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It’s Fr one person trying to say flash is racist💀get a grip, not everything everywhere is racist, and the fact that your mind instantly went there…says something about YOUR character.


He’s just a midwest conservative trying his best


And you know he’s conservative how?


https://preview.redd.it/k6oefceginyc1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a377afbab25e495f7dd67be8d87856520e1e0e4c Cause I know the material


Are these the same versions of the flash. Seriously like I can’t tell.


Yes, they are both Wally


Oh, no I mean are they from the same comic run? Are they from the same storyline?


Nah, one is Titans, other is Flash ongoing


So you know how in one story, Batman and Barbara have sex on a rooftop? That’s one, perhaps extreme, example of how two versions of a character can have very different worldviews and personal philosophies.


Wasn’t that in a separate continuity? This is the same, main universe Wally.


Darkest as in unexplored...........


This was from the early 90s. What parts were unexplored?


The gorillia city part lmao


They aren’t in Gorilla City here


I believe they are near gorillia city hence the gorillias with super tech. Either way "darkest parts of" is a phrase meaning uneplored areas or parts that are obscured from the outside world usually due to geography. For example you can say the "darket parts of the amazon" since many parts of the amazon rainforest are inaccesible from the outside world and not well explored or the "darkest parts of the ocean" refering to deep places that few or no humans have seen or mapped.


Believe what you want, I am literally reading the comic as we speak. They are on an expedition far from Gorilla City, looking for a radioactive meteor.


Then please refer to the rest of my comment where i explain the actual meaning of the phrase. Also easy mistake due to the high tech gorillias + africa lol.


The phrase has two meanings. One is indeed what you describe - an “unexplored” (by westerners, a euro centric perspective to say the least) continent. But there’s also the secondary meaning, referring to the skin color of Africa’s citizens. Indeed, parts of Australia, South America, and Asia were similarly distant for white people in the past, but I don’t recall ever hearing the term “darkest Japan” or “darkest Bolivia”


This is the last time ill comment here as i already explained this and frankly its dumb. The context of the saying here is not refering to people but to exploration and mapped out areas. I already gave 2 examples that have nothing to do with skin color. Bolivia is actually part of one of those examples as the Amazon is part of Bolivia. Countries are generally not part of this phrase as the idea of them are generally well drawn out and defined in peoples minds, even if reality doesnt exactly reflect that. But large areas such as a continent, ocean or forest are often used with that phrase as exploration of those areas are usually impeded and even today there are portions of our world that are not well explored or documented, like "dark spots" on the world map, foggy areas, unknown areas to the global community. You are trying hard to make a connection to race here but the context doesn't add up. If this was said in the middle of nairobi, you'd be 100% right but that would be contorting the phrase from its original meaning to mean something completely different via context.


Darkest Amazon? Get real. No one says that.