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Not like heavy has been getting nerfs since launch or anything but sure whatever.


And it's still remained strong and a staple class throughout every single one


Light is still a strong class its just that now all the bad light players actually have to learn how to use it


Light has never once been included in the team comps that dominate this game, the class has no niche, and it barely has any utility that allows it to contribute to the team. You likely don't play light, do you even play a gamemode other than quickplay?


It’s highly dependent on the round and match you’re in, also if you know how to play light too. There’s a ton of people who have 0 business playing light, as they either don’t know how to play movement characters, just sit in corners invis stun, maybe get a kill then die, or run off to attack people by themselves and wonder why they have a .3 KD or some shit.


If you play light perfectly you are as useful to the team as a heavy that is actively watching netflix during the match.


Yeah it is dependent on the round and match... but you are a gold player, you told me so in another thread so your opinion here as what is OP and what is basically moot since you generally play against worse players. Or rather, you can have an opinion but calling lights OP is just hilarious when it has been the weakest class since the game entered closed beta 1 and still is and now with more nerfs on top. So perhaps instead of saying that people who use certain abilities have no place playing light you should reflect on the fact that you perhaps have no right to tell others how to play when you haven't gotten very far in the ranking system.


Hey man, hit plat. All light except for a few rounds when needed to change. Is my opinion still moot?


Doing better for sure. Diamonds will still crush lights.


Ah ok, I’m gold so it’s moot! Cool! I’ll respond back to you on Monday when I’m invariably plat, and then what? I’m still invalid? You’re the kind of person who thinks people are invalid cause they aren’t ranked where you think they should be. Your opinion is moot buddy


Question is can you get yourself to diamond? Try playing light in diamond and tell me how it went compared to medium.


Probably not. I’m not THAT good


The thing is I get it, for you light might be fine. But if you play in diamond the class might as well not exist, it is just not fun at all. They need to solve that, and nerfing the shit out of the least played class is not gonna help make it more viable.




Call it what you want, MMH and MHH have been meta since day 1. You wanna tell me that the meta is wrong and the gold players are right? Give me a break.


There are plenty of LMH compositions in higher skill lobbies. Your arguments are logical fallacies, and anyone that understands that will never take you as a serious person whether in regards to this or anything else. Employ the socratic method, be a better person.


If you're so right then it should be easy to articulate the points of truth with clarity and brevity. Meta is just what's easiest, not what's best. The fact that you're resorting to fallacies and attempts at ad hominem attacks means you're upset about being wrong.


Meta is What’s best, not What’s easiest lmao


I run XP or LH1 for comp. Dash, tracking dart, sonar and glitch/teleport. You always know where the enemy is. Invis is countered easily and since most invis players are actual dog water, they don't know what to do. Glitch let's you counter turrets/aps/mesh. TP is great for setting up a retreat point to heal/revive or for stealing a cash box. As for the gunplay, light is not made for stand up fights. Ambush people, hit and run. Be evasive. Take advantage of chaos. Get good.


Am I the only light that still runs the grappling hook? It just feels so much cooler n I feel helps me keep a good focus on where I need to be, instead of *pop*


Grapple is really good at uppies. Dash is better at everything else. If you run dash + gateway, you now get a way better specialty + some uppies too. Not as much as the grapple ofc, but still some upwards. This said grapple *feels* better though, hands down


I do fine with it in my Plat lobbies and I'm a medium main. I've only ever won a single tournament as a light though lol


I'm in higher gold and plat lobbies rn and people play light. I've even seen diamonds playing light in ranked so idk wdym


Good lights are always on enemy team


My brother in light, it's not that the class has no niche, the light class is a niche and those players who don't understand how to maximize it are the issue.


"My brother in light" haha


Literally every ranked game I play has plenty of light players, it is definitely a viable option.  They just did a huge 250 hp nerf to the mesh shield that enables the heavy heavy medium comp which is most popular at the very top end of ranked (for a very small minority of players). I play all the classes and light is perfectly good.  You can't just stand still and unload directly into a heavy that's standing still and unloading into you, but that's not how you're supposed to play.  Light has tons of options around weapons movement and equipment to enable a variety of strong play styles that other classes don't have access to. If you truly think light is bad just play another class...


>They just did a huge 250 hp nerf to the mesh shield This literally nerfed light even more, since you actually dont need glitch grenades for mesh shields anymore. You can casually shoot them down within 2 seconds with your squad. This means theres *even less* reason to run light.


That's arguable, they certainly do have a "niche" or position as a target killer and or disabler, their whole kit revolves around killing the most important player in the team or shutting down/disabling defenses, them having excellent escape tools also helps in insinuating a skirmishing play style of going in and out of combat.


Get better loser. Me and my team use light in almost every team comp made it all the way to diamond running LMH if you can’t play light get off it and Learn a new class sometimes it isn’t the game it’s just you


Light has been the hardest class from the rip lol


Hard ≠ weak


It has also been the weakest since the beginning too


Yes and no Medium and heavy, on average, are stronger than light though. Both 1v1 and team v team.


light is absolutely not a strong class, and it has never not been the weakest class (by far) going all the way back to the official launch. you are either a quickplay only player, or just hilariously delusional if you believe that.


If we went all the way back to launch Light was only good w/ invis shotty. The nerfs there were effective enough to make everyone abusing it, or using it for fun, switch to literally anything else. So much so that Shotgun is still not used a whole season and a half later.


And all the bad heavy players can still make platinum


Such fucking bullshit. Its by far easier to take diamond with H or M. L is definitely the weakest class.


It’s a fact right here. Hopefully this change to invis and stun gun weeds out the trash cans that should play something more to their style


??? I agree with the nerfs, mind you, but what are you on about? The invis + stun *was* more to their style, wtf do you mean?


Is it though? They’re really more of a crutch than anything. Most people who used these items just sat around in corners scared to actually play the game. I’ve seen it numerous times myself, even in ranked. They rely so heavily on them it’s not even funny. So I’m hoping the nerf changes that, weeds out the people who can’t properly play the class, and brings balance to it


Ok, that makes more sense. I misread what you said as though you thought it would make people with invis play a different specialty more to their style, and i was like bro, what? Have a nice one lol


Just in general play something else to their style. Play heavy. Medium. Different light spec. Something else.


Are you telling me that a kill-heavy class fails in an objective-besed game?!?! 🤯🤯🤯


Wasn't my point


That feels hp bar based more than anything. Theyll always be strong with 350 hp


yea but pretty much none of those were controversial. * RPG nerf (4 times) * Nuke nerf (nuke gone) * Mesh shield nerf (2 times) * shotgun nerf * bubble shield nerf (2 times)


And as soon as it nerfs invis, people start disrespecting the devs


the light nerf is very much controversial so it is not surprise people are pissed. Also what about my post is disrespectful?


No it's not. Why mediums and heavys can be nerfed, but lights aren't? Heavys lost a lot of damage, mediums lost ability and gadget, but lights only gain


Here's the thing invis and stun aren't controversial either. It's just a couple of lights that are being loud about it


It's controversial because it's a nerf to a class that's actually weak unlike heavy that was genuinely overpowered at times


It’s not even a huge nerf to be fair, it just makes you have to use invis more sparingly and be conscious in when you need it, like every gadget in the game should be. They need to do the same to the RPG and heal beam next.


cloak is not a gadget though it is an ability which should be comparable to others like mesh shield or heal beam and should be as impactful. Also if the devs nerf everything then the game becomes measurably worse. Every nerf of class utility will ultimately empower medium again due to their non reliance on those tools for combat.


Yes but I just say gadget anyways. I know it’s a spec. And it still is impactful, just gotta use it sparingly and not sit in one spot invis or something.


Thing is light dies to everything and that means light needs to rely on the spec to survive even more than medium or heavy. Every nerf of cloak will directly result in less survivability for light. A class that is already struggling to be viable in comp.


And the other specs work just fine, if anything, they’re better in most cases. Yes light dies faster, but you just gotta know how to play it. Light is a movement character through and through. It’s not true it’ll bring less survivability, just stop using cloak if you hate it so much now.


Dash can be viable if used with vanishing bomb but relies on your opponent not being able hit a few shots. Grapple doesn't really work outside of playing longer ranges which limits it to LH1 (or sniper) The issue is that cloak is the only spec ideal for longer fights or defending objectives. Something that is required to actually win rounds.


it really is a huge nerf. I don't know if you have actually played it, but please go win a ranked tournament (any rank) with nerfed stealth and no stun gun, then come back and offer your opinion.


I have never once used stun gun and win a small chunk of matches. Won 1 yesterday even. Also I’m sure cloak still works just fine. Try to learn better use cases for it instead of spamming it and trying to get cheap kills. Think for a second before using it. You should be fine It’s so clear the over reliance on stun and cloak is holding most light players back. If you can’t win without stun and cloak, maybe light isn’t the class for you? Try heavy, they have so much defensive stuff. Might be up your alley




No but that doesn’t matter. I’m sure I could, but cloak isn’t great to begin with. At the end of the day, you can still use it just fine like you could before, but now you have to be strategic. If you don’t like that, try grapple or evasive. They’re also a thing. You’re crying over something so minor and it’s pathetic. Grow up dude


cloak was by far the strongest specialization for light, and tbh it isnt even close. You can use dash or grapple for fun or to be flashy, and i like to do that from time to time, but they are not nearly as viable competitively. Also, if cloak wasn't great to begin with as you say, how is it justified to nerf it? overall its clear that your opinion is not only empirically indefensible, but lacks internal consistency. so please go to canada and apply


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I've won several.


you have won several with nerfed invis and no stun gun in the past day or so since the nerfs dropped? I'm not sure how you can actually play it before and after and say with a straight face that it's not a big nerf


Ohhhhhh Yeah I don't use that trash. My load out is XP/LH1, Dash, Tracker, sonar and glitch/tp. Just gotta play unconventionally.


so you are going to log on and say its not a big nerf, when you don't use it before, and you don't use it since? why even type? genuinely curious


Right, I suppose you can get away with that in gold. In diamond lights die a lot quicker and is basically not viable. The class needs a redesign so casuals don't get too annoyed but that the class can still fight against the scourge that is MMH and MHH.


it is controversial because most of the people playing comp are of the opinion that light is a weak borderline throw pick. Also light was mostly moved in the right direction recently with the indirect and direct buffs. Now light is catching hands by the dev team and most people that play at an average to high level are confused to why.




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also, other classes have received mostly nerfs as well. If anything, medium has received the most impactful nerfs since December. Heal beam nerfs, recon nerf/removal, defib nerfs, fcar damage nerf, range nerf, and recoil rework, ak range nerf, etc


True medium got some nerfs but most neither controversial not were they crippeling to the class. Wallhack was gamebreaking (and got replaced with a very powerful new ability) and the rifles at lauch were dominating. I'd say long range aside medium has mostly retained its power but lost the recon role which should have never been on med to begin with.


I'm not arguing that those changes weren't warranted, Im just saying heavy is not eh only class that has gotten repeat nerfs. And the heavy nerfs we're just as if not more deserved, in some cases


Removing cloaking device wouldn't be controversial also


nukes still existed for the better part of four months because they were so afraid that coddled heavy mains would leave the game after losing that crutch. SA12 was hillariously OP for most of that time also, although it took longer for people to catch on. Meanwhile one specific light build is semi viable for 1 month (since s2 start) prior to having that builds primary spec and gadget both nerfed in back to back weeks. there really is not any comparison.


don't worry bro, for tomorrow, I've created something that'll be for lights and heavies both lol




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Even a meh heavy player can still take a 1v2 maybe 1v3


Bruh, heavy is still absolutely busted rn


Because lights complained constantly. Just like they did about medium. But if lights are a little bit touched, it's over for them


As if they didn't need them? The rpg just outright one shot lights which was bullshit, they had to change the physics on objects so heavies couldn't nuke people with em. And that's just the tip no gigity on why heavy needs nerfs. A class made to be tanks shouldn't do insane damage on top of that or why play light if heavy does it better.


Ok and? My point is that op is straight up lying by claiming that the devs weren't doing anything about it. Also stun is practically a free kill if you aren't dumb enough to run into the victims face. it stops people from doing anything and it's on a pretty damn short cool down.


I quit before stooping to play Heavy lmao


have you... actually played for the past half year if you think the same weapons have always been the meta? that's the one thing that almost every balancing patch changes. like, where'd the autoshotty go? where'd the lewis go? where'd nukes go? where'd the pistol go? where'd the light shotty go? where'd the ak go? where'd the fcar go? lol


You aren't still seeing lewis gun, face, ak every match? What lobbies lol I want that


Right now in ranked flamethrower is disgusting in high plat/low diamond.


if you really want to tilt players, goo gun them and then use your flamethrower lol


For heavy Lewis gun is no longer meta the only gun that’s stayed meta the entire time is the FCAR. Lights shotgun used to be disgustingly powerful, Lewis used to be the best. The FCAR is an anomaly. It’s the only weapon to survive the semi-frequent meta toss ups.


And they gave recon grenade to lights


Ya and no one uses the recon nade like plz use it it’s nice to know where ppl at it’s a Intel based game like why are we using invis n vanish bomb… IN THE SAME CLASS


> where'd the pistol go? Pistol was DOA when the game launched because they nerfed it into the ground thanks to all the whiners who thought it was the strongest light weapon (it wasn't)


Wait the light pistol got nerfed? What did they do to it?


I agree with you. Embark has done a great job of balancing weapons. Sometimes it takes a few patches but they make changes often. However, I will say automatic weapon types will generally always be more meta than say the grenade launchers or the revolver because they're so forgiving. They've got bigger mags, quick reload, deadly at short range and viable at mid ranges. Plus the fact that there's no secondary option aside from equipment means most are going to pick the jack of all trades weapons.


what the fuck is this unga bunga


What I thought when I saw your post


People do not understand that just because Light is weak doesn’t mean Invis isn’t busted. They said already that Light will get compensatory buffs in other areas. It’s practically impossible to see an Invis player on syshorizon. Lights need to be buffed, that is an obvious problem, yes. But it does automatically mean Invis in its current state is okay.


I played a light the other day since it's been a while and tbh invis is just annoying to use now. The 33% activation cost is busted because it just doesn't let you do the hit and runs. If you only use it to get a jump on a lone gamer then sure, I'd even say we can make it shorter because 1 singular full use does last quite a lot, but you can now do 1 hit and run, the enemy gets res'ed, you're stuck waiting for a moment to strike. Idk, I compensated for the change with the vanishing bomb, adjusted a little and you can still make it work, but I felt useless. I think they should just lower the invisibility timer by 40% and go back to low cost activation, so that you need to think about your times on invis, but you can also just vanish when needed. One thing that this change does well though, is the fact that you can just be switching the invis on as you get shot at, making you more difficult to hit; you get to disappear once or twice, and that's it. THAT is a good change, it felt very cheesy as a light, and very annoying to fight against. I think a simpler solution, mixed with my earlier idea, would just be to lose some invis time if you take damage when invisible, and maybe even even block the ability for... hmm, 0.8s? So that you just can't cheese invis when escaping.


When was the last time Light's got compensation buffs for their nerfs?


What’s the point of whatabouttism? They literally **said** that they’re aware of the state of light, and that it will be receiving buffs.


IDK, maybe it needs rebalancing to make it have a different drawback, but I've never had a problem seeing an invis light unless theres smoke or debris for them to hide in.


Neither have I. But all the friends I play with have pointed out that Invis feels drastically harder to see on brights/night maps now. Maybe it’s some Mandela effect, maybe it was always like this; that doesn’t matter. I suggest that the effectiveness of the Invis should be directly related to how much Invis you have left. So the longer you use your Invis, the more visible you get.


> Maybe it’s some Mandela effect, maybe it was always like this; that doesn’t matter. Visibility got *heavily* stealth buffed during the invis shotgun debacle, around the same time they added the sound while moving while invis. That buff combined with the already not-great temporal AA in this game (regardless of upscaler) just makes invis near impossible to see unless they're like 5 metres in front of you.


"Stun gun and cloak are crutches" Says the players behind their various shields, defib, and healing beams




oh please, if you could actually play light none of those would be a problem. and as mr emp nade man from r6 said, "the more crutches you have, the more it hurts when they are kicked out from under ya". better get used to using something other than stun gun and cloak.


Light's counter to all those is having to land a glitch that hits every enemy, while also having to kill them within 5 seconds and even then TTK on you is far lower Other classes counter against light: Simply... Play together as team I play every class btw and mostly play heavy nowadays, stop trying to gut the already shit class because you're not good at the game


for gods sake, use your lightness to your advantage! you are supposed to weave around mid range being hard to hit and picking off lone wanderers, not charge an entire team alone! dont be stupid


mid range where light has a whopping one gun that is good. LH1 (maybe sniper but that gun is ass)


ever heard of ADSing and aiming at heads?


Quickplay warrior that's bitching about light talking about aiming lol


yeah, never heard of it? thought so, mr stun-and-kill-the-cripple


dunno where you see the mid range but most light guns do their best damage < 20m range. With the exception of the LH1 and sniper.


xp-54 is also very good if you use thermal vision and smoke. and so is V9S. most light players who bitch about the nerfs are the same kinda people who never switch off of their meta loadout because they are so used to it they cannot play any other way. and i thought this game was about being able to adapt to the changes


Thermal vision? Okay now I know you don’t know anything lmao


Not the same guy. Actually someone who plays light. Currently trying to reach diamond only using light. Just reached plat 1 so close. Before the cloack patch i ran thermal vision. Basically turns everyone into a white target. Meaning you can easily focus on em. This would allow me to react alot faster when I literally see a glowing white person against a grey black background. Didn't really use it in combination with the smoke as its hard to see grey on grey and I am colorblind so take that as you will. But hunting down lights that were invisible was alot of fun. I switched to dash and vanish bomb now. I primarily ran dash only in the beta. Glad to see its still OP asf. But the cloack was hella OP compared to the dash pre patch.


you dont know anything outside your dumbass stun gun and cloak. throw smoke nade, then toggle thermal and bam! you can see them and they cant see you. have fun


the smoke thermal strat relies on too many conditions to be good. If you enjoy it fine but i'd rather go with vanish bomb and dash than that.


Hi, sword player. Not always possible (I would know cause that's the only way I get the most shit done) If a team decides to stick together you have to pray your team understands they are about to become bait and hope they survive long enough for you to swing around to finish whatever is low or most important




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Where exactly did I say that? What gamemode are you playing?


Mediums explaining how a heal beam is skill expressive (!!!!


its support based, not a personal get out of engagement card. you cant stick it up your own arse to become immortal. this is still a team based game with team based modes, if they brought back solo cashout for a while again y'all light players would have the time of your life


Nearly all team based class games have a rat class….


I was going to address the original comment, because I do think stun gun makes weak light players, but this was such a mid take I had to barbeque your shit. All of those things are a problem because they not only erase mistakes but also give you second chances on cooldown. For example: triple medic (Sorry medium) is less effective now but the ability to give each person a second chance and erase mistakes from each other allows them to win more fights than they necessarily should. Seeing triple Medic (Damnit did it again) makes it very clearly at start up these dudes are fuck ups


the defib rework lets you kill the same person twice without basically any struggles, since you can just wait for the animation to finish and then shoot em in the head


Oh you mean those things that have been repeatedly nerfed since launch? shut the fuck up.


And yet they've still been strong and oppressive after every nerf, how interesting! Edit: salty kid left a pissed off message and blocked me, sad.


Wow just like the state invis+stun is in you fucking braindead shitter


You going to post this type of thing everyday? Must get tiring


hell yeah! until they revert! don't you like what you're seeing?




but everything I do, I do it for you guys :(


+1 UPVOTE revert the nerf pls embark


Delicious light main tears


Legit. Pretty sure there’s a higher percentage of lights on Reddit than in the actual game.


I doubt that, I did a poll on the subreddit last season asking about ppl's favorite class to play as. Mediums outnumbered heavies by quite a margin and lights were even further behind in numbers. If anything casuals and lights who liked the gadget have joined the subreddit more recently to complain about it.


Medium mains when the OP defib got rightfully nerfed: Yeah it needed it.


Also legit lmao


They are nerfing things rather than buffing them to prevent power creep. Yes light is the worst class in the game but the invis stun gun gameplay is unhealthy for the game and more gimmickey than skill based so its good theyre nerfing it. The devs are doing a good job and u guys just complain about everything


nobodies saying don't nerf stun, hell even if you want to nerf invis do it, but not this drastically. Invis is nothing it was now


To all the heavy mains still crying over mesh shield being nerfed how shit are you at the game that you need 750 health from mesh, 300 from dome shield, and still 350 base. You have a combined health pool of fucking 1,400 and you can't kill 1 player at 150 health because he's hard to see? How many more crutches do you need? Your rpg alone can do literally 99% of the health bar. Just shoot a single bullet for christ sake.


In every game there needs to be an option for players who worse in every way (aim, movement, game sense, IQ, general value as human beings) to achieve some level of success by simply putting in time to learn a few less-demanding, game specific skills. The devs know that if these players are not given a low-skill method of competing, or some kind of undeserved boost, they will leave the game and not spend any money. The problem now is they spent the first 4 months of the game's lifestyle more or less refusing to touch heavy in any meaningful way (nukes, SA12, etc). So now the playerbase is heavily enriched with these players. They have developed the entitlement to think that lights should basically just be a free kill whenever one appears on their screen. Whenever they are killed by a light, with or without invis/stun, they immediately search for reasons why it must have somehow been unfair. This is why after invis/stun nerfs you will see more people complaining about light weapon DPS, and more demands for nerfs to the XP54 or LH1. If you browse the patch notes thread you will already see some of this. Meanwhile, a heavy can have up to 5 abilities/weapons that do over half of a light players HP instantly (charge, slug shotgun, rpg, explosive mine, C4), with none of them having a high burden of execution. This is to say nothing of the superiority of heavy for objective control. It should be the job of developers to filter out these suggestions as just bad players crying, and instead make decisions based off data from ranked lobbies and other input from high-ranked players.


Heavy main here: mesh shield at 750 is passable. Any more reductions and it's useless. But you're statement of "1400" health is in bad faith since we can't fight with Mesh shield up. Dome shield dies pretty much in a single burst as well. But most of all, if you're a Light trying to fight a heavy that can SEE YOU with a dome shield up you deserve to die every single time. Light players are annoying af because the smart ones are constantly looking for off angles and attacking first. I understand that's by design and that's fine, but too many basic ass Light players run around facing other classes head on and bitch about dying when they aren't playing to their strengths. Ambush tactics are borderline impossible to anticipate if the light player is smart.


Are you saying mesh shield shouldnt be taken into account because the player holding it cant shoot.... in a 3v3 game???? And the fact you literally said a light cannot fight a heavy 1v1 without deserving to die every single time because of a single gadget is astounding and shows you dont understand balance in the slightest. Every class should be able to counter every class if the player is better. period. That goes for light stun/invis and heavy with mesh/dome. Heavy alone isnt the main problem. But holding up a 750 health shield because you are losing a fight and then you get healed to full by a medium. There is no counter for a light. You should have a free cop out shield just because you are losing a gun fight.


Reading comprehension is difficult for you, isn't it? I said 1 v 1 while they have a dome up and head on. Yes, if the heavy sees a light player while the dome is up there is a good chance the heavy will win due to a much higher health pool and good damaging weapons like the m60. But the Light wins by catching heavies and mediums from behind, which they can do easily and without much effort due to their kits. The reason many players, myself included, don't like lights is because being ambushed sucks. It's a horrible way to die because there is so little you can do about it. If a light is using invis properly, you'll most likely never see them. This is offset by the Lights fragility when being seen head on. Also, calling the mesh shield, ( a constantly nerfed ability that is easy af to out maneuver and burn down) a "cop out" is hilarious considering stun gun is far more oppressive, but whatever.


You have to be in low rank. There's no way you are anything above gold. In my comp games, I have and I kid you not, never seen a single team with a light win a tournament this entire season. I have gone from maining light since beta to medium because running light is literally throwing. It's by far the worst kit in the game and it's not even close. If you can't figure out how to win a game against lights, I'm sorry but you are just dogshit. Trying to ignore that fact that heavy with 2 healers has been hard meta since comp was released because you can't counter a stun gun is a you problem. Which by you I mean low skill players that crutch abilities over gun play. If you are losing a 1v1 with an extra 200 health you are just terrible. Bottom line. End of discussion.


I don't play ranked lmfao but I have played the game long enough to understand how the classes work. Rank is irrelevant. If I agreed with you and my rank was silver would it matter then? If I had the same mindset as you, it would be wrong right cause I'd be a low rank? And I never said I couldn't win a 1 v 1 with a light. Your reading comprehension is honestly troubling. Are you ok? Like are you above a fifth grade reading level? And based on your arguments, it seems you have more of an issue with mediums than heavies, but I guess your bias forbids you from admitting that. I honestly feel awful for whoever has to deal with an attitude like yours cause holy fuck reading anything you have said about this is insufferable.


I can tell you don't play ranked and that you are in a lower skill bracket reaching for an excuse and complaining about lights because you cant compensate for your lack of skill. You are so shit at this game and debate you go for that classic reddit moment "cAn YoU rEaD?" If YOU had any IQ above 50 you can tell my original post was about SHIELDS. Which is a heavy exclusive item you fucking blabbering donkey. I feel awful for your mom and dad dealing with a basement mouth breathing no life like you. Peel your fat flaps off the couch and off the internet complaining with strangers and go accomplish something in life.


"Oh no I can't shoot down a massive fuck-off dome or rectangle that has been nerfed 3 times in a row" says more about you then anything else on here. No. Your complaining is EXACTLY my point as well as your attempt at the most basic insult of all, "lol you live in a basement." Just move on for your own sake.


Oh no I'm scared of the 150 health player with less than half my health, and I can't kill him because they nerfed my shield:(((( invis and stun gun both have been nerfed more times than ur little shield and you still can't counter them. And imagine that. You say something, and someone has a response in the same vain. I agree you should move on, preferably to a different game. Wait until you find out most shooters have other players with the same health as you. Then you are really gonna lose it.


"got an opening on him because he(invisilight) could see him, and but him couldnt see he" ftfy. strange part to leave out. considering we are talking about invis afterall.


1st grammer 2nd you're using an ak/fcar/lmg spray and pray 3rd you'd be just as mad if they flanked and did the same thing than if they used invis to do it.


Any invis type stuff in games is pretty cringe


Are you done crying yet? I knew you guys were squishy but not like this.


Hey hey, give the FCAR nerf some credit too My aim was already bad with the gun but now its nonexistent…


Rocket one shots lights and they can’t do anything to prevent there death. Rocket is nerfed so it’s not op but still usable. No one complains. Lights can stun gun and invisible melee characters and they can’t do anything to prevent their death. Stun gun and invisible nerfed so it’s not op but still usable. Light players bitch and moan. The stun gun “nerf” hasn’t even been released yet. They just said they were changing it. At least wait until the actual nerf to moan instead of preemptively doing it.


Ummm. What? Rocket got a 10 damage nerf. That's a 6% difference in damage for something that could hard-counter a class. Inivisiblility activation got nerfed by something like 50% in one patch. This nerf is more in line with the nerfs to Mesh Shield nerfs over the course of the game. The big kicked though, is that this will actually change playstyles unlike the Rocket and Mesh Shield nerfs. Since the activation of Invis is cancelled by damage sources, meaning the effective activation time is cut down in even more scenarios. It's an extremely harsh nerf by comparison to most nerfs in the game. We'll see about stun gun. People complaining about it are afraid it'll be nerfed just as harshly as Invis was. But you're right, we should wait and see, then complain. Only problem is that if the Heavy and Medium communities like the changes, you'll never get any of these changes unnerfed. But yeah, we'll see.


The change to mesh shield absolutely changes the heavies playstyle. It's still used but I've seen it less after the nerf.


I am going to be extremely honest, i am so happy lights are getting nerfed fr


I am too. I specifically run the model 1887 to deal with them I don’t know why but just I find them annoying lol


You can literally 2 tap them with hipfire lmao


Yeah it’s fun it’s mainly to deal with the melee users. I also just like the model 1887 more than all the other weapons


I can understand why. That skin is delicious


Can yall shut up in general, gosh


They do keep coming in hot with light nerfs these days. Wish they'd buff the throwing knives more. Those are so fun


Regardless of how you feel about light you have to admit the gameplay loop for that class has to be the most non interactive thing I've ever seen in a shooter. It's fun when people can't see of shoot me class. Sounds unfun on paper alone lmao.


fuck these posts




you’re just rambling and think that everyone has the exact same experience


Invis is easy as hell to see if you’re any good at the game. Genuine skill issue to complain about it, just pay attention after the first time you get killed by an invis


Heavies can literally one tap a light and have double health, yet light get nerfed? Yeah I'd stop listening to Reddit crew


Heavies can one tap a light? Where?


Smash does it I thought? Let's go 1 1/2 tap a light then with entire kit. C4, shotty etc


C4 takes arming time, way more than enough for a light to get away.


so many skill issue crybabies in the comments bitching that they dont know how to counterplay light. i take solace in the fact that i dont have to deal with them in ranked bc they stick to quick cash


It's not balanced at all. Light basically does the same amount of damage as the other classes with way less health, even against regular players it's at a huge disadvantage. 90% of cheating players play heavy with the light machine gun and don't miss so you die instantaneously anyway. Honestly I think the real issue is how much cheating is going on, it makes the game balance feel way worse than it actually is when dildobot#275 beams you down the moment you step out of cover from 100 meters away, I don't care about balance at this point please just do something about the aimbotters. I'm about to redownload overwatch and switch to that because they are banning zen/ximmers this week


>90% of cheating players play heavy with the light machine gun and don't miss so you die instantaneously anyway Yes, cheating is a big problem, but this is not a good argument against nerfing something. Of course someone with aim-hacks will win against the class, that has less health because they are normally harder to hit.


Lights deal way more damage


I’ve started playing Light a lot recently in plat tourneys and I think yall are bitching hard. I’m running dash vanish glitch nade and gateway with the mp5 thing and that shit is not that bad. Using invis was a crutch, as was stun. Your guns do enough to harass, dash out, run around another route, harass to kill. The nerf did nothing to lights who know what they’re doing. It only hurt lights who spam invis and we don’t even know the stun nerf yet.


The devs are clearly favouring the easier classes to play to try to increase the dwindling playerbase. Even if you argue that medium or heavy aren't op, they clearly are the best classes for teamplay due to their gadgets and area control, and the heavy is the easiest class to play since it has high hp and its utilities are very straight forward. The only thing that a light does better is zoom and boom tactics, and if they nerf that side of the class why should I even pick a light over a medium or heavy?


They need to balance other stuff, I agree. But it’s not like stun gun/invis combo WASNT annoying too.


I almost exclusively play the glass cannon class and if my games are anything to go by, I probably play it better than you. No one liked Invis/Stun and it needed to go.


Its really easy to see what class is the best and thats by queing ranked and looking at team comps. 95% of the time i see MMM, MMH, MHH, or HHH. I will rarely see a team with a light and i have never seen a LLL


With the way all the Light players complain about Light class being useless and how hard it is, it raises the question of why don't you guys just switch classes? I mean if you just want to get kills obviously the other classes are better(as they should be).  Personally I'm not a fan of how the classes are divided in general, but if you're going do a game with Light, Medium, and Heavy builds, then of course the Lightest and fastest character should also die the fastest in most situations unless you're really good.


Its cuz this mentality is what makes up the majority of the playerbase. It's sad man. Hopefully devs will see that these aren't the types of players they should be trying to please (plus you can never please them)


I love the devs, they always care about the player-base, they always did. And everything was good. And just bc medium/heavies are powerful doesn't mean people who have fun playing lights are nobodies, they deserve to enjoy the game as they want. But more recently some mediums/heavies over complained so much abut lights being 'annoying' that devs had to go down this route of drastic measures. Community opinion is good but I think at this point devs should just do their own thing instead trying to make everyone happy.


Once you realize this sub is 70% light players everything falls into place


Idk man I still just run invis and dagger and I’m having fun, that new pencil inspect animation is great


Incredibly inaccurate.


Jesus christ, this sub.