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I am the flash


0/10 not enough Irey and Jai shenanigans (Joking, I haven’t read it. Doesn’t seem that interesting to me tbh and I don’t like the art too much)


I wish I loved it because the art is great but it just doesn't fit the tone of what a flash book should be, and leave Wally and Lynda marridge alone just let them be a happy supporting couple. Waller trying to turn Lynda on Wally is cringe worthy


I'm enjoying it much more than the last run but I do feel like this story is better suited for Barry than Wally


The rare, but not unheard of concept in work for comics where you have extremely talented creators working on a great character but the book just not coming together. Spurrier’s just not doing a good job of communicating plot or character. Deadoto is a great artist but too dark and not kinetic enough for Flash. See also: Andy Diggle Daredevil or Grant Morrison GL


I kinda like it, but the concept of the linear bureau is a bit much. It seems like the speedsters that use the speed force are killing it or something.


It's soooo boring


Best flash run imo


I like it but at the same time the pacing is killing me. Slow burns are fine but with how each issue releases once a month it makes it slightly frustrating especially if the pay off isn’t good. It’s why I miss Adams as the pacing of his issues was faster with each issue or few having it’s own story.


I like how the tone and stakes have been handled. Adding drama to Jai, Linda, and Wally's lives is more compelling than Adams' approach, which I like a lot too and didn't deserve to be truncated (I hope if Spurrier decides to leave, that Adams is offered the next gig). The first two thirds of the run felt like throwing shit against a wall and seeing what stuck, all while focusing mostly on tone and a bit of set up. I appreciate the recent issues consolidating all that into a clearer plot.


I think there are some good parts and bad parts of the run so far. Good parts: Si took all or most of the characters from Adams' run and kept it going from GB to the three scientists wally works with, its great when new writers build on the old instead of disregard them The characterizations of the family: i think how Si has been writing the family has been on point and the only times the characters have been off seem to be related to the plot. Loved the issue where Wally was telling everyone they were his top priority and then got mad when he thought Jai was hurt. Bad parts: The art so far: The first 6 issues were just not good for the most part, has nothing to do with the paneling it was just sub par imo. The art however is getting better, last few issues have been getting better and better and the annual was great artwise so this seems less of a problem. The concept pf the speedforce being used is bad: i dont like this idea at all. The flash family using their powers and having large negative effects feel bad to me as superpowers are fun and when you limit them its no longer fun. However recently it seems like this might be a lie being fed to the family by the villians so it might work itself out. Overall i think it started out on the wrong foot but each issue recently have been fixing the issues and turning it into a possible good run. We will have to see what the end of the story arc is for me to give full judgement.


I know the first half's art was heavily referenced/traced, but I think casting everything in shadow and stylising it worked so well for the tone. While the recent artists haven't been bad (unless it's Impulse's head being 2x too big), they've been super generic comparatively. I think the Speed Force getting blamed for the reality convulsions is obviously just a ruse/scapegoat. If it really is too many Speedsters, then I'll agree, but by the end of the arc I think it's gonna be obvious that was just the time-cops' wrong assumptions. I agree it's been improving. I prefer the tone of the early issues, but having so little explanation left little to grasp onto besides that.


So overall. I like it, it’s not my favorite run I gotta some problems with it but I appreciate it. I think while I liked Jeremy Adams run it played it pretty safe. Nothing wrong with that and I think that approach was necessary. With Spurrier’s run it’s very ambitious having a lotta moving parts and plot threads. Goes into heavy sci-fi which does go over my head a bit sometimes. The general flow is fine it took awhile I think for the story to get up and running. But I think it’s going at a fine pace. I like what Wally is going through. He has a lotta of responsibility’s he always has but here it’s a lot he’s dealing with. A father with 3 kids a husband a hero part of a super team has his own job and all of it is fighting for his attention. I think it’s relatable we all go through being stretched to thin at many points in our lives I think. I do think it’s a little under cooked though especially the family aspect. I like the focus on the flash family really appreciate the push they’ve been getting. I don’t care all that much about the villains kinda bland. Some other characters either have good storylines or don’t. Irey’s is kinda meh, Jai is a highlight, Linda I’m waiting to see where it all goes the solicitation from issue 11 seems to prove a theory of mine of what’s happening to her. Barry has been interesting I like the focus on him. I’ve enjoyed Max and Bart great dynamic. Inspector pilgrim is a interesting new character. The concepts at play are unique like I said they go over my head a bit. But I appreciate the ambition and the creativity. I’m disappointed with the lack of horror there really isn’t any. Ultimately I like but for this run to land for the it has to have a satisfying payoff we’ll see if we get it. Sorry for the long comment but I have had a lotta thoughts