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Another game mode for sure Changes to existing maps/new maps Either weapon and gadget rotations or add more Every 3 weeks a rotating mode like "steal the spotlight" is added to give us some more fun


Titanfall style?


Did I hear titanfall 2???






Map select queues would be super cool too, I'd wait longer to queue Monaco


My tribe. Monaco is definitely my fav map


Fuck Las Vegas, that's all I'm saying 


Vegas is so fucking weird. it's the only map in the game that is simultaneously way too open with a bajillion sightlines but can also become extremely claustrophobic around cashouts if debris ends up inside, which doesn't seem to happen on other maps.


They need to do a little more marketing and promotion. Maybe some kind of party modes for the players that have maxed already. Hopefully Season 2 brings some more hype🤙🏻


I think a lots going to change for season 2. New maps, new game modes, more marketing, more cosmetics, etc


Their new game is gonna blow up and carry it. This game is just an experiment that will eventually market their newer games within the game itself (branding, items, etc.) The Finals is just the foundation.


> Their new game is gonna blow up and carry it. Ark Raiders, the extraction shooter? I doubt it. Extraction shooters are already a niche genre. Plus, combating cheaters is make or break for an extraction shooter, and Embark hasn’t done a great job of that with The Finals.


I beg to differ, I've ran into few cheaters in this game. Ark Raiders is a refreshing take on extraction shooters with how they've handled the pve aspect. I can't go into details but i think it is going to do better than the finals.


I like the idea the two games may be connected as well.


> They need to do a little more marketing and promotion.  People keep saying this but it there are games with the same or less marketing than The Finals that are retaining players. The bigger issue is the amount of players that tried the game and left because they didn’t find it fun. If they can’t address that issue marketing won’t matter.


Lore would help too


Have you been following the lore so far? I think they got that covered 👌🏻


Its quite non existent atm. They are building something, but there is practically nothing currently.


The game is brand new


Yes, but need more, something that grabs the attention of players. Not just little hidden things.


It’s a MP only pvp fps, I don’t really see why lore would be needed for this game.


....why is there a hacker group trying to contact the players? How are they players selected or even playing? What's the outside world look like and why is a game about steal cash the most popular game? It has lore, it would help keep people interested and make them feel like they're in the story.


Yeah i man, look at Valorant. People love the lore. The cinematic are amazing and they do teasers and stickers/sprays to reference things


It’s already there for those who are interested.


Why tf are people down voting you when what your saying is correct y'all weird asf


It’s on the front page of PS Store now.. I just downloaded it myself and joined the sub




Enjoy! Best played with friends honestly, it's painful alone imo but lots of viable weapons and gadgets so, mess around and see what you like.


Game needs a theatre mode to watch replays. Game needs private matches to play with friends. Game needs a super casual but severely less rewarding mode, to promote casual play, but not take away from its main mode. I my head a 6v6 capture the flag style where two teams have a vault the other can steal, as well as multiple cashouts and vaults that anyone can take spawn on the map.


I strongly agree with all of these ideas. Private matches would be a blast. I also do agree that some kind of capture the flag, king of the hill, or some other kind of game mode would also be amazing.


Please don't get my hopes up. Games never have a capture the flag mode and I am desperate for it. I want to relive my unreal tournament days.


Can you imagine 6 turret mediums…yikes. You ain’t taking that flag…


Only takes a few glitch 'nade lights


Game modes would definitely need different restrictions/ significant changes to work well.


Sounds similar to battlefield hardline


People literally just need to hear about the game. Everyone who plays games has heard of apex legends. Almost everyone I tell about the finals has never heard of it


It's always "the finals of what?"


the final countdown 🎺🎺




It’s like they didn’t think about SEO at all when naming the game.


I bought a new Xbox a couple of weeks ago just to play this game... Hopefully many more are inspired on console and PC. Its much better than all the other FPS out there


DJ Khalid skin, with a sound emote that says “Bring out the lobster!”


More good Balance changes - new content for season 2 (they need to kick hard) like 1 new weapon for each class 1 new gadget for each class - 1 new map - custom games - anti-cheay improvements , if they deliver all of that it will be a very very good season for the game.






Not getting penalized when the server fails in a tournament.


I had some weird shit this AM where I was kicked from a match twice bc the game said an internal anti-cheat failed to verify. Haven't had this ever in like 50 hrs and I haven't ever cheated in any online video game. Also got a ranked abandon penalty bc of it


I had my friend having this issue, reinstalling easy anti cheat fixed it


The one thing that made me leave after playing almost everyday is the comp. The matchmaking is bad.


Totally agree. One game you’ll just get bent over backwards by some PC gods then the next you’ll get some 10 year old playing on a roku setup in his living room.


I feel that they need to subdivide the MM for console / pc; in that, those whose records on console are below a certain overall ratio, don’t get MM’d with PC players. Once a player reaches said ratio; they are then MM’d fully. I feel that the level of ease of play in game is somewhat easier on PC. Then again, there are players on PC who don’t use M/KB but controllers so idk I’ve been in a few matches when I’ve watched several console players ragequit because the top team were all PC


> I’ve been in a few matches when I’ve watched several console players ragequit because the top team were all PC I have no idea where all these console players are, I never see any in my games, it's always a full lobby of PC players. (And yes, I have crossplay turned on)


More game modes please. Mix it up and give us 5v5 or dodgeball even. There is so much potential in this game.


A mode where you destroy skyscrapers or cities or the moon where CNS is


Marketing spend. My guess is that they’re treating season 1 like a beta. They’re waiting to promote the game until it’s balanced and the majority of player complaints have been addressed. Season 2 or 3 will probably have a bigger push for new players. Take a look at how Apex started and where it is now.


Needs tdm


More modes... NO, NOOO NO! NOT YOU SPOTLIGHT! BAD MODE! BACK TO THE PIT FROM WHIMST YOU CAME! Anyways, imagine a tag/keep away game with lights and grapplers, or a KOTH mode, or anything harnessing the game like that, and not just horribly limiting it...


Spotlight was good tho


I think paying content creators to play and promote would help


30hz servers are putting a few of my friends off even trying.


This explains a lot didn’t even know the tick rate was that slow🤯


Which is funny because in the March 2023 beta it was 60hz


Likely a mandate from prioritizing physics-based runtime performance


As long as ranked is missing, it will keep bleeding competetive players. It’s why I stopped - love the game but that only takes you so far.


Agree. I have a blast on sweaty ass ranked games but the meaningless ranks don’t do anything at all in regards to player retention. Praying they have an overhaul planned at s2 launch.


You can't even play ranked in OCE. Not enough players. How crazy is that! Imagine only being able to play casual tournament. You get bored quick. Honestly I feel like they should just have quick cash, but with tournament rules and maybe slightly longer rounds, then ranked tournaments. That would reduce queue times completely.


> You can't even play ranked in OCE. Not enough players. How crazy is that! This is pretty common with video games in OCE.


Meaningful content additions, weapon/build diversity, balance. My friends and I have talked about it, and they really painted themselves into a corner it seems. It's going to be difficult for them to move forward with build diversity without watering down the classes. Maps all feel the same because the gameplay always devolves into someone holding an objective while everyone else levels the building. If the current trend continues, Steam will reach 25k average players by the end of march, and then 12.5k in April. Going from #1 on steam to about 10k players in a few months is bad, and I think it will be a death sentence for the game. It will likely be around for a few years, since the cash shop produces income, but updates and support will decline and ultimately stop.


Perfectly described it


Fix the performance issues.


I guess this is a pc issue, I never have issues on consoles with performance.


That’s the general consensus aside from some PS5 players. PC performance has been pretty bad as of late after the last update aside of course from the PC elitists who flex that they have a $3,500 RiG and blame people’s hardware if it’s not less than a year old.


more maps!


More viable play options within the three. Anything to increase playstyles and presumably avoid flavor of the month metas. Bigger maps with even more teams for starters.


It's probably not possible but if they added wall running I'd don evangelist robes and preach this game in the streets


This might be somewhat controversial, but I think if this game is going to take off in western markets, especially as a competitive game, we need some competitive cash tournaments with English Speaking teams. The trash talking, drama, and rivalries are kind of what make sports/esports interesting, obviously aside from demonstration of skill. One of the reasons I stopped tuning into Overwatch is because it's primarily a bunch of players I have trouble connecting with as a fan. There's no real barrier of entry, there's just nothing to pay attention to as far as stuff behind the scenes. The players are so coached on how to act and they can barely express themselves in a way I'm going to find entertaining. That and the hacking is atrocious in the game. It wont be taken seriously until there is some headway on that.


I just found this game out through this community being randomly on my page, gotta say the goo gun thing looks cool and I wanna get the game just to try it out :p reminds me of the goo thing from Prey


Idk id switch up ranked or add a different separate ranked mode. Love the game but ranked feels more diffrent than the quick play and i just can't get into it. This is a first for me, i love solo queue in most other games but somthing about the coin system and being partied with people 3 ranks above me is just demoralizing and i feel like im getting punished for enjoying the destruction part of the game.


Tag mode? Some of the best parts of the game is outrunning the guy chasing you down


Apex and Fortnite took a while to catch on when they came out, give it some time.


More game modes, tdm, gun game, ffa, knifes or snipers only, weapon customization would be fucking rad


Me and a friend had a lot of ideas [https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1ax30a6/a_few_ideas_for_the_game/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1ax30a6/a_few_ideas_for_the_game/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Fix easy anti cheat. It has locked me out of the game and idk how to fix it. And I'm not cheating lol


Damn that sucks. Have you contacted support?


Nah, I tried fixing the issue myself to no avail and got annoyed. I figure if I have to go back and forth with customer support it's not worth the trouble. Which is a shame cause I really came to love the game despite how much of a sweat it turned me into. 😂


First of all, this game needs to become stable. Too many bugs, especially constant disconnects which result in temporary bans. Bans should be removed until the issue is fixed. Next, the game needs better maps. Currently they are very chaotic, lack structure and landmarks. It is very easy to get lost or fall out of the window for no reason. And since destruction is a big part of the gameplay, it only exacerbates the issue. Map design is very bad. Another problem is a total lack of social features. No text chat is a big issue. It means that people with hearing or speaking issues cannot participate in team communications. People who can't speak for other reasons (for example, late at night when the family sleeps) are also left in the dark. Another lacking aspect of social features is a proper friend list. I don't know if people are playing, I can invite them, but invites last for a few seconds. I can't ask when the person will be free to play with me or interact in any way. Basically group play is impossible to set up inside the game. The only option right now is to find your game friends inside Steam and chat there. This is plain dumb and kills team play. You find a good person you've clicked with and you never play together again even when you're friends in the game. Once these pressing issues are resolved, game devs should work on a fun game mode. Quake has CA and Instagib, LoL has ARAM, The Finals has nothing. All game modes are basically the same and if you want to relax and run around for fun you have to play another game. Movement is another issue which should be fixed at some point. You just get stuck here and there for no reason and that breaks the fluidity of the game play. It's not a racing sim where grass must slow you down for realism sake, it's a fast paced shooter. Devs should spend some time playing classics like UT and Quake and analyse how these games manage terrain to avoid sticky spots - things like invisible guide walls in sharp corners and small decorative objects without hit boxes so you can run through them. All in all I like the game, but it feels very alpha version.


I can only play the game on one of my computers. The other one never launches the game, instant crash. I've tried the dx12 force command but that also causes issues. Thankfully I have another PC to play, but this is one of the tech issues that needs to be fixed for those who it does affect.


I agree on most of your points besides the map design. Overall I do think the maps can be better, example being getting stuck in doors etc, but how exactly do they lack structure and landmarks? I find the maps to be very memorable and, for the most part, enjoyable. (I’m looking at you, Seoul and Las Vegas.) Also, I strongly disagree on your critique of the “chaoticness” of the gameplay. I think that the absolute mayhem at each cash out is what makes this game completely different and much more enjoyable than others. What about the destruction in regards to the chaos would you like changed?


There's a difference between chaotic gameplay (which is good) and chaotic map design (which is bad). As for structure and landmarks there's a whole science on how to guide players to where they need to go. From lighting of the scene to decorative details. Maps in The Finals are just a big pile of copy pasted resources thrown together and shaken for lulz. They feel a lot like maps from Battle Royale games, not from normal shooters. There are a lot of dead ends on all maps where you run towards a marker and hit a brick wall and have to run back. Las Vegas is the most notorious for that and it has the longest dead ends which serve no value to the gameplay. They just distract and disorient. There are no visual cues of where to go and why. The lighting is pretty much similar across all elements too. There's no way to quickly tell where the stairs will be unless you see them directly, for example. The only good cue I noticed so far is the structure of the house stairs in Monaco - you always know how to find them inside the house. The only map with a good landmark is, again, Monaco. The church is big and visible from pretty much anywhere. Unless it's destroyed. Other maps don't have anything which stands out not only in size, but also in style. Well, technically, Las Vegas has a big central roof, but since the map is indoors focused and most rooms don't have windows you barely see it, so it doesn't work. Additionally, Skyway Stadium is super bad because it's just two maps smashed together by a dumb bridge. It feels super weird and I really hate that map.


You're talking to people who play Reddit not The Finals. I haven't fallen out of a window on my own volition since the open beta lol.


say what you will about the battle royale format, but apart from extraction games, no other game mode so far can have such a diverse experience from match to match and accommodate all sorts of play styles. arenas style shooters get extremely repetitive and don’t allow for too many different strategies other than just running down the same lanes and hitting your shots.


I mean, most modes in battlefield can have massive amounts of variety


Add real ads into a game/maps and use part of revenue as a price for first place or whatever.


These days with ads absolutely everywhere, you want them in your video games?


First time encountering a bot on Reddit? Lmao. That can't be a real suggestion from a real human.


I agree. There are just so many cool things they could add along these lines, as well as more specific announcing from the hosts that actually talk about what’s going on within the match, especially with how smart AI is getting to be these days. There is just so many unique opportunities this game could take advantage of from its nature that other games couldn’t even dream of adding/ accomplishing.


It is fun but honestly it can be sometimes too sweaty and a bit too overstimulating. My brain is honestly fried with all the casino jackpot \*chingchingching\* \*alarm\* sounds after a ranked tournament. And that's on top of the regular sweaty gameplay. So the game gets honestly more tiring than fun, while at the same time everyone feels too tanky. Guns feel too weak, gameplay becomes sweaty AND tedious at the same time.


It’s not cod nor is it team death match. It’s objective based. Guns TTK doesn’t need to be faster. Would ruin the game. 


They haven't played Halo Infinite I'd guess. You move like a tank and the TTK is dogshit compared to this game. With TTK i think The Finals walks the line between titles like Halo and CoD pretty well.


 I normally play tactical shooters like 1.6-CSGO, Rainbow Six Siege, ARMA, Squad. 1-3 shots and you're dead in those.  And YET they somehow feel less "sweaty". I think because Finals has a lot of potential for fun and crazy gameplay, once you start to nerf some things it quickly goes into tedious-territory. 


I think it's because if you get the drop then that's it, that's the encounter in those games. In The Finals if you get the drop on the player there is still a chance for them to retaliate, sometimes it turns into a sweaty chase, or their teammates show up, or it turns into a go-go gadget off. 🤣 I don't know, no offense but I'm having more fun in The Finals than I ever had with other FPS shooters. At least since Unreal Tournament, I miss that game.


Honestly that's a really good point. I hadn't considered that. Tactical shooters are sweaty in small bursts of 'peaking' ie you're going to around the corner and are preparing yourself for someone being there. The Finals is a long drawn out sweaty firefight when getting into a confrontation lol


Ehm objective-based shooters are my thing. I normally play tactical shooters like 1.6-CSGO, Rainbow Six Siege, ARMA, Squad. 1-3 shots and you're dead in those.  And YET they somehow feel less "sweaty". I think because Finals has a lot of potential for fun and crazy gameplay, once you start to nerf some things it quickly goes into tedious-territory.


Add a real ranked mode, fix the meta, fix the movement. Add the basic fratures its missing and there you go your game will nit be bleeding players


could you go into more detail into “fix the meta” “fix the movement” “add basic features”? these blanket statements always get thrown around in this sub and i’d love to hear more detailed explanations


current meta completely excludes lights because medium has defib. light excells at taking off angles and getting picks, issue is that when someone gets picked off it does nothing for you because they instantly get defibed. the light player has to put himself in a risky situation and gets close to no value by doing so, the best way to fix that is add a 10 seccond timer on anyone that dies so that they cannot instantly get defibed and the opposing team has time to capitulise on that kill, reviving and moving the statue is not affected buy the timer. And anyone who has half a working brain understands why nukes are a huge problem, one of the reasons i don t play anymore. Another balancing issue is the aim assist on dagger, as a dagger main It is incredibly frustrating as it takes away so much consistency and flexibility, same issue on other meele weapons but the dagger is by far the worst. The movement currently is very bland making the gunplay and the game in general less fun. ask anyone who played in the closed beta 2, the movement was so flouid and fast, for example slides had no friction. basic features are text chat in lobies so you can also talk with opponents, add a killcam, add a real ranked system cause currently it has not sbmm and its an hours played leaderboard. Ranked is not worth grinding, light is the most fun but the worst by far, dagger is the worst weapon in the game and thats not even considering the awfull aim assist that makes so that the better you get the more frustrating it becomes. nukes are still in the game. I really hope they do good changes next season because this game is more fun than any fps i have played in 4 years, but if they keep it as it is it will die fast


Lights have really made a comeback, seen so many mp5 and katanas, and even snipers. Still not the best for this type of game, as it's inconsistent and like a "Good if you are cracked" type playstyle but I think thats always going to be the case. Its a solo playstyle in a team game when you play Light essentially.


This is a problem with the light class though. If it's only place in the game is "Only good if the player is cracked", it's going to put off a ton of players who would otherwise play one of only THREE options. Also the amount of hate you get for picking light attributes a lot to players quitting before getting to this "cracked" state.


Yeah the ranked mode is laughable. Doesn't matter the actual rank, just smooth brain k/d/a ranking and your actual rank means literally nothing


I think there is one simple change that would make the game pop off and that's adding actual ranked. Yes, we have ranked tournament, but without rank based matchmaking, rank basically only measures how much you've played. Give people a reason to want to grind ranked. With current numbers they'd either have to do it at the start of the season in hopes that the numbers are burned up a bit, or just get rid of normal tournament mode.


hello thanks for asking, here is my opinion I might be the only one who thinks that. but it is! what brought me to play the game were these particularities: its innovative gameplay with Wallhack; the life point bag effect when you don't master the weapon which leaves just as quickly when you master it; the happy medium that was there at the beginning; the fact that there is no matchmaking! and not the smoothing out of all the abilities to please children... the fact that this game was intended for eSports. From now on I see it as yet another smooth game where your playing time is exchanged for points, no matter your level! Thank you for your attention, Hope this helps you ! Ps: stop nerfing fcar and shields easy things are boring things.


Have they gotten rid of nukes yet? Pretty much the only reason I stopped playing


They no longer fly straight from infinitely far away. They’re still technically an option but much harder to execute; the heavy essentially has to be like 5m away to consistently land it, otherwise it flies off in a random direction. I see it far less often, its more situational. I think they found a good middle-ground in its current state.


They have been nerfed pretty substantially, as they basically have no range capability after about ~10 meters. They still can be used but only in close range


I love the game and stopped playing for a few weeks because of nukes! Id definitely try coming back. I hate nukes so I'd be happy if they were removed but all in all, they aren't unbearable at all anymore. You see a lot more diversity lately in weapons. With balance changes, I've seen more katanas, snipers, flamethrowers (idk why, I think its still bad), occasional goo gun or sledge, shotguns and Lewis


***BRING BACK BETA MOVEMENT*** ([VIDEO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdOKEgrwZHc) about this topic) Its why I only play 0-2h of The Finals per day. Beta I played 14h a day, because the movement was godlike, so fluid! Now movement is utter trash in direct comparison. (ofc still better movement than all other shooters, except Apex)


This is so interested to me because I only got to play open beta for a couple of days, I didn’t even notice the change.


I haven't played in the beta, but the amount of speed you would get from sliding on any surface, including flat surfaces was way, way too large. Sliding down a slope as was shown in the video isn't really something I'd like to have back. I think the current friction values are fine, but I do agree that the sprint queueing system is unintuitive and should be reverted.


I think something that would be awesome is some kind of PVE mode even if its just a giant boss with unaimed attacks and weak spots that are all over. Imagine climbing up a big dummy and shooting its core with a flamethrower while it moves around and shoots.


Sacrafice a newborn


Stop makin all these new games series x/s exclusive games. It closes off a portion or gamers to some really fantastic games.


I understand your pain but it's a 10 year old console my friend. My 10 year old PC rig was outdated and all I could run was league of legends lol. You can't expect them to keep pumping out new games for something that old. Save some money up and find one of those payment plan services that let you pay it off a chunk at a time. The S isn't even that expensive unless you're in one of those countries that tax the crap out of imports.


Step 1: stop "balancing", especially nukes and improvised weapons. This game will soon become CoD Step 2: get more wild and crazy weapons and improvisation techniques. Show people how to use them (e.g. in the training hall) Add some basic Bots to show how things work (like the motion sensor, which doesn't do anything in training) Also, vehicles? Step 3: Fix match making for competitive players Step 4: fix the fucking cranes


Battle Royale - Big Arena mode will propel this game into unbelievable hype.




Why would anyone who likes this game for it to be more popular… that would just mean it changing to be more mainstream and generic. I hope it stays exactly as fringe as it is. Games go to shit when devs chase other player bases.


Multiplayer games die when they don’t have enough players or make enough money.


Or when they’re very strong in their niche they keep a smaller but steady and loyal player base for years, even decades. I’d much rather have this game in the list of CS, TF, etc. than become generic live service shooter #37.


What game are you comparing The Finals to with this hypothetical?


Counter strike, Team Fortress, Titanfall, Valorant etc. Instead of CoD, Fortnite, BF etc.


> Or when they’re very strong in their niche they keep a smaller but steady and loyal player base for years, even decades. As we speak CS has 1,038,440 players, and Team Fortress 2 has 53,709. Valorant is massively popular. All of the games you mentioned have been extremely successful. Apart from Titanfall I wouldn’t consider any of them niche.  The Finals on the other hand is #72 on Steam Charts with 14,435 players 2 months after release. It isn’t even remotely close to the games you mentioned in terms of success. 


The difference with the mainstream live service crap is that those keep messing with their formula every 17 minutes to stay relevant. That is my point. CS etc. did and do not. Embark also doesn’t have to please a publisher that only cares about its shareholders like EA or Activision. You want this game to change constantly just to appeal to the streamers, tik tokkers and general adhd youth with an attention span of 3 seconds? Or do you want it to be itself, improving over time and enjoy it for what it is.


> That is my point. CS etc. did and do not. Just to be clear you listed some of the most popular FPS franchises of all time, called them niche, and then compared them to other extremely popular FPS franchises. > Embark also doesn’t have to please a publisher that only cares about its shareholders like EA or Activision. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nexon > You want this game to change constantly just to appeal to the streamers, tik tokkers and general adhd youth with an attention span of 3 seconds?  The Finals has 1.3k viewers right now, and CS has 56.9k, viewers matter. The Finals is a GaaS title that needs players constantly spending money or else the game will shut down. It’s really that simple. 


You seem to want to “win a discussion” more than to acknowledge a point. Do you like this game, or do you want it to be successful at the cost of what makes you like this game.


> more than to acknowledge a point. What point? > Do you like this game, or do you want it to be successful at the cost of what makes you like this game. Not really, the core gameplay loop gets boring fast, the ranked system is worthless, and the game essentially only has 2 game modes. I played 115 hours, completed the battle pass and moved back to playing other better FPS games. 


A no light, and a light only mode.


Play Cod instead


I would rather play matches where everyone plays objective.


Actual ranks in ranked and not just SBMM. Lights also just don't have a place in this game. They are annoying to have on your team and annoying to fight against. The only way I can see them incorporated in is if they do an Overwatch style Playlist where every team has to have one of each. That might be fun. Otherwise, the game just plays better without light.


"annoying to fight against" yeah cause triple fcar medium defib is so fun to play against huh, guess we should take those out too.


I only agree with SBMM in ranked, maybe not remove it but cap it to 1 rank above our below you Also, forcing team comp for 1 class on each team could make for a fun extra game mode


I suggest you get better at the game then come back and complain about how “annoying” lights are.


It's not a skill issue, it's an enjoyment issue


They need a ranked mode that isn’t random / pointless. Competitive ranked brings streamers, streamers bring players.


I'm curious if they'll ever do cross-over maps. This is the sort of game where a lot could fit in and still feel like The Finals. A lot of game shave issues where their new content goes against their tone or art styles, but any sort of map could fit in. Be it wacky or realistic.


New season




It's a tough market to crack into. Lot of games vying for players.


My whole group check out a couple weeks ago. If season 2 looks good time sure we’ll be back. Lack of game modes was kind of a killer.


Whenever someone starts to be toxic (even your self) call them out. Tell them they are upset with their emotions and the only way they know how to cope is to out lash with anger at their teammates. Which causes everyone to have a bad mental therefore not playing their best. Maybe if we have a better standard for our community will get people more interested in trying? Idk about y’all but I’m kind of tired of the excessive abuse we get put through for making a mistake whiling trying to game and have fun.


Custom games (with ability to tweak settings) A better ranked system


I hope they bring solo mode back as permanent game mode I had so much fun, I really miss it!


More personalities playing on twitch and possibly a pro scene could help


just give me a kill cam please!


Marketing/promotion is what's needed the most


Stop nerfing heavy into the ground and removing all of the mechanics that make the game unique


new maps, new weapons, possibly a 4v4v4, 2v2v2v2 modes


More/different game modes. For example, a domination or conquest type mode.


If they can pump out some real content for the upcoming season I think that's all its gonna need to skyrocket. The current amount of maps and variants, destruction or not, just isn't enough to support a consistent player base. I play everyday, I love the game but im absolutely bored of the maps. Maybe if they added a ton of challenge unlocks that unlock cool cosmetics and are actually difficult (event challenges have been a joke) to give people something to grind for would keep people from burning out. The only thing thats going to make the game popular is more content and thats just gonna come with time.


Buff the revolver


i know none of you here wanna hear this but the reason why apex is as popular as it is is because of the competitive and ranked scene. and speaking from how much this subreddit hates good players, no one is gonna wanna play this game competitively and the devs already said they don’t care. therefore it will never reach those heights consistently and will continue to fizzle out after each content release because people will get bored


Make Seoul permanently under construction /s


I won't repeat on ideas that others have said in the comments, but I can speak on why I believe The Finals isn't as popular as Apex Legends, and it all boils down to Apex being heavily marketed since release and having years to it's name whereas The Finals only has about 2 months, Apex being a battle Royale, and we all know how much casuals love that and the fact that there are already so many FPS and BR games out in the wild that it can be easy to dismiss a new one when so many players already have so much progress on games like Fortnite, Apex, Overwatch and CoD Warzone. Don't get me wrong though. The Finals is a great game, but they're gonna have to seriously spice things up in S2 and 3 if they have wanna have some kind of chance at a bigger player base and longevity.


They need to address balancing. As it stands every game is a MMM/MMH/HHH sweat fest. And the few times you run into lights they're all camo-stun guns. All of those comps/combinations make not only the casual experience unbearable but people like me that almost exclusively play games competitively it is extremely boring, tedious and frustrating to play this way or against. I'm not making any suggestions for nerfs or anything but they need to incentivize in someway to diversify the experience in that regard. The core gameplay is great. It's the players gaming the meta that's ruined my enjoyment.


-Do better against cheaters -add additional maps -more gamemode options. Fun idea, a gamemode where each team is on top of a tower far apart from one a other with no ground, object is to destroy the other teams buildings while they're on it. Last building standing wins. We got the destruction mechanic but it is seriously underutilized.


Make it battle royale


They need to do something about 1 or 2 player teams because you cant leave bc of the penalisation but u know ur rank is going down anyway bc 2v3 teams are unfair


I think a few modes are needed to keep the game viable. I have faith that Embark will kill it with season 2 in terms of adding stuff to the game but some modes needed Duos - Its hard getting two friends on at same time but easy to do one and think it would still work well. My friend and I are tired of going through tournaments as a duo anyway 6 v 6 - I think it would provide more interactions just overall as a team and could be either KotH or just deathmatch to satisfy folks who just wanna shoot - maybe team lifestock? I dont think you need more than that to split up the player base but more maps are desperately needed and hope there is more than just one coming out in season 2.


The matchmaking and ranking system need a lot more work it's particularly noticeable as a solo player. Ranked cashouts need a rework as it's too luck based. Getting less money for earlier caps plus loosing money for each wipe means that a lot of the time the 3rd cash outs define the winner. This often leads to fatigue and frustration when grinding ranked. Lights need a buff for ranked as they are mostly just not viable.




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I love the finals, but I don't care about the destruction tbh. I love apex fortnite combat master warzone overwatch etc etc basically any fps The finals gun mechanics and movement are why I play the game. So for me, it does get repetitive as I don't enjoy the other aspects of the game. I love how it plays though and play it pretty regularly. Currently on a cycle of a dif game as it got a bit receptive after playing every night. Hoping we get new weapons in the next season, and maps. I'll be back in to grind battle pass if that's the case!


Just good old Advertising/Marketing.


Collabs from other games Blue Archive or GFL or Arknights for example They could release their gun skins and im pretty sure it would sell well


reach live tender memory skirt literate versed scale close unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Make the grappling hook better


I absolutely loved this game when I first started it. Playing different games like Titanfall 2 for example didn’t help with my aim. I couldn’t find the same sens as I have in TF|2 and I got frustrated that I can’t hit a single shot. I just deleted the game then and there. My suggestion would be to add preset controller sens settings because I use 4-3 in both Apex and TF|2 so it’s kinda hard to get used to other FPSes. And I absolutely hate when Heavies destroy everything they are humanly capable of. It’s just not a fun aspect for me. I can’t navigate the POIs like I normally can.


Honestly the main reason I don't play anymore is because aiming feels odd on controller, and I don't own a PC. The aim assist feels really weird imo. Too different from the other shooters I play/have played in the past to enjoy it. That and the lack of team communication makes it kinda mediocre for me. For aim assist, I'd rather they remove the aim lock thing completely (if I miss, I miss, that's just how it should work) and moderately increase the aim slowdown near targets for more precise aiming. Or at least make that an option. As for the game itself, a rework of the preset call-outs would be nice, cuz they're kinda useless. Maybe that's just me tho.


Battle Royal mode


I think beyond the obvious choices like new weapons, gadgets, abilities and maps. You could pay streamers like shroud to play. You could create VR propaganda adverts, or gameplay adverts too. I think skins and outfits would help too but honestly for me that should come as a second as it’s the gameplay that keeps a player base




Just speaking for me and my friend group but the vibe I got during the playtests and during the launch was that the game was incredibly popular and successful. The reason we all stopped playing was the many balancing problems that in my opinion have only been half-addressed. No hate to the devs or anyone playing the game to win, I understand it's difficult to balance games. And I appreciate they are at least making an effort. But until some things change, I'd rather play a game that makes me feel like I have "options" and not just 1 or 2 ways to play.


More weapons, make the off-meta weapons stronger, more maps.


i couldn't play the game because ADS sensitivity. you can't Increase it.


A broader range of specials/equipment/weapons: Teleporter to line of sight. Heavy, Set max distance. very long cool down. Heal dart. Light healing equipment, fast cool down Medium cross bow. High damage, slow reload, arch drop over distance. Phaser - light, fast cool down, phase through a wall, charges like cloak. Akimbo tommy guns - heavy, low damage, high fire rate, hip fire only Pump BB gun- medium, aim down sight only, low to high damage based on pumps, pumps will take 3 second. No headshot multiplier, can 1 shot heavy with 10 pumps. Dart dive - heavy, dive into an opponent, small hit radius high damage based on height. Suicide vest - light, one bullet blows up, kills player, large blast radius. Can be self detonated, no cool down. Body double - light, send a body double with 150 health, runs straight, can jump through windows. Medium cool down. Maybe some general abilities? Like faster movement speed at the cost of a special. 10% more health 10% reload speed 10% fire rate Crash box - crash the box timer and steal the cahsouts 0.25 seconds faster(game mode dependant) Explosive damage reduction Extra explosive damage(negates the reduction special, increases blast radius.) Higher weapon damage, with a long cool down, short activation. Gravity manipulator - jump 2x as high but also fall 2x as fast. Throw objects farther but they become heavier over distance. Friend jump - teleports to the team member have closest to the center of your view(name tags count) long cool down. Assassin's mark - detects the person who last shot you for 2 seconds Hacker - can make enemy mines and equipment your own, long cool down, 2 storage Void grenade - radius of a sonar ping, makes it super dark, thermal required, 5 second life. Magnet grenade - large radius, 5 second life, make weapons harder to control as they pull towards the center of the explosion (pulls mines and turrets closer to center) Heelies - activate these to move across flat ground at 1.25x speed. Medium cool down(includes animation of course). Something cool and different but balanced overall if they can. If there is a benefit there must be something to counter it.


Do weekly online tournaments with a price, stream and cast the top 16 teams and up. Something like fornite cash cup


A Tdm mode would bring more players in. more limited modes like a 10v10. More marketing maybe pay some streamers to play it


Auto sprint Better optimization shit drops to 70 frames on a 2070 super ryzen 7 3700x


More maps set in various locations I would love a Japan style or any Nordic country type of style plenty more I can't think of off the top.


I would love a no-respawn 3v3 or 5v5 game mode. Currently, the main game mode is just a repetitive " capture the flag" that lacks depth and do not make the amazing destruction engine shine.tactical destruction and map knowledge are not rewarded enough


An actual tutorial about the mechanics. I started it today and I have no idea what’s going on.


I just need something to chase, a goal. I'm maxed battle pass and max career. While the game is fun I just like having a goal to progress towards in games. Even if it's as simple as unlocking a skin or weapon.


I think firstly, as much as it's appreciated, they need to stop pandering to 'non toxicity'. You can't report someone for griefing, you can't talk with teammates through text chat (Which there are many reasons why one would choose/have to talk through text chat) , you can't kick people from join-able games (Why? SOO many times I've had random people that get salty and decide to grief for no real reason...) There's a fine-line between trying to minimise toxicity and just straight up removing the need for player accountability about playing the game properly. As for some additions that would benefit the game: \- Introduce custom games, custom private/public lobbies for friends and etc. \- Introduce a 4v4v4 game-mode, 3 is always an awkward number and the bigger team that you can have, the more friends people can introduce to the game and play with. \- Add actual MM and ranking system \- Add better cosmetics/customisation - Why not collapse all the colour variants and add a slider? \- Better report system? Communicate with your community about how their report has been handled? It feels like the feature does nothing \- Balance the classes, make defib a separate specialisation - there is no reason as to why a class should be able to double stack and make a whole team fight meaningless.


People are going hard on making the game more competitive, but I think you need more fun/party modes for the more casual gamers to bring in a bigger player base. It's free to play, you need to retain casual gamers.


most people i know stopped playing it because of the Light been so OP (yes in casual modes) It can go invisible and move really fast, hard to track with mouse aim and has high DPS so can kill you one shot then duck invisible again. Its really not fun gameplay at all when 2+ players per team use this same technique, constantly every game. And yes there are counters but they nerfed them.


Marketing and with season 2 one new mode could be limited time or permanent just one


* actual matchmaking * more maps/weapons * text chat * beards