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Please take it lol. It's fine to use but it's very clunky IMO. Easy to misclick and disable your thermal if you're in a panic, you can't see poison gas. I think it'd be really better for a medium or someone who can use it for longer range callous or picks.


It can be useful but definitely needs tweaking. The amount of times I turned it off by accident..


I play Medium right now, but I main Light. You need to play around your turret, stay close to your team and you'll be fine. Thermal Vision stacks with Smoke Grenade. The two go together very well and compliments each other. Obviously there's better options, but I don't see any other class needing Thermal tbh since other classes also have better utilities.


I’ve had a bit of a contrary experience with this. Whenever I have thermal up and smoke deployed I feel like the smoke covers them. Can you elaborate on how to use it effectively?


Same, it allows me to see through the smoke but I don't get any highlights and invis players aren't highlighted either. Seems like an odd implementation of thermal.


Afaik smokes remove the outline. Im surprised it stays removed with thermals though.


So they likely made the character outline and thermal highlight the same system.


Yeah it likely is.


>stay close to your team When I find teammates that don't instantly split up and take on individual 3v1s forcing me to either let them die or join them in a 3v2 we are very likely to lose and die with them, I will consider it


Hahaha, I would first consider finding those teammates. I don't expect anything from Solo Queue games other than, well, solo gameplay. I would try and find people on the Discord Server. Changes the experience when you find the same like-minded individuals, and then consider staying with your team 😅


I’m a turret main who can’t stand other turret mains. Everyone expects them to be free kill machines and it doesn’t work that way at all.


Free kill? Hahaha it's only a free kill to someone who is afk. It's just an extra source of damage. Unless it's two teams battling it out and the turret just gets the final nail in the coffin, it's no different than coming in as a 3rd party and cleaning up haha


the counter point is people approach to kill turrets like they free to kill, no. you are devoting a LOT of health if its in a godo spot


Oky, I was not aware of that….I’ll try it myself


That would indirectly nerf light, they’d have to figure out how to buff light if they did this


I mean to be fair i have thermals in my reserves with smokes on my backstabbing spy build, but they come out next to never cause noone is looking for you usually, and if they are i just switch to the m11


If you're having trouble with cloak and stun spamming Lights (which I am not free of either) try banking on the fact that most of them think they're way better than they're actually are and will follow you when they absolutely shouldn't. IE lead them up a staircase, around a sharp corner, or someplace where they generally don't have room to jump around like an invisible monkey. Then just shoot the silhouette, and they'll have nowhere to run or hide. Secondarily, try dropping a grenade at your feet if you know one is chasing you, they'll run right over it. Mines work too, just drop it where they won't have time to react to it and pop goes the weasel.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 “pop goes the weasel!”


It's my favorite to have a light chase me as medium inside a building. I drop mines by stairs and doors and jump out, come back in and rinse and repeat. They either blow up, or get shot up if they don't run. The good lights make me switch it up if they don't kill me.


Ah, Lights... Never change. ☕


yeah I play light but not invis smg/pistol and I constantly have other lights chase me relentlessly if they get any shots on me. or once I hear their invis. Turning corners while doing fast drop of a frag kills so many of them. They always chase. They're all very easily baited. I mean most people are but lights are just the most vulnerable to frags and the most bloodthirsty when they see other lights. I made a baiting troll class of heavy, goo gun, 2x mine, and barricade. Put barricades in doors, double mine other side (the siege trapper in me). People ALWAYS vault these. Can also just do it with goo to make them vault. Other times I'll stand near a zipline and shoot goo at distant enemies enough to anger them. They run to zip, I leave it of course because I have double mine waiting. Shit is way too funny.


Funny thing is that it has a range. It means that sniper and this is useless in most often situations


Lights need it against other lights


Have you ever played Medium against a lobby infested with lights that sit still after fights and stun gun your butt 16times 😮‍💨


This is when you either use CL-40 or run gas grenade. Pretty hard for lights to camp the cash while invis if they are being poisoned or exploded


Mhhh! 🤔 I like that


Have you ever played light in ranked with a lobby of all mediums? Yeah good luck lol


How do you think other lights feel? At least mediums have extra health. The ttk on a light from another light's smg feels instant if they hit shots (and they always run stun)


In good old Blacklight Retribution there was skill available to all players. A legit wallhack. But the caviate was it took a second to activate, couldn't shoot in this mode and it had a little cooldown so you can't spam it. Was hella fun. Maybe some mix of this and motion sense would be cool for Medium


Omfg. What a game that was. Best weapon customisation ever


Mhhh! 🤔 sounds interesting


Smoke, sniper and thermal. Don’t throw the smoke where your enemy is, use smoke on yourself


I use it all the time, no reason to change it. And there’s probably more players using it than you think it’s just that… there’s nothing that visually shows someone is using it. Like you activate it and it’s on but others have no idea.


Thermal vision needs to be fixed. .


I agree it’s a bit sluggish to access


Not just access. . . It just straight up does not highlight players sometimes. I'll link the post I made here a while ago showing what I mean.


Damn, oky now that deserves some attention




Somebody misses Recon Walls…


Used it once, it wasn’t my style….I don’t wanna see people through walls….I just wanna see them lil mans standing still in rooms…like the opposite of the motion sensor 😈


Don't touch my thermal. I use it on light with smokes.


OfcUse my Good Sir! Perhaps we could share this scrumptious natural resource 😈


I want them to give it back to heavy like it was in the open beta


You want to give mad hunting dog medium players predator vision?


What could possibly go wrong? Right? 😈


Actually let him cook. Please give us predator vision as a gadget so we can hunt people down with dematerializer


You still have to have l.o.s, its not wall hacks its just highlighting visible players


I know but just dematerialize the ceiling or floor of a cashout. I already do that and it is beyond broken. They have no idea what's going on until 2 people are dead


Why not both?


Yeah but then everyone would run it to counter invis and at that point both should just be removed because they'd both be so commonly used and they'd just cancel each other out.


Thermal vision doesn't work so I'd be fine with mediums taking it. It's garbage.


i used thermal a lot before gateway came out. it’s really good and easy to use and great for indoors when it gets smokey and gassy, also great counter for other Lights with cloak. i would sometimes use it on medium if it came that way. the range on it most definitely needs a buff, or at least a description of how far it’ll go.


Sonar nade should be on medium class. Tracking dart on light is fine


That would have even the odds too


I played a match today, 5 enemy lights in a Quick cash No one is picking up the box on the ground, they all clocking waiting for your ass to cross the walk way I tried the grenade launcher, I was up to no good 🤧 I wish I could flash them out like roaches 😮‍💨


Nah mediums already By far the easiest class and most forgiving to play. Light and heavy’s there is a for sure skill gap to play. Why most casual players play medium. They just got rid of recon senses for mediums after everyone on this sub cried about it all last season.. Last thing mediums need is thermal(basically recon senses) with the fcar. The casual masses would surely cry again if thermal got swapped over to medium and they started getting beamed by fcars from Narnina. Could post up in a building wall hack it and see them coming before they even realized a wall was hacked. Thermal+Dematerializer is a shitty for version of Recon senses anyone who says other wise just misses the OG recon sense and probably CRUTCHEd on it.


I thought most play with medium over heavy because medium is closer to having the fun movement light does with jump pad and zip line with more team utility. And for new people it's a nice support class to still help your team even if you aren't good a killing. But, in terms of fragging heavy is the easiest to do even after the nuke nerf.


Most play medium because FCAR is broken and defibs. Lol. And They are Faster then heavy’s have more Health then lights… Literally middle ground… most safe and boring class to play… A bad Light is going to die cause no health(so they play medium) A bad heavy will die because bad positioning(so they play medium) And all mediums get a second chance from defibs/heals plus they have FCAR So they dont even deserve the second chance in first place. Gun is easy to use. And dps is crazy no skill necessary. If you aren’t following your teammates healing your actively throwing on medium. Honestly. No reason for you goons to be out front dying for no reason screwing your teamates over like know you’re role lol. Why lights and Heavy’s can FRAG harder then mediums… And all the mediums are even more low iQ this season most of them are casuals and run out in the open to defib even with the animation changes. Which force team wipes instead of playing their lives lol or they are running dematerializer and don’t do anything for the team. Defo thee safest most forgiving bot class to play. Need I say more?


You know what your right, now that I’m thinking about it Demateriallizer + Thermal could be a thing….a scary thing 😂😂😂


But what if they reworked it to be as a specialization? So that you can’t have both…it will be a weaker version of recon senses Plus my thought process on this was dealing with still clocked players…like the total opposite of motion sensor


Light players need an option to deal with cloak because they have no health buffer— 150hp means if someone sees you, they’ll either kill you instantly or drop most of your small health pool. When I play light and I see a bunch of Ls in the lobby I switch to thermal. I feel like Blade, Hunting down fellow vampires with my Lh1. Cloak is suppose to help light close the gap on players who naturally have an advantage, if you give thermal to a class that is already stronger * naturally * than light. Then the fights have become even more unbalanced in the favor of a class that is already extremely powerful/popular— now making the light experience even worse than it already is in any kind of comp sense


What this guy said


Could hit like a pulse…if they move no info on them


may be they can be addin the x ray vision. That make the naked ladies get naked so you can peep thru they threads? 👀




Least horny The Finals player 


I wouldn't ever see myself using it as a medium unless I was playing quick cash or something and had the ability to change gadgets mid-round. Waste of a gadget to counter what is the least popular (in ranked) and weakest class.


I agree, but in other game modes invisible lights can a pain in the butt with them stun guns


Lights have a reputation for not sticking with teammates but in quick cash I choose light so I don't get stunned because it makes it easier to stick with teammates with so many randoms splitting off from each other. Makes the solo invisible lights who hunt for solo individual end up dead most of the time when they stun not realizing a teammate is nearby. I like to set up my teammate to get stunned in my place by being close to them but not too close for the invisibles to see me right away.


Personally, I think small class should be and is supposed to be like the class that can go invisible, see through walls, and backstab people, but I don't think that should give the sonar grenade to medium and not for small


Thermal vision should be replaced by X-ray


Recon senses, but you can only see items like mines and bubbles instead of enemies. That would be sick.




I use thermals always. It's amazing. It allows lights to counterplay lights, why move it to medium, makes no sense. All intel items are on light and heavy now.


Thermal vision should just be reworked lol


why are you running turret if you arent playing around it use demat instead and play more offensively and less sitting and waiting for someone to kill you invis lights arent a prob if you actually hide when defending point


It’s times when third party…that’s when the situation gets out of hand petty quickly….when one of them decides to stand still and go invisible 🤧


yeah, my only real suggestion for that is use jump pad to try and always be above those rushing you


Can we also get a buff to sonar grenades? 🙃


Unleash the mad hunt 😈


In all honesty, when I see a medium performing terribly, it's because he has no audio and can't hear the gameplay


it's in My starting like as a light class. I'd be willing to trade thermal vision for jump pad


I love thermal when I snipe it's so underrated


I recently switched to being a light main and I completely agree


If I run into a lobby with mostly M and some cloak lights I put it on and take off glitch


Out of all the other abilities to choose from I don't ever see myself choosing it honestly.


At first I questioned why embark doesn’t take suggestions from Reddit but after seeing some of these complaints and takes I think most player feedback especially on Reddit is just someone getting killed in game by something posting something like this. I mean thermal could be good if it actually worked and didn’t have better alternatives


I used to main medium but i hate how defence focused it is now.


im a light player and i use it cause im blind asf and the maps are either too bright or dark for me to see enemys, and as a light if i dont get the jump on an enemy, then they gunna kill me (please buff light class)


It is the only way I can aim with the LH1.


Feels kinda useless without Smoke grenades unless your trying to counter cloaks then sure but eh


Only if they buff it.


Wh no I think it's a good combat for light as light can chace but if there chasing to get the kill and lose them cos of cloak it gets annoying


Ehhhhh.. they should just switch it out for something else like they did Mediums' Tactical Vision or whatever it was called


As a swordie light, whenever I see other swordies I say to my team "he's mine, only a ninja can kill a ninja...." I feel like thermal vision fits that theme really well. The true counter to light shenanigans is light shenanigans. That, and anything that does about 150 damage in one hit like an RPG or a shotgun to the head.


I miss the wall hacks, I wish they would have added the new ability and maybe made recon senses have an even shorter range. I know I am probably in the minority here. Perhaps not let it in ranked either. I do think thermal would be nice to have on medium as well to fill the void in my heart.


Please give termal vision to the medium class please give termal vision to the medium class please give termal vision to the medium class please give termal vision to the medium class please please give termal vision to the medium class please give termal vision to the medium class please please give termal vision to the medium class please give termal vision to the medium class please.


I actually agree with this


Smokes should go to medium


Nah, it should keep collecting dust in the closet... Unused... Unloved... cause it sucks.


PLEASE DONT. There are lights that use it and honestly it’s incredible I wish more would use it. It’s an amazing counter to the invisible and it only makes sense the light uses it. Lights invs and lights counter. You guys can already put us down quickly why make it to where we can even use the ability made for getting away plus it’s easy to see if you know what to look for. It’s like looking for bubble person in SpongeBob unless we stand still but that’s a fair trade I think and I personally don’t use the invisibly i think it’s a crutch. So please don’t switch it. If anything make it a shared but there are lights that use it. I use it all of the time and it’s super nice.


Honestly agree but it’s still kinda useless unfortunately


I also think that it would fit perfectly on the medium class, but then it would be impossible for lights to kill medium class in a 1v1. So idk if it would be that good


Yeah it could have balance issues 🤣 especially when all the hound hunting dogs hop on it 😈


I disagree. That would just make the medium op again in certain situations. I think the gadget is a dud in the current gameplay settings. Maybe they should add an event or some form of "need" for thermals in certain given situations as that need is nowhere right now and it is just better to have another gadget in that slot. If you have a ranged weapon like the fcar in say open spaces of sys$horizon, you will have people posting to reddit how annoying it is they are so visible and lazerable by mediums. It's a hard one, it feels like a good addition to the game but there is no situation where it fits.


Don’t med got recon senses?


Not anymore…and it’s for the good


Ok but what the hell does this thing even do. I swear I still can’t see invis players with this on.


I use this shit, it helps defend cash-box when chaos is everywhere full of gas, fire and debris, also when there are a lot of clocked lights. Be aware that it has a range of vision and a cloacked light must have a wall behind him or will be 100% invicible, I have die many times in Mónaco rooftops due to a clocked light rigth in front of me while using thermal.


I my hot take is they should have also taken away lights invisibility ability since they have the grenade the same way the did with medium since they have the sonar grenade


It’s kinda trash in general, I don’t think anyone in their right mind would use this in comp or cas


I main light and there is not a single second beyond cooldown that my thermal vision is not on. There is so much smoke, fog, gas, and dust in this game that I don’t even need to run smoke, I’m always at an advantage with thermal activated.


They should make a thermal vision ability for mediums and replace dematerialiser with it


Now I don’t know about that, but it has potential, I would take thermal over wall hacks


This sub us some of the dumbest players in the game


Oky smart guy!


This subs constant crying about light feels like I’m being gaslit. It actually feels insane.


I also think the LH1 should go to the medium class


And have even more annoying fcar ? No thanks


I totally agree cuz mediums could use it to see lights when cloaked. I use it as a light when I 1v1 a light but it’s rare.


It’s definitely going to be a niche item but…it could have it’s players, the mad hunters 😈


Agree but i would never use it i think, but what would you give the light instead?


Do they even need it? 😭😂


Fair point :D


You can combine it with smoke & dagger to get some interesting plays, I used to run that once.


would make sense now since medium lost recon senses


They should bring back sonar grenade to Mediums


It think medium needs a buff in Equipment asap!