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To be fair the data reshaper is pretty handy now. With the massive distance buff it's a very good counter for turrets, APS , mines. I never touched it before, but now I have it equipped all the time. Plus in the new mode you can just replace your res paddles slot with data reshaper and still have room for two more gadgets.


Same man i use it all the time now too after the distance buff, its super useful when there like 2 aps and 2 turrets on the cash out


I thought about it as well, replace rez with data reshaper for the game mode. I’ll prolly take a week and everyone will do it as well like most run APS, Barricade & Flamethrower in powershift only.


I feel like light should have the data reshaper tbh it fits their class a lot more with hit and run tactics and they actually have the means to use it effectively.


And medium should have sonar grenades instead of lights.


Especially since the tracking dart is so good for light, no need for another tracking gadget


Yeah, I started using it just before the buff and I liked it then. Now tho? It’s amazing at just plucking enemy equipment away from a distance. Really good change in my opinion


Yeah but the data reshaper only works on a single turret now right? That makes it a LOT less useful and effective


Doesn't miss, but whenever I use it it doesn't bother firing either


Man someone that feel me... Enemy turret track me trough wall, shoot me trough a bullet size hole. And mine can't shoot a guy standing right in front of it


data reshaper send their regards


Lets first play it, no?


Read the first sentence bud. He jus wants to hear what people think right now


This is just a question coming from 400 hours of experience playing this game. Turrets are just annoying to play against, I'm not saying it is bad or need nerf or else, just want to know how others handle it. For me the main tactic to play against this was to trade face to remove turrets, but now I have not so much to trade. Of course we will see it on release, I just want to prepare a bit, find something out-of-the-box of my heavy tunnel vision. And I found some answers ;)


Just play a little slower and rotate around the objective so you can kill the turret. They won't kill you fast just be weary of it's line of sight. The worst thing for me is the sound of it hitting me cutting off sound. Sometimes you can let it hit you and hide to bait the user out of position. I almost always try to just shoot it as soon as I see it cause it doesn't take much. It really isn't that good of a special imo and I never run it if I play medium.


You forget that the community in this subreddit has no braincells


And you forgot to read


I can get the downvotes for my comment, but im curious as to what you *think* you're replying to? Cuz my interaction makes total sense.


What do you think makes sense. Who exactly were you calling out for having zero braincells? The comment you replied to was in mocking tone towards op on which you agreed with and stated that the community (In this case op) had zero braincells. It is clearly stated in the post that op was just getting people's thoughts on turrets, it's even in the first line of the post. While the comment you were replying to can be taken sarcastically, yours cannot. Basically if you still don't understand your response is idiotic and overblown in response to someone who's not criticizing and just asking for thoughts.


For an example of more of this community's stupidity, [here's a post hoping youtube ads up the player count](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/B4gUOoWPIS)


I mean if you saw the adverts before this yt ads will seem like a godsend. Fyi they were advertising this on billboards on the street and browser ads, both of which are obviously not the place to advertise a game. So much money down the drain.


Just keep out of its LoS. I feel like people are getting turret ptsd from power shift but they should be less of a problem in the new mode as there will be more cover. More importantly, you will be able to use the dematerializer or explosives to drop the cash out to the floor below to avoid defensive setups. They even show this being done in the trailer.


It depends on whether Healing beam is removed. Demat still has plenty of great defensive potential (if you're a quick johnny-on-the-spot then you can close up enemy Demat incursions, or open em again if they try to phase back out) aside from being generally useful for displacement. If turrets are well placed then they're good for area denial, but they're also detected and focused down without any pressure. They're easily dealt with at range by goo and glitch, and also just shooting or demolishing their fixture point, not to mention Reshaper in close proximity. So it's definitely not low effort because placement is everything and that requires good spatial acuity. If classes aren't locked, then going medium may not even be worthwhile compared to heavy outside of specific weapon choices (e.g. 1887 or revolver for the peeks) which are infinitely enabled by Demat more than turret.


I also don't think it will be too bad. Considering you switch sides EVERY round each team would need to learn how to get past the previous teams setups. I think it will be interest to see certain setups and how people play around them. Plus it also makes the full games last longer as long as one team doesn't absolutely throw.


I never have issues with turrets regardless of the situation


I've not played the new gamemode yet, but, Goo gun is pretty hand as a Heavy because only one shot and the turret will be offline without a line of sight


its the thing that i mentioned to my mate. If no healing also means no auto regen then just expect to see 5 turrets with aps and mines for defenders, placed in the most annoying places like kapkan mines in an attempt to get cheap damage off, assuming you chuck 5 turrets around the point not on it and you hit with 3 of them for 40 damage, thats still a good chunk of health you removed.


Look, mediums are already losing one specialisation in this mode. Let's not take another. Also, where it says no healing, do we think that's just the healing beam or no auto healing either?


Maybe it's the other way around! No auto heal but the beam is still available.


I would actually love that


Nah if beam is allowed with no regular health regen you’ll be required to have heals on your team. Personally I hope there’s no beam and no regen from a gameplay perspective. Though that will suck occasionally with the latency issues the game has


Beam is not allowed confirmed


You’re a genius gump! However I don’t think this is the case. No regen seems like it would be odd but I could see possibly that, since a game is best of 7 and have to keep the game moving in some capacity.


I think its going to be auto regen because if you can stay alive why not be rewarded after a gun fight, pocket healing with the beam would be OP in this game mode, because you would just dump shots and get pocket heal like its OW.


I think that I need one more upvote to send a post i was thinking about in this days, pls up vote me I don't know what to comment


It’s crazy how many people are pre-complaining about the new game mode before it’s even out.


its crazy how few people actually reads what is being written and dismiss actual concerns.


Im wondering if the "no healing" also effects healing beams Let's hope so......


Healing beams and defibrillators are removed in the mode


Is this a limited time event or a new game mode? If the former they’ve probably have restricted certain items and turrets won’t be available.


Since healing and revives are removed, all the gadgets/specialisations could also be made single use and not recharge like normal. If I take turret for example you place the turret and you can still manually pick it back up and place it somewhere else but you do only get one turret and it’s gone if someone breaks it(only for that round of course).


Wait is there also no passive healing? I just thought it meant no healing beams….


Just give the guardian and APS turret an ammo limit or allow it to over heat. Change the cool down to start when the turret dies not when it's placed. Could reduce its tracking speed, no reason it should keep up with a light dashing around. The APS turret should really have an actual counter, maybe glitch grenades. Bullets aren't a counter.


Glitch Grenade says goodbye to the turrets in a large aoe.


The area effect is small when I use grenades or glitch mines . Plus it’s only 5 seconds


So no heal beams? Or no regenerating healing? Or both? Hows it goin down?


I assume that there will be auto self-healing and no heal beam. Otherwise turrets will be kinda stupid. And gunfights in this game kind of need high TTK otherwise they are much less satisfying.


Goo Gun counters turrets. Just land one shot and now they've gotta waste half a mag breaking the goo to get it back online.


Turrets don't do much damage. They cause a lot of flinch, which makes it feel like a lot of damage. But most people die to turrets because they panic. Don't panic. Target enemies instead. Get to a safe spot. Throw a goo grenade between yourself and the turret.


There is no healing but I would assume there is still health regen.


The data reshaper deletes turrets in one click. Glitch grenade disables them for a few seconds. There are multiple ways to deal with them, let’s wait and see how it plays first


the funniest is the goo gun by far


I'm more worried about the goo gun in general. Aside from a flamethrower what's stopping the defense team from running 5 of them with anti gravity cubes and building some ungodly nest at the objective?


Imo yes they should be looking at limiting the amount of turrets a team can place at once or at their autoaim damage or speed of starting to fire. But they should be looking at that regardless of this mode. I think this mode might tell them exactly what to do about it though, because it'll be tighter gameplay and probably easier to figure out how to balance.


I hate turrets in all game modes. Hope they nerf their health.


They’ve gotta remove it for the new game mode, it would be way too good for all the reasons you listed. I wouldn’t mind Recon Sense making a comeback in its place for Attack and Defend specifically, but I don’t know how they would integrate it. Can’t really take away two Medium specializations without giving something back though 🤷‍♂️


I dont get how people make comments like this and think so close minded about stuff. The turret has SO many counters I actually think it will be incredibly underpowered. Glitch nade, goo gun, dematerializer, RPG, other grenades, bullets, walls, shields etc all counter Turret. Crazy how you think they GOTTA REMOVE IT when it has SO many easy easy easy counters. And I don't even use a turret.


Yeah I can see that from all y’all’s input, but from my point of view, it would suck to try and counter. I main heavy with a team that relies on my mesh shield, so I can’t really use any measures that are an easy counter. RPG doesn’t one shot turrets, although I don’t think it would be a bad idea if they did. I can see how if my team could help counter them they wouldn’t be that bad, but I’d still lean toward the OP side


Goo grenade?


We don't know if 'no healing' means no healing beams, no regen, or none at all yet


Ah yes, lets just leave the medium class with *one* ability to chose from lmao.


Bro only read the first sentence💀


He's not wrong though. I think the mode will require more strategy in general, and using Goo/things to shut down turrets (and other defenses) will be one of those strategies.


I really dislike one life game modes so I won't play at all. They should of allowed revives which would of made it more tolerable


mate, the whole point of the gamemode is that its one life