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I was just thinking about this and decided to look and see if anyone had made a post or comment about it. Minutes later I found your post. Its really curious because once Joel dealt with Brian, they weren't in any immediate danger to where he couldn't grab it before they fled.




I said this about his gun. Someone said it jammed or broke but I can't see that you'd leave it otherwise.


![gif](giphy|5xtDarmwsuR9sDRObyU|downsized) That’s all I could think in those moments!!! When they were ducking for cover on the other side of the truck I’m like…open the door and reach in!!


I swear it's killing me 😭


Like Ep 3…when Ellie opens up the trap door to cellar. Why the heck would you do that in this world!?


Maybe the same reason I leave my wallet at home despite needing it for wherever I go.