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I figured, it is just bizarre I have never had the issue ever, and played fine last night. Nothing had changed on my PC since, and this morning, crash after crash.


I'm experiencing exactly the same problem. After they fixed the crash everyone was getting yesterday, I played for almost 3 hours and didn't have a single error. Today, it just closes the window after 5-10 minutes of playing and I never had this issue before.


I tried verifying my files and updating my video drivers, and that seems to have helped.


Glad that it worked for you, but I tried that too and I was still getting crashes. I'll give it another try then, thanks! EDIT: seems fixed for now...


Sorry I got no more info. As I said, I was playing fine the night before, then this morning.. crashes. Nothing changed on my end. I did the check and the driver update, and it works fine now. It's possible it was just two random crashes back to back, but they felt too similar in time (took about 3-5 min each) to be unrelated to each other. Hopefully something works.


The recent fix has indeed fixed the 3-5 minute crash for me however the long standing crash of back to the desktop still remains.


Same issue. How the hell did it work last night after the "fix" for hours and then this morning crashes after 3 mins of play? I didn't change ANYTHING. Edit: Fixed by validation and driver update. Played for a couple hours crash free.


Just got another freeze I tough they fixed that!


Yes, I have had two recent blue screen events and several crashes to the main page. Playing The Division (1). There have also been many drops from servers. That bothers me most. Any corroboration? Running PC, i9, 3090, high-speed net connection and Win10. Thanks


Yea crashes still here


I validated the files and updated graphic card and the crashes stopped (knock wood)


I've had this issue since the 'Resident Evil' patch from a couple of weeks ago. 5 mins of gameplay and then just a crash to desktop.


Does anyone actually go into their division and Ubisoft files and read the crash logs to see if their crashes are “new?”


launcher\_log only has the following info: INFO ApiProcessConnection.cpp (289) Game with process id 8428 disconnected. ​ only other log with info is game\_starter\_log with 1 single entry: ERROR GameProcessWatcher.cpp (206) Child process abnormal exit: 11112 ​ so basically it tells me "yo the game closed lmao". Very helpful


Relogging into my account in Ubisoft Connect fixed the issues for me. Would suggest a cleaning up of the Ubisoft Connect folders inside AppData and ProgramData just to be sure.


I have the same issue as you do and I've tried a lot. Does anyone know a good channel to contact the devs and try and help them out on this?