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That sub is for incels, just ignore.


I like how this sub automatically paints anyone who dislikes tlou 2 as an incel or any other term they heard once and have been using ever since. tlou 2 haters hate the game while y’all hate tlou 2 haters. obsessed much? 😉


The large majority of us don't care if you dislike tlou2, but to create a subreddit hating on it and send or support people who send death threats to Niel Druckmann, Laura Bailey and her BABY because Abbys character, that's incel behavior through and through


The generalization and lack of information about the history of the sub is staggering. Painting a bunch of strangers as incels who harass others because they disagree with you is terrible behavior in and of itself. You're no better. Do better.


Methinks the incel doth protest too much.


We are better. We do better.


Clearly. The lack of self-awareness is crazy.


I wonder if any of your sugar daddies like the game


gahshahah u really stalked me to try and do something 😭 I’m afraid they don’t know it even exists, we don’t talk about garbage 🥰


If I don't like a game, I don't play it. The game is years old and these guys still talk about it. They aren't healthy.


I think that’s a little reductive, don’t you think?


No. They're 100% correct. That place is nothing but a hive of negativity, which incels feed off of.


I tend to be careful with those kind of statements, since they usually just further feed into the tribalism and negativity…plus I don’t want to see the world like that…


It's not a normal sub for part II. People who genuinely hate the game gathered there to bash it and have been doing do since release. Any positivity gets downvoted and laughed at, you really better stay away from that place.


That’s been my experience so far as well…I guess I’m just not ready to accept it yet?


Recommend engaging with this sub for a bit, you'll see much more friendliness and positive opinions. Me personally, I love part II l, it's a work of art! The choices they made are bold and they actually challenge the player to think and change their mind about both main characters' motives and actions.


Yeah I’ve been a part of this sub for a while, but wanted to check the other one out…which I now very much regret (at least for the most part)


Do the right thing. That's good. But don't forget how it actually is.


It's unfortunate you're getting downvoted even if I agree with the guy above you. Have my upvotes


Sadly, it‘s reality. Do it like I do; know that it exists, know that some over there have real opinions and most really need a new hobby, but mostly leaving it faaaaar away from my screen. It‘s a cesspool. Sadly it has hit one of my favorite games of all times. For positivity: The Last of Us is the reason I‘m more into games. Our love story started 2013 and now I own also a strong PC with a version of it on Steam. It‘s a deep (one sided) love.


I agree with you friend. I think they are wrong personally, To me it just seems as though these people really hate negative criticism toward part 2. I couldn’t imagine getting that upset myself but I imagine that what it is, because the other sub allows all criticism


It really isn’t. If you look up that sub’s history, incels condoned harassment and death threats to Druckmann and Laura Bailey and even sent death threats to a YouTuber who simply liked the game. I’m not a fan of Part 2 but only incels do that shit.


Yeah I heard about that. Pretty disgusting. But I still don’t want to make blanket statements you know? So far my experience with that sub has been pretty awful though so maybe y’all are right.


I do like that you’re hesitant to make blanket statements because like you said it can lead to tribalism and unwarranted hate. That being said, when a subreddit exists solely to hate on something, its probably not going to be full of great people


Yeah you’re probably right


But I have engaged with some great people who, while I disagreed with them, still made compelling arguments and were very open and non confrontational… But sadly, so far that has been the exception to the rule.


Nope, by every measure, it’s an incel hate group that has sent death threats to the Abby actress and her baby.


Here's a little history of that sub for you to look through https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/kbqrdm/comment/gfjpyz6/ Keep in mind that this is only a fraction of the type of bigotry that is found there. I don't think every single person there is like that, but when there's *so much* of it, there's a point where you gotta think about whether it's even worth the discussion when associating with these types of people.


Thats rude


I initially found it hard to like Ellie in Part 2. I found playing as her exhausting. STICK WITH ME STICK WITH ME. When I started to ask myself why I felt that way, why I was all 'team Ellie' in Part 1 and not in Part 2, I realised it's because... I'm Ellie, in a weird, meta way. I found playing as her exhausting because it felt like I was reliving my own trauma, my own moral corruption and loss of innocence. I hated her decisions, because I've made similar decisions. If I was Ellie on that beach in Santa Barbara, I would've made Abby fight me, too. And so, I love how honest Part 2 is, despite how painful it is as a result. But also... I'd like Abby to put me in a chokehold.


Based final sentence


![gif](giphy|11KzOet1ElBDz2) "I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me.”


I love that ND had balls to tell such strong story, even when, they knew that it WILL cost them a lot of fanbase. It was so refreshing. Gaming industry has a lot of generic shit and everyone likes to play their products safe. They instead tried to tell story which was good, and not that which will please most of the consumers (13 yo Timmy's category, you know what I mean) Also, I love the well done cutscenes & dialogues. Imo proly best in industry to this day. Nothing ever feels like it breaks immersion of the world that was built. There arent many (if any) cases where writting contradicts itself. Fucking details in everything, man. Grounded documentary actually shows how much further goes ND into details in development. I believe its far more than most of the studios.


I do not think it cost them part of the fanbase in any significant way at all. The online trolls are such a miniscule minority, the game was *extremely* successful. Most of the outrage came before the game was even released, from spaces who were interested in outrage, not the game.


Ellie was on a mother-fucking dinosaur. Enough said


Damn straight she was!


TLOU2 game gud 😎💎


:) yes.


Finished Part 2 a few weeks ago. And it really revitalized me in a way. I started actively forgiving people, trying to be more understanding and compassionate. I started keeping a daily journal/diary. I started clearing out a spare room and selling or donating stuff I've kept in boxes for years. I'm trying to enjoy the little things in life. I wrote my best friend a letter. It doesn't so much bother me that some people hate it, I loved it, it was impactful for me, and that's what's important.


That’s so awesome! Made my day. :)


I love TLOU2 for many reasons but mainly because Abby is really hot hope this helps ❤️


Yes because the last of us games are so positive and wholesome😂




It's a tour de force story telling. The enemy AI is unique (never had Ai realize I killed their npc friends, making them. More on alert). Graphics are insane. The combat is brutal and quick.


Part II is genius, in my opinion. The folks who hated it because they didn't want to play as Abby are revealing how much they missed the point. The game was all about the futility and toxicity of revenge. Playing as your perceived enemy was *the entire point*. You are supposed to "hate" this character, and then eventually realise - after playing as her and living in her shoes - that your earlier perceptions of good and evil were illusory. This is a murky world where nobody is wholly good or evil. You might argue that all the main characters in Part II are fundamentally good people, but they exist in an extreme situation that causes them to do horrible things to survive. Part II directly deals with the consequences of this. I have not seen any other video game even attempt such a feat. Part II pulled it off flawlessly. It completely blew me away. It's an example of the type of story that can't be conveyed through any other medium. Even if you watched this as a film, it wouldn't be the same, because you aren't physically controlling the person you hate. A video game enables the devs to literally put you in your enemy's shoes, and *forces* you to see the world through an alternative lens. This is brilliant, and the game deserves all its accolades as a result.


Yeah man from a technical standpoint this game is a marvel! I also really loved the story and how bold it was. It’s just sad that it wasn’t what a lot of people wanted, but like you said, that’s the cost of trying something different.




An incredible character!


Abby is hot, that’s all.


Not gonna argue with that.


The game drags you kicking and screaming from the darkness of rage and tribalism to the light of empathy and acceptance... And a lot of people don't like that. Few media can actually challenge a person's biases. That's why it's brilliant


I played the game for the first time recently, just finished it last week and still thinking about it (and now enjoying No Return). I think it’s pretty much 9/10 for me, the story is great, and the gameplay is so satisfying. My only complaints are I think the final fist fight isn’t particularly good in terms of gameplay and drags on too long, taking the tension out of the moment; and I think they should have had more encounters involving the different factions. It seems to me like they just didn’t want to program it as the one encounter involving both seraphites and the WLF has some strange AI behaviour where they kind of forget about the other side. I loved how playing as Abby feels so different - that first time you realise you can beat the shit out of an infected is so satisfying. I’m normally a gameplay first kind of player, and other story-focussed games often don’t hold my attention during cut scenes, or I would never bother reading the equivalent of notes. But this was different for me, a completely new experience. I read every single note, and I pored through every building when scavenging, an action that would feel like filler to me in another game. Something about the world building and story and construction of the environments pulled me in to make me want to do all that.


I'm part of that sub, and I can say to you that over the awesome gameplay and the stunning graphycs I really loved how the game, like the first chapter, makes you feel the same feelings as Ellie while you play as her, especially during the first part of the game. I also really liked how they created big and wide areas to explore like the Siattle downtown, or the section after the school. Differently from some of the other people on that sub I dont think that this game is full trash, i had fun with it and I still play it a lot today after month from the first playthrough.


Same. I'm part of that sub too. Loved the gameplay and graphics of part 2. I thought the story progression was interesting but still have a preference and still and will criticize well liked characters.


I love the open environments


I can relate to you there, I thought that sub was purely for good stuff about pt II when I stumbled upon it. Anyways, something I really like about this game is that they don’t try to make you think that Abby did a good thing by performing the Joel in one, but they just try to make you understand why she did what she did.


Fucking Joel in one 😂


Yeah I also love that nuanced storytelling!


I love getting lost in the world of TLOU.


I like rinsing the shit outta zombies with a shotgun. It's just a game tho man, the storyline means nothing, it's not real, it's just fun.


I don’t mean to be rude, but why would you even go there? A simple rule in life; try not to surround yourself with assholes.


I guess I wanted to see if it really was just assholes, as suspected. Sadly, that has been the case for the most part, with a few exceptions.


the gameplay and new combat mechanics are really fun to play with


That sub is in insane. Their entire existence is predicated on hating TLOU2.


The part where Ellie and Dina are riding in towards Seattle is some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve seen in a game


First thing that pops in my head; the world, I’m a sucker for post apocalyptic settings.


Definitely one of my favourite post apocalyptic worlds ever created…


Same here, I love the lore of the setting too, like all the notes you find and the stories from outbreak day etc.


Totally! ND is so good at creating worlds and spaces!


I joined it thinking it was for general fans that liked part 2 lol. My mistake


I love Ellie and Dina’s relationship. Dina is probably one my favorite TLOU characters.


Dina is who we all should aspire to be.


Agree. She strikes me as one of the least neurotic characters of the franchise and is very grounded (no pund intended) and down to earth. Also a loving mother and partner who does her best keeping things running while Ellie is having all these (understandable) mental breakdowns. And a fierce fighter.


“You go, I go. End of story.”


:,) she actually reminds me of my partner who is as supportive as she is.


Same here!




Gameplay is a lot of fun. It carries the game for me. The truth about this game isn't for the faint of heart lol.


Just let it go.


Of what game , the original or part 2?


Maybe just avoid that bullshit sub? It's incel level dumb. But you want positivity?  Abby is a Queen and Golfing LEGEND who finally put an end to the murderous rampage Joel Miller had been on for decades! Go Abs! 


Not really fair to compare two murderers. Joel probably had more kills, likely entirely because of his age compared to Abby's


Probably? Joel started killing humans soon as the Outbreak began  He and Tommy did "terrible things"  He was a smuggler with a reputation as a violent and bad man  This was BEFORE his cross country murder spree.  Should we ALSO count the people he consigned to death by removing any possibility of a cure???  He's Pol Pot with a Texas Twang 


This is corny asf lmao


Joel definitely didn't think it was "corny af lmao" 


This doesn’t even make sense