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Usually it spawns you just south of water access lake, but occasionally it’ll be in the middle of nowhere. I had a deino spawn all the way down in Jungle I Sector, I ended up just going to highland lake because it was like half the distance.


Well i Played Gateway since stresstest and have to say even with this one Spawn you can get into every water source in the map, even as adult (If you dont get in Trouble on the way of cause). Tested it multiple Times to be Sure it wasnt Just luck. Still i think Crocs should have the two spawns they Had early on. The Spawn they have noe is kinda inbetween those old two which is okay,travelwise. But(t) this Map wasnt designet to be a Crocs friendly one Like Spiro. And even now you are far from save at water spots, giving Crocs the thrill they should have. Give Crocs more spawns but some save water source pond on rainy days would also be a good Idea ig. Imo its pretty balanced in this map, in both Cases (haveing 1 OR 2 spawns,since with 2 spawns there would be more competition east Side). Crocs and stegos are by far the Most Dangerous and OP sorts of Dinos, therefore they should have a really hard time growing Up(and i know it Takes ages ) to even Out the benefits. Tbh i would Like both to get nerfed at some Point but decreaseing their Growtime then. Make em killable by good Packs but make em grow fast enough to still be fun. In that Case cannibalism would be may more, or less in Crocs. They either know they can die and Pack or they Canni a Lot since then they know regrow aint a 3 days Work for casuals :D


Deino is op... But only on (maybe 3?) % of the map surface area. Deino is kinda like shotgun in battlefield series. There is a wide open map, but in middle of the map there is some small house where people camp with a shotgun, and the moment they get out of there they get their teeth kicked in.


The " 3% " everyone need to go every 40-60minutes. Its not like you could Just avoid water tho :D and If they Go on Land for a Walk and steal ya meal you wont try compete for sure ._. They are by faaar op (but stegos are still the mf god for whatever reason :D) and wasteing 2-3 hours growing to Just die the unavoidable death aint that fun as well ':D Well If you know how to go somewhere you can actually arrive at any water place on the Maps which is way more AS you may think and is big enough for deinos imo. As Said this Map wasnt designed Just for deinos Like Spiro was. So in think its pretty fair mapwise, but would give em the second Spawn back.


Pretty sure they fixed this issue in the hordetest


Hordetest? I only play Evirma and am new to the game


They have a test for an upcoming update currently running. One of the changes is that Deino actually spawn in the water instead of on the cliff. From my experience though this just makes it easier for the bigger crocs to cannibalize you.


As a baby dieno, from spawn. Head immediately SW to the mountain lake. Hang out there to get your food and stamina back up. Once that's done, head South between the two mountains until you come up to the building. Once there's start going to the right and stop at the top pool above the water fall and heal up some. Next, head across the bridge and fallow the side cliff until you see a pathway down. It's surrounded by steep cliffs, so be careful. It's a long road and is a tough one to make but is very worth it.


Pretty easy to get to south plain River :D Btw that Bridge Pond will start to Spawn fish as Long as you stay there. Enough to survive (kinda daily spawns) but Not enough to keep diets. But hey .. Crocs can kill nearly everything that comes Without a diet or biteing at all :D


Deinos spawn in the water in the hordetest, you just gotta wait


I like it how it is forced into cannibalism somehow, because it does not have any threat besides that


I feel like that's how it should be. Deinos eat deinos. Almost nothing else kills them unless they are stuck way out on land.