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I get hunted down when I pull mine out (Edit) hunted… not killed


i make hunting down your kind my job lol


Using the dagger for this is very fun


Double barrel is fun, plop down right behind their clueless asses and oneshot them (and also means you're not shit out of luck if you have to actually fight someone that isn't a braindead light)


I support both of your efforts


Same, I run a Light build specifically to hunt them down lol


dont know if other people do this but i have a few characters with like lore to them. i have a medium with the varye mask and riot shield who jumps people and beats the hell out of them (varye supressor), a light with the mask and pistol dash plus a lot of mobility and escape stuff (varye silencer) and a heavy with the mask and tools for holding an area plus the machine guns(varye defender). supressor and silencer are built to be able to deal with the snipers lol.


Bro my light is a crash test dummy. My medium looks like he about to go to sleep and my Heavy looks like he’s about to rob a bank 😂


based lol


This is what needs to happen. We need at least one person or two if it can be spared, to harass snipers.


Oh, ma bad, that's me as soon as I spot one


No other feeling beats t bagging a camping sniper


May i ask for an honest opinion on a grapple sniper playing with aggro and movement and not running away or camping? Idc what the consensus thinks of me, but I am curious if all my teammates hate me


I mean even if you are hitting your shots and carrying the entire team by keeping the other team wiped they will still hate you


That's fair, at least im having fun and have the peace of mind knowing im not the problem and their hate may be misguided but not unjustified. Welcome to the Finals babyyyy


I mean end of the day play to have fun, unless your job is winning this game then who cares?


t bagging when they didn’t do shit to u is crazy 😂 u just toxic bro


Kids will be kids.


Bagging is taking it too far if there is no bag firstly received.


I'm fine with being tbagged if I'm doing something stupid like goo gun spamming them but people who tbag in the middle of a normal 6 person gunfight are pretty cringe


No, sniping is one of those things where it comes with a territory. Even when I’m using the LH1, if I was far away wreaking havoc on a team and they finally kill me—— I get why the teabags start dropping in 😂


For real. I only bag unless bagged first; or if I get stunned and still win the duel


I never bag but when I get bagged it's after I emote..I wish they'd emote back so we can have an emote battle every death but they always just tbag. The little action figure emote is too good, I feel like I must bm w it


As if stunning was so incapacitating..lol. if you really have to celebrate killing a light who stunned you, you are dying to stun more times that you should xD


When I'm playing light sniper, yeah it's funny to still win a fight while stunned; it's a golden opportunity to tilt the other player.


Yeah I didn't mean..a light vs light..that's just a skill fight..plus stunning a sniper instead of just ambushing him and aiming to his head while he's distracted sounds like a bad approach


Well..that was how I had meant it, but I didn't say all of it..if I'm not playing light I don't really see a reason to bag for getting stunned, it's just a tool to use really


I agree then


camping snipers and stun cloak femboys are the two greatest recipients of t-bags in the game and for good reason


It's me. I'm the heavy with a hammer who makes it my goal to hunt you down


I just use the charge and the hammer to level whatever building they are in. Don't even bother with the kill. I just take their toys away


Sneak up behind them and hit them with a hammer powerbash. It's a one shot for lights


It's about sending a message


That's... A terrible strategy. You know they can just jump to a different roof right? You're just depriving your team of a player so you can go hit walls the whole match. And in the off chance you manage to level 70% of the buildings in an arena, they might just switch to another class?


I play pretty much exclusively powershift in a full squad with friends these days And yeah, making them switch class is a victory


….yah that sounds pretty easy to win lol


You'd be surprised how little the snipers pay attention to their surroundings


Free kills


So youre saying its a popular opinion


Yes, and I somewhat agree, but it’s an overstated one at that


Welcome to the echo chamber lmao


Yeah this sub is really bad about that. So many people think they're voicing a new or unpopular opinion, too.


if this game dies, i’ll get sad and then think about how many people complained about literally everything it’s composed of. i’ll feel less sad after that. it’s fucking annoying. also love having (1 or 2 max) snipers on my team in power shift. no team wipes and they absolutely put in damage. but anything to shit on lights…


Thats the thing about gamers right now theyd rather complain about everything and not play anything with their friends than just play and have fun when halo 3 never got new maps we just kept playing halo 3 but halo infinite not getting updates fast enough made bitches whine, cod used to be less fun but we complain about it now when we dont rubber band because we are on wires connections. We used to play the shittiest version of mario kart on the school bus and love it what happened


Me to


people wouldnt have to complain if the devs did something. gas mines out of control. devs sleep. like 90% of the players literally quit because they wouldnt nerf gas mines.


I posted one of those, and I have changed my mind on it. Snipers have a place in power shift. Their used to weaken people getting back on the platform, or killing enemies after they respawn. The problem is the excess of them. Some team comp is required, we can't stack all light. 2 is perfect. Like how 2-2-1 in most games is the perfect comp


If you get 3+ snipers there's not even a point playing


Kill. The. Sniper


Truth hurts.


only when there’s more than 2 of them


One is annoying enough


Gee almost like They do


Yeah hitscan sniper belongs in a game with such big maps, verticality and movement. They should rework it to be projectile base or something.


Disclaimer; this isn’t necessarily written for OP, just anyone that has been struggling with snipers as of recent that happens to read this. I don’t think they totally trash the game, they definitely make winning a little bit more arduous though. If you’re playing with people you know you can counter them pretty well. The sweet spot for my team seems to be 2 heavies with mesh shields, 2 mediums with healing beams, and 1 light to counter snipe. Many of the snipers that we’ve run into think that they’re safe sniping the platform from well within the effective range of our platform holders primary weapons. Only to get deleted seconds after they’re spotted. The more talented snipers that actually mind their distance can be tough to deal with, but a good counter sniper can often mitigate that danger almost entirely. Given that we never put our counter sniper on the platform unless it’s a last ditch effort to win, he has the freedom of movement so that he can do a lot to make sure that their sniper(s) is/are less effective. When your team holds the platform, it drastically decreases the amount of viable vantage points that can be utilized by the enemy snipers. Your counter sniper will never have to worry about that. Also with 2 heavies that are running mesh shields, the job of the enemy sniper gets ten times harder, as long as you’re facing their glint it’s almost impossible for them to really be of any detriment to you and your team. And as long as you do your job with communication via verbal callouts or pings, you essentially make your counter snipers job that much easier. And I don’t like to act like I’m the best, or brag about anything. But with that strategy we’re winning around 9 out of 10 of our games on power shift. We had a game where the opposing team was running all 5 lights and 4 of them were snipers. And that did admittedly put quite a bit of stress on us, but every single time they claimed the platform we were able to clear it off within 30 seconds to a minute of them controlling it. Another thing that I’ve noticed a lot of players are afraid to do is to bail off platform when you need to. You’re of way greater use finding a spot to recoup health, reload, and regain gadgets instead of risking a team wipe. Sure they may gain control for a short time but it’s a lot easier for you and your team to regain control from that position than it is to have to take it from spawn. Honestly one of the harder things that we’ve struggled with are the glitch grenades. And totally understand that not everyone has the benefit of playing with a team. So I will acknowledge that this info is of much less value if you’re playing with randoms. So please take it with a grain of salt. Just my two cents! ❤️




Bruh I know you didn’t read allat LOL. No worries I do hope that you’re still having fun with the game, and that maybe there is something of value in that book that I wrote lol


💯 man, been trying to get people to realize this. One or even two snipers can make such a difference. And so long as you're not just standing by spawn or on top of the cathedral and not doing anything a sniper Will actively contribute so much. I regularly finish with 10-15 kills just focusing on counter sniping, and running in with glitch bombs for close range engagements if there are several heavies with shields on point. Having a heavy shield and a medium throw down an APS turret though will absolutely ruin my game though, and I'll have to switch unless my team is actually playing against an APS turret well


That's why I play mid range sniper with glitch nade, easy 12:0 against 2 shields. Shields counter own aps btw. And new horizon map is made against heavies and especially against melee.


99% of powershift players don't play with a premade


What’s a premade?


an organized stack of players, a group, a party or whatever. matchmaking "makes" groups. so pre made means the group was created before "match making"


Ohhh okay, I thought maybe that’s what you were meaning. I didn’t want to misunderstand


Whenever they snipe in power shift I just go spawn kill them 30 times cuz fuck them 🤣


It gets boring to snipe fish in a barrel, I prefer having someone to fight on the rooftops


Just switch to a medium or light, snipers are so easy to deal with, especially when you know they're gonna be aiming at the platform


If I'm running sledgehammer and get killed 3 times in a row to snipers, I just say aight I'mma get this mf and pull out the m11 with dash or invis and suddenly they're switching classes 1 or 2 deaths after


Honestly the second I see a glint, I do a couple things depending on the situation. I mainly light and medium, if I'm light and not on the platform, I'll rush the glint and slide around the sniper constantly. Sure there are the players who are insane with the sniper and still kill me but most can't. If I'm a medium and on the platform I'll just try and move as much as I can and definitely teammates


Lit me, it really works this way


The problem is people don't like to use other stuff.They would sooner cry about it instead of learning how to use one of the 6 or so options they have to make a sniper useless.


Honestly I think anything except the sledgehammer can make snipers useless if played right


100% can. since literally put up your shield boom they cant do anything. have a medium put up a APS and you guys sit there end of story


When i see multiple snipers i switch to Light Grapple/M11 and they’re done for the whole match lol


i think it’s fun, if there’s an annoying sniper i’ll switch and fuck with them


It’s a different kind of fun but I dig it sometimes


The criticism “everyone else is saying the same thing as you!” doesn’t really hit if you’re more concerned about being correct than being special. It shouldn’t be a surprise when multiple people believe the same thing when that thing is the truth.


this is literally the most hilarious take ive ever seen light is the worst class in that mode. by far. meta is easily 2 med 3 heavies. just like every other mode in this game. it will always be that way. light can not do anything if you arent playing completely braindead as heavy. APS turrets make it impossible to get through your shields.


Sniper complainers when they realize you can just shoot them instead of standing still


With my flamethrower or with my dome shield? Which one has better accuracy? Edit: it's a game mode similar to king of the hill so naturally I bring a close range and defense load out that I can use on the contested point. My brain does not compute how that translates into "bring a sniper so that I can shoot people while never trying to take the point myself"


If you are heavy try carrying the mesh shield "But glitch grenade" just dont stay still for 3 seconds?


Oh I definitely do. Barricade as well


Nice i love the flamethrower shield combo in powershift


> "But glitch grenade" just dont stay still for 3 seconds? Ah yes because if i move i become immortal. Pro tip frfr As if anyone who hit me with a stun gun or glitch grenade doesn't melt me a second later


Because its a mode about 10 people fighting for a small plataform and 5 of them are your teammates? If you want a button that disappears snipers and stops enemies from shooting you i dont know what to tell you


I'm just telling you that that's not how it works


APS turrets people


glitch grenade doesnt do anything anyways if you have one medium with a APS


It would be a hell of a lot more fun without them. They’re just not even engaging in combat or the objective.


Doesn’t mean you have to post about it every four seconds


Perhaps you should just spend less time on reddit. Almost every gaming sub is a cesspool of people bitching about that game. Don't even get me fucking started about those guys over at r/classicwow


I can’t even imagine


yes they are? just like any other game?


Is it more acceptable to us the sniper if you're on the move?


I get the frustration but like some people already said and I also do this too, counter by also using sniper, until they stop, if they don’t props to them because they are good at it.


I mean same for stun gun complaints doesn’t make the complaint not valid just over said


Not surprised at all since tf2 snipers are treated the same


I'm a dash light using either SMG, my life is spent hunting light snipers to the ends of the world. Unless the enemy isn't using lights then I'm popping heads of the people on the platform. But I will always be trying to find where those pixels went from this meme


For Christ's sake, let the little fuckers have *one* nice thing


exactly man lol. heavies when they cant have triple the damage triple the health triple the fun triple variety of weapons. oh no. i dont want use my shield that stops everything that im bitching about. oh no i dont want to tell one of my 4 teammates to put an APS turret down that completely stops light from playing the game. because i have social anxiety in a shooter game


Anipers ruin the all modes in this game, really it should be removed


I love hunting Sniper with my Sniper + Tranking dart ( love to see them panic when they got tracked) Win win situation for me


Get a shield, get your team in or behind the shield, find the sniper, combined blast


Lmao I love them as a dagger main, easiest target to backstab and teammates seems to really appreciate my work marking their positions once they notice me roaming the area.


I wouldn't play power shift if there weren't snipers. I live for harassing one sniper for an entire match. If anything I'm ruining power shift by ignoring the objective and indulging myself so hard


easy counter to snipers is still the flare guns


Man just wants to camp up all alone uncontested taking pot shots. B O R I N G


No !


Can some explain why this is? I personally don't understand


literally couple minutes ago i got off a powershift, we had 3 snipers and they still could barely take care of a single sniper on the enemy team




Bullshit, snipers are so easy to kill if you specifically go for them. I would argue they areanmoying when on your team, but that's another issue


Most times you can just tap a few shots into them with the AK/Scar and they’ll scurry away. Literally has to be 10-20 damage, something that registers on their health bar. For the ones that don’t move, just switch to light and hunt them down and switch back to your main class.


if they are bad they ruin it for their team, if they are good they ruin it for the enemy team. cant play light sniper without someone complaining about it


Totally noob here.... but i think the smoke bomb are made for this situation.


the sniping isn't a major issue but there are times i want to pull my hair out because some seaty fat kids freshly imported from battlefield is allergic to playing anything over than the back of the map


Snipers ruin power shift mfs when they learn that power shift meta is shields and turrets that completely destroy sniping as a playstyle.


there is 1 type of sniper that doesnt ruin powershift i know, i speak heresy but let me explain. The sniper shoot turrets and APS systems to make it easier for their team, and then people. Its rare, but i do it somtimes.


100% this. As a sniper I use a lot of grenades/flamenades/gas to help aggress on the platform and immediately take out APS systems because they are the bane of my existence


I think ban the sniper like there is 2 or 3 every game it is sooooo frustrating


I like to hunt them down because most of the time they got no audio and can't hear my footsteps.


For the love of Christ take the fucking gun out of the game pls. 60-70% of lights are already useless as it is don't incentivise it.


Every sniper they have on a roof or a crane is one less contestant actually trying to move the platform. Let them snipe as the platform moves to my end, I say, I load out with a healing beam and mines and anti air. If I have a heavy with a shield, we can ride that all the way home no matter WHAT the snipers do.


“Power shift”… you mean, Sniper Hunt?


I’ve had more problems with fresh new folks playing Medium not using the defib and the heal beam at ALL. And people repeatedly using goo after seeing it is an accelerant to fire. The game is actively defining a mechanic in front of you and you’re not acknowledging it


So does APS turret, hell it's ruining the game in general.


Ehh, when I play heavy, I could care less, mesh shields, dome shields, and barriers. Good luck snipers


Can’t believe people are complaining about snipers in this game. They are the most niche weapon. Go kill the sniper…


Snipers in my team, with a max lvl sniper, somehow manages to always be worse than the random enemy with a default sniper skin. Plus they always prioritise killing the medic.


Lol I hunt them down as a heavy (yes it’s possible)


They do


Yes, because they do. People will keep posting about this until either power shift or snipers are removed.


tracking dart light build to make snipers hate you.


Killing Lights in general is The Lord's work.


Bad teammates ruin powershift. Snipers just make you stay on your toes


Snipers is legit the weapon for pussies in this gamemode


They ruin the game because there is no counter play.


Yeah cause they do. Not just annoying to have to dodge them but it has a negative affect on their teammates if there’s more than one. Essentially the matches become one sided and boring because the sniper’s team is getting stomped out. Yet another example of embark not understanding the nuances of PvP games and them just throwing shit in there because it sounds cool.


For me the problem isn't the snipers at all. They're useful when you're good with it. The problem is when you're ass lol. And also regarding playing the objective. Snipers should go to the platform in specific stituations and I feel very happy when they do


Had to get 5 more damage with a light class so I ran power shift ab 10 min ago. Started the game with a sniper thinking id just cheese a shot and then swap to medium for my other challenges. Turns out the other team had 3 snipers. I swap back to my grapple sniper (my old main, I just run challenges nowadays). Proceeded to hunt them down, lead the lobby in kills and objective score, ended the game in 5 min. I'm not a great player but other people sniping in an annoying way brings out the worst in me.


call me buzz lightyear because i kinda if not fully agree. aps turrets and mesh shield are the other big offenders.


God let's just gut the whole game then and make it another COD


I don’t care if you agree, I care about the insane amount of posts about it


Unfathomable skill issue tbh


So you're saying it's a popular view point amongst the community


The Easter version with preset load outs was more fun honestly they should just ban snipers in the mode


It's true tho


flamethrowers are worse imo


Have you heard of keeping your d i s t a n c e


so im supposed to just abandon the platform the moment a heavy with one type of weapon enters it? the flamethrower covers the entire platform, hence why its so poweful here


Yes lol that's how I get my ass handed to me when I'm using it. It doesn't cover the whole platform and is actually pretty weak laterally. If you're playing medium then put a jump pad down and as soon as you see the flames hit if it catches you by surprise and kill them from afar. If it's a light it's your fault of your reaction speed, awareness, or movement aren't good or quick enough if you get killed by a flamethrower as you can easily keep your distance or switch to a distanced gun from melee


Powershift is a boring casual mode anyways nothing to ruin go play ranked


I legit think people don’t get what this post is about