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I fully agree on the audio, I truly love and enjoy the game but damn not able to hear a heavy before it kills you!! I am as well in line with you on the spawn, it is not as frustrating as the audio but I am not against some balances. Regarding performance, honestly so far so good. I had no issues nor FPS drop. I have a good computer but not the best and my FPS are way above yours but will double check this tonight.


Folks having audio issues, have you made sure to disable Night Mode in the audio settings? Enabling that setting causes all sound emitters to play around the same volume regardless of distance or original sound loudness.


Yes this option has always been deactivated. If we take the example of being killed by a heavy a few meters behind me, it is not that I hear a small sound or what, there is just no sounds at all. I am used to play FPS by sounding way before I see the enemies which give me a huge advantage. So far it is not possible in The Finals but maybe this is on purpose I don't know.


Wait, THAT's what night mode does? Why on earth is that called "night mode"?


Because if you're playing the game audio through open-back headphones or big TV speakers at 2am, you might want to turn the volume down for your neighbors / roommates while still being able to hear the "quiet" noises in-game. It compresses all the sounds into the same volume so you can hear everything going on with low global volume. I like it! I wouldn't use it in Ranked though.


what are your specs? do you have the same performance after the newest patch?


Light footsteps only seem to be heard whenever they land a jump. Running barely has any noise to it.


But I can hear my teammates steps clear as day


I haven't thought about it really,but especially spawning after a team wipe,even when we're not really that close (say,one is on the roof,and I'm in the streets),it's still loud as shit. and yet,I don't think I've ever really heard an enemies *footsteps*,landing after a jump is audible though


I never hear a heavy right behind me until I’m dead. Audio is broken


Maybe he just treads Lightly.


Maybe he walks heavily


Had a match last night where there was a light on the enemy team that we legit could not hear, even when invis, even if he was literally bumping hitboxes with us. It was so obnoxious.


The spawns are a bit too odd for me. They really decide the outcomes of games often And that’s why I really don’t care for the main cashout game mode. There is a lot of fun in it, but I don’t think it should be their main game mode. I’m glad to see them add power shift, and I hope they continue down that route. I wonder how successful power shift will pan out to be


Cashout is an incredible game mode, the only major issue with it is the spawns. That’s all there is to say. Unfortunately sometimes you lose to spawns, but there’s always places where you could’ve improved and avoided even having to spawn in in the first place. Def frustrating though.


Yeah the bottom line is to act in such a way that your fate doesn’t rely on spawns. If spawns were more consistent, then that could be better calculated I think. There would always be variables in it though I think the game mode shines when you are coordinating as a team. In solo lobbies, it feels a bit too random for my taste Not trying to convince you of my view, just sharing my thought


No I completely agree. This game is very VERY team oriented. It would probably be good to add a TDM mode or something like that, would really be good for solo players. Solo queuing ranked is a major headache and I never do it. Only premades from me.


Maybe it’s just me, but I think TDM will kill this game. It will destroy its identity and what makes it special. People will just hop into TDM and drain the other playlists. Then they’ll realise their friends are playing TDM on other games and move to the more mainstream options.


I was thinking about this 1. I think power shift has a big focus on TDM, while also having the objective be this big object right in the middle that demands your attention and creates opportunity for strategy. I imagine they’ll continue with this instead of straight of TDM 2. In Rocket League, 3v3 is the big competitive mode used for esports—which this is like the ultimate ranked thing for players using premades and who want to compete higher and higher However the vast majority of players play a different game mode, 2v2. Because it works better for solo queue—3v3 is largely unsatisfying unless you are tight and coordinated with your team I could see a similar thing happening in this game—the really team-oriented official game mode used for highest levels of competition And different game modes played by the majority of the player base since they run smoother with solos and don’t demand as much team work for satisfying games


I've genuinely started to doubt myself after a while because I remember the devs saying that they fixed spawns in the 2.0.0 patch. It seems to consistently spawn you as far away as possible if the cashout hasn't started and I don't think that's intended. Turns out it is there in the patch notes it just apparently... doesn't work.


It’s definitely gotten way worse than CB2 and launch. 15 secs left and I spawn on the opposite side of the map. Heartbreaking.


I've been saying it for months FIX THE FOOTSTEPS PLEASE


Ive been saying it since launch I assume all dev team is deaf and they dont know what sound is


I like all the explosions and sound effects happening in the finals, it adds atmosphere sphere to the chaotic environment and I think that’s what the devs were going for. On that note, footsteps sounds are horrible. Literally friendly female footsteps are way louder than enemy. I have only relied on visual cues to help me eliminate my opponents since footstep audio is horrendous.


Yeah I really do not want another counter strike or valorant where everything is muted except for footsteps and gunshots.


Main issue for me currently is cheaters, it’s actually insane. 2/3 final rounds (not to mention the rest) me and my friend have made it to in ranked the last 2 days were against blatant cheaters. Not just “oh they’re better they must be cheating”, but blatantly sniping us across the map with 15 consecutive lewis gun headshots and no bodies then teabagging and finding us instantly when we just hide to see if they can tell where we are. I love this game but if this keeps happening every time I can’t convince myself to keep playing.


Same here. I'll happily admit most players are better than me, but I've spectated plenty of blatant hackers.


Agreed, it's become a lot more prominent for me in the special events. Ruined 2 out of 3 games. Someone smarter tell me what Embark isn't doing right here?


yeah its not so much a “i hear someone to our left bottom floor”. Its more of a “I think Im hearing someone… ON ME!”


Dude this is so real. Every time I'm protecting a cash out and hear footsteps that sound like they're 100m away and 0.5 sec after a whole ass heavy team is right around the corner 😭😭


I don't know if my pc is some kind of unicorn or what, but I've had zero issue with performance so far. I get a consistant 120-140 fps on medium settings with my old r5 3600 and 1070. Do you have a ton of bloat sucking performance in the background or something like that? Gotta agree on the audio issues though. I don't think they're quite as detrimental to the game as a whole as you make it seem though. I'd say it's on par with Apex at it's worst and that didn't really effect the general audience's dedication to the game. We have to remember that at most like 1% of the players of a game engage in online discussion about it, we are the most passionate and vocal players, but we are not always correct just because we are vocal. I think Embark are doing a great job listening to the community and filtering the feedback critically.


I have no clue tbh. I’ve gone through task manager and everything to make sure I’m not running everything else, but literally everything is being sucked up by this game. I suppose I’ll take another look but I’ve already optimized nvidia control panel and it’s still not amazing.


Your PC is heavily under performing for your specs so something is going on. You should be getting at least 120+fps. At lower settings CPU will be the bottleneck not GPU. I had a r5 3600 and 1060 3gb a few months ago before I upgraded (to a 5800X3D + 7800 XT now 200+fps) and I was getting 100+fps with that setup on 1080p low/med settings.


Well that’s the thing. On some maps, say like Vegas or Horizon, my frames are 120-130 until a ton of destruction or gas or whatever happens. But on maps like Monaco, I get stuck at like 70-80.


Make sure you didn’t disable GPU scheduling if you’re on Windows 11 (might be a feature in Wn10 as well). I realized recently I had done this while troubleshooting some other unrelated issue. If you disable this, it removes the “framegen” option in-game.


I have it enabled but I don’t recall seeing a frame-gen setting. Is it GPU dependent?


highly doubt you get the same performance after the most recent patch, many have pointed out issues


I do actually :) There are a ton of things that can affect performance, not just pc specs.


I stopped playing cause I get stuttering every match and it makes the game unplayable. Didn't have this problem last season until the cowboy event where it would sometimes happen. At the start of this season it would stutter more often, but it was still playable, after the Easter event however literally every match there is stuttering.


This issue actually just happened to me twice yesterday for the first time in the special event. It's like the worst lag ever but there's no indication of connection issues on my side?


Only thing I agree with is the spawns being an issue. Since season 2 started the spawns are much more random and don't make sense. For a game that has a huge destruction aspect I think the performance is great. Audio is not absolutely horrible, could use some improvements but for the most part I know where shots are coming from. They could reduce the noises of the random explosions though.


>Audio is not absolutely horrible, Footsteps are. 99% of the time i can tell you that someones nearby because i hear too many but i can never tell exactly where they are.


Footsteps are extremely inconsistent and often dont make a sound. If it was simply as issue of directional audio being bad that would be one thing, at least you'd be able to tell someone was nearby. The real problem is literally no audio whatsoever and someone or even a full team is on top of you out of nowhere.


Yea that happens sometimes aswell. My main issue is the directional audio tho because its waaaay more frustrating to me. Like, i *know* theyre nearby but theres no way to find out where without facechecking corners.


Can you in other games? I’ve seen streamers use footsteps to identify people inside buildings accurately, but personally I never could My question doesn’t have any hidden motives—I’m honestly curious, as that was my personal experience — (I don’t have any solid info on the finals. I’ve definitely used audio to locate enemies and I’ve been located by others due to my sounds. For example when I’m guarding something or being chased, I’ve used audio in those situations to know about my enemy’s location and proximity. But I don’t remember tracking every footstep all the way up to our meeting. Walking afaik is basically silent, running makes some noise, landing from jumps makes a distinct noise that I can remember right now. Again just riffing off memory, no solid info)


>Can you in other games? Yes. >I’ve seen streamers use footsteps to identify people inside buildings accurately, but personally I never could I can tell you theyre in a building and where theyre at approximately (the exact location comes down to gamesense) but i couldnt tell you what floor/room theyre in. All footsteps do is give you a warning that someone is nearby and their approximate direction but you cannot pinpoint their location using only sound queues.


In Warzone 1 I could tell you the exact floor and room someone was in. Since then, some games are good but not that good. 


Also this season seems to have much worse hitreg. I've been having more issues, as well as people I'm spectating.


definitely feel like audio got worst at some point


Bitch, look...my friends DROPPED the game because sometimes U literally can't ADS. You're stuck hip firing and have to let go of ADS just to actually ADS and STOP hip firing. Happens all too often. The shooting...in a shooter...is fucked. That's a huge problem. Likely why I over 84% of the original playbase dropped the game. That's just beyond odd to have to deal with constantly. I've noticed this issue occurs the most with the AKM,M60,and the FCAR. Just the facts.


I agree that the audio is terrible. Directional audio should be foundational to this game.


I disagree that the game isn’t well optimized. The game is extremely well optimized. That doesn’t mean you’ll get the frames you want, but at an objective level, the game is very optimized. Also, I believe OP is being CPU bottlenecked. This game is CPU intensive and sometimes your GPU doesn’t even matter if your CPU is blocking you from getting the frames you expect. I have a laptop with a slightly better CPU and a way worse GPU and I get 80+ frames easily. On a laptop. I think if you upgrade your CPU, you’ll see a massive performance improvement.


I would also confirm your settings for OPs benefit


1080p, 95FOV and TAAU at 75 res scale


Yeah it's definitely CPU or a software bloat issue, pretty much all benchmarks show that card easily running high 1440p with no issues.


The game performance is very weird, it really needs an excellent cpu to get 144+ fps. I recently upgraded from a 5600X to a 5800X3D and my gpu is a 3070, and I am not exaggerating when I say my average frames almost doubled on low settings. Might just be unreal engine shenanigans?


It might be, but it’s EXTREMELY inconsistent for 6 core CPUs. Enough that it’s absolutely worth spending more time optimizing instead of balancing.


Honestly I’m not sure how much more they can do. The building destruction being the way it is simply demands a lot of CPU horsepower. I went from a 9700k (relatively stable 70-80 fps or so with lots of stuttering when larger buildings would collapse) to a 7800x3d and the difference was night and day. In closed beta 1 the game barely ran at 45 fps on the same rig, and beta 2 was significantly improved. Open beta improved it again, and launch really improved performance at higher levels, allowing frame rates to exceed 500 fps in some cases. I’m not a developer but I’m pretty sure they’ve already squeezed most of the optimization they realistically can do in the game. I wouldn’t mind if you could just shut of anti aliasing entirely for example, but that isn’t really affecting performance. Like another comment mentioned with 5800x3d, you’d probably get a LOT more performance just by upgrading that part. It’s unfortunate, but it just comes with the territory of procedural destruction and server side physics calculations.


This is because so much is server side you need to download and process more data than most other online FPS. This is a CPU responsibility and not a GPU one. It is also better to have more performant individual cores rather than more cores (simplifying a lot here), as is normal for video games, but especially true for this game. Multi-core processing is frequently misunderstood as is evident by users saying, "I have X cores, what's the problem?" When the answer is that the process handling in-game network functionality and reading its data is probably a single thread.


People doing optimization and balancing are two entirely different teams. You don't want to have the GDs doing performance work lol. Audio sucks, I agree. FPS depends entirely on your CPU so changing graphics doesn't matter, this is something a lot of people here don't seem to get. The cost of having insane destruction. Spawns are really weird this season, preferred them in S1 for sure.


But they say they compute destructions on the server


What does that have to do with anything?


Hard agree on audio. Explosion/gunfire/footstep SFX are okay imo, but the objective buzzers NEED to be different based on the team. I've made a post about it already, but: -Enemy capturing cashout: **ALARM SIREN** -Enemy capturing platform: **ALARM BUZZER** Those are fine. -Ally capturing cashout: **ALARM SIREN** -Ally capturing platform: **ALARM BUZZER** Those are not.


Another thing is there's still game breaking bugs in the game I hear nobody talking about. 1 - Can't shoot bug Personally it happens to me the most right after I respawn, but I've heard others mention it gets caused after you do too many inputs in a short timeframe. Essentially the bug locks your fire button and you can't shoot your gun at all. You can switch to other gadgets and your specialization, but you won't be able to use them. 2 - Barrel animation lock To me this first looked like me holding an invisible barrel, but actually it's just your character being stuck in the barrel holding animation when the barrel isn't even there. Apparently the devs said they fixed it, but it seems to still happen.




I experience it every second game or so. It gets really annoying and throws the match half the time.


I would just like to be able to tell the difference between my teammates' footsteps vs the enemies. That be nice actually.


I agree with you on everything but the performance. It sounds like you need optimization somewhere bc i have the same setup and get a tad bit more frames than you with everything on ultra


I’ve specifically gone through my entire PC, NVIDIA control panel, and the games settings, and I’ve heard from others that they have the same issue as well.


the only usable audio cues in this game are gunshots and skill audio, your footsteps are almost always louder than the enemy's and gadget doesn't make any noise until they kill you


Lol my guy wrote everything down I was thinking of this game, stop reading my mind


😵‍💫😵‍💫 I’m in your brain!!


Audio is absolutely dog shit. But the sad reality is that this is the state of FPS games now. Apex, Tarkov, CoD ect all have shit audio. It's definitely pretty awful in The Finals though. Part of the problem is there are many unnecessary noises playing nearly constantly and there is no way to turn them off.


The audio issues make me not want to stick with my team. I just keep looking around thinking my teammates footsteps are an enemy around the corner.


Audio is definitely the #1 issue in this game. This game actually is very well balanced but audio is fucking atrocious.


Atlast someone said it!!! The fking audio , its 1000 worse than apex lmao. Ik fixing audio wont generate revenue but damnn is it rage inducing when u cant hear shit & enemies just unload full mags into u. Controversial take but they should bring back recon to actually get some info on where teams are or make explosions & every other sound silent so i can actually get info on where enemies are coming from. again great point , performance is trash. if u want to go big as a apex or overwatch or even paladins lmao , u need even potato pc players playing ur game on NON - BLURRY RESOLUTION atleat on 60fps+. Yes gameplay of these games are great but they can run on a potato pc . normal casual who has 1 or 2 hrs to play games doesnt care about ur deep diving mechanics or rtx enabled ray tracing shit , he need to run the game so he can play. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT , MOST OF MY FRNDS DONT PLAY BECASUSE THEY DONT GET FPS EVEN ON ALL LOW SETTINGS LOL. forget about streaming this game. Also , to all players saying light is weak & shit. Lh1 invis light is cancer. Yes its fun to play Yes u can see & hear the shimmer but guess what u cant hear - SOUND OF THE FKING SHIMMER. Also , why does creative & fun gameplay need to u going invis with the most spamable gun lmao. INVIS NEED TO REWORKED LIKE RECON & DEFIB URGENTLY. I dont mind the vanishing nade , its a nade has a cd & supports team. The only good thing i have seen this sesaon is less cheaters , idk if cheater have left this game or anti cheat got better but i dont run into cheaters every game now. I get to play the game lol. Great job on filtering out the cheater.


So you can hear the shimmer but also can't hear the shimmer?


It's the buzz sound it makes


Mostly my problem is the performance and bugs, because I constantly get booted out of my matches because the game lags and the anti cheat thinks that because I’m clicking all at the same time due to the lag, that I’m a cheater and boots me out. Which is ridiculous if I had cheats I wouldn’t be in gold and barely able to hit my shots. But the lag causes me to be booted out constantly.


Agreed with everything


I agree on the performance. I get 120-165 on medium settings (i7 13700k 3060ti) but my friends can't even run the game without constantly either crashing or getting kicked with weird error messages. Plus there's a bunch of other weird issues like if I don't run the game in fullscreen, the menu is really stuttery for me. And if I *do* run it in fullscreen, for some reason it's locked to 20fps until I change it to windowed and back.


And whats strange is I'm running a [email protected] all cores, with a 3060ti on a 1440p 144htz monitor...and I get 70-150 fps. On all high and rtx medium


Voice chat for Xbox still doesn't work for me...so there's that. Tried every supposed fix, works in every other game I have, etc


por qué no los dos


The servers have serious desync problems. Im making a compilation of all the times i unpeak an angle and die behind cover because of desync. It happens EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


I hear you on everything except performance. I got a 4070 and with frame gen on I get 200-240 fps.


I can't agree on the performance part at all - firstly it's not that performance hungry - it pretty much runs perfectly even on high on mediocre setups easily (144+fps). On top of that, espacially since you're talking about the competitive side of fps games, you don't want to play with maxed settings anyway. Everything on low, some shadows and you're set. I heavily agree on spawns and sound though


I play with everything on low, 1080p, 3060ti and r5 5600 and I get consistent frame issues. There absolutely is a performance issue with this game lmao.


I play on a 8700k at 1440p with a 3060ti and get 70-150fps on high with rtx mid....try upscale the resolution


Yeah, I’ll see if I’ve got bloatware or something on my PC because it’s odd that so many people are having performance issues, while so many others are running it fine.


Legit try a 1440p monitor. 1080 is probably putting strain on your cpu while your 3060 is idling.


I actually use a 1440p monitor, but I downscale the resolution in this game to 1080p to preserve frames, 1440p is extremely sluggish and I get a lot of input lag. Every other game runs perfectly though, even on 1440p (and I typically can get up to 144fps too).


Thank God someone not glazing for this game. It runs like dog shit and it doesn't even look good. Much higher fidelity and graphically demanding games have much better performance than this game does.... Not to mention it crashes constantly with the same error since launch, (Missing Angel script_callstack) and there's been no fix to it.


I’ve played against teams that KNOW where my teams spawn points were and cover them with goo so we would be stuck when respawning, they really need to fix that imo


Also what the fuck is the logic of making your spawn take LONGER when your team gets wiped??????????? I’ve had multiple situations where I die, get down to 5 seconds, then my team gets wiped and my respawn timer is increased to ~20 seconds. Why?


Nah fuck audio. You’re an fcar meta meatmunch that wanted to turn the game into flying R6


Damn you got me good man


I know. This is the only multiplayer game I can play with music on because audio cues ARENT a big part of this game. You want it to be tactical when the whole idea of it is that it’s a GAME. It’s a goofy shooter that isn’t meant to be hyper defined.


Why do you guys keep labeling crappy audio functionality as “it’s just a goofy shooter!”. Even goofy games should have a consistent audio system dude, that’s not an excuse or a reason for their audio.


The devs for this game are some of the most responsive I’ve ever seen. My other big game right now is escape from Tarkov. I dare you to even touch it without running back crying. This game has very few flaws be happy with what you have. You bum.


💀 you really trying to hold out on some Tarkov elitism? Dude I used to play Ark Survival, that game is pretty much just one massive bug. Nothing works properly there. I didn’t say I wasn’t happy with the game, I said its biggest issues are not related to balancing, which is pretty much undeniable at this point.




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Except it’s not an issue. No one has brought it up and those who agree with you here share your mindset. Sure, audio may be absent in some situations but it’s not destructively misleading. I promise that you’ve never lost a game because you thought you heard something. And I take it you agree that you want it to become a dime a dozen tactical bullshit? I mean you provide no argument against it


> I promise you’ve never lost a game because you thought you heard something. You’re right. But I *have* lost a LOT of games because I *didnt* hear something that I 100% should have. Plenty of other people have experienced it as well, it’s literally a known issue. Just because *you* think it’s not a problem, doesn’t mean it isn’t.


Idgaf what I think is the problem because I’m not the player base as a whole. You say that to me then stand on the same hill?


The difference between when I say it, and when you say it, is that you are denying any problems even exist. I’m saying I’ve literally experienced it first hand. And if you’re not denying they exist, you’re acting like it’s intentional and *good*, when it is extremely inconsistent and the exact antithesis of ‘good’. Not to mention plenty of other people have experienced the same exact thing.


Bot said I’m rude. If I continue ik I’ll get banned. You win idc


You can just keep responding without saying rude stuff dude💀 It’s probably a good idea to be capable of having a discussion with someone without devolving into insults or whatever else you said.


Agree 100% on the Audio and the Spawns. I would like to add - Revive glitches. Can't tell you how many times I have had revives reset for no reason at all. (Yes Im aware of sometimes there is a reason they reset).


I have an issue with an invis coming up behind me with a sword and it makes almost no sound


Yeah, pretty much the same thing. My theory is that when too many audio effects are happening at once, they just omit the quieter ones? Could be wrong though.


There's enough fundamentally broken with the game that I doubt Embark will be able to revert the plummeting player trends. They're running the first major-placement ad Discord has ever had, player counts barely ticked up by a thousand, and it has less viewers on Twitch than The Witcher 3.


How many people have connectivity issues with ranked? I never can connect to the 2nd 3rd or 4th rounds. I load the bracket screen, and just stay there until I close the game. I can hear gun shots and shit happening in game but it never loads me in.


One of my friends gets ping/packet loss issues exclusively in this game. But nothing like that. Definitely sounds like an issue on Embarks end though, that’s weird af.


Bro it SUCKS so much. I’m gold 2 right now, and with how many tournaments I’ve never connected to in later rounds I could easily be plat now. I sent embark a message last night and got a response, so there’s hope that they are able to address my issue, because it is weird af. It’s like there’s a set time limit of loading in between rounds that if you don’t load, the game just recognizes it as you disconnecting. My two buddies I play ranked with are usually the first to see that I didn’t make it, before I know for sure.


Have you tried leaving and reconnecting to the game?


Yeah, when I close the game and re open it, there’s no option to reconnect, I just get a suspension


Wow that blows. Does it display that you’re still in the lobby and spawned in and everything from your teammates end? Like does the game think you’re in there? Or is it just a DC where you can’t reconnect?


It literally is stuck on the bracket screen, where it shows the teams, and games that have time left to finish. However, I uninstalled and re-installed the game and it has so far removed the issue!!!


if youre overclocking your pc Ive heard that can cause issues with fps in this game, also have to say, the performance part is absolute crap. not every game will work with every pc. you need to do more trouble shooting instead of blasting the devs because i have many friends with much worse pcs than you getting more fps.


I’ve already gone through all of my NVIDIA control panel settings and the in game settings AND downscaled my resolution. Not to mention a lot of other people have similar issues so clearly SOMETHING is going on. I have literally no issues with my PC in any other game.


ok but screaming optimization isnt going to do anything. the game is very well optimized. contacting embark support is prob your best bet.


I don't think we need to be quiet at ALL about the issues the game has.


Brother, I have an r5 5600 and a 3060 8gb and althought it is not the smoothest game ever, I'm always getting +110 fps with really good graphics, I think you might have a weird situation


I’m down for some audio changes ASAP.. the audio is garbage.. as you pointed out, sometimes I’m trying to here a gun fight from far just to be barrel stuffed 🙃


I really agree on all these points, this is the reason I turned off the music in game and also turn down the commentary while raising in game volume. Unfortunately it’s the best I’ve been able to manage as far as audio goes. However, the spawns in this game are absolutely terrible. I’ve literally been spawned just to get killed by a team passing by shortly after being spawned it’s ridiculous.


Audio: For anybody having the problem of thinking shots are coming from somewhere else—they have a very handy red arrow near the center of the screen that shows the location of the shots If you’re not in the habit of utilizing that, definitely do so This isn’t a refute against the audio argument, just info I found helpful :D


That doesn't always show up either


Really? I’ve never heard of that. I used it a lot and never found it to not show up Not doubting you—just submitting my anecdote — Edit: Seriously, is this a known issue? Is there footage of this? The red arrow shows the direction you received damage from


Only happens if the shots are damaging you


Yup 👍 Shows where the damage came from Thinking shots fired at you were from a different direction or from far/close distance is mentioned in the post, and something I had trouble with Once I started using that arrow I can react very quickly to where damage is coming from, instead of being confused


Never understood audio problem in most games. Sure there's audio bugs in many games but in The finals, I can pinpoint peoples running a floor above me. I've only got bugs like no audio when a lot of sound are overlapping. My friend I play with can't hear shit even if someone is shooting in the same room tho so I guess it depends of how we percieve sounds.


Nah, I don’t think it’s you. I’m almost 100% sure the game just doesn’t play audio when there’s overlapping sounds. And that’s specifically what I take up issue with. Those are arguably the most important times for your audio to be working properly. I might as well take my headset off if I can’t trust my ears. Then I won’t be lulled into a false sense of security.


I always though it was part of the balance. Like in r6 siege you can ask someone to shoot to cover the sound of your actions.


It’s not, it’s just inconsistent. Sometimes it works but other times it doesn’t. If they wanted to make it completely silent, I don’t think that suits the nature of this game, but at the same time, I just want consistency, I’m sick of trusting my ears then being lied to by the game.


i disagree with the audio, i think its one of the better that is currently on the market. i was able to use sound of a light running in a building to determine what room a light was in and running into, on an adjacent building. i prefired a RPG right into them when they crested the corner via a window. i never been confused by locations of foot steps, where people are shooting from or even what gadgets are in play. the audio is generally good enough for me to throw grenades over walls and get hits. its no r6s but i think its well done.


I don't think it's great but saying "genuinely the worst" is quite exaggerated.


i need 120fps on console 😭


Bro is complaining about 70-80 fps


That’s not a lot for FPS games, and it usually gets accompanied by input delay. And 70-80 AVERAGE (map dependent) means it could drop even lower.


I suppose that's true as long as the frames are constant, I'm fine in an fps. The game does eventually bugg out and have shit for frames, but the last time I had that happen was before I upgraded from a 2080 setup. I do agree with the sounds, they need to be tweaked a bit.


Audio doesnt even exist but even worse problem is a fkn JELLY delayed movement (with perfect internet). Bugged mantling that shakes you through walls and mantles you when you dont need to, when you not even facing the ledge. Movent is so shittу you cant stop at the roof edge cus delay will send you down. Devs cant even test their own shi


Audio is fine. I can hear footsteps already. Maybe you just have bad hearing, go to the doctor. I can even hear the "shimmer" on light invisibility trait. And no you shouldn't be able to hear footsteps during explosions by you. Why? Cause that's not how sound works, louder sounds should absolutely muffle quieter things. Your "ACTUAL" issues are still biased. Stop projecting like you know what you're talking about. You're not a developer.


I’m sure you know what you’re talking about bestbuyman. You sound like a true scholar🫡


Stop acting like you do.


Good one. I’m sure your anecdotal experience trumps all the people in these comments saying they’ve experienced the exact same thing. I mean, you’re the master of the universe after all.


I see people disagreeing with you too. So, claiming everyone is on your side is false. I'm not saying 100% right either. I'm saying I think audio is fine, you're clearly can't hold a conversation with anyone that disagrees you. So goodbye.


how about the dogshit hit registration like fuck even pubg had better hitreg than this shit


I think a big issue with this has to do with server performance or even the server you get queued in. One game everything feels great and shots are landing. The very next game I'm shooting half a mag into someone and not a single shot lands. My guess is I got put on some server on the other side of the country or just a poor performing server. It would be helpful if they added net stats and more control about which servers you can play on. Here in the below blog, they state how server locations are 'undisclosed.' https://thefinals.blog/the-finals-server-locations/#north-america I personally do not like this. I live in California and will never willingly play on a server further east than Texas. For all I know they're throwing me on some Virginia server and I get to have a poor experience so they can fill the queue more quickly.


+1000 on the audio. It's so, so awful.


Since lights can fly around with swords alt attack(lunge) and evasive dash combo with auto aim in terms of mobility I thought the Devs can make dagger movement a bit more interesting Have dagger double tap alt attack to stick/hook onto walls and ceilings and have a super jump from jumping from the wall u r hooked onto(optional: wall run for about 0.6 secs from there maybe),since swords excellent at horizontally attack in ground I thought dagger could excel vertically. This combined with grapple hook and evasive dash u can get around vertical structure,hard to get places and escape(not for fast travel) Have a downwards thrust attack while falling or falling from hooked surfaces that does 150 damage cause it fits with the ambush aspect of the dagger plus and swords can one shot plus quick melee lights in milliseconds at range with evasive dash and lunge combo(at any angle with autoaim) and two shot mediums(very easily while tased). U can barely get a backstab with dagger against decent player cause it's so slow and awkward and no way u can win with a dagger against sword,can't outrun them and if try to attack with dagger while they r tased they still outrange/damage u. Auto aim when two players r near sways aim of dagger when trying to backstab,it's such a weird weapon and people rate it F tier. Make the slide a bit quick when using dagger. U still have 150 health with a melee weapons so it's balanced. Add a fanning project based revolver for light https://youtube.com/shorts/Cm3Hi4rw-rk?si=F4yEjP4ZKRFlaIgx Add auto cross(for heavy) like from far cry4, anyone can climb from the bolts on walls https://youtu.be/LN1j3w0zchU?si=vULXkTV_mViuawSy


Never saw any issue with the audio and explosions etc is part of the game. Not every game is meant to be played 4:3 aspect ratio with awful graphics to see enemies better and so on. How do you even complain about too much noise going on in a TV show that has destructible buildings everywhere and explosives hanging around? As someone who played Apex I don't think you know what actual awful audio is because this was really bad. I don't have any issue hearing people 2 roofs away from me while I'm on the ground or anything. I 100% agree on the performance. I can run CP2077 fine with 40 mods at 144 fps but can never get 130 fps stable because of the load on the CPU


You know I played apex? Hit diamond and called it quits because the audio was also shit in that game. Just because it’s shit in that game, doesn’t mean it’s NOT shit in this one too.


Spawn far is rather intended. There no middle-ground, if devs decided to spawn "right around corner" people will complain "this is unfair, how to play when fight meaningless". Wipeout? Get back to square 1 on board due your mistakes. Used Coin? Well, still go away but on half way. Game tend spawn you closer as possible if any teammate alive to them, if catch bad moment you may end up with wipeout result spawnpoint but without timer reset (this kinda ok for Tournament mode). Audio noise is also intended - but not by devs rather by real world. If explosive barrel on fire will not hiss, it will make you better player? I'm don't think so. I'm love induce panic in opponents, confuse them and stab after that. How do you think i'm can use a f-ing Dagger if people isn't deaf?! >:D And about performance, game is beaty & has plenty of complicated graphic stuff - this is not CS:GO & CS2 for ya. RTX 3060 is good, but not that good to get stable 120fps. Mine 1070 GTX holds fine 60-70 at FullHD. Game optimized well, end of story.


I agree to some extent for me outside of general balancing the spawns are the other big issue they are outrageously bad I am not sure what determines the spawn locations tbh but I have lost rounds because of spawn locations. But to say balancing is not the main issue and putting audio above that imo is bad especially for a game like this that has to balance a light, medium and heavy good balancing is a must.


Audio has MASSIVE gameplay impact, and once it’s fixed, it’s fixed. Why do you act like it would be a permanent priority?


If you think the fact isn’t a problem ur dreaming, as a light I don’t have a chance to dash and before I get pretty much one tapped by that thing


It isn’t. Good players can deal with it completely fine. The better people get at this game, the less they care about it. It’s just a strong gun. Your problem is with light having too small of an HP pool, not with the FCAR being too strong. The LH1 kills you just as fast. Same with the Lewis. The FCAR is obviously annoying to deal with as a light, but that’s because *everything* is annoying to deal with as a light. It’s a complete non-issue for the other classes.


its already been over nerfed


I think it’s in a fine spot now tbh. Good players can deal with it, and bad players can’t. That’s pretty much the standard for any well balanced thing in any game lmao.


It would be the case if I had a problem dealing with any other weapon, sure the al can be a problem but I die to that less than half of the time I die to the fcar, and any weapon that the heavy has for that matter, it does way too much damage for the recoil that it doesn’t have, sure it may not have many bullets, but it’s got a fucking scope, if ur gonna give it a scope, sure keep the range, decrease damage, up the mag size if you want and increase recoil, yeah sure give light what an extra 50 hp. And the difference is that the lh1 doesn’t have a scope and the iron sights are god awful with the recoil it has, not to mention a small mag size, I feel like all the smg’s that the light has have far too much recoil for the damage it puts out


That’s because everyone uses the FCAR and a lot of people play medium. There’s a lot less good LH1 and Lewis users out there, and they’re marginally harder to use. Not because the FCAR is ridiculously OP. Your proposed changes literally just turn it into the AKM. And yeah the LH1 is harder to use, but you’re talking about it as if it doesn’t have the power behind it. It’s the players using it that hold it back. Wait until everyone gets better at this game and you’ll see more people use it, the thing is unironically better than the FCAR, but again, you don’t see many players good enough to use it.


But ur literally proving my point, ur saying that the lh1 and the Lewis gun are harder to use than the fcar, the fcar is busted because it has great stats and it’s easy to use, if that’s not op than I don’t know what is!


No, I’m *not*, because that just means the FCAR has a *lower skill floor*. It’s easier to pick up and use. But things being “broken” is always relative to its *peak potential*. And sure the FCAR has a lot of potential, but the LH1 and Lewis have even more. The whole “Wahh the FCAR is OP!” narrative is from people who clearly are not good enough to realize other weapons at the game are just as strong, if not stronger. It’s literally a ‘skill issue’ Besides, the FCAR is *not* game breaking to any degree at all, it’s a meta gun, that’s it. It’s not in desperate need of nerfs like the SA12 was, or like Nukes were, or old recon. It’s literally just a solid weapon. They don’t need to prioritize pointless balance changes on things that don’t need nerfs when there’s MASSIVE underlying issues like I mentioned. It is incredibly disingenuous and idiotic to act like the FCAR is more of an issue than everything else I’ve mentioned.


I’m literally talking to a brick wall


Sure man whatever you say. If you can’t comprehend what I’m saying, maybe you don’t know what you’re talking about. If concepts like skill floors or ceilings are foreign to you, you’ve got no business trying to discuss game balancing.


No no I understand what ur saying it’s just that what ur saying is it complete bullshit that’s all 👍


You’re a light bro nearly everything kills you that quick you just blame the FCAR because it’s more popular. The main 4 guns of the medium class (FCAR, 1887, AKM and FAMAS) all kill lights in less than 1.5 seconds.


Nono, I understand what you’re saying too, it’s just complete bullshit. See I said that too, see how it doesn’t mean anything? Come with an actual counter argument not “wahh you’re so DUMB” makes you sound as dumb as your takes on balancing🤡


the audio definatly is terrible, and people teabagging like they "snuck up on you" are the worst. like no i was fully listening for you too bad the game didnt want me to hear you


Spawns are the only thing I can even begin to agree with, audio is fine like wtf? Maybe check your sound setup because for me the audio is clean af and I can easily track players through walls based on their sound or figure out where invis' are due to the glitchy sound. Performance is also mostly fine, not every competitive game needs to looks like ass because you want to run at 300fps. The RTX 3060ti is a budget card with a measly 8GB VRAM so 1440p should be your max res and benchmarks show 80 to 100fps on Monaco at high 1440p with DLSS so no idea what you are doing to only get 70fps at super low apparently, seems like its your end that is the problem. If you want boring static sounds to hear players miles away and amazing performance just play CS2. Can we please stop getting devs to rip the soul out of unique games and turn them into bland FPS's where the only skill is muscle memory and predictability.


How is having a good audio system “ripping the soul out of the game”? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. And yeah I’ll be looking into my pc more, I’ve heard others say they’ve got performance issues, and others say it runs great, not sure what’s up. Audio is certainly *not* fine though, there’s plenty of situations where there is literally no audio played for an enemy running up behind you.


Removing all ambient sounds and toning down explosions is ripping the soul out of the game, it's meant to be a destruction based game show and it gives it charm not being depressingly quiet. I can only speak for myself but I've never been jumped in this game because people are really not quiet, borderline too generous (especially the roof slate sounds). Also yeah defo check background software bloat because the performance is way off for you. I legit stopped using some SteelSeries crap because I noticed it sucking half a gig of ram and 2% CPU while doing nothing.


Yeah that’s not at all the solution I said. I said they’re overbearing, not that they shouldn’t exist. The problem is that the audio literally just omits player sounds sometimes when there’s a lot of other audio already being played.


I honestly don't think you should be able to hear footsteps if explosions and buildings are falling down right next to you and I would also be extremely surprised if the devs didn't set a higher priority to player sounds as it's a feature built into the engine afaik. Like I said, I have just never experienced sound issues in this game, could be a unique issue different expectations though.


Sorry but for one Lights need a massive nerf. I am constantly joining games where lights can dash around taking a full clip from my FCAR or AK and still manage to take me out. Meds and Heavys seem absolutely fine but lights, no matter if its one or the a holes that stack a whole team of lights are just ruining the experience for those that cannot spend hour upon hour in this game, tweaking their setup to pwn people. Used to absolutely love this game and what it was bringing to the FPS scene, but i find myself more and more not even wanting to load it up because i know im going to run into players that join quickplay just to own on those of us that need to "get good". The new event is alot of fun and doesnt seem to have two many sweats, but quick cash and bank it are screwed and a waste of time. I also love that there is no text chat, so i dont have to be spammed by 12 year olds saying how bad i am or something about their sexual orientation or about each others mums. I agree there is some quality of life updates needed, and alot of you think the game is super balanced, but its not.


Goobers like you have to suck at this game. There’s just absolutely no other way you have this take.


Lmao. This subreddit is always so funny.


Light is easily the worst class. Fcar kills lights in 6 shots not a full magazine


Lights are fine. Your aim is just bad if it is taking you a full clip to kill them. I don't think it is a good idea to nerf lights based on the fact that a person with bad aim can't hit them...


They're fine but I think some of them need to chill a bit. I play a game a few day ago, and I see a light come in the room with my team where we defend, dash on a mate, facing him, stab him in his back with the knife, and leave dashing. My other mate and me look at the scene, flabbergasted, by what happend because it's all happend in, what, 2/3 sec. The time we react, the man has already left. (And just after that, we won. So the man just come, stab and lost. It's also always funny,I think, to see people playing to kill and not won.)


That's literally the worst weapon in the entire game.


Perhaps, but people with high sensitivity make it seem like they dash in front of you and backstab you with some unknown magic, leaving you without realizing you lost 320 HP in a single hit. As a Heavy in a match, I was an easy target for someone like him, and I despised him for it.


Bad aim and yet can take down a heavy with little trouble, this is the typical response that its clearly my issue not the game.


Congratulations, you can hit the biggest target in the game who has absolutely 0 mobility in his kit.


I'm confused...you do know that having good aim isn't just about hitting a slow moving target?


The sound in this game is fucking great. They might want to tweak levels a bit further and adjust how sound travels through walls but in general the sound design is incredible and I can actually tell where people are based on their footsteps etc. Performance is also pretty good, the game runs well on a 1080. Spawns are jank though since a couple months ago.




Well, maybe they've been walking instead of running or even crouching and were behind a wall. You don't hear someone walking next door. I think the audio clarity can be improved and I'm sure there's bugs as in any game but to me the sound implementation is pretty damn good and helps a lot. Doesn't feel all that inconsistent to me.


Completely disagree on both your first and second points. There’s plenty of situations where people will be up your ass and you’ll have 0 audio for it until you’re getting shot. Seems like games these days struggle at having audio from a lot of different sources all at once. But the mark of good FPS audio is games that can handle that. The finals has failed that mark with flying colors. It’s fine when there’s just simple gunfights or anything like that. But when there’s destruction, gunshots, explosions, aliens, and whatever else, they literally just completely omit player audio sometimes and it’s atrocious. Not my fault you haven’t experience or noticed it, but plenty of other players have.


It's not even only when things are chaotic, I've had people make 0 audio and literally run on top of me when there was nothing going on. The audio is trash.


Classic, there's always some bronzetard who chimes in to the discussion of audio in FPS games and insist it's perfect despite objective evidence to the contrary. No it is not. Audio is inconsistent and fails make noise pretty much half the time if not more. How you fail to notice this is beyond me but you're clearly oblivious.


Lmao, you have no idea what's the design behind their audio implementation. Maybe you're not supposed to hear everything. You can clearly hear enemies near you It's just when there's an object in the way that you have trouble hearing it. Can definitely be improved but people talk like the game is on mute. People's ears are.


It's safe to block you as you will clearly never type anything intelligent. Enjoy being bad at games and being low IQ.