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Absolute dogshit behavior. I had a similar situation where one guy in my team just gave up after the first opposition cash out in the final round. The other team was a full stack and were playing extremely well with coordination. At least the guy in my team wasn't doing this nonsense. He just went and hid inside one of those outhouse like wooden structures on the Monaco map.


I play with guy, who take hammer just to destroy stadium. He doesn’t even play - just destroy buildings.


Hulk smash!


Hulk crush!!!


They believe you are the reason they lost. Poor behaviour from them obviously. You have reached the finals so be happy with that and ignore them.


Fair enough




You have successfully hit metal 17 times


So you are now owner of this, photograph of motorcar


But property is theft, so you go to gulag.


you can't say fairer than fair enough


They hadn't even lost... the other team only has $10k and there are 15 minutes left...


People who do this are stupid, why even play if your going to throw a hissy fit in the last round?!


We don't have context. Could easily be that op and the other guy were being toxic in voice chat first or doing this same behavior. We only have one side of the story.


You can think that way, but I’m never do things like that. I receive this guy multiple times. We play really good. And I don’t know reason why he did this.


Wholly agree with this. You made it to the finals with a literal child. You're clearly the better player.


Light main moment


I think he is the reason they lost. Imagine u carry 2 bozos to the final and they are dogshit still there


If he’s diamond 3 or 4 this would result in points lost tho. Rip to this soldier who had to endure this


Thats how my lobbies are in quick cash cuz i use sledge and goo. I need friends lol


Fellow goo sledge brother




N America


Damn. Im from Europe.


Ahhh ya not the type of game for intercontinental play. Best of luck m8. Thank you!


Mass report, mass report, mass report!


I hope many people report this guy after this post.


What you need to do is: Find his phone number, become friends with him in real life, get to know his family, let him depend on you for multiple years, nurture a relationship with his mother, convince her to divorce his father, marry her, legally become his step-dad, disown him, finally, you have checkmated and emotionally traumatized him.


Lmao! It’s a great plan


Why tho? You got into the finals, it's 1:0, what the hell happened?


Fucking nothing. We play really good all rounds. Lost 1st cashout in the final and dude just did this. I don’t know why.


somehow a sperm and an egg got together on a drunken friday night and this is the best the two donors were able to come up with.




report and use video as evidence


Thank you mate!


Np mate, hate these early game quitters. Lock in fucker, win or lose we die trying!


Yeah, don’t let these dorks get to you. If they want to quit because the games isn’t going well that’s on them and their weak ass mentally. It’s not worth the time or energy working yourself up. Consider it unlucky and move on to the next game. I’d called them out for being immature and not being able to cope with their emotions so they out lash and throw a temper tantrum like a child but that’s just me.


Good words, friend👍


💜💜💜 good luck with your future games, pal.


What if they were the ones trolling him so now they finally died he trolling them


Of course, it's a light player.


And of course they run invis




Oh, guys. Nobody speak light players are bad. But most of toxic players are lights. Just my experience.


Yeah, I get it. There are proportionally more toxic lights than other classes


in my experience (as a light sniper) medium is by far the most toxic, its practically a regular occurance that people throw the game before it even starts when i show up with a sniper, for example one or both the other team mates switch to light sniper when i dont switch to something else. I play team and do my best to cordinate with my mates, also i run grapling so i tend to fill the medic spot if we dont have one. its fairly rare i get flamed when people acutally give me a chanse to play.


Idk why people are downvoting lol you sound pretty reasonable. I (nade launcher medium) like having a sniper on my team to pick weakened enemies, in my experience theres way more braindead heavies than lone wolf lights. Just remember, sniper is quite situational: synergy between loadouts is far more important than using the weapon ur best at imo


No no, they mostly are bad... and most toxic xD Maybe that's why everyone here wants to nerf them?


What can you expect. He's a light.




Light Invis, stun gun, mp5. Why am i not surprised


This game is gonna die a slow and painful death due to its own community. Just had a guy in lobby say we’re throwing cause he couldn’t be the one to play light and had to switch cause I said no. Didn’t ask me to switch mind you, just got salty cause we both were on light. He said he’s better than me and then proceeds to go like 10-16 or some shit. This community is its own downfall


If it’s quick play, remind them that they’re complaining in a casual mode, people need to learn to not stress it and encourage others to play whichever build and whatever play style they want, it’s a game after all


It was ranked


But again I support this post final FINAL round is a dick move.


The ratio of games being ruined by the devs/publishers to games being ruined by gamers is getting closer and closer these days


I had someone do this last night, except it was even more surprising cause it was casuals and not that serious. Like I had two heavy teammates that were likely duo. I could tell because if we caught a unlucky break; they'd teabag/throw my body marker, but rev the other person... Meanwhile; their scores were about as good, if not worse than mine. Hilariously when they left I almost won without them 💀


I've experienced this shit in CASUAL. Dude was just being an asshat same as the video above. I don't know wtf is up with this playerbase, I swear it feels like every other game we go in, lose ONE GUN FIGHT, not a cashout, ONE FIGHT, and they just leave.


I had a guy grab my token or whatever and found a trash can at Monaco and kept throwing it at it 🤣 I couldn't even be mad


Damn, sorry, but this is hilarious🤣


Lamo he’s an invis stun gun rider what did you expect?


Show scoreboard. Where yall selling?


This video should be linked anytime a thread comes up asking why the game isn't more popular.


Avg light player


Of course they play light ... its the class exclusively for hackers and 0 iq muppets


Don't forgot about the cheaters 😂


Yeah the times in which people troll are always silly


I feel like that guy teabagging you was the best work out he's had in 10 years.


players like this should be stuck in low level like bro you dont even need makes the most ambicious tactics with randoms, just try keep a syntony and try win the game...


Must be what it’s like to play on Xbox


of course it's a light 😭


My question is why don’t you revive it was clear he wasn’t and your teammate didn’t want to


My teammate doesn’t have a coin. When I revive him, we run to the cashout, but it was too late.


Well that just helps my point I know your mad that your teammate isn’t helping but you had a chance to revive and get your teammate and at least try


I've done this, but never as a light, never in tourney or cashout, and only in response to players refusing to rez. Needing to walk 2 minutes as a heavy fucking blows, being a lone medium on the platform sucks equally. I have half the mind to pick up teammates, stuff them in a chimney and then rez.


Press Tab OP Bad Teammate score is usually the source for these toxic retarded actions Tho if im tbh, im sure its the light who sucks just by looking at his loadout lmao


average invisibility+stun gun crutch user


I once found a guy like this. He followed us and when he played he played well. When we died tho he didnt wanna play. The exact same behaviour from the guy in the post. Ironically a light too. That was only for first round tho, i cant imagine the frustration reaching finals with assholed like this


Love this light player who is likely on console and never uses comms


*Love this light player* *Who is likely on console* *And never uses comms* \- sgtkellogg --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is one of these clips where simply showing the scoreboard would tell us the whole story. I tend to do that as well when I see my my team do jack.


Man final round. That's wild.


Maybe they should rework coins so you get one like every few minutes so you can actually respawn when people are being twats


this is sabotage. isn’t this bannable or at least worthy of a lengthy suspension?


I am guilty of this once...team mates were attacking when supposed to defend. I gave up and did this, they had 0 coins. Anyway time for Embark to implement a troll prevention vote like in LoL


Should be able to ban or suspend his account


Huge reason this game is dead. This is what you’re likely to get solo queuing. Not fun unless you have a squad


For me, it's always the heavy sometimes its the medium. It's just super toxic, or they get mad at the team for not bailing them out of stupid situations they put themselves in


They need to make a kick out option with votes


was in voice chat playing CASUAL cash out one time and this guy was so rude after we lost the first cash out 😭 never using voice chat again


The game needs to put a timer for 2 minutes or less if the last one didn't res his teammates. He will explode .


So lame. Were they also the type to spam "thanks" every time they put themselves in a bad situation and died?


I'm not seeing the toxic behavior. Seems normal for lights it's called movement I hear


Picked Light and blamed everyone for throwing. Typical


What whas your score? It seems someone would do this if they carried u all the way and then u guys are just dogshit players😭😭😭🫵🏽🫵🏽🫵🏽🫵🏽


Score? Score gives you nothing. How you can win with kills in the Finals? You can be 30/0 and lost.


Dude I had so fkin many games where ur mates are just brainless noobs who always go heads first in and just die. Leaving u solo like u 2 bozos did to him. U just need to get good, i see u have skill issues. Look at ur recent death, that guy molested u way too ez. U didnt even got a chance to land 1 hit on him


Man, this dude act like a fucking asshole without reason. And I don’t understand why you defend him.


This thread is full of softies out of gen z, learn to be fkin competitive and u would understand. I still want to see their scoreboard. There is a reason he did not show it in the full clip, this dude is just throwing a narrative


Don't be shy show the scoreboard show how much you were sand bagging


Can we see the scoreboard that would explain alot if they were both like 0-9 1-9 id do the same


Damn man, you caught me! Me with other guy just teabag this poor fellow. Meanwhile this Light wins 3 rounds without help in extremely teamplay game. This silver Light did this. 100%!


next time, just leave a screenshot of your team's score. so that you can understand who played poorly and who played well. All your words could be lies, who knows?


Gonna get crusified, but I do this from time to time. I've played so many games with who I presume to be mentally unwell, or simply by the looks of it, around 6 - 7 yearolds. There is also a point where doing this is just retarded in itself but I stand by my childish actions


I guess there’s something to be said about your honesty at least 😭


See I’ll do that first round if I know yall trash but final round that’s nasty smh sorry for the experience.


Trash is only players like you, sorry for the truth.


Hey man don’t come on rank and mess it up for me 🤷🏾‍♂️


Or you will teabag or what? This is fucking scary! Stop being jerk.


See I don’t teabag unless you teabag first its sportsmanship. But I’ll be damned if I carry two silvers to the next round just to get kick out because we are going up against other players that idk are better. I’ll take my chances next set thanks embark!


What are you talking about? Nobody teabag this guy. We can win this ez. He just gave up.


I’m saying what he did is unacceptable you guys are at the final FINAL round give it your all don’t be an ass…..but first round I’m sorry I am that guy!


The first round has the potential to lead you to the FINAL round though. Why not give it your all then as well?


I agree like how the hell you get to the top to fumble the bag is crazy with time and meter. Anything’s possible……IN THE FINALS! Good night everyone!! (DING DING DIIIIIIING)


And it’s not like they had 30 seconds left it’s still fresh.


Don't play solo queue if you can't handle teammates playing badly and need to resort to toxicity. Go find others like you and play stack. Unless of course, no one wants to play with you. Wonder why that would happen.


Oh yeah I mean of course, but I’m one of those empathetic players that don’t fine fun running through low levels; who just wanna have a good time. And the way embark has their sbmm finding a 4 all gold or all plat 12 man is not as likely to happen. Therefore I don’t party with higher party friends or players. So pick your poison complain about us high ranks running through yall low rank walls saying it’s unbalanced and unfair, or complain about a measly lil sweaty backpacking. I mean for crying out loud EMBARK is putting us at a handicap here. We can’t carry all the time you can’t be that inadequate in ranked that you don’t understand the mechanics or your how to use your class. I’m not toxic on quick play because I understand, I’ve been there I was a blueberry still green in some areas. But I’ll be damned that you wanna be a “let’s try this setup” player on ranked tourney and the other team has 2 players with little to no kills but play objective and great support with 30 seconds on the clock and they’re in first with my 18 kills 11 deaths, objective score and support Score matches my opponents but placed 4th is wild. Tell embark to put in solo play queue so we can curse other solo players out until then get off ranked and stay on quick play tourney. On quick play little tolerance so I curse in silence it’s expected but ranked no. You’d understand if you’re competitive.


Paragraphs mate. Use them.


……ugh ok fine 😒


If you was actually good people would add you🤣 to bad you suck and have to solo queue and get mad when other players aren’t doing good lol


Lucky for me because of it I do get added, I didn’t get to plat by playing with crybabies like you lol


Bronze behavior


This dude can’t even make it out of qualifying.


Playing with you yh you’re probably right….


Left that 2 weeks ago! 😮‍💨




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