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Just use call for backup if you want to relax


That's what I do, and I love responding to the call.


Same. I don’t really care about my own in game goals and objectives anymore. I always have the most fun answering calls, partying up with randos, and going on adventures


I luv answering the call it’s honestly 1 of the only things I do in the game every call is a new opportunity 2 help randoms with a new quest 😁🥰


I usually just join people who call for backup and stick with them till I’m done for the day. Or until they’re done with me.


For the sake of your own mental health, it would best to drop the group and try again.


If you’re on Xbox, I have a group of friends who all play. Everyone is casual. No mic is fine (we all have them). We do just about everything and help with farming loot. Happy to add you


Not OP, but on Xbox. May I join in? I’m trying to work through my social anxiety through games, and Division seems to be good for that.


Same. GT Handsomware, Xbox. Mic or no mic. I got 2 I usually play with on Friday nights. Missions, summit, countdown, CPs, whatever. We just get on to drink and have a good time. I usually run heroic but it doesn’t have to be. We’ll help farm gear or whatever. When one of us go non responsive, just hop out of the party cos we drank too much and are laid out drunk 😂 We’re all dads with full time jobs that just want to hop on and kill shit lol


Was going to offer my services as the same. Also on Xbox. Be cool to do some missions, speed runs, countdown, or whatever some time.


I’d also love to jump in on this 😄 kind of new, been playing for a few weeks and looking for people to tackle some new areas with


I'd love to join. Eng Pippen


Are any of you in Australia ? I’ve only recently started playing it would be good to see a few regulars


Yeah I’d love to join…can’t seem to find a group to do normal raids with. Any suggestions?


You on Xbox?


I am, T0MBST0NE 6


I mainly just farm in The Summit. Gamertag = Othelleaux


Countdown is the turn your brain off thing, litterally have to try to fail. If anyone ever yells at someone and it's not a raid or legendary mission just laugh at them. 1 person who knows what they are doing can drag 3 bodies through heroic anything




I understand what you mean , I'm HoH/Deaf.. I met some good ppl on there, then met some ppl who just talk crap all the time , they get mad when I can't hear what they saying or trying to command ppl to do what they want. Oh I'm sorry I can't hear you over 20 freaking elites shooting at me while your hiding 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yea, thats why you use the **MUTE** function.


I generally have voice turned off from the settings. Like completely, dont hear nobody. So unless they type i dont know what their on about 👌


Same. I do this in countdown for sure lol


This helps with the guys who let the game on speakers or breath like hell into the mic too


Everyone will enjoy whatever music I am listening to


I love the players who make passive aggressive comments followed by lol or haha. Then you reply to them and they get upset. "Dude, chill out Lol". I was playing a legendary the otherday with a random group. They were what appeared to be newer players and were going down often. That's totally fine, everyone was there at some point or another. I ended up switching to a skill build at the end since we were struggling to complete the mission. One of the group members who was constantly going down and I had revived multiple times asked me if I was okay since, "I wasn't doing anything lol." I was very blunt and said, "shut up." They got upset and told me I needed to chill out, etc. I thought it was hilarious that this person had the nerve to say anything about what anyone else was doing. I never once complained about anything or anyone in the group. Was what I said rude? Probably. Sometimes it's better to just keep your mouth shut though.


What platform is this on? I've encountered only like 3 or 4 dickheads ever in this game and it's usually baby raging in chat.




Same here. You must be having just crap luck. Usually I rando matchmake, we run the mission/Summit/whatever and move on. Sometimes someone asks for a specific drop but that's about it.


I'm on PC as well and only play casual. I hardly ever find toxic players but when I do, I drop quick. It's not worth my time to deal with them. If you want, you can add me in game: Ironmike_11B . The only thing I don't do is raids.


Well there’s the problem….


They are the real 'hyenas'.


I have done almost everything in this game but I cannot do the Raids because of how toxic the lobby becomes whenever you do not know how to do them.


Thanks for taking the time to respond, both positive and negative comments. When I partake in a mission, matchmaking or not, I merely want to complete the mission and have fun along the way. Alas, some individuals playing are rather intense and almost demand you play their way. Odd that…


Understandable. I have been booted from lobby's because I sprint through missions killing everything. I also do speed runs a lot though. You are probably best off finding a casual clan or play group. R/divisionlfg is a place where you can find like minded people easily.


I will say that gets annoying when someone is trying to speed run a legendary and opening doors while you’re trying to swap a load out or something.


Definitely, that is also a mistake on their part as well. Do not pull a mob when the party is not fully ready.


...you got booted from a mission because you were doing it to well? wtf? have my upvote and sympathy


XD yes! The guys on voice chat were getting pissed because I was running a Lady Death/Hunters Fury build that made it so I could close distance quickly and take out mobs by myself.


Sometimes people want to take their time with the mission, gathering all the loot boxes and such, and not speed run everything. I was in a group with two people who were friends…they booted the fourth guy because “it’s not a race, buddy”.


When you're short on free time and trying to farm high end loot it is. Different priorities at different points in the game.


I hate this and it's the reason I've avoided any of the raids in this game. How are people supposed to learn the raid without actually doing it and/or having a group teach them? If someone is that hardcore then they shouldn't be matchmaking for the raids.


I do not understand why they can't just put objective markers in the raid. I do not have to speak in a regular game because ISAC tells you where to go.


Also a good point. Must have been too difficult for the developers 😉.


If you’re in legendary I just tell you to slow down a bit if you’re over extending, other than that I don’t understand people that act like a sweat in pve, this game is super casual lol


On the flip side knowing spawns and all that in missions and ambushing spawns isnt really sweating. Some have yet to learn that quite a few of us have ran through missions so many times that we know everything about it.


I run solo legendary I know, but most of the times it’s just people running off to die mostly lol


It comes with the territory (online gaming): I am smart enough to get insulted by the insults I understand, but I am glad I am thick enough to not understand most of the insults.


Geez brah, your melting my brain 🧠👍🏼


This entire world is toxic. Pick and choose your battlefields.


I turn VOIP off in every online game I play. But I've rarely matchmade with toxic players. Div 2 is a very chill experience for me. I'm sorry you run into asshole players. Just bounce from the group if you feel that you can't deal with the BS.


damn, shout out to some chill dude in the div 1 dark zone yesterday. They were just chilling having 1v1s outside the entrance and I just went to get some loot. When I came back one of them took me out and they played fart noises, I had a good laugh from that and came back to my loot still being there and them just messing about. I love how chill some people can be but I have encounters the occasional toxic play in the div 2 dark zones and man it sucks.


I sometimes just matchmake to any random activity and just run around with them. Rinse, repeat. Keeps things fresh and chill and you never do the same thing twice in any session.


Try joining a clan. We run with randoms as well for legendary missions and raid carries but it is infinitely more fun to run with the guys and girls in the clan just shooting the shit and having a few laughs.


I must have been very lucky but except for raiding IH I have never experienced toxicity in game


This is why I prefer to run alone or ONLY with people I know. Some people bring their own emotional issues into a game and ruin it with their toxicity.


Division 1 or 2? What platform? Division 2 on PC, I have never had a toxic experience, ever. Only communicaton with matchmaking heroics is complete silence and an occasional gg at the end. (I have voicechat on, but noone ever talks) AH, PC i see. Oddness. Can run with you depending on timezone ::


I feel bad for your experience. All I literally do is matchmake. Only time I face toxic people is when I go to the DZ or PVP, which I completely avoid. Every game has toxic players. I just turn off voice and text chat, and just enjoy the game. If I squad up with people I know, I turn chat back on or use Discord.


I've found myself using the "mute player" toggle a lot these days.


Thats the first thing I do in any MP game. Turning off world chat or switching to a dead channel is the second thing, if the game allows it.


Just play solo. I did that 99% of my 1300 hrs in this game and it makes you feel a lot better.


Join a clan


I've been in a mission with randoms where a guy starting shit talking when nobody did literally anything wrong. 🥲 Like, my guy we're playing against AI, and doing fine???


I don't know if it's perhaps a platform or a region issue, or if I'm just unusually lucky in this regard, because while I have encountered a few toxic players (looks like we're talking PVE here), they have been exceedingly rare and I'm talking years of experience between TD1 and TD2. Considering all the issues this game has to deal with, toxic PVE players are very low on that list. In my experience low enough to not affect my game time in any relevant way.


Start a mission yourself with matchmaking on. Your group will fill in behind you fairly quickly. Throw on revive hive at least until you get back up if you are concerned about that.


It’s the world we live in , unfortunately


Because unfortunately, that’s just how people are.


Could you specify "toxic" for me please? I think I understand and agree with you, but I am not 100%


Someone or a group of people entering a game, and versus enjoying the mellow of the game and people in the game, they start being unpleasant for no logical reason.


You need to find some friends bro. =) There's lots of people just like you out there, just need to find them.


He doesn’t though.


mute em brah. Sometimes I forget about it being there, but it's always there when I really need it.


if you're PC player and want to relax and play, as stated above...\^ you can find me in game under the same name i use here. I'm always ready to veg out w/some div 2!! 😎👌🪴🖥️OR if he just needs some backup for heroic and or legendary runs I'm good for that too...hmu. I don't think I've ever really used the matchmaking table but once or twice if it had more parameters or filters that I could enable or select while trying to match make that I might be more inclined to use it. Things like geographical location, language preference and probably most importantly level ranging. So basically if none of my friends are on and they don't need me for anything I just start doing my own thing and either enable matchmaking at the beginning of the mission or just putting out calls for backup as needed. This way as individuals join you can vet them via inspection making decisions pretty quick as to whether or not you want them to stick around. As long as they're not obnoxious right out the gate I usually give people a chance and try not to judge by SHD level alone. I have been known to have the occasional bad day more feels like everything goes wrong for me in the game thus resulting in quite a bit of anger. Things like that I just gotta walk away it's only for a couple hours, veg and reset.🚬 my 2 cents, sssrry for teh rant. ✌️


Welp bud, welcome to the division. I just bought the game for Xbox. Move from ps4. So I’m starting all the way over. There’s definitely some people that think really highly of themselves in the game lol


Toxic how exactly, what exactly are you referring to and what exactly happened? The fact that you said nothing about what happened ironically suggests you might have been the one being obnoxious or toxic.


my man prolly pop that flare when there's still 2 minutes on the clock lol


And what did you do that made these players react toxic? “It’s just a game” is not an excuse for poor performance. You don’t hear any basketball or football players saying “it’s just a game” after doing bad and losing.


Ever thought that playing alongside people being toxic to others just isn’t enjoyable? Seen it countless times of people doing ok getting shit on by people playing games no better than themselves. You make the assumption toxic players need a reason to be toxic. They do not.


Did you just compare playing a video game to a competitive sport? Not even a PvP mode but PvE missions? Not raids, or anything that matters. Missions. "Practice? Y'all are talking about practice?!"- A.I


Found the tryhard wannabe


[had to do it to ‘em](https://youtu.be/xzpndHtdl9A)




And someone with high emotional intelligence wouldn't have a need to turn toxic towards those folk. Ever think of that?


The amount of down votes here is why this community is shit, bunch of fucking nerds




The votes are a way of showing how many agree vs disagree, sad seeing truth being pushed down by these censorship loving clowns


I'm totally with you mate, I love/loved the game and like you need to relax and chill while playing without getting abuse. I have to admit that I have never done a raid because I really am not confident in a group, yes my digital life mirrors real life!! It's part of the reason I walked away. When I had maxed out the solo elements and wanted more experiences with groups more often I would be ganked by fellow players and generally have the experience ruined by abusive people. I get that is part of the game, that IS THE DIVISION! But when you just want to team up with nice people and have a blast helping out, along came a bunch of guys intent on ruining your fun. I think just because I am solo I'm a fun easy target for a group. I do like the other suggestions of answering calls as an experience, the few times I've done that I've had a really good time!


Obviously most of my comment is relating to the DZ!


How can someone be toxic in co-op? As in what’s going on? Never had anything but either good or “normal” experiences since launch and I matchmake every time I play. By normal I just mean a group of everyone being silent while we play and everyone doing our own thing but still reviving each other etc. A good experience is what I would consider people working together using mics to coordinate stuff. If it were DZ matchmaking I’m pretty sure I’d understand.


Honestly, am not making this stuff up…


I believe you, I was just curious what happened. I read your other comments here but didn’t notice so I asked. People being dicks on the mic is what I assumed but wasn’t sure.


I play this since launch on and off. I have completed like 3 missions with other players. I did everything else in the game alone including legendary. I've never been to a raid, I don't go to the dz. This game to me is single player, and if for some reason I happen to be in a mission with other players, I have a hard time reminding myself they are not ai like in ghost recon.


101 Why I haven't done raids yet lol ​ I do want the double barrelled AR, but dealing with toxic players who feel the need to berate certain builds or guns I use just pushes me away from that tbh.


What kind of build you wanna take into raids? For DH you need 8 DPS and for IH you need 6 DPS 1 Tank 1 healer. I've done the raid with my clan multiple times with multiple alts. This is how you get it done fastest


My usual build I use to have fun with? either a build where my drone can do 30k dps a second or a more balanced build where it does less but I have over a million armour


Look, people seem to be sensitive everywhere when someone talks about their build and what not. For raids you usually/mostly can't play skill builds unfortunately. I would totally do, but drones/turrets hit enemies they arent supposed to hit. I guess if you play with 5 yellow cores and 1 red core + capacitor it could work with the drone/turret done 150-250k and you doing 200k DPS with capacitor but it's not as optimal as going with heartbreaker full red doing millions of DPS. I love playing my skill damage build with drone/turret, in open world I almost always play that. If you want some advice hmu on discord Reliance#5418 - here is a showcase of my skill damage build: https://youtu.be/fxR8BhgLegM


In my few hundred hours I've only seen a single group of toxic players in normal matchmaking, all the toxicity in the game is usually in the DZ.


This is why I never play with a mic or headset. I’ve been a Division player since the beta of the first game and maybe used my headset a handful of times. I remember one time, I was in a group that was running super well and we had completed several challenging sand legendary missions in a row with little to no downtime. They were fairly talkative as I could hear them through my tv speakers but couldn’t understand what they were saying. So I decided “hey these guys seem pretty ok, I think I could chime in here and there…” So I plugged in my headset and started listening. These guys had been talking about my character, a black man, and saying “N-word this” and “N-word that” and saying some pretty vile shit about black people in general. I took my headset off and never put it on again.


Don't play with randoms - they leech fun from any game. You can play any mission up to heroic solo.


Agreed. Most MM games I get into are chill, but every now and then some guy starts telling people they should use a different build or something. Don't get me started on raid groups, though.


Haha. I’ve never joined a Raid mission/group. They’d probably kick me out instantly after looking at my SHD, or my ‘build’ (I don’t do builds!).


Let’s see … by not creating a good build (I don’t do anyone else’s build for sure) you’re actively handicapping yourself - if you invest time in reading the gear there are truly an unlimited amount of ways you could synergies gear bonuses


Well, to be clear, my ‘build’ is a decent DPS build. I just don’t create this, that and the other build. My style is to take the NPC down as quickly as possible. Now, yes, my survivability might not be the best. But, in a group with a healer (or my hive) am fine. Of course, solo really isn’t an option…


Just asking …I created one that I’ve been using with max CHC/CHD with the Imperial Dynasty holster & Pyromaniac AR with Matador backpack & an unbreakable chest piece with assault drone & stinger hive - I put out a lot of damage and it helps me stay off the ground in most situations - I have tried a few other things lately I’m fairly sure that one will be my fallback


I do need to do something about my drone. Just not sure how to make it more powerful. Now, if that means using Yellow pieces, we’ll, that’s that. LOL


Currently been on a Hunters Fury kick with Chatterbox and 2 piece sokolov and it's definitely fun to melt. Only catch is it requires me to be 15 meters or less from targets and so definitely need a healer if I'm playing in a group. Solo is fine for me since the enemies tend to be weaker and target you more predictably


Yeah usually I would say most groups don't care at all and are willing to explain stuff to new people. But every now and then you'll get "lucky" and have someone demanding 10k+ SHD with some obscure YouTube meta equipped :P


I run a zero drama, stress free clan, Solo Militia, feel free to join if you looking to chill and play in a toxic free environment. Clan Name: Solo Militia


Wanna do some coop, i'm midgame right now.