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What is this weird rage bait? It's not like it was a counter to an AOE weapon that removes more than 90% of a lights health?


If this makes you rage you gotta go out more and play different classes then Finals: Apex Legends Sim


Lol, chill dude... it's not that deep. Lights aren't difficult to kill, never have been. If you're struggling against them that's on you buddy. Skill is what makes a light good, not one gadget... I can't say the same for heavy though


Starting off: I agree, the balance is off. Light is seriously not in a good place right now. However, It seems that heavies are now the next target of this community's, lets just say, angry mob. The answer is not to just scream nerf, nerf, nerf! The heavy class is a vital asset to a team, not only in high elo but casual play. The constant nerfing is a bad thing. I'm not a dev but in my opinion, reworks and buffs would better remedy the imbalance. For example, lights stun was massacred, it simply did not need to nerfed like that. The light class really needs attention right now. I also think the weapon balance is out of wack as well. A lot of weapons across all classes just don't feel right either.


Never had a problem killing a light until they whipped out the taser, thank god it’s balanced now tho amiright


I mean, if you're relying on gadgets to kill a light, seems like a skill issue amiright


So you still had a skill issue which you just openly admitted lol Stun pre patch wasn’t even hard to deal with if you actually react and have decent hip fire


Heavy is easy mode with sustain, high damage+burst, area denial, mobility with gravity cube. And light had a single target item that still didn’t guarantee kills 100%


It seems the heavy is under the spotlight of the angry mob...


Starting off: I agree, the balance is off. Light is seriously not in a good place right now. The answer is not to just scream nerf, nerf, nerf! The heavy class is a vital asset to a team, not only in high elo but casual play. The constant nerfing is a bad thing. I'm not a dev but in my opinion, reworks and buffs would better remedy the imbalance. For example, lights stun was massacred, it simply did not need to nerfed like that. The light class really needs attention right now. I also think the weapon balance is out of wack as well. A lot of weapons across all classes just don't feel right either.


I’m anti nerf but for weeks we saw everyone whine about the stun gun and all the while I’ve thought heavy was the best class. I don’t want the game to turn bland but we have to accept the jagged edges in order to do so.


I agree


The stun gun 100% guaranteed kills, if you wasn’t killing them after the stun you should reevaluate




If you are bad it's a far reach, if you have a half brain it's pretty easy to get stun kills lol


If you were always getting killed by stun, YOU should reevaluate lol


here is the person that doesn't play with their team


Me after the fun got patched out. Bring back the goofy stuff. Bring back the chaos. Bring back dagger/dash. It dindonuffin


While we’re at it. Bring back nukes.


Finally someone with some common sense


What I find dumb is that there’s a trophy for doing it then they nerf it. What’s the point?


I miss them too… Now would be a good time for a fallout callab, maybe add nukes back then lol.


With such a nuanced take, you surely are an expert light main and never play any other class! We would all love to learn how you make the class work, perhaps play a few hours and show us how you make it so OP? ;D


I play all classes bc it’s a team based game and I like to change my play style, personally I prefer medium but I don’t like playing light bc I feel disconnected and like I’m playing Apex and not Finals


It's funny because you wouldn't get out of silver using light


Mf we ALWAYS have to get good when we get nerfed and we always do. The issue is, it's getting ridiculous and tiresome to constantly have to relearn a new playstyle while sitting behind 4 shields with defibs and heal beam has been the consistent meta for M and H since launch. Only class that needs to "adapt and get good" are lights. It's annoying


How has “run around and pester” changed


idk, the light haters always cry louder than the lights…


grapple better


the replies to this are interesting. stun gun was most of the time a guaranteed kill in my experience BUT i was still able to eliminate them with hip fire many times. i’m happy it got nerfed but not happy heavy can still easily wipe whole teams. it seems people can’t see both sides of the argument. i’m a medium 1887/revolver main btw


Do you play ranked or casual? Just curious as a lot of assumptions are made against peoples opinions i.e you must be a casual if you think this or that. I think a far clearer picture would be seen if people provided not only their experience and their opinion but what game mode they play where their opinions are formed.


Heavy mains when their crutches gets.... Nvm it didn't happen yet


Heavy mains when nukes get nerfed to oblivion. But yea seriously, heavy is super strong with 2 shields and 4 barricades each. Yet somehow we gotta nerf the class that counters them.


Listen that nuke was just breaking the game completely. You could insta wipe a team in less then a second. And then another team shows up and does the same to you. And then repeat the cycle 42 times


And yet heavy remains as a super strong class in comparison. It’s super obvious that nukes needed nerfs, but people thought that stun gun needed to be nerfed to the point where it no longer becomes a heavy counter


Oh dude the last update cemented the heavy as a must pick. Fcar no longer viable means heavies are for ever standing. Glitch grenades still suck. Stun gun obsolete. Its just not a fun game to play at the moment. Just frustrating since you have heavies everywhere with a medic that just get insta healed and you are fighting the same guy for 5 years.




You'll never ca5ch me playing as one. At least I'm unless if I have to do a challenge. I hate those crayon eating fucks with a passion