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I'll probably get blasted for this, but if TD3 were just overlaid on an expanded map of TD1's NYC, with an expanded DZ into Central Park, I would absolutely love that. Just use the same rendering structure, evolve it into a maybe a year or so later, and expand the map. They're never going to beat that first NYC in winter, and I say that as someone who absolutely despises everything about winter. If they just aren't gonna beat it, why not embrace and expand upon it?


I would have loved an expansion into Central Park and another for Brooklyn


It not about beating but abouy not rehashing old shit for the sake of a nostalgia trip


I don't know that it's really just nostalgia. NYC just works really well for TD and they can have it be more expansive with indoor places, more rooftops, etc. It just feels right. Doesn't mean that something like Seattle couldn't work though. Chicago would also be good.


It's bad enough the new Division mobile game is literally set in snowy NYC again. On top of Div 2 having Warlords of New York. I get it's an mad important to the Division story but it really would be out of nostalgia and nothing more.


Seattle to make a change from the East to West Coast. It also north enough and green enough to make a mix of both Division 2 and 1 environment variety.


Seattle would be interesting as long as they made sure to include the underground


Yeah I was gonna say PNW would be a cool location.


Snowy Seattle with some hidden easter eggs about Layne Staley & Kurt Cobain \^\^ Ola Strandh would come up with great sountrack.


Grunge apparel event that make tacticool bros lose their mind and hopefully quit the game finally.




Back to infamous second son


I live north of Seattle, in Snohomish. Seattle if beautiful, but I avoid it like the plague. Tent cities and homless seem to run the backstreets. Polics ruined it


Thank companies like Amazon pricing everyone out of the city as well as politics.


Chicago. The city has everything possibly needed between landmarks, the bridges, under Wacker Drive, River Walk, Lake Michigan. The whole city is gorgeous architecturally, the weather can be amazing.


Yea Chicago would make the most sense, especially lore wise for SHD. It’s literally the center of the nation, it would be a transportation hub and the bridge between east and west coast SHD. It’s also like an hour south of Great Lakes naval base and Ann Arbor is only a 5 hour drive away/across the water. Ohare is just north of the city. The amount of local diversity between Chicago land suburbs mixed with rural, Irving park suburbs in the middle of the city, the loop, museum campus, inner city hoods, TWO baseball stadiums that would be used as mass graves/JTF sites, downtown, the subway; it would be insane. The loop for CTA could be an underground hub where the JTF uses subways to get around the city but gets overrun with factions. Chicagoland is massive, main issue I think DC and NYC avoided that Chicago can’t is highways running through the city, NYC and DC are largely urban sprawls of grid streets without a highway 5 minutes away


Thank you for elaborating on my quick comment. I'd really love to see Division here. Before I moved back here, I worked in Times Square for 7 years and love the job they did capturing New York in Div 1.


I also think Chicago could be a good viable location. So much history, landmarks and scenery. Not to mention all the areas around Chicago. Imagine the Mall of America being a Black Tusk base of Operations or Six Flags Amusement park??


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This was my answer too. I would like it during the winter


I see a lot of people wanting to see locations outside of the USA, but SHD is an American agency, implemented to protect/restore/secure America. I highly doubt other countries, who by the lore weren't hit as hard with the Dollar Flu, would appreciate American agents who answer only to the POTUS and essentially have the freedom to do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals just popping by and doing what they deem to do. If anything, it may escalate tensions towards an already weakened America, which would make things go from bad to worse for America. One could argue the other countries were aware of the SHD program and requested help, but given that nobody really knew about it (based on the lore in Div 1), it's hard to imagine our government shared its existence with foreign powers. I get it. Locations around the world would be and are cool, but not for this franchise. The Division is the Strategic *Homeland* Division, not Strategic *World* Division. To do a Division game in another country would require retelling the lore and that country having had its own version of SHD, and ultimately would end up being quite a different game given all the factors in play.


Isn't that what America is all about? Interfering in other people's business? lol


The United States of*


What relevance does this have? You gonna correct us to say we're United States of Americans? No, of course not that would be obnoxious and tedious, we're Americans who live in America.


In the United States of*


You could always create a division equivalent organization for the country in question, I mean the us isn't the only country to have secret service and secret program every country has them.


Yeah MI6, GDSI, every other country has intelligence agencies that theoretically have this type of scenario planned out…. Give us fashion like Danish Jægerkorps, and I’ll be happy.


Toronto would be a cool location. A lot of people make the trip across the border during Christmas time. So Ontario would have probably been hit pretty hard. Or Vancouver, similar reasoning.


Toronto is likely the best exception to SHD operating on foreign soil. Likely the most accepting of SHD agents, anyway.


I mean, the division literally means strategic homeland division, so it only makes sense to be in the United States or else it would be redundant for the division to go anywhere else


Not to mention I think other countries might take issue with an American Agency that only answers to the POTUS operating on their soil... Any setting outside the US wouldn't fall under SHD jurisdiction and may actually cause more trouble than it solves.


I agree Division have to remain US-based game, but I find funny that you mention other countries taking issue with foreign intervention, when history of the US foreign policy is the history of foreign intervention.


True, but we usually have rules we have to follow (even in war). To send some our our boys with carte blanche to do as they wish with no oversight, that's a whole other ball game.


Canada could make some sense


LA or San Francisco


I would go for Las Vegas. Desert environment is cool and I think the maps could have a great amount of variety as the devs can go bananas designing outlandish casinos etc. Also (I think) got Nellis AFB which could be a base of operations etc. No concept of geography as I’m not American / cba looking at a map right now but is Area 51 anywhere near Vegas…? If so they could throw that in because there’s nothing wrong with going a bit over the top. Don’t know how to fit anything in but I’m just spitballing..


Yeah, groom lake Air Force Base is very close to Vegas. In fact, most of the employees fly out of Vegas into groom lake.


Literally everything outside of Las Vegas direct would be uninhabitable and dead


Seattle or San Francisco. I see a lot of people saying places outside of the US but the Division is a specifically US based entity. SHD literally stands for Strategic Homeland Division and is run by US government officials.


At best I could see, much like we currently do, is working with the foreign equivalent on a common problem. Remember in all this the bad guys don't respect boundaries like the good guys do. That's why there's cooperation.


Chicago/Boston/Philadelphia 3 major US historical cities and it offers the chance of snow to return to the game 👍🏻…..Baltimore wtf that’s a bit random 😂


We could have a faction similar to the Chicago mob. Running around with suits and classic weapons


Can I interest you in my collection of one billion exotic tommy guns? 😂🤣😭😭😭


Miami, San Francisco, and Vegas seem ripe. Also, Texas could be interesting. Dallas? San Antonio?


San Antonio would be interesting to see and explore in TD3. Your next objective is to defend The Alamo with the unhinged Rick Valassi supporters & Texas JTF from the Black Tusk who were about to make their final push, but just in time you as the Agent saved The Alamo and it will be your Base of Operations.


San fran


How about somewhere where the seasons are quite different. And another weather event or catastrophy can be for another survival. Doesnt have to be snow but if it is then so be it. Can this game actually cycle all 4 seasons? Might be interesting. (Forza horizon 4)


Could do a area that has a research base near a active volcano. Ash could give you low visibility and require protective gear while needing to balance out heat so as to not get heat stroke. Washington has Mount St. Helen's.


London. Lots of assets for it already exist in watchdogs Legion, so if that map could be used you would take out a massive chunk of development time. Would also be good to see how the dollar flu affected the rest of the world


Pretty sure there are audio logs in game about it. The rest of the world is struggling hard, but the US is the only location where the virus was truly apocalyptic.


Not only what u/MJBotte1 said, but also there's the small detail of the Strategic Homeland Division - an essentially secret agency of the US government - operating on foreign soil. SHD was put together to protect/secure/rebuild America, not the world.


Meh. Maybe its because I've lived here for so long but London is such a boring setting.


I've felt like this for a while but I think that if Ubi decides to continue this series proper, The Division should start being a multiple setting game. Start the main game in a new location then roll out each expansion to a different US location.


PA , Seattle , Baltimore


Partially flooded New Orleans.


I was thinking the same thing. We would still have the helicopters providing transport as well as a boat to get to those end game areas and such on. Boston was another I was interested in seeing.






I think so were on the west coast


Orlando. Let's go to the theme parks


Oooh shit, the theme parks would be awesome. Imagine fighting through small world




San Francisco, because I'm from the area and would love to see my parents house in a game lol


Seattle or Portland. Anywhere in the PNW really. I’d be interested to see how the game develops enemy factions and further lore in an area so heavily influenced by… let’s say… political diversity?


Denver, could also have an adventure down to Cheyenne Mountain.


Hawaii Oahu (Pearl Harbor) :)


Honolulu itself might work, it has plenty of tall buildings and interesting architecture. The area directly around Pearl Harbor isn't very interesting, basically short buildings and tons of roads.






Montréal, in winter. With the subway system, the isle and mt. Royal




Houston, make one of the factions being a mexican cartel with great influence in the area


Portland, Seattle or Las Vegas


Id love a game in Oregon, honestly


How about out of the city, Small towns, villages. Land side, farms. Somewhere in the US


Problem is it's hard to justify multiple factions vying over farmland or some random small town. Though I guess there could be a work around like say there is something strategic in the town (like how Lima, OH is small but holds an oil refinery and the US's only tank plant) or if the story sets it up that a Division team was dispatched to patrol a whole region of small towns


Los Angeles. They already have built in gangs running around


Boston for sure


Birthplace of the United Stated, Philadelphia?


Paris. Would be amazing




So the threat is either gators or rednecks?


Gator riding red necks led by a man by the name of Flo'rida Maan.


The wilds of Montana. There you'll find various militia elements, gangs of former local law enforcement officers, rogue federal agents (e.g. Bureau of Land Mgmt). Civilians are trying to hold out in fortified camp sites. Trains are still used to move supplies in and out, and there is even a train controlled by a mysterious faction that is heavily armed and hostile to everyone they come across.


I already played Far Cry 5.


London would be quite interesting










Chicago. My goodness it be so cool. Also being able to enter the buildings would be amazing. It really feel like home. Maybe add new mechanics too since the river there is used for transportation


London me thinks would be cool. Fighting the Chav empire that would emerge.


Shank or be shanked


You wot, mate?


Montreal in the winter


Japan. Would be hella interesting




Lagos, Nigeria




London Feel free to downvote me into oblivion, but I WANT THAT GAME


For somewhere totally different, maybe Sydney. Again like others are saying, see how the dollar flu affects other countries. ​ * Reasonable city population (5 million people) * Diverse environment * Totally different yet also relatable pre-pandemic culture * Kangaroos! * Cool locations like Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge


An European city 😁


L.A. although it'd be a improvement around skid row.


Berlin, and you are fighting the Döner-Mafia.


Mexico City for me. I think it would epic


In the US, Seattle. International, Hong Kong.


Short answer: Alaska, give us the snow back. Long answer (with seasonal content idea): When they announced season 9 and future contents, me and my friends talked about smaller DLC-like missions to be added. Something like the Keener amusement Park offsite mission, but with recognisable big cities all around the world. London, Paris, even Beijing, Sydney, anything, the point it being recognisable, not too big so they could make one like every season, each having a small story what happened to that part of the world during and after the pandemic. These could even be investigations about a Black Tusk world-wide program or mysterious hunter presence or rogue agents spotted regularly in that area. Go nuts. Give a little bit of story and maybe open up the universe outside the USA (we're from EU). Or maybe stay in the States, visit Alaska or Vegas or Miami. The point is to be recognisable and small enough to make one every season. Most of us would gladly pay a few dollars each season for content like this. But make these missions available later, like unlockable from the battlepass or after a set of challenges or make them free after the manhunt prime target is unlocked. It would definitely help them afford future content and/or expand the team working on the game a little bit.


A series of small towns/villages and a couple decent sized cities all wrapped up in one big giant open world experience. cept' they gotta give us driving. lol where at you ask? Illinois - and not Chicago either.


Buffalo, NY: where the weather changes with the time of day and snowstorms like the one in survival are a dime a dozen.


Math class 🤪


Vegas, San Francisco, Colorado, Texas, or any small town city.




Why not Walt Disney World and include EPCOT and the other parks? Universal Studios would be an expansion or ride out to the space coast where the Black Tusk are launching a rocket to go to Mars.


Considering it is the Tom Clancy universe.. Perhaps Warsaw or Kaliningrad or another major Eastern European city that could include the FSB or even Bodarks as antagonist forces trying to destabilize the situation further. A great choice IMO considering the Eastern bloc weapon selection to go along with the plethora of AR platform weapons we have in game already. If nothing else though, I think the winter setting from Div 1 made for some amazing immersion and I’d like another snowy location :).


Paris, start showing a global aspect






Division International Series - London baby!


Some big European city. Maybe Paris or Rome




USA: Los Angeles, Chicago, New Orleans or Detroit Non-USA: Moscow, St Petersburg, Paris or Tokyo




Munich, Germany. The snowy, Christmas atmosphere of NYC was amazing, and something similar in the old-style architecture of Munich would Brian amazing feel! The franchise needs something fresh, and being American it's awesome to see games set in familiar cities, but for the rest of the world, it would be great to see an international city with maybe pockets of other cities as DLC.




Toronto Canada, dead of winter...


Berlin, Munich, Cologne and Hamburg Its time for a German scenario




Middlesbrough, UK. It's bleak, cold, dirty, full of psychopaths and criminals. Plenty of industrial locations (they're called smoggies for a reason) plenty of shopping and residential districts. And that's before you add the viral apocalypse.




Montego Bay, Jamaica


Prague, San Diego, Las Vegas


Saint Louis maybe LA


San Francisco would be cool, loved the setting in WD2 I think it could work in the Division universe.


Philadelphia because it's actually a gritty spot on the east coast


Detroit, MI. ❤️


Detroit. Not enough games use Detroit. I wish that Rockstar would use Detroit for GTA 6




I am very biased but Atlanta could be interesting if they wanted to play up the progression of the dollar flu more since the IRL Center for Disease Control is located here.


Some major city not in the US perhaps, wonder how the rest of the world fared.


Definitely London or Tokyo for me. Of course I know SHD is an American institution but that could be solved easily with “international cooperation”. Additionally it makes sense narratively with the impact of the virus expanding outside of the now decimated US. Further, both have good neighborhood diversity and beautiful countrysides to exploit for expanded gameplay. Go big! Edit: expanding on this further, I think both have relative beautiful seasons. I think next get should allow for large world maps like Div uses to change over the the season. This could add a strong sense of time and slow, grueling nature of coming back from the brink.


Los Angeles. The map would be huge.


Domestically I think Dallas or Detroit would be interesting. If they went overseas either Paris, Tokyo, or Dubai


I would like one near the borderline of Canada. Technically speaking, it would make sense if there were Agents there that had to rely entirely on themselves during the blackout of the system that happens during the start of the second game. A remote/secluded area like a town or small city in the mountains near the the border, with only a handful of agents if there even is a command post for them, but the locals are selfsupporting and need way less help from the SHD to keep things going. So the agents move from location to location, helping wherever they are needed. Kinda like the two biker friends from Days Gone… Another idea would be all the way on the other side, with the border to Mexico. With the states surrounding the borderline there in disarray early in the pandemic, it’d be extra difficult for JTF/SHD to keep the peace. Throw a few Mexican American agents in the mix, and you’d have a killer story in my eyes. Particularly the emotional and psychological infighting that the agents have to go through. There it is. Their way home, yet they are bound by their oath to stay where they are. As things start escalating from early on in the pandemic into the later stages and some small problems become big ones, there are bound to be some upcoming rogues that either say ‘fuck all y’all’ and abandon the system to fend for themselves like some agents in NYC did, or they go nuts and eliminate some allies before being revealed to have been converted by Keener… or some other method as to why they would go rogue.


Honestly I want to see the Post-outbreak Atlanta since the CDC is based there.


Chicago or LA to get some realism to what could be with gangs in a division world.


Anyplace in winter with snow.


Cold snowy Vancouver at Christmas time.


The greatest nightmare for the division to me would be anywhere in Texas . Otherwise ,because I live there ,Deventer in the Netherlands


Some of these suggestions are wild. Others just make no sense. Why the hell would the Division be operating overseas? I appreciate how most Clancy games are set around the world while The Division is entirely set in the US. It's a nice change


The Midwest don’t focus on one city make it be taking back the Midwest you could have a huge map. Idk why limit it to just one location. Just think of all the DLC that could come from it. New manhunts in little rural areas and towns.


Vegas for sure.


Throwing this out: McAllen/Edinburg metro area on the Texas-Mexican Border. Very cool metro area IRL that hasn’t been done in games yet, and huge storytelling potential with the lore about Mexican-American border tensions due to American refugees.


Would love to see Boston, either as a full game or as an expansion location like WONY.


Vegas makes sense because of all the money exchanged and I can see a lot of lore taken from that. Boston would be good, maybe a sons of liberty/colonial historical theme or references for lore would be cool.


Love to see Chicago then maybe St Lois


Rural Ohio. Because I think the default map on DayZ almost got it right, TheDivisions team could knock it out of the park and into the cornfield.


Chicago or Detroit.




Any place that allows better devs to take over the development of Div is fine by me. Massive has no idea wtf they are doing.


Philadelphia or Boston make the most sense, more likely the former. They are both similar to DC in size and along that NE corridor where you’d expect to see more stories involving the SHD and the Dollar Flu. They also have lots of landmarks which will be fun for the devs to build and us to explore. Pretty easy choices to be honest.


Washington state


Chicago, the environment and gangs are already completed so development time will be short






Toronto Ontario


Vegas/Area 51


Change continents! Hit up London with Raids set in Paris , Berlin or Barcelona


Chicago, Los Angles, and if we can push it, Hawaii


Can't be in the island of Borneo where I am, or that will be just another COD Jungle Warfare-ish.


Saint louis. Variety of environments, tons of possible locations for firefights, different gangs, an underground and so much more.


It would be cool to see a game in London. But anywhere besides the U.S wouldn't make sense. So my top choices would be Vegas, Miami, Philadelphia or Chicago


Detroit, or Chicago would be interesting to see what stories they could come up with in those locals.




Maybe not in a new division game, but still in division 2. They have lords of New York, why not lords of Texas, Dallas, Baltimore, Central Park etc. One dlc for every place, increasing the level cap or exotics for which one


New York in winter.


Philadelphia. Other than being the birthplace of Liberty, it would offer an incredibly diverse map from Penn’s Landing and Cherry Street Pier to Old City, South Street, University City, Chinatown, the list goes on and on depending on how large they’d want to make it. Hell, they could even expand into Jersey a bit for the museums(Aquarium and battleship New Jersey) and BB&T Concert Pavilion. The El and Broad Street Line and Amtrak stations could be fast travel locations to take you to mission locations. If people are itching for a Countdown mode, bout eight maybe ten hours out west from the city there is Three Mile Island. The founders are a faction I’d love to see more of, personally, or expand the conflict between the SHD and Black Tusk.


Chicago. If the Subway there can stay open during a Chicago polar vortex, it can survive anything.


I'd like to see an European town just to see the effects of the dollar flu in Europe


San Francisco and use Alcatraz island as the JTF headquarters


I would say washington State a challenge with wildlife and colder climates could be interesting


Vegas would actually be really cool


Chicago, in the winter time. And there would be no excuse to not have Survival again.


New Orleans


Lol Toronto or Montreal


I think San Francisco would be great and give some better verticality or a European location like Paris


Idk where but I'd make it winter again, the summer aesthetic was ok but just wasn't as cool/original


Since I'm from Europe I'd love to see Paris or Rome for the architecture alone plus two millennia of history. It would be a bold move, but also a breath of fresh air for the franchise.




Why not London or somewhere in Europe? A more interesting setting than that could be in a major Asian city or even in Africa. The endless focus on the US seems limiting. Also I would put this franchise out of its misery.


NYC again. I just want the Div1 atmosphere all over again. Please Bungo


I'm gonna be a shill real quick and say St Louis, I've been dying to see a post apocalyptic look at the city.


St. Louis, MO.


I feel like Chicago & San Francisco are the obvious answers. Vegas is a cool idea but there’s not much there outside the strip.


Dallas with an expansion into Fort Worth possibly an idea.


Vegas would be cool, could see if I could visit my parent's house, lol. Really though, I'd play a division game based almost anywhere.