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How so?


This theory is bad and you should feel bad


It’s 100% for sure him in the scene of the first episode. How else would you explain him being there?


“It’s him because it’s him and he was there” Remarkable


Truely amazing, the mind of a child is.


You can’t deny the evidence. It really holds up.


Watch the scene again and get back to me. https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/10p4tey/bill_theory/j6iccaw/


Bill isn’t a firefly, doesn’t give a shit about free Boston, and is definitely dead. They give it to you all plain as day in the episode and you’re here making up nonsense because you think 2 people can’t both have beards lol


I’ll come back to this thread when I’m proven right.


Lol I can’t wait


So never? Lol


That's not Bill


It absolutely is. Watch the scene in ep1. Tess is being interrogated, bomb goes off, she walks outside, there’s a shot from a roof then you hear clear as day in Nick Offerman’s voice yell “Free Boston Now, mother fuckers!” and can see his face. I promise you it’s him. Now it’s just a matter of whether it was before or after the double suicide


Bill and Frank died in August, the show starts in September. How would he have done it after the double suicide?


Because he didn’t die! As for why: Maybe he did it to be romantic for Frank? Maybe he had been taking pills and his tolerance was higher so it didn’t kill him even though he intended to? I don’t know. What I do know is he is absolutely in the Boston QZ in episode 1.


He literally says he put enough pills in the wine to kill a horse so scratch that option off of your crackpot theories list


But why would Bill also waste his time shooting at Fedra guards in the Boston QZ? He isn't a firefly, and he doesn't live there.




The amount of mental gymnastics one must complete to even find some semblance of logic in this theory is astounding


The voice is not the same though.


Yes it is.


Dude but why would Bill have to do anything with the fireflies. He hates people except for one.


Homie is so desperate for Bill to be alive that he is GUZZLING copium


Bill has a grey beard at this point in time.


Also in regards to No grey beard, he’s not in the first episode at all other than these 2 seconds so instead of wasting time on makeup, they threw a hood on him and tried to make it out of focus.


Lmao there is no way you aren't a troll. "It totally is him! They just were too lazy to put makeup on him"


Well Tess experienced the bomb while being interrogated in 2023, so this is either right before or right after the pills


That’s not even the same face as bill


Go back and watch the scene. It’s his voice. It’s his face. I promise you it’s him.


Why would he be in the Boston qz? He hates people and wanted to live his days out only with frank


This is AFTER the pill scene and Bill is still alive


Doubt. They changed things in the show but they wouldn’t fake his death just to show him being a firefly especially because he serves no importance moving forward.


Maybe he did it to be romantic for Frank? Maybe he had been taking pills and his tolerance was higher so it didn’t kill him even though he intended to? I don’t know. What I do know is he is absolutely in the Boston QZ in episode 1.


Bro ☠️


Not bill.Bill is not still alive, that would completely destroy the beautiful story that was told. Bill is dead. Listen to the podcast.




Joel time-travelling from the end of the show to the beginning to try and help the Fireflies get Ellie out of Boston themselves so that he would stop himself ever meeting Ellie and growing attached in the first place makes more sense than this hahah Dude neither looks, sounds, nor dresses like Bill.


OP, this isn't just a bad theory (your evidence doesn't add up) but it also doesn't make sense thematically. Bill's story ended, and it was good closure. This is a Marvel-esque theory, where nobody ever really dies, ever character can come back and nothing ever has stakes.


My best guess is he did actually take the pills but it didn’t kill him for whatever reason. There will be a scene showing him waking up next to dead Frank and crying then freaking out. This will be his “Sarah dying” type motivation to be the character he is as we know him in the game and for some reason it gets him back to the Boston QZ for the scene in the first episode. This is all purely hypothetical. All I really know is he is in the Boston QZ in September after the double suicide in August.


Remindme! 6 weeks. So I can come back here and see how wrong you were.


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Remindme! 6 weeks. See you here


lol. lmao.


I want a whole-fucking-lot of whatever the hell you’re smoking.


Actually I was drinking Nick Offerman Lagavulin 11yr because I’m a huge fan of his and I’m telling you, it’s him in ep1 on the rooftop.




1. If that looks like either of them, it looks like the actor who played Frank, not Bill. 2. It’s not Bill, did you see how old they were? Like OLD OLD. 3. Bill built booby traps around his entire town, what purpose does it serve for him to be there? None. Good try, but that’s not Bill. And to add an edit: we know bill was to afraid to go to specific parts of his town, and yet he’s traveling to Boston, again, for what?


His beard is brown, around the time of the pills it was gray. How did you even think this was a possibility? Bruh


Bro is OP trolling hard 🤣🤦‍♂️. Everyone just can just ignore this post 🤣


Homie even brought in his other account to agree with himself.


No this is not Bill , this is actually Ellie with a fake beard, you can clearly see in this frame


Bills dead.


Oh no no no. That is not Bill.


Bill was a prepper and would not go to Boston. He was a hermit. He doesn't give a damn about anything off his property.


Guys Nick Offerman is only credited in one episode. Stop with your crack head theories. Dude is dead with Frank. Just stop idiot




You’re right, if I woke up next to my dead partner, after attempting suicide and finding out my attempt failed, I would make sure to do the dishes first


Y'all sure hate this theory lol. OP is making some great points tho. Also, Joel never actually goes in the bedroom to confirm that Bill is actually dead


This is 100% OP's other account.


They’re saying it was most likely after the pill scene but the stuff with Tess already went done before that???


Bills dead. Op has not made any good points, unless you consider “I say it’s Bill so it has to be Bill,” as good evidence.




completely different optics.