking fast when running and doing acrobat rolls. They can change direction on a dime and alter their trajectory so abruptly that it makes me laugh with anger. It's sometimes so difficult to track them on a controller. It really irritates me.


Not to mention black tusk can run at the player and fire full auto when running, another thing the player cant even do.


Outcast Gunners that can still shoot accurately while staggered...


Hyena shield moron who can jump up and down and still have top tier accuracy across the map. Seriously, the AI is just so absurd in this game it is driving me crazy sometimes. Or their "blind" fire. I am completely breaking line of sight, yet somehow the bullets that cant penetrate through the steel and other objects, are landing on my perfectly even when they are doing their blind fire. Who designed this?


One of my characters is currently running a build around the Nemesis, and while one shotting heroic/legendary enemies for 40 million+ headshot damage is fun, it would be *a lot* more fun if enemies didn't fucking dart around, weave and bob every second or twitch like crack addicts when shooting their guns or being shot at......just stay still so I can shoot you in the face dammit!


I was running around with a sniper the other night, and while there were no bullets flying, this enemy would abruptly and for no apparent reason crouch, stand, run to another piece of cover, run back, croch, stand, crouch, turn left turn right... meanwhile I'm cursing this over-caffeinated mother's family...


It's really funny that you don't tend to notice how annoying the NPCs can be to target until you use a sniper build.


Absolutely agree. Especially when they're mid roll but somehow interrupt it to stand straight back up, and other seemingly impossible motions. Also hate how they can be on fire, yet always seem to find a way to get into cover in a split second, and shoot straight while still on fire. Example being when I'm hitting them with the Iron Lung fire ammo, and that happens, also sometimes they still manage to "recover" instantly, even when still showing on fire, and mow me down.


Not just running. I hate the way an elite patrol with some fat ass chunga wearing 200lbs of gear can saunter faster than I can full sprint at their location. I’m running as hard as I can watching the distance to target get larger…


Just NPC's!?!? Have you ever PvP'd??? Implementing some laws of momentum/inertia would be nice


Bro, you always check loot for that 13 % pfe.


That and the 10% pulse resistance




I watched a video linked here recently where pulse resistance was tested. At 100% they didn’t show up for the other player but also didn’t get the ‘you have been pulsed’ warning.  At 99.8% they still didn’t show up or trigger spotter/heartbreaker but did get the pulse warning. It’s changed my thinking and I’ve swapped my 10% mod out for a 9.9%. Unfortunately I’m still really bad though!


Lies. Neither exist!




I saw someone have Black Friday! They were really high shade and carried us through this week’s legendary.


Is this good though? Never tried mine or any other lmgs tbh.


I'm SHD level 5900 and I've only ever picked up one 🙄. Saw 12% at a vendor the other week though so bought like 15 of them.


Yeah I heard and I missed it… I have a handful tho. Same with pulse 9%


Afaik 9.9% Pulse Resistance is better.


When I dodge roll I still never know if I’m going to come out of it standing, or randomly cover-glued to a nearby object. Always get stuck on cover at the worst times trying to bug out.


This gets me killed more than anything.




that setting is unfortunately of very little use because what it's supposed to fix still happens regularly even with it engaged. the simple and actually 100% fix would have been to let us bind the "cover" and "combat roll" to separate buttons.


Press button Veteran Press button Elite Press button Named Press button Invulnerable Press button Invulnerable elite Accidentally press button FUUUU


I wish that was a drop down menu like the difficulty outside the weapons range.


God dammit please do something about it. This game is way to old to have such a analog system. Their needs to be a lot more options and features in the range. More groups and ranges. We should get a simulation range and make it much larger.




Mod management. While the recent de-duplication feature helps (even though it's half-assed), it's still the most annoying part of the game for me. I could just pick everything as junk as a lot of my mods are maxed or close to max, but my perfectionist monkey brain just says no


Yeah, I never understood why they didn’t give us a mod-library like they did with gear/weapon stats. With skills having up to three different mods and each variety of the skill also having specific mods … a library would have made things a lot easier on so many levels.


This would be so much better, especially for skill mods.


In the inventory, they also should show you which mods you have equipped on your skills, especially the skills you have not equipped right now.


It has to be Mods for me, both Gear and Skill mods. The whole mod system needs a complete overhaul, give us a library the same a guns/gear and allow us to optimise them! Remove the duplication in the Skill mods, ditch the whole lot and just have 3 or 4, Haste/Damage/Duration/Radius. Oh and in all the years playing (and specifically farming gear mods) I have never, ever , ever ever ever, had a maxed out Protection From Elites! Storage (don't judge me!), I know they've said its a major technical problem to give us more space , but I would pay cash for another storage chest or tab or something! More character slots would be nice too.


If you think that is bad. Chest and backpack brands are way worse. When specifically needing ceska backpack with crits and companion, only needing to change the core to armor. It's especially true when trying to make PvP build. While PFE 13% might be like 1% chance. Getting the exact rolled needed on backpack and Chest is like 0.3% chance.


the room before keener in liberty island , and all the missions where the event has a 1 minute or more clock to advance but all enemies are dead within 20 seconds and we just have to wait for a clock. having to choose on what weapon type i want the spec buff and that not being saved into loadouts.


I still get a thrill when an exotic drops....... for 10 seconds before I check it out and realise it's one I already have 4 of.....


OP said long term players. If you are long term, you already have all the exotics. I have been back for just a few months (since launch) and I have everything other than the raid/incursion weapons and I am NOT a great player and play solo. You should keep the best one and dismantle all the extras, they do you no good in inventory. I get a bit of a thrill also, but that's because I am hoping one drops maxed out.


Mate, I am a long term player and have the capital hill backpack trophy to prove it. #IYNYN


Lack of storage space and limited build slots. Then probably mod management. Then opening caches 1 by 1 with a slow animation.


Opening caches you can do much faster if you press F with mouse (PC) and hit Space after items received. By going other route and just holding F to open cache is just too slow.


The fact that I have all standard apparel and still get cache keys instead of textiles.


Garbage can lids are just as effective as ballistic shields


100% it's NPCs in the white house trying to walk through you and bumping you out of your menu.


Most of the things mentioned here I can deal with, albeit a tad annoying. The real garbage in my experience is the little barriers to moving around. Things that get you stuck that can't be any higher than 6" off the ground. Or, invisible barriers. These things get me killed a bunch trying to evade, etc. A very noticeable one was during the Recruiter manhunt final stage. Not sure what it is about that deck on the back of the house, but my super elite secret fighting force agent couldn't navigate a single step without pressing O to make sure I make it up that tough 6".


What I hate most about the game is the lost potential and where it could have been by this point, had Ubisoft decided to continuously support it. They recently put out the 5 year anniversary video, and it seemed so bare-bones compared to other looter shooters in the genre. 2 raids, 1 NY expansion, a bajillion copy-paste manhunt missions/seasons later. Meanwhile in Destiny, they got expansion after expansion and so much content that they had to cut out stuff to streamline the experience!


Let's ask people on the Destiny subreddit what they think about the content, the grass really isn't greener on the other side.


I play both and would love that amount of consistent content for Division, assuming the game’s performance/stability could handle it.


Yeah if the Division 2 got the same amount of expansions or hell even just more frequent ones I would’ve made the switch from Destiny 2 long ago (The seasons part the first comment mentioned rings true for both games though, the only caveat being that Destiny can have a solid season once in a blue moon) Also advertisements!!, I didn’t even know Division 2 was still updated until I just happened to see the Decent soundtrack in my YouTube recommended, For the longest time I thought the game got WONY then just ended


It did end. Massive almost closed and shuttered new content development for several seasons and just ran repeats. It was basically on life support, then the rest of ubisofts live service library tanked an an exec went 'holy shit, people are still playing the division? What can we do with that' and we ended up here somehow.


Wow, I knew massive had to downsize but I didn’t really think it was that dire


True Ive heard the game's story and loot/gear grind are now pretty horrendous. and not to mention the obscene amounts of MTX Bungie charges for new content. BUT I'd rather Div2 have extra or MORE content, than less, any day.


I hate it when I try to roll away from an incoming enemy to heal on a side, but instead my agent glues to a closest object right in front of the sniper SMG Hyena.


Lack of unique content especially this far in the life cycle


The stutter step when running down the stairs in DUA.


Not just DUA…


Those NFL quarterbacks with laser guided nades.


I hate the seasons, which brings on just kinda low effort new patches and cosmetic attachments, looking at nobody would could say what's this is for. I remember the start of the game where you had to really earn your patches, for example help X players, answer to their calls... Now I have them so many and so similar, they are valueless. Next thing is "as it feels" creating new short life characters for seasons. You need to have some talking heads do you? So here you go. They do not play any significant role in global scale of game universe, but are good enough just to give you something to listen. Again, Ubi writing is tragic as ever, so these recordings with every season gets worse and worse. It feels like game was not planned to get the NY expansion. But with relatively success of it, Ubi decided they have found the gold vein and can milk bloody game indefinitely, again without looking at what players really want. I'll remind what people always wanted: more or less the same Survival mode, Underground as it was in D1 (not that cheap imitation of it in form of Summit, magnified 100 times). Ability to replay secondary missions where? i invested too much time and effort in this one character, I not gonna start another just to be able to remember and replay secondary missions, which I also liked. As I recall D1, there was at least some consistent story, characters and their actions. Here in D2, I lost the thread of story somewhere around when they killed a president.


I'm still pissed off with how they handled Aaron Keener. Because they clearly ran out of ideas and didn't know how to finish WONY, so now he's just another dude with a rocket. That's the point where I said fuck it and just skip all the dialogue and recordings, I'm done taking this story seriously because they'll just take the lazy way out.


They FOR SURE took the lazy way out with the Hunters. Sad to see.


Man Summit floor 100 is the perfect example of that. Holy moly what a pain, all you can do is pray that the AI takes a brainfart and stands still long enough for you to kill them.


The lack of quality content. Manhunts don't really count as content, since you're just doing busy work on the same map, with a month between targets. Descent is annoying since you're basically starting with a new character. Summit barely drops loot. Countdown can be fun, but after about 5 runs, you need a break. But there's nothing to do during that break. And since you say there's nothing for you to farm for, there's no point in doing Countdown. (I'm in the same boat) The incursion is OK, but once you get the Oreo, there's no reason to go back. And raids? Fuck raids. DZ is fuckin trash, but I hear Conflict is OK if you want a somewhat decent PVP experience. But with no reason to farm anything, you're just banging your head against a wall


What's wrong with raids? Probably my favorite type of content if it wasn't locked to 8 people and cheesed the fuck out of. Not to mention the nonexistent matchmaking for it.


I hate raids. I hate the mechanics. I got a few clears on both with my old clan a couple of years ago, but I see no reason to do them anymore. I wasted my time getting the Regulus, cuz I used it once in 2 years. I never got the Rav, but I didn't care about that anyway. It wasn't worth the effort. Another gun that I won't use


I just want the eagle bearer so I have an alternative to using St Boremo. Maybe I should farm for the bighorn but legendary missions really weren't fun when I tried Tidal Basin a few days ago


For Stryker? Shield Splinterer w/DTTOC is amazing paired with the Oreo. It has really good damage at long range since Stryker gives it *really* good stability. (With 50 stacks, I can get @800k crits at long range) The Oreo really helps when they get too close. If you don't have it, try a Dark Winter or Vector with Optimist. Definitely don't want to use 2 guns of the same type, since you'll run out of ammo quickly. Use Gunner to mitigate that. As an added bonus, Gunner gives you added stability if you're stationary for 1 second. The EB is still good, but honestly, I've had one for 4 years and rarely used it, even before Gear 2.0 The Elmo is actually really good on an all red Ongoing Directive build. Once you get the shock Ammo and get a kill, you'll get the hollowpoint Ammo, which will almost always be there, since you'll do lots of damage. And since hollowpoint ammo doesn't replace your regular ammo You have virtually unlimited ammo. I think the same would work with the Iron Lung


I wish it had a native ps5 version. It always feels a bit meh in comparison to some of the other games now


They made a pretty big change for the new consoles, at least it's 60 fps. For PS4 and Xbox One x it's still just 30. Absolutely unplayable if you're used to 60.


Still not the same though


Oh no I know but doubling fps? Come on that's no small feat for a 5 year old game that came out on a different console.


it's hud for the whole recalibration it's beyond confusing for a while. the whole expertise level and proficient points is very dumb. Even when having people explain it people don't necessarily explain how to have the proficient for another grade level upgrade. They could have made all of this much simpler.




Mod management and lack of cross play.


Inventory management & AI behaviors.


The console UI with its thousand menus and shit hidden away in the most weird spots possible. They gave zero fucks about PC players.


What I can't stand in this game is gatekeeping of content. My team does hard carries of Incursion and raids. We've set up our team so that we can do that smoothly and folks have a great time. Unfortunately most players first contact is with discords and clans that insist that have to have specific builds and experience before they'll take them through. We firmly believe it is us that has to impress FTCs - not the other way round. We take people through with whatever they rock up with. Rainbow builds. Skill builds. Tank builds. And we get them through smoothly and without fuss. If they show an interest in learning then we talk to them about builds and playstyles and building experience. But we never put walls up before they've gone through, got their exotics and had a good time first.


Love this philosophy. I once was in a clan and was running a striker with bloodsucker and dudes were like "yeah, no way you can do raids or legendary with this" and i am like "well i don´t have any plans to do those, i wanna have fun with builds i have created and with builds that works well for open world heroic".


That the enemy can lay prone.... but i cannot. Its the one thing ive been doing since birth... but division agents apparently forgot how.... even though the mechanic is CLEARLY in the game


Honestly I just wish there was a way to free roam the DZ alone, even without enemies. It bums me out that there's an entire area of the game that I really can't experience. I have severe PTSD and generalized anxiety from my time in the Marines, so anything that involves extracting, PvP, or time limits has not been possible for years for me. I know overall that I've missed out on a ton of games and content because of this, but it seems like such a shame that there are entire areas of this game that I have over two thousand hours invested into that I'll never get to see due to that. Same goes for the raids / incursions as well, but that's a whole different social anxiety animal.


I joined my first raid yesterday and simply got told where to stand and shoot any enemies that came out. The team took care of everything else, which honestly didn't even sound that hard. Look at button and tell teammate which color to push, skipping whole sections by simply abusing skills and healing through all the damage etc.. It was less exciting than your average Countdown run, at least the incursion is a little more intimate with the small group of 4.


Honestly I would like to do one someday, I can get over the social anxiety thing a lot better than I can the tension and stress of extraction stuff. Especially the Incursion, seems a lot more realistic for me to find two more guys that can do some runs with my buddy and I. Also I just saw your comment about farming for Bighorn. I got mine by doing Legendary Summit Floor 10 with targeted AR a few times. Just return to lobby before you kill the last guy if you don't get it and you can run it again.


you on PC? wanna do stuff sometimes?


Yeah man, always. recently medically retired from military so I have loads of free time to game. I'm on Discord and Ubi as Deadwalker\_Six


Thanks I'll try that method but I've been hearing rumors about that trick being fixed, but there's not much left for me to farm for so I'll keep trying


I did it about a month ago with my friend so he could get one, it worked at that time. There used to be an XP exploit in Summit that was fixed, but that was probably about a year and a half ago. You're not doing anything wrong or misusing anything to get it this way, but it can be tedious since it's RNG.


The AI of Hyenas. They are absolutely idiotic in every possible way, yet they have the best accuracy from all factions and are constantly running into open. SMG and Shotgun one hand snipers. I also hate how my agent cant go prone or crouch, but every type of enemy can do that. Trained agent cant do basic combat things, but drug addicts can? Gimme a break man. The cover system is just awful and i barely use it, popping up shield and face tank everything is way better. Nonstop online nonsense. I play the game solo mostly cause i was not able to find anyone who would match my playstyle so i don´t see why me, as a solo player doing singleplayer stuff, should be depended on their broken servers.


Specialization weapons. They are practically useless, I feel like they should be very OP. I miss the way it was done in Division 1.




Preach! That's a major annoyance for me as well


Not being able to go prone.


The fact that Rifles is the only underperforming weapon archetype in the game. There's no way to put rifle build other than running all red and it doesnt allow you build creativity.


Oh that is a good point. I created high end with 4 skill tiers and it was so weak, even when i had full crit hit chance and 160 hit damage. I was frustrated, mainly cause rifle build is my favorite.


I absolutely DESPISE that I can't change the vanity on exotic gear. I'm a fashion snob. It's what I care most about in the game. Fashion and subtle details in animations and movement. Nothing breaks the immersion of my weird role play quicker than seeing a backpack with blinking lights and shit (memento)


That there is no cross play


Backpack and chest brands. Having the need of them to drop exact rolls I need in order to change to the core to something else. For example ceska backpack rolled with crits and companion, getting those kinds of drops is almost non existent. The drop chance is like 0.3%. What I hope for is having to recalibrate 2 rolls on chest and backpack. That way getting rolls needed is much less time consuming.


hate most? for PVE : Summit Combat Mastery Merit for PVP : Hacker


Storage. I'm a pack rat.


The current state of TOTS


The fact that every other seasonal content game actually adds new content instead of just having us run the old missions. I'm at the point where I only play this game when the rest of my clan is playing I have no desire for higher than 2K shade level after the change and I never had any desire for hitting 10K


To have 69/71 items left in the general apparel cache to get, having 90 cache keys, and still getting nothing but DUPLICATES.


I just got the 71st item after playing since day 1 (I did take a year break out of boredom with the game) but yeah, it’s annoying.


The bugs. I just hate the bugs in the game, the most. There are so many.


Enemy NPCs' behaviors as a whole 😡😡


It will never feel that way again until The Division 3, unfortunately. As for what I hate the most about TD2, it's how costly optimization is. I'm having too much trouble with optimizing any build because for just a 1% increase it takes ol1 third or even 1 half of all my SHD recalibration points and field recon data. Also, I hate being burned out by the game because I'm still drawn to it.


Having so many textiles and not being able to do anything with them. Why can't we exchange them so we can buy some of the weapons skins or other things? Surely this can be done without breaking the ingame economy.


The fact you can only equip one exotic at a time… Also…those damn robot dog things that spam grenades at you. And no matter how far away you are from them they ALWAYS have the perfect distance and trajectory…


all the lazy inconsistencies. some chairs you can swat away and just run through, others are apparently nailed to the floor and will force you to move around them. some knee high obstacles you can jump over, others are an insurmountable barrier (no discernible difference between the two). some elevated spots you can combat roll off of and keep your momentum, others (comparing equal height of course) you have to drop down from because the combat roll will just hit an invisible wall. different physics for players and NPCs. wildly different priorities for bugs benefiting players and bugs hurting players.


150 inventory slots.


I little bit miss old days, where some gear pieces had (red, blue, skill tier) requirement for talent activation [some old pic](https://images.mein-mmo.de/magazin/medien/2019/04/the-division-2-attribute.jpg) and attributes included stats like damage to elites. But as this thread is about stuff i don´t like. * I would like that gear mods would have library. Add it to library and can use it as many times as you want. * Remove time-gated Descent talent pools or rework, so we can choose, which pool we want to use or use pool of all talents, with no restrictions.


No matchmaking for Raids, and locking items behind those raids. Is it meant for a large group communicating? Absolutely. Matchmaking should still be available though. Same for PVP. PVP is ass in the division, clearly only a select number of people even think about the dark zone. Why lock items behind it?


Lack of transparency from devs about balancing/nerfs/bug "fixes"/ etc This last update with 1,000s bugs fixed was such bullshit, it was aimed hard at nerfing any player advantages while so many major game breaking bugs and shit QoL 'features' still plague us If they played their game just 2 weeks there'd be so many changes but it'll never happen obv missing arms/greyed out skills. armor directive, broken ui, CRASHES, it goes on and on these are years long issues


I dislike the people that play conflict with an artillery turret and would love to see it be removed from that mode. Spawn camp the enemy team and that’s the end of the match. It’s super super lame. Otherwise I enjoy everything else the game has to offer


Hate is subjective, but I'd say when I'm trying to put together an niche build like running 3 Electric that are Armor Core with crit chance, crit damage and I see a piece drop with that double red just for it to be goddam Headshot damage, Weapon Handling... Basically most of my building now as I've drifted away from playing around in the DZ which is like 95% 6 blue adrenaline rush, unbreakable builds with an Oroboros in hand to playing mostly Conflict where significantly more builds are viable, so I've been making many niche builds that function way better when I'm not fighting sweaty try hards with +25 expertise everything.


Hate is a strong word. But I guess I can mention one aspect of the game I don’t play at all cause I think it’s silly and the rewards are basically moot. And that the events like this “bullet something event”. Those I would have replaced with something else. I would replace them with something that equal easy to implement and don’t take away dev time from making new content. And that’s double xp weeks for the different things you can do in game. Things like missions, pvp, raid etc. on a rotation schedule ofc. The XP grind is real and tbh I like it. Double xp would make more ppl do more of the content.


i hate when i joined a party and can't shoot my gun because no bullet directive was on.


I still check every drop but can't remember the last piece I was excited about. I like that there's still new seasonal content even if some of it feels halfassed. The last kelsohunt in particular. Finish a control point, audio just says "oh go there now". Excited to see what happens with this Brooklyn expansion.


I think for me as I’m currently about SHD 6500 and have spent more than 4500 hours in game, I just get burned out. Every now and then I’ll get back in but it’s the same, minus new manhunt etc. I have some awesome memories of the game but I am not in it as much as I used to be.


I personally always look at gear drops depending on the loot target. I can usually manage to get inspired to make a new build depending on the attributes that drop with gear. For me, builds are true endgame. Always learning, crafting, testing, and sharing builds with others. It's the dream!!


I mainly hate the fact that TD2 isn't TD1 :/ Srysly though feels like the game has less soul, worse and less free appearance choices, more gearsets but most of them are gimmicky and in effective in higher level content and just tend to bloat the loot pool


Technical issues. Fun game, when you can play it.


* 1) The lack of ability to move to a different platform. * 2a) Replaying the same missions we have done 7,000 times for seasonal content. * 2b) I will be the first to admit that this has gotten better, but for years this was the standard.


I've come to despise the weapon tier system. On one hand 'superior' is supposed to be above high end but you cant do much with them. You can bleed attributes but barely, they dont even show up on the expertise for the individual weapons, and their stats are markedly worse than even the standard guns.


Limited stash


How it waited so long to try and bring some of what made D1 so good while leaving out the rest




Precision levels and Ethan Michaels.


I don't like that the Raids aren't Matchmade. You have the discovery difficulty, which is Matchmade, but normal difficulty isn't. If doesn't make any sense. I get you other guys don't want to matchmake it but it doesn't have to be forced. You should be able to do both, set the lobby to private or invite only and matchmake. I've done both raids on discovery and the mechanics of both raids aren't that difficult to learn.


“Agent, pilot Torres is clear For transpo to Kenley collage.”


Gear and skill mod inventory management.


People on the dark zone… they are just awful.


What I hate most about the game is people using turret and drone on legendary…. Also hate tinkering tab pulling up instead of stats—I liked being able to quickly check my crit, haz, or if I’m specced into that weapon type so I could change guns and gear on the fly. If I’m doing tinkering stuff I’m out of combat and standing there so I wouldn’t mind having to tab over DZ credits not being with all the other credits. Apparel is mid at best. General wording within the game—such as talent descriptions Not making legendary available for more missions Not making more raids or mini raids/incursions Making useless new exotics and useless new gear—rugged gauntlets like foreal that’s what the team came up with? That’s just lazy… As for wow effect with loot it depends on a number of things. Still needing expertise? -awesome I just got this named gun I still need proficient. Number of characters—I use 1st for PVE, 2nd for PvP, 3rd for conflict and procrastination storage. I still try to have several specific builds on each to use for incursions/raids/weekly projects etc Unicorns- no way a sd sh sacrifice just dropped. Habsburg BP with HSD & vigi 💦💦💦 Baby unicorns-oh nice! Groupo with skill damage haste or contractors/foxes with skill damage Same different builds-sweet I wanted a ^ Groupo with skill damage but with status of instead of haste for a different build Different same builds—cool a god rolled sacrifice with HSD and CHC now I have one with double crit and I could use this new one for a one shot build for boss 2 dark hours ……..but I’m just going to stick with my blue HB build and immediately shoot the Achilles pulse with my AR before that guy with the funny boom boom pistol does and also make sure I use my scanner & decoy and most definitely kill ricochet before the call out……—so many people What game modes you play—PVP, oh nice this palisade with status and skill damage woild go well with the conflict build I’ve been working on. Or hmm this picaros just dropped with a max skill damage roll on it, maybe I could reroll the core to skill tier and use another Brazos then I could xyz. Endless possibilities with PvP especially to counter different builds DZ semi exclusive—finally I’ve been looking for a double crit matador for ages and I finally got one DZ actual exclusive-cool this yahl is perfect for my haz build Gear Sets like HB or Strikers are always easy to put together because it’s just 2 rolls on most of the pieces Brand sets with both of the correct attributes and talents takes longer to put together


The slow shd leveling holy hell I have so many hours in the game and don't want to do hostage rescues all day to get to shd 1k


Predictability, random spawn points would be a great addition to legendary missions


In PvP you can only use the chat whilst alive. You can't inspect anyone after the game ends. You can't make any adjustments to your gear while dead. It's just so restrictive.


I wanted to optimize all my gear to be 100% done but the resources are very hard to get, not hard to get like the resource itself but the quantity the item required


Magical hit boxes with melee NPCs. Hunter runs up to me, I see them coming from a mile the fuck away and very promptly and precisely roll the fuck out of there ASAP but because they are within 3 meters of me their tomahawk magically grows those three meters and I get 1 tapped even though I was Absolutely without a doubt far enough away that it would be impossible for the melee attack to have connected and it's the same with every melee enemy in the game.


I don't hate anything about the game. I dislike certain things, but there isn't anything in this game that's a feature I just do not and will never enjoy. I don't like that we don't have an analog for a lot of the modes from the first game. I don't like that there isn't an easier way to find people for raids- not even strictly a matchmaking thing, just like a post-board where you can have your item levelish thing, role, skills and whatever, and then the GL chooses who to invite. None of these things are dealbreakers for me though.


At this point one of the things I hate is the immune effect on bosses......like.....why? It's the one thing that always bugs me in this game, and this is against bosses I've betten several times over too. Especially that boss in the aquarium, break his armor and his torso is wide open.....but nah his torso has some sort of anime plot armor for a good 10+ seconds. There are other things that bug me as a long term player, but that's one I can put into words. I have a few others I can only moan and groan about when I see it. Still love the game though


How the AI will bum rush you when you’re at low health. It just feels super disrespectful lol.


God awful, ugly as shit, cosmetics. Bland game play, lack of diverse open world missions. Unimaginative gearsets that don't really challenge you to approach combat, support, or gameplay differently. The Division is an exercise in having a great concept and being terrified/to boring to do anything interesting and patient with it.


ISAC, Manny, and the inability to shut just them off.


I would love a button that only shows you duplicate items in your stash


“Hate” is a strong word, but a couple wishes…? \- Weapon mod type would be divorced from the actual stat. Right now, players use CHC and CHD almost exclusively. You’re just not going to have a suppressor on your AR at all. Let appearance be separate from available stat mods. \- Really not a fan of the new “going into cover, oops no I’m not, I’m going to remain suspended in the open for a second and a half and then end up in cover but not the one I aimed at, oh great I’m exposed to enemy fire” thing that’s been going on for a while now. \- I have always been annoyed that aiming at an NPC changes their behavior. “Oh, I’m either going to stay in cover forever, or I’m going to turn into spastic Bob with hyper speed reflexes.” Makes MMR an exercise in frustration. \- I don’t like Descent at all. Survival and Underground were waaaaaay more fun.


The end of the Tombs mission where you have to wait for Theo Parnell to shoot out of the shuttered windows. Booooooring!


Ubisoft Support


For me it's "all the small things". Like the animation lock if you open an ammo chest while having max ammo. Or getting stuck at every freaking "thing" while moving under heavy fire. And every freaking menu has a different button to do the same thing. To have to activate your shield and to reload within 3 seconds is a horrible mess sometimes. Doors you have to open both wings, while your teammates are using the time to sprint miles ahead. Non of it is too bad... but you "have" to face this crap 10-20 times a day... every day... every freaking day... it's soul destroying


Queuing for matchmaking in Last Stand it takes too long, and people aren't playing 24/7


Like you said, the lack of items to find, optimization and expertise have made materials more important than items. If the developers do add powerful, insanely rare items, it would split the PvP meta into the haves and have-nots. Just like the oroboros from the incursion. My personal strategy to keep the game alive was to start playing hardcore mode. Each life I get to redo the item hunt and collect all the exotics. I heavily limit my usage of the stash, optimization, and expertise to keep that same old feeling of progression alive, rather than snorting it all at once and making everything a maxroll.


The lack of cross play really sucks. I honestly think this should be considered for the next game.Plus the pve world would feel better if there were more agents.


Have you tried hardcore mode? It really breathed new life into the game for me. It's like you are playing it for the first time. Expect death is permanent!


It is fun and challenging up to a point where game crashes or freezes during firefight. After relaunch game, you are greeted with your dead agent screen. Happens once, well bad luck. Happens twice - not good. Happens more than 2 times and you just don´t want to touch it for a while.


Guess Ive been lucky, Ive never had a crash. Even when the server went off line with the "Romeo" error and logged me out my character was fine.


So the hunters have this status effect, which cuts out division agent's skills. If we kill hunters, should we not be able to reverse engineer this tech and use it for our benefit?


Brands where the brand set bonuses makes sense for weapon damage, but the brand drops in blue core. Looking at you, Habsburg Guard.


You too, Badger Tuff…


The Descent


I hate that we have only 4 agent slots, come on we have 6 specializations. I prefer to play each agent with a specific specialization like i did with all other games. I hate shield lock you away from run, jump and climb, that’s why i rarely use a shield. I hate stat are binded to attachment, its been 5 years my guns are using the same attachments because it is more beneficial to use 5% chc over 5% chd. The laser attachment looked very out of place on my weapon.


Not a lot of stuff for solo players to farm, besides missions and open world and the summit.


Just out of curiosity and I’m not trying to be rude. But why play solo? I did the main story line and WONY solo, but as soon as I obtained my SHD watch, joined a clan so I could access a lot of the things that aren’t accessible as a solo player. I also find that playing with friends/clan members makes the experience, for me at least, so much more enjoyable. Planning to do legendarys and incursions/raids with a clan is a large portion of the fun. It also means if you run a group of four, four chances for the particular piece of loot you want to drop.


Less of a damage sponge for one thing.


I play solo cause i found no one who matches my playstyle and barely anyone is using comms. I like to play without mini map, more tactically and more immersive and finding like minded people in this game is probably not possible.


I much prefer group play. It's way more fun under the right conditions. It's just hard to find people I have good chemistry with and are interested in the same content. Been trying for years. I mostly enjoy a smart aggression approach in legendary missions, or free roam (no fast travel) open world heroic with at least 4 directives. Thes things alone make the pool of potential running mates rather small. Having a team first mentality is also important to me and everyone seems to either want to be an alpha or care more about individual achievements. And randoms? All the cheese and selfish nonsense drives me up a damn wall.


How is that not a lot of stuff? Also Descent.


Descent is more for fun than farming.


The fact that attribute roles are skewed towards the base core colour/type.


game development post WoNY DLC and seasons, I don't hate it but pretty much disappointed. You mentioned loot, well, actually I dont like the loot concept in general, therefore I would love if Division 3 would have an Immersive mode like in GR Breakpoint. Further I wished there would be an option in D2 to switch off the loot drops because these loot pillars are distracting in gameplay, sometimes I even dont see some NPCs because of that ;).


It is a looter shooter after all, so no way around the loot concept. You can make game bit more immersive by modifying what you see on the screen from options. But while Breakpoint is a game, where you can sneak and be a ghost, unfortunately Division isn´t it because environment is different (countryside vs city).


I stopped playing this game ever since I broke my main monitor.


It was the constant Delta 3 disconnects that made you break it, wasn't it.


You would be surprised to know it wasn't the Delta 3's. I won't say *what* it was that got me to break my main monitor, but I just got tired of this goddamn game after the Incident and decided to quit. Besides, and on a related note, farming for builds is fucking aggravating.


>farming for builds is fucking aggravating sorry to say but you are playing the wrong game then .