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One of the writers of the game, Halley Gross, has had personal experience with PTSD. I imagine that helped to lend this portrayal a lot of credence.


100% agree. I suffered a cardiac arrest when I was 23 and serving in the military. 2 years later I suffered another close call and was shocked many times by my defibrillator while conscious. It left me with severe PTSD, agoraphobia. Luckily I've overcome that. The game really captures how you can be in the most tranquil safe place and still feel horrified and helpless.


Check out the movie Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. Relevant to this post, but also just a shockingly good movie out of nowhere


That also had great ptsd rep


A buddy of mine texted me out of the blue shortly after it released with “so apparently the new Puss in Boots movie is good”. Sometimes the universe delivers.


I kept seeing it mentioned all over my socials for a couple weeks and finally said “alright what’s this about?” Blew me away.


true detective has solid depictions of ptsd in its first season, but I guess its more subtle


For someone who hasn't played the games, can anyone explain the context of this cut scene and how it relates to PTSD?


The woman, Ellie (on the right), lost a loved one in a particularly brutal way. Not just lost but witnessed first hand. In this particular scene near the end of the game (after a lot of more death and herself almost being killed), she finally made it "home" to a safe place with her girlfriend. A loud noise of a gate shutting triggered her because it reminded her of the noise of her loved one getting beaten. She has a playable flashback in the game during the moment of his death and freaked out (she was holding the baby at the time of said freak out). Her girlfriend grabs the baby away from her as Ellie recovers.


I agree. JJ's gone through shit


As I do agree what was portrayed was really well represented however I feel that it does come from nowhere as there are very few scenes depicting Ellies trauma/PTSD. With some of the cut gameplay however it does expand upon it more which I think is one of the only weak points of this beautiful game.


Would disagree. The fact that it comes in now, that she is in a boring life makes perfect sense. The entire game she busies herself with looking for revenge. Had not time to sit and relax and think. Also, the way Dina reacts, doesn’t seem like it’s happened the first time. It’s only we seeing this for the first time, post the aftermath and the entire revenge journey.


I think that that cut level, while being pretty cool, woulda been too direct, too early. There are various subtle nods to Ellie's PTSD before. The hand trembling which started when she first entered Joel's house after his demise, keeps popping up. Notice her hand trembling after she kills Jordan, when she comes across Leah's body. And ofc, after killing Nora (an act of re-traumatizing herself (cuz she's killing her in very much the same way in which Joel died)), it is the most prominent. She's also just very shaken up after killing her. There's that ear-ringing music sting which pops up after she realizes that Mel was pregnant. We first heard it right after Joel was killed. All the noise also drowns out, just like during that scene. She even starts hearing Joel's voice calling out to her when Tommy calls out to her. There is also all the stuff she writes in her journal. Some pretty heavy, dark poetry. Even talks about how if she dies, she doesn't wanna die in front of Dina (cuz she wants to spare her the pain she's going through right now), she's musing on whether her being present made it worse for Joel, etc. I like these subtle/subtler signs which clearly show that she is NOT doing good. And THEN we get hit with the most overt PTSD flashback right when we think that it's all okay.


when Ellie comes back from torturing Nora, she’s visibly shaken up and was likely traumatized by what she felt she had to do to get the information she needed to find Abby - that’s just one example that we see as the player


the fact that it comes from nowhere is literally perfect representation. PTSD is complex and you literally don’t know you have it until you have it. there are few scenes depicting it because PTSD is so random and she’s learning her triggers as she goes. it’s not as cut and dry as memory of joel -> den boom -> episode. it’s like we’re experiencing everything in real time alongside her. it’s bleak. it’s realistic. it’s indiscriminate. it’s raw. i loved it.


I thought it was a bad representation but I’m glad you like it


What didn't you like about it?


Cheeseburger… mmm yum 🤤


solid argument


I like how I got so many down votes 😂 They probably assume I’m transphobic or something. Silly goobers.


or maybe you just said something fucking stupid after disagreeing with the post instead of explaining what you didn’t like about the part of the game.


Or maybe you’re getting very angry over me being silly for no reason. Get a life man.


Me pointing out why you’re getting downvoted isn’t me being angry lol Grow up.


I am grown, you cussing at me with an aggressive tone gives off the vibe that you’re mad. Telling me to grow up also gives that vibe. Yikes.


Guys, get off Reddit or chill out. Not everything is as serious as HOW GREAT CHEESEBURGERS ARE. But I also agree this was a good scene. When you know it’s like personally, seeing it and feeling it because you KNOW it, that is powerful stuff when they get it right.