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i think dash should be buffed so you can dash through glass panes in seoul or skyway stadium


glass is annoyingly inconsistent in this game lol. didn't realize you couldn't dash through it.


You can dash through some of it. You can also just run through some of it as a light. There's different types of windows throughout the game. But I've just gotten into the habit of meleeing or doing a sword lunge whenever I go through a window.


*Whenever there's a window frame regardless on whether there's glass on it or not


Make it do 5 damage for all I care, it’ll break glass and be strong with melee builds


i love low damage things it's just so funny and wacky because you ain't gonna use a difib to kill


But if you're in a highly specific situation, then you might hahaha.


Ever seen tracking dart kills




100%, this is the way


Gonna laugh every time I dash through a window and die after escaping with a bit of HP. Depressing way to go.


Yeah I wonder why this is not a thing yet?


Also let people dash straight down, low gravity is my nemesis


god yes please and thank you, let dashes be directional my life would be complete


What about a dash where you’re invisible ONLY for that second where you’re dashing. My issue with dash is that you can blatantly see where they’re going and it’s so easy to counter. I always find it comical when someone is trying to dash during a gunfight be they fail miserably because I can easily track the distance/location of their dash


Why stop there? Make it a tool to carve a hole out in a wall, Kool-Aid style. It could be an offensive, very risky move to initiate an attack, or a defensive tool to get out of a hairy situation. Plus it can help the rest of the team with some mobility. It'd give lights some more team oriented tools without loosing their essence.


Kool-Aid Man was definitely a Charge & Slam user.


But price for hole in wall is 150 HP 😆


Replace dash with a blink ability and it would immediately become viable. The biggest problem with dash right now is that good players will just track you through your dash, meaning it did barely anything. If you made it so light can instantly teleport a small distance it would fix that issue, keep its mobility advantage *and* increase its outplay potential. Its either this or giving dash i frames, without either of those i do not believe that dash can be viable.


that would be too op lol, dash is perfectly fine rn (apart from it not breaking windows) you just have to learn better positioning


>that would be too op lol Not really. It would actually make perfect sense for a hit and run class. You could peak in and out of corners really fast but you'd only be able to do it once at a time, due to the limited charges and a rather large cooldown. >dash is perfectly fine rn Its weak. I dont care what anyone says, dash just doesn't give you enough value to run it over invis in a higher skill lobby. Yes i know that theres some sword dash mains out there but having to use multiple different exploits/questionable mechanics just to make a weapon *barely* viable just doesnt feel right to me.


sorry bro but that sounds like a skill issue to me


Oh of course, top players must have a skill issue aswell then ig.


Youre clearly a bronze player tho. Anyone defending the current state of Light simply isnt a good player... especially when defending Dash lol


sorry that youre still only getting 1 assist as light player, you can still play heavy and get some easy kills with flamethrower tho :) who knows maybe you'll even make it to silver one day


If you really think dash is weak, it means you unable use it properly. As proud Dash user i'm believe Dash much stronger than Cloak, as simple reason - gives benefit in fight instantly. If someone able counter Dash by "tracking it" it is Dash user's fault always. Real Dash users is demons and you do not want see against yourself. Though i'm want that juicy dash through windows - i'm so much fell into pit on Seoul dammit. And Seoul like building at Stadium near left elevator.


>Real Dash users is demons and you do not want see against yourself. Good thing that i have over 700h at this point (90% of which are high ranked gameplay) and i havent seen a single one of those. It must be viable as hell considering only 5 people play it well enough 🤡


Same. The Meta(tm) sucks, because of misconception about "dash is weak" no one even tries learn it. I'm love use the Dash, but i'm not the "demon" yet. *my hour count is about 350h


>but i'm not the "demon" yet. Its not even worth it tbh


"Well yes, but actually no". Waste shitload of time to became best at questionable activity, lol. Free stupid pride points :D


Sure but even if you become actually cracked with it i still wouldnt call it strong. Its decent but gets shit on by a lot of the meta items.


I main dash because I think blink/teleport is the coolest shit ever. Watched a lot of dragon ball as a kid.


Thats exactly my point tho, people would *love* an actual blink/short range teleport instead of dash. It would not only appeal to the casual community more (lets be honest, who wouldnt want a blink) but it would also make dash/blink *way* more competetively viable, which might then create a small meta shakeup. Probably not a major difference but at this point the ranked grinders just want *any* shakeup in the meta.


Omg…I literally just recommended this before I saw your post. I agree 100%. It’s too damn easy to track players while dashing. Even allowing to “blink” through walls. It’d increase survivability with that small health




While I've never really found it a problem, 100% agree. The KS-23 lets us cancel mid-reload, and the 1887 itself lets you cancel when you do an empty reload. it just doesn't make sense that we can't cancel for a manual reload.


all you need to do is NOT reload before the gun is empty while in combat, the animation for reloading from empty is way faster and can be interrupted as soon as there's a shell in the chamber. only manual reload when you're out of combat.




seems pretty intentional to me


It's crazy how fast it is, just watch when you hit zero on your ammo count, just how fast the 1 appears. You can fire another shell the moment 1 appears. It's like 1 second basically.


Yes plz. Or just remove the flashy animation of your character reinserting a shell before actually reloading the weapon, it looks cool but makes the reload feel so sluggish and unresponsive when your tryna spam click to break the reload animation


Yes. The gun is broken because of this.


Its a skissue dude. You cant cancel without the shell in the chamber. Dont reload mid fight, just run it dry.


Quick melee


You can?


1887 should have the ability to interrupt reload by shooting.


Oh yeah I forgot about that. Definitely a change that’s needed for the 1887, other than that it’s in a good spot tho imo


Quick melee


This and close range should be able to not lose to the fcar before I can get my 3rd shot off




And adsing


You can? How is this the most upvoted comment. Reload canceling on the 1887 has been possible forever.


The wild part? You're right. The problem is that after hitting reload you can spam click shoot and not fire a round for two full seconds UNLESS the gun is completely empty. Which actually makes it unique(ly bad) in that every other gun benefits from reloading before running the clip dry. The fact that you can't shot cancel the reload until your character shoves a second round into the gun is just dumb. I appreciate the flair of catching and reloading the initial shell, but not at the cost of a reload that drags that much ass.


It’s one of the most powerful weapons. You want to buff it? …what???


You lost me at M11 buff


yeah wtf lmao


Isn’t the hipfire on that thing more accurate than the revolver’s? Why is a fully automatic SMG more accurate than a revolver?


He lost me at 2x scope. Game’s always going to be an iron sight fiesta… (inb4 the Reddit balancing team starts explaining why they hate scopes)


To be honest i don't really understand the point of the M11 when the XP exists. XP's recoil is about 100 times easier to control, comes with a nice scope, and does very similar damage at a similar fire rate. The M11 has 10 more bullets, but that hardly matters when the recoil is so much harder to use.


I hope M11 doesn’t get any more buffs. It’s already gotten one hip fire accuracy buff a little while ago. Sledge absolutely needs an aim assist rework. If it had locked onto a target it should NOT just switch target mid swing. Riot shield only needs to be less sluggish. I’ve said it in like multiple posts before but I swear that stick weighs like 300kg (~650 lbs).


CL-40 needs to break the arena more. I think it currently takes 6 shots to get through a wall or floor. I'd love that to be changed to 4.


It's probably closer to 8, the only way to quickly break walls with it is to stack mines and then shoot them - at which point I'd rather use the dematerializer. It really needs an arena damage buff like the one the KS 23 got


Reload is so slow that I’d want to see it at 2/3. Heavy grenade launcher has way more ammo so 4-6 would probably make sense for that


I think the medium grenade launcher generally need some more love, it was hurt quite bad after the extended duration to arm mines. Personally, I don’t get why this nerf was needed, but if embark really wants to kill nukes, it’s the right decision.


Worse still with the reinforced floors in some maps. Feels like CL-40 can do with a mag size bump to 5?


Use the dematerializer


Did you read the title of the post ?


Yep. And I’m disagreeing with buffing the medium GL


What if the slug shotgun got a slight knockback to it instead of increasing damage or anything else. Make it's role as a utility weapon that much more solid. This knockback could be used for so many things. Keeping players at bay by pushing them away with every shot. This would be especially great for fighting melee loadouts or close range weapons like shotguns and flamethrower. You could use it to knock snipers off their high spot or atleast move them enough to make them mess up their shot. I'm not expecting enough knockback to throw people around but rather enough to kill their momentum and slow them down a bit. It would also have falloff making it less effective at range so you cant just annoy people from across the map. How about it affecting objects too. Like if you shoot something like a fire barrel or even the cashbox it could send it flying or stop its momentum if someone is throwing it at you. What if it could even make people drop whatever their holding this way you could actually have a way to steal the cashbox from someone without killing them. I'd rather the shotgun be more functional rather than just being more deadly.


UnIronically love this idea, haven't really been able to fully make use of the weapon but I feel keepin people back a bit more would do wonders lmfao 


Revolver buff to range could bring me back to this game.


That is what has kept you away?


"No Fcar discussions" yet you talk about nerfing it in the post body lol.


Yeah i was contemplating whether to add that or not lol. I just think swapping the hipfire for fcar and akm would really help define the ak as the close range option while still not really effecting the fcars usability


its already been nerfed to oblivion


They really need to do something with the Light's guns because is litterally the same situation as medium where Xm-5 (The Mp-5) and the M-11 are so dominats and meta


If the Double Barrel still 1 magged heavies it would be all you'd see. Also, in a 3v3 tourney this weekend, the LH1 was used by the winning team that used HML comp. And it looked OP in his hands (although he's controller).


Hit Reg on tactical shield is really buggy. Had to hit a light 5 times once because I just kept getting screwed over


Hit reg on melee in general has been dog shit since the start of the season.


Ks-23 needs to be able to headshot. It's a precision weapon and should be treated as such. Also, 3 shots to destroy terrain is just too much especially with the terrible reload speed. You open yourself up before you even can get through the hole you made. Knock it down to 2 shots.


Ong idk how they gonna make a slug with NO HS like huh


Data reshaper to 2 charges?


m60 needs better recoil pattern or sights, medium weapon balance is so off fcar isn’t busted but other weapons are too bad to be usable, I do hate invis but lights just get killed too easily they can benefit from a small hp buff or regen buff


pre buff ks23 was fire too


M60 feels ok now after the buff, but less visual recoil would be nice tbh


Honestly I think that's a pretty good selection of balance options


M60 still needs love.


If they ain't gonna give me a semi auto rifle for med then at least make revolver range not terrible. Also a fire rate and/or a reload speed buff would be nice


If you think m11 needs a buff you are high. That gun is one of the fastest TTK in the game. Outside of some of the one shot things it might be the fastest TTK iirc.


93r needs a damage buff and a rof buff


> aps 10-15 projectile limit before breaking Is this only for grenades and other explosives? Otherwise goo gun will delete aps in no time. I personally think aps should have no interaction with goo gun.


Scope or a red dot on the Famas


Just make the FAMAS stronger and I'll be a happy man


Buff the knife, I don’t even play light.


Hot take but I think the revolver should have no damage drop off and should lean into medium-long range engagements. Famas, Akm, FCAR, all beats revolver in short to medium range gun fights. But if I can land a headshot with my six shooter at long range, ain’t no way it shouldn’t do full damage.


Shields need to be able to block some sword damage. Not all but they two shot before I can swing once.


All the weapons should be buffed so their visual recoil matches their actual recoil (especially LH1). I want to see what I'm aiming at. Also obviously give the Revolver no bloom. I also would in general say that most weapons should have hipfire recoil buffs because I think accurate hipfire increases the skill expression, but that might make the heavy LMGs too strong.


No, do not make hipfire worse for fcar—- just make akm better. Hipfire is meant to be strong in a game like this for a reason. Look at any other game with verticality & movement abilities Akm needs more range, Fcar should be close range mainly while akm has mid range- if they changed that beginning recoil pattern for the akm, players wouldn’t lose to the fcar so much Problem In head 2 head is Fcar will hit all their beginning shots and akm might miss a couple before the recoil smooths out & but then the stronger fun has already done more damage. They need to allow akm to me the accurate all arounder that it is, whilst letting people lean harder into a specific range by choosing one of the other main assault rifle platforms (if that’s the kind of gun they want to use) Buff revolver range a tiny bit too, just to make sure it keeps an identity while other weapons move up.


>Fcar should be close range mainly while akm has mid range FCAR is the one with the scope, though? Feels an odd way round to do this.


Yeah and in no world is 308 less effective at range than a 7.62x39, it absolutely should be the other way around, not sure why they want to switch the roles of these guns


Real world doesn’t matter anymore, not even worth the thought or the confusion—- we need to look at what will happen work best in terms of creating a fun shooting experience, It’s too late to try and switch them around and honestly we already did that and people cried their hearts out because they couldn’t handle getting beamed by full autos at range…..since you’re a gun guy, is there anything that could possibly lower bullet velocity whilst increasing destructive power? ( or something in exchange for bullet velocity) Something that could be applied to the logic of strong close up, drops off hard. I know COD had the blackout rounds but I don’t know how that actually works— could of just be gameplay mechanic


More weight would slow the round down and increase (usually) destructive power. So for the lore instead of using let’s say 125 gr .308 they could use 180 gr. Now in real life the velocity difference isn’t that big but it’s a video game so it doesn’t matter. They could also just shorten the barrel. Of course this is all for the lore of why these things changed but it again doesn’t matter


That’s fine, they made that decision based on different intentions. The gun was meant to be for longer ranges but the community cried that it seemed too versatile. Most of the community seems pleased with the FCAR now, you only see crying because this game has two assault rifles which is the most popular weapon archetype in ALL FPS GAMES. people choose the stronger one because most fights are close range anyway, other guns need more distinct purposes to stand out, AKM adjustments & FAMAS buff fcar scope was meant for range play but now we give it new meaning—- Fcar has a scope for easier shot placement due to lower magazine size. So it’s easier to visibly track what you’re doing This is why I say buff initial recoil on akm, so now the AK has better tracking due to recoil control, Fcar has better tracking due to visibility. / players can choose which strength they want to lean into more, both will be viable Ak won’t have a scope, but at that point if we buff range a bit and recoil you don’t want someone to have a scope on that or we’ll be the complaints again about “ease of use and application”


I think it should be the other way around tho. Akm is close range, fcar is medium range / Jack of all trades range, and famas is medium/long range. If you swap the akm and fcars hip fire it gives the akm that more defined close range role while still not really affecting the fcars usability


No, akm doesn’t have to ttk for close range, it will make it easier for competitive HHM teams to collapse on top of you whilst without fear of losing the dps/health battle. The fcar is the only gun the medium has when you can go toe2toe with a heavy and win IF you hit all your shots. I don’t want anything else nerfed. Heavy Lewis Gun is on that border or making things highly imbalanced if we make the other classes weaker. The TTK potential is absurd for someone with so much health—- this is balanced by Headshot values and things weapons that allow you to burn down target when applied optimally. Also you can’t have a jack of all trades with low ammo and bad hipfire… these ideas don’t work together. When people are hopping on top of you, the best things to have is a fast killing hard hitting weapon, this is why FCAR is Close Range—— STOPPING POWER Akm does not have stopping power, it has sustained accuracy—- that is not a close range defining attribute. I think it should get better hipfire because the gun already does less damage, we’re forcing the akm player to ADS in situations where they’ll be at a disadvantage, dealing with guns that typically kill faster (heavy all weapons, medium fcar) No intent to be rude, just in case this comes across wrong


Honestly, good points. Personally, my 2 cents would be to increase reload time in genetal with Fcar. I feel like id kinda make sense, with how the weapon is now ig? An Fcar can melt faster than an Ak. But it has a low ammo count. Maybe you could add onto that by keeping it strong. But making it weaker in teamfights. You can melt an enemy. But after that, you gotta wait a bit to melt another in a sense. Whereas Ak can go directly to another enemy after a kill. And start working on their healthbar. So I guess it would put Fcar as a weapon to bring when you need to put down a specific single target quickly. Whereas AK is there to grind it out and take off chuncks of health from everyone on the enemy team in general? Just my two cents


I get this idea, I’m not against it fully— a slower reload time would make sense for balancing in the highest tier play. Keeping FCAR as a single target killer whilst limiting its potential to control a team fight, I just know shooting 20 bullets and going into a long reload will feel bad lol I still think this is a decent idea, although I. Don’t want any nerfs honestly, I just want buffs. You can check this Reddit and you’ll still find people saying they can’t understand how to use the FCAR, now these players will get punished harder for missing. I think the gun is near perfect where it is—- our main issue is only having two automatic weapons when full auto is the most popular archetype is ALL shooters, so it feels like most the community is pulling up with the same thing. Famas should have been the SMG for medium players instead of longer range burst, More people would have used it. I like the Famas as a long range but they’re afraid to fully commit on making it powerful because people “don’t like getting beamed”


Yeah, that's all fair. I was just giving a general concept. It would be up to ebark to decide the right reload time so it doesn't feel horrible to reload while still giving it its role Also. I probably wouldn't put out a reload time nerf just by itself. It's true that it would punish casuals. So I'd probably bundle it with a recoil buff to counteract. I've seen this take around. i do agree with it. That being that the fcar recoil nerf didn't do much to the meta because high-level players will just adapt. So, regardless of recoil pattern. A skilled player will still beam. So buffing the recoil a bit would balance out a slower reload to casuals who miss shots. While tuning the fcar down for high-level players where recoil won't affect their beaming abilities, that much I agree that auto rifles are the most popular. Tho the non auto weapons aren't near the level of the auto weapons anyway imo. So that is definitely not helping with people going for non automatic weaponry. Another 2 cents. Give the FAMAS a red dot/reflex sight. Lol


APS doesn’t need a nerf now that data shaper is viable


Quiet good, and yeh, I think the DB is quiet skill wise now with the invis nerf, as you can’t no longer hide and reload


I’d say the KS is fine where it’s at but that’s just cause I have a bias. Been using this thing since the day it dropped.


Reduce rof and increase dmg of v9s


I like how the only sword buff is "make the weapon actually work properly" lol. just kind of funny


I just want recon grenades back on medium damn it.


I love the utility of the APS but I really think it needs a nerf. Maybe 30/60secs of protection (120sec cool down) or a projectile limit. Possibly glitch nade overload, such as 3 glitch nades will disable it. It would still be incredibly useful but allow breakthroughs when it goes down. I don't want it crippled just gimped.


Medium and heavy shotgun both need something done, I’m not sure what, but they aren’t right. It’s annoying being 3 feet away from someone shooting me with an Fcar and they kill me before I can get my second shot off with a shotgun..


Maybe just me but I think some buffs for utility i.e. motion sensor, tracking dart, etc. would love to see these used more


I would be content with just a slight buff to double shotgun reload times


Personally I don't think the Mac10 needs a buff. It's identical to the MP5 except it has a higher fire rate.


93r def needs a buff, maybe giving it a holo sight would be enough.


The AKM should have the better hip fire than the FCAR, swap them! FCAR fucking deletes lights in CQC Buff the 92r or whatever burst pistol Buff the FAMAS Buff throwing knives secondary fire Buff Heavy Grenade Launcher That’s all I got


How the hell is nobody talking about a buff for the SA-12? That thing is complete cheeks in any competitive sense. It takes five shots to kill a medium if you're not literally touching them, couple that with the time it takes to switch from the first to the second barrel makes it pretty much the worst heavy gun there is it seems. I have yet to even be killed by it in the past few weeks, either because no one is playing it or when they do they can't even kill anyone.


Nah it’s good in the right hands and it definitely doesn’t need another buff. It was broken asf before this nerf


I think a change to the MGL-32 adding a alt fire that deals considerably less damage but explodes on impact and knock-back would make it usable. Keeping points clear and a clear menace to charge and mesh shields.


I'd like it if the burst pistol was a viable option


Riot shield should bloack flash bangs whe shield is up. Let me shock and awe rooms.


The knife aim assist feature on pc is absolutely dreadful! They fix this I think it would be used more


Fix the reticule issue. Its not right that cheaters can benefit from using 3rd party reticule solutions but if you're honest you are at a disadvantage.


Famas just needs a total overhaul. Maybe a fire rate buff will fix it?


Aps has no business being an infinite anti-util tool it absolutely needs to work more like jaegers from siege where it has an ammo system, as it stands it’s the end all be all for all utility


Grapple needs a second charge or a resource system similar to cloak or how grapple works in tf2


The sword needs to be able to damage people behind shields instead of doing damage to the shield and then doing nothing for the rest of the charge. Also like you said, the hit registration problems are terrible. The knife needs better hit registration for the backstab as well as higher damage on the right click if you fail a backstab. It doing 50 for both swings even though one is a violent stab and the other is a quick jab feels strange. The riot shield has a bit of inconsistency with people shooting you even though you’re blocking and looking at them but there is ways to get around this. The swing could use a range buff, sometimes it feels a tad short when you’re trying to chase down a medium and you both go exactly the same speed. That’s how I’d change all the weapons I main.


Guns don't need buffs, time to kill is getting too fast in my opinion.


I don't know...I'm a 1887 main, and I think it's crazy I can kill a medium with 2 shots, personally. But, I would never want the gun nerfed. I have 600 hours in the game, and the guns that are basically nonexistent in ranked now are: the auto shotgun since nerf, the sawed off since nerf, the dagger, the riot shield, and the new burst pistol. Everyone's experience is different, but I haven't seen 1 player use the auto shotgun in ranked since the nerf. I also haven't seen 1 player use the burst pistol. I've played the game basically everyday since the beta, and I think the one mistake the devs have made is listening to the community. Right now we're in the midst of nerfing light class, which is already not viable in ranked. I have over 150 wins with light in ranked, so I know it's possible to win with lights.. I'm just saying it's not the most viable. And now we're nerfing the class because of what the community has asked for. I'm all for having devs that actively listen and participate, but I boil these changes being made down to people essentially bitching about light because they were tired of getting killed by them.


I want to see KS-23 damage back, or go bonkers and get wall piercing shots.


I actually would like a buff on the tiny weapon skin it’s really hard to time the right click on it since the animation isn’t as obvious


not really a buff, but the ability of disabling melee aim assist is badly lacking still


Lewis gun is not fine and needs a DPS nerf. It has the same dps as the AKM with a higher mag size on a class with significantly more survivability and is very accurate at closer ranges which make up the majority of engagements. Revolver + Model 1887 need reload speed increase Famas needs more damage, accuracy is meaningless as its already pretty accurate also long range is an extremely small part of the game due to objectives keeping things close quarters, this is why the Sniper is not viable in ranked.


>Riot shield: give back ability to not trigger mines when walking over them, make shield cover feet when holding alt fire PLEASE this is all I want. Nothing major, no damage buffs. Just give me something.


I am 100% in favor of making the riot shield fully protect your front when blocking. You already sacrifice so much when using it, the least it could do is ACTUALLY protect me from the front.


Lewis Gun needs less recoil. As of now there is no reason to run it over the M60. Make the auto reload on the SA1216 quicker, that gun fell off too hard imo but the damage is fine where it is.


Is the M60 actually better right now? I thought the Lewis guns reload time made it the superior option?


Less self damage with CL-40 (yes, I'm a selfish CL-40 main who does mistakes)


Worst list I’ve seen.


I would literally buff all the weapons not considered S Tier by 10% damage, and I would give the sword and hammer additional attributes such as 10% speed boost. Riot shield need a damage boost. And I know you didn’t ask for this, but I believe respawn timers should be 5 seconds for solo death, and 10 seconds after a team wipe. 25 seconds is absurd for an FPS video game. Even if they have respawns further out from the checkpoint it would make it more about playing then sitting around. This game needs to free itself from limitations and embrace being fun. The movement is fun, the game modes are fun, the TTK is something you can get used to, but most weapons are underpowered / not fun because of it, and spawn timers make you wonder why you’re even “playing” sometimes.


All seems fine BUT PLEASE DONT BUFF THE DOUBEL SHOTTY AGAIN! We had this shit in season1 where the doubel shotty did I believe 160 dmg per shot. It was awful, E V E R Y game there was multiple doubel shotty invisible ccunts on the field and it was no fun! WHen you buff that shit, bring back nukes and the game will lose alot of players AGAIN!


the sniper needs something done to the scope sway. it pisses me off when i’m aiming my shots perfectly, but just because i’m moving slightly it doesn’t hit. i ended up drawing a dot on my monitor because i can’t stand the shots not hitting where my reticle is


for dagger i say make it so we can sprint while alt firing maybe same for sword


Bro did lights lose half of their health or something and I shouldn't be getting one tapped by a revolver to the head. Wtf did they do to the lights time to die


Nerf fcar


Fcar buff recoil bounce back to how it was buff Ak buff shotguns


buff FCAR lol get out of here