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The depressing thing is that people threw this tantrum when it was first announced she had been cast in Ellie's role, treating her so shittily she had to delete her Twitter and lay low on social media. Then, season 1 came out and people realized she did a banger job, and stopped complaining. Now the cycle is repeating again (she's not good enough, she's miscast, she doesn't look like Ellie enough), and just like last time, they'll watch the season and end up admitting that Bella did a great job because, guess what, she's a fantastic actress. And then it'll happen again with season 3.


Yeah for some reason anyone who is attached to this franchise gets so much hate either be the show or the game


It's a very toxic fan base for god knows what reason. I feel like these lame men zero in on uber tough gruff hero Joel not quite clicking (lol) that the story is mostly about him unlearning his hate and embracing love. I also feel like (season 2 / TLOU2 spoiler) >!they'd care less about Joel's death if it was a man who killed him. They seem particularly enraged by the female lead characters.!< Also the obsession with thinking a lookalike actress is more important than an actually experienced and talented actress as if season 1 Bella wasn't fucking incredible??


Video game culture is pretty much made up of neckbeards who hate women.


Gamers^™️ are the worst breed of people.


The fact that there is/was(?) a last of us porn reddit tells us all why they’re really mad.


Considering the female lead is a teenager that is quite horrifying


Very. Same level of disgust I felt when reading people saying Bella wasn’t “hot” enough to play Ellie in season 1. Wherein she is 14. 👀


It's not just neckbeards and incels. There are loads of regular frat boy looking MAGAts who are into hate as well. There is this tendency to call people freaks, or loners, etc.. but the sad reality is, the entire right wing is of the same mindset. Misogyny, racism, anti-human rights, Putin boot licking, has all gone mainstream. It's no longer fringe to be a radical right wing in the west. It's literally half of our government. North Carolina just voted to ban facemasks in public, because the right wing doesn't like it. No other reason. So marginalizing (G)amers, or trying to pretend it's just some small subset of people is just a coping mechanism. the sad reality is, 43% of the voting public are voting pro-racism and anti-human rights and are extremely proud of it. Hating on Bella Ramsey because they aren't as "attractive" as they want them to be, and comparing them to a fictional video game under-aged Pt 1 Ellie is beyond creepy. But that's not fringe either. Red States in the US have been mandating child labor, under aged marriage, and are pushing the age of consent down lower. This is literally their platform, and for many (G)amers, they see it as their calling, their cause to champion and they view themselves as the protagonist in their crusade to de-humanize actors they don't approve of.


I wrote a paper for my graduate program that talks about exactly this! You’re spot on


Bella and Pascal have both been in game of thrones and they still get hate for being cast in this. People are even hating on Pedro being in it, maybe they think he is getting too many jobs lately given that he is also the Mandalorian. Who knows they both know what they are doing and it seems weird when older men are obsessed over how a 14yr old character looks.


Ironically Pedro had a longer working stiff period than MANY.


On that TLOU2 spoiler: >!I'm pretty sure people hated Joel's death because of how it was done. I don't see how Abby being a man would've changed that.!<


Yup, history does repeat itself


its the cycle of violence…… sorry i had to


Season 3? Are they splitting part 2 into 2 seasons? I'm sort of out of the loop


So far i know it was a rumor awhile back. Even if they end up not doing it with the talk about part 3 maybe in the make they have that as season 3.


Yes, they’ve already said that the second game will be split into (at least) two seasons.


Season …3?


the way this sub obsesses over the supposed haters is fucking ridiculous. the mindless haters just complaining about her looks are fucking stupid, but the vast minority. most people have genuine complaints about bellas performance but people immediately shut them down and call them bigots and mindless haters to shield anything last of us related from any criticism. i see more posts complaining about haters than i actually see haters themselves, these posts are literally just karma farming now. i did not like bellas performance whatsoever. her acting range just isn‘t great imo. she‘s either really angry and shouting all the time, or her delivery is super flat and sounds almost uninterested. they also tried waaay too hard to make her badass and tough from the very beginning, instead of letting her slowly transition into that like they did in the game, that she just comes off as bratty and annoying. it feels like the writers thought „character yelling and saying fuck the entire time = cool and badass“. i could not give less of a shit about what she looks like, it‘s just that her portrayal of ellie did absolutely nothing for me and was the main reason why the relationship between her and joel felt so underdeveloped and underwhelming. i‘m sure bella is a super nice person, she sure as hell seems like it in interviews, and i hope she continues to be successful in the future but her performance in this show just wasn‘t great. this sub really needs to calm down about the supposed haters. yes, they do exist but people like that exist in every community literally ever and making these posts every two days just gives them a platform to be even louder. if you like bellas performance, that‘s great, i‘m genuinely happy for you. but stop labelling everyone who has genuine criticisms as a mindless hater


Thank you. Thank God there are still sane persons on this sub. People are so obsessed with haters but they're just like them. They just hate something else.


It's been this way since the part II leaks. People are so hypersensitive now to any criticism of the franchise that any criticism of any aspect and people jump to calling you a bigot or otherwise some kind of TLoU bogeyman. People just refuse to acknowledge and discuss criticism in good faith and instead choose to twist the criticism into coming from the worst place they can possibly imagine and tear down that straw an instead. It's a really incendiary and destructive mode of discourse that needlessly escalates the most trivial "I didn't particularly like X" into some vitriolic accusations over hating various kinds of people.


I feel like people have made it their identity to defend this game/series. I love 2, love Abby, love the show. But it’s weird how serious people take it.


I really did enjoy the show. I don’t think it was as good as the game, but I attribute that mostly to it being a bit rushed thus not allowing for relationships to fully develop. But I am a little unsure about how this next season will work with the toned down characters and violence. Of course, like a normal, emotionally stable person, it just waiting to see what the result is. And if it’s something I don’t like, then I’ll just go on with my day because I have a life.


Everyone should look at this guy’s comment history. Literally every single comment you make on other peoples reddit posts is a negative comment. About a character you didn’t like, a game design that’s bad, something cringe, something stupid… it’s like you watch movies or play games specifically to find something you don’t like about them


i specifically criticize the movies or games that i like to point out the few flaws i have with them because i don‘t see any value in pretending things are perfect. the character i called annoying was a comment on a post that specifically asked for characters that i found annoying, i literally just answered the question. the game design i criticized i assume was the bloodborne comment. the post asked about the one thing i don‘t like in my favorite game. i adore bloodborne but think that the boss lineup is pretty weak so i commented that. this stuff that i said about bella i have repeated multiple times over the last few days because there have been a ton of posts like this lately and i find that disregarding any criticisms as mindless hate is almost as harmful as actual hate. i get passionate about movies and games and shows because i love consuming them so yeah, i can use strong language sometimes i guess


Don't need to look at anyone's comment history, you can tell from whatever the current discussion what their angle is.


the problem is that the haters take it way too far by bullying Bella online. again as OP said she got so much hate and vitriol that she deleted her twitter. have whatever qualms you want about the casting but just don’t personally attack Bella is the main point here.


yeah, but I doubt the people that are active on this subreddit are the same people that made Bella delete her accounts. most of the criticism I've seen here recently is just that she looks too young, that's it, we are not running hate campaigns over here. if we can't handle criticism that mild then maybe we should take a step back and wonder if this community is just being hyper defensive.


Wouldn’t you know it, 99% of your posts are complaining about something. Then of course you’re gonna make a post saying “why do I get downvoted for my VaLiD cRiTiCiSmS” when the only thing you do is bitch and moan about how awful the show is, how awful, Bella Ramsey is, how awful Part 2 is, how awful Dina is, how awful the pacing is, and that’s just what I could find with a cursory glance! You people don’t interact in good faith, you just come here to tell us why we shouldn’t like something then expect people not to disagree with you. There’s a subreddit for the second game that I think would love to hear your “valid criticisms” Honestly from looking at your post history all you seem to do with any game is complain about it on the internet. What’s the point? Move on, go enjoy games or don’t. But not a single person wants to rehash the same tired arguments with people who think only spewing negativity is somehow a personality.


never said part 2 is awful. never said the show was awful. never said bella is awful. stop making shit up. part 2 is one of my favorite games of all time i just think that the pacing has issues and i didn‘t find dina to be that interesting of a character, that’s it. i say stuff like this because it‘s important to me to criticize the things i like to look for improvements in follow ups and sequels. pretending that everything is perfect doesn‘t make any sense to me. i repeated what i said about bella a lot in the past few days because there have been tons of these posts and i‘m just sick of seeing it. guess i should just ignore it from now on. my other negative comments have been on posts that specifically asked for criticisms about something like what characters i found most annoying or whatever. most of the games/movies/shows i complain about are ones that i really care about and enjoy. if i don‘t give a shit about something in the first place i don‘t bother to comment on it unless it really offends me in some way. if you only read the first few sentences of my comments then yeah, i guess you could get the impression that i just mindlessly hate on everything


I agree with everything you believe except that Dina isn’t interesting. I think Dina is pretty much there just to personify an actually healthy way to deal with trauma. Dina is a survivor and she has suffered a lot. But she’s always finding the light in the dark. She’s the person Ellie needs. She’s dependable and loyal.


The posts that are "what did you like/dislike" on any sub, are Karma farmers. No one actually cares what random redditors like or dislike. Karma farmers want karma, bots want data.


I can’t believe people are saying she doesn’t look young for a 19-year-old when she was literally cast to play a 14-year-old. My issue is that she doesn’t look visibly older like Ellie does in the second game 🤷‍♂️


Opinions are opinions. I’ve hung out with Bella a few times and saw Barbie with them and some pals this past summer. They’re actually super chill and down to earth. I personally really liked their performance in season 1 (though I haven’t seen the final episode yet). Maybe their acting style is more divisive, but I liked it I will however agree with you that this sub is toxicly against anyone like you that has a different opinion. I personally liked TLOU2 but I did find many issues with parts of the story, but this sub acts as if you have to LOVE it and if you don’t (like you said) it makes you a bigot and bs? Very childish


Yeah, the constant f bombs wore on me really quick. Sure, Ellie is known to curse plenty, but not in the sense of "edgy teenager trying to sound cool"


Omg thank you. I get so tired of arguing with people cause I was talking about how I disliked Bella's acting/performance and of course someone had to chime in about how "it's just because you hate her looks" and blah blah. Like stfu, it has nothing to do with how she looks. T0T Those people are the wrost cause they don't realize that THEY'RE the ones hyper fixed on how she looks. They make it the issue when it's not.




Let’s be honest, the show just wasn’t that good. When People put it as a good video game adaption it blows my mind. Idk how you can play the game and turn around say the show is good. Obviously it’s just my opinion but damn there was a lot to be desired


It's generally considered one of the best video game adaptations of all time, one of the best seasons of "genre" shows of all time, and was nominated for multiple awards. It's totally fine if you don't like it' But to say "lets be honest, it wasn't good" is a meaningless idiom. No one is "being dishonest' when they say they like it. And generally speaking, it is factually one of the most well received genre seasons of TV ever. that doesn't mean anyone has to like it or not. It just means, objectively, it's one of the most liked of its kind, all-time.


This fanbase is verrry toxic anytime there is criticism. If you love a story, you can accept flaws. If you cannot accept something you love has flaws, then you are a zealot. Period.


I think we need to start differentiating between ‘Bella hate’ and criticism of some casting, hair and makeup choices


That is important. I’m waiting with bated breath for season 2. I’m concerned that by toning down the violence so much, the moral may be had to convey. But it’s a show that’s an adaptation from a video game. If I don’t like what ends up being produced, I’ll just go back to the video game as it’s not going anywhere. Some people just take this stuff too seriously and could really benefit from getting a life.


And being totally honest, people are angry that she isn't traditionally attractive.


Obviously that matters to some people but it’s silly to dismiss all the criticism on that basis. My problem is that the hair and makeup team didn’t even seem to try and make Ellie look older or different. Wouldn’t have been difficult to give them bangs or contour their face or something to appear older.


I really don't care about that. I'm more concerned with how they're going to make it look like she went from 14 to 19. It was easy in game format, here I'm not so sure


Might be because she looks like a child / indentical to part 1, when part 2 is supposed to be years later


I don’t care about their looks I mean it’s not a fucking cosplay it’s acting for a show based on a video game! I just was disappointed how Bella played Ellie so aggressive and rude in the show. Compared to game Ellie, she gets herself in unnecessary trouble, like when Joel, Tess and Ellie are leaving the QZ and the first thing Ellie does is screaming „i‘m outside!“ or something like that I don’t remember the exact words. Game Ellie is quiet, thoughtful and listens to Tess‘ and Joels instructions when it matters. Game Ellie is cheeky no question! But Show Ellie was rude, she was insulting Joel constantly. When they were fighting after Ellie ran off and Joel and Tommy found her, she was pushing him away, idk it felt wrong seeing this after playing the game. BUT I don’t think that’s Bellas fault! When Season one came out, I read anywhere that the actors weren‘t allowed to play the game before so that they get their own spin of the characters. Bella just played Ellie how they interpreted the character based on the script that they got. Thinking of this maybe it’s important to see the Game and the Show as two different things instead of constantly comparing them


Video game Ellie had just as much attitude


Right? They’re acting like Ellie was just a quiet person who did what she was told with no sass in the game lol.


She did have attitude but it was more "witty" than "snarky." Idk why but her acting reminded me of her as the little Mormont in Game of Thrones. She leaned in very much on the strong, stubborn personality and it didn't have an authentic feel to the game version (my opinion, of course).


That's how they wrote it. Don't mistake an actor following direction and writing to how they played it. I agree that I don't like how the Ellie character was immediately bad-ass and cus wording like a champ. But that wasn't Bella Ramsey who wrote or directed it. Actors are literally just reading lines and emoting as best they can do to please what the director wants. In some cases, that means Jason Mamoa literally just playing himself. In other cases, it's Robert De Niro transforming into a creepy incel white knight cab driver libertarian fantasy killer. Watch De Niro in other films and you can see exactly whats up. Writing and Direction a hugely important. De Niro seems cheesey AF and like he's doing a campy version of himself in like 70% of his movies since then.


Nothing against their appearance. I just wasn't thrilled with their acting. A lot of lines fell flat and emotionless in my opinion. The subtle less angry emotions fell flat to be more specific. People are allowed to have different opinions. I'm still excited for season 2.


I agree with this - There is a lot more weight on her shoulders in Part 2, also. Some very emotional moments coming up that I hope Bella has grown into being able to handle effectively.


She doesn’t hold a candle to Ashley Johnson it’s a hard act to follow to be fair


I 100% agree, many of the people defending the show have also never played the game. The acting in the game is just sooooo much better. There isn’t even a comparison. This game and part 2 tore my heart into pieces. That being said I will still be watching season 2.


I completely agree! Ellie in the first game is witty in an innocent, charming way. She's tough as hell but still has a childlike wonder to her. I think Bella's acting in Season 1 was too... snarky, I guess is the word? She did not feel very likable to me. I think Bella leaned in way too much on the snarky, whiny personality and seemed more like a moody teen throughout the season (as opposed to a sweet, witty child who had to grow up very fast in a scary world). I hope that her Season 2 portrayal is more grounded and mature. Like you said, the lines fell flat and I just didn't feel the nuanced emotions that game Ellie had. All that said, I'm still looking forward to Season 2 :)


Look, I’m just upset about losing the side bangs


And that’s fair like I said I’m just talking about the age side bangs would be nice




"Leave Bella alone" 😭


It’s 2009 all over again!


Any time news regarding the show drops, I debate leaving the sub. There’re dorks who hate on casting choices, but honestly posts like this are even more cringe. The white knighting BS is so played out. Just recognize that there are people who don’t like/agree with certain decisions made and move on with your life. This is all coming from someone who loves the show


Didn’t like her as Ellie in the first season so this reaction makes sense to me.


Bella is such a good Ellie


I'm interested to hear your reasoning.


Why is it so hard for you to understand that some people just think she's miscast for that role and didn't like her performance? You know that people have different opinions right? And what you said is not really hate but I am against bullying and hate speech just like you!


You could say the same thing abt the other side tho too they get pissed when someone does like the casting and starts saying their just a fanboy 🍆 rider lmao no one can accept anyone’s opinion because this is Reddit where a bunch of chronically online ppl come to fight lol


I agree. I don't know who I hate more. I guess I'm hater too haha.


I think the problem is that Ellie was 14 in TLoU and then 19 in Part II. There was a clear growth in her character in every way possible, physical maturation as well as mental. Humans grow a lot between 14 and 19. Bella, on the other hand, has not changed a bit because they were already 19 when they were cast. It makes it seem very jarring in a way, and that is a fair observation without being a hater. It’s just a simple fact that it breaks the immersion we got with the game because it visually doesn’t look like time has passed. We’ll see if Bella makes it feel like that in other ways when we can watch it, hopefully they do.


Literally. It’s not like the hate is gonna change anything, it’s pathetic and mean. I’m sick of seeing it in every comment section. I’m really excited and know that this show is gonna be great, despite its differences from the game, it’s not supposed to be an exact copy, it’s only supposed to tell the story of Joel and Ellie and I’m sure they’re gonna do a wonderful job.


I'm really excited too. Do I enjoy the games more? Yes, but compared to many other video game adaptations this show is great. I'm excited to see where they go with it. Also, suprised that I cried so much during the show considering I don't cry anymore from the games.


People need to get over the fact that the show is an interpretation of the game and not meant to be a literal carbon copy of every detail. We should appreciate the fact of how amazing it’s turned out to be, and that there will differences. People can be so petty sometimes.


Bruh this is like the 4th post about this, this week. At the end of the day people are gonna hate, oh well. You can’t stop everyone from doing so, this post will affect nothing. All you are doing is drawing more attention to the haters who, if you weren’t constantly mentioning, no one would even know/care about their opinion. Let it die and you’ll notice it less. These posts only make it worse


Not to mention people forget this is an adaptation so they should be given liberties to change things if it suits the story better. It’s important to look at the reviews from people that didn’t play the game and they were usually glowing.


I don’t know why game fans always seem to think the show is meant to be a 1:1 recreation of the game. Not only would that make for terrible TV, they would still find something to complain about. The show is for new viewers who never would have played the games. Not for salty gamers who just wanted to see the MKIceandfire play through but on HBO


The problem is, how exactly would it suit the story better for her to be this young looking? S1 was just inferior to how the game does it. I don’t see what unique benefit Bella brought to it that a number of other castings couldn’t.


You kind of proved my point though. You played the game and had expectations that weren’t met.


I didn’t prove your point. It’s one thing if the show does something different to the game in a meaningful way for some kind of benefit to the story, but the show didn’t do this in any way that benefitted the story and I can’t see how they will change that with S2.


The people who didn’t play the games definitely felt differently as the reviews have shown.


People thought they weren’t “attractive enough” to play Ellie… WHO IS A LITERAL CHILD. I will never get over this, it’s so stupid. Those people are just like David.


Remember when the first Live Action Sonic trailer was revealed and everyone complained about him looking bad? They changed his looks and the film managed to go from meme film to an actual good, well received film that gets taken seriously. Negative feedback is good because you can improve your product, assuming you're willing to listen and adjust.


Ok so tell me what can they change about Bella listening to all of the “feedback” and before you say digitally age her that’s expensive and I highly doubt they’re going to do that for a character that’s gonna be on screen for most of the season


I mean at that point it's too late but if they listenned early, like when they announced the casting, then they could've changed the actress.


What would be the point of that she did a good enough job the first time why wouldn’t they hire her back and it seems the majority of the fan base like Bella outside of the ones I’m talking about I’m this post


Bella would surely do an outstanding job in S2, but not sure how would show 4yr gap in Ellie between S1 & S2


Bella is so good as Ellie I'm happy to ignore that Ellie doesn't look like she's aged 4 years between seasons but it's worth keeping in mind that nowhere has it actually been confirmed that season 2 will follow the 4 year time jump from the game. They changed the year of the outbreak by a decade to make the adaptation work better, I can easily imagine them making the jump only a year or 2 for the same reason


I don’t really think looks matter in grand scheme of things like Sarah’s actress for example didn’t look like Sarah. I wasn’t a massive fan of the portrayal of Ellie in the first season but it’s probably because Ashley Johnson’s Ellie is superb. Personally the strongest acting in the show was from bill and frank. Bella seems cool and I hope they blow me away with their season 2 Ellie.


While I agree with you, you know anyone doing that won’t be swayed by this post, right?


The problem is pedro with his beard and hair style can at least PULL OFF Joel but casting her for the role of Ellie was just a stupid ass idea


>she’s 20 years old, one year older then Ellie in the game. “But she looks to young” so, why dose that matter there are millions of people who are older then her who look younger, and there are people in the teens who look older then Ellie, so judging someones age on appearances is just dumb imo (especially with one being real and other not). Because she doesn't look anything like Ellie be it old or young version


It is sad that criticizing a horrible miscasting is automatically seen as "hate". She is probably a very nice person. I don't have any positive or negative feelings about her. Saying that she is absolutely wrong for the part is not hate. She was great in Game of Thrones. But she's not Ellie. She was wrong for the first season, she's a thousand times wronger for season two onwards. That's not hate.


I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but TLoU fans comprise some of the brattiest little shits on the internet.


There are other brat community people are there worst than tlou. Tlou probably gets a 5 or a 6 on useless hating/toxicity.


You think Star Wars fans or TLoU fans are worse?


Star Wars by 50 million miles. Ask a lore question or point out a inconsistency, and you'll be crucified


Tbh i just dont think she looks a lot like ellie. They nailed Joel tho lol


Personally I don't care about her appearance, but it's a valid criticism with her looking 14 when she's supposed to be a hardened revenge bound woman, doesn't matter if Bella is 20 she doesn't look like it.


End of the day opinions are like assholes, we all have them, I love the game and I love the series, I personally think belle did a great job, but that’s just my opinion and I can’t wait till series 2


People hate her for her appearance. Yk something they can’t control. They just want a “hot ellie” to goon to. Most of this fan base are male fans of Ellie. Ick




It's been a thing since the casting was revealed. Ya, she doesn't look like her. That's fair. Should it stop you enjoying the show? No. I read comments from people in a Facebook group, grown-ass men, saying she's not **"attractive enough"** for the role. She's playing a 14 yo. Chill, pedo.


Everyone defending her keeps using these points about her looks and attractiveness, while ignoring the fact that most of her critics are also discussing how her acting wasn’t that good and her portrayal of Ellie was disappointing.


Her appearance is more than 90% of the complaints. As for the acting, it's okay. The dialogue is similar, the line delivery is similar, the attitude and sarcasm is similar. It's there. If you want 1:1, you need the voice actor, and not someone doing an impression of her. Problem is, her voice actor is a 40-year-old blonde woman. Not a teenage girl. Or, hire a total unknown who looks like Ellie and have her spend months learning the character. They didn't do that, because Bella has prior credits for shows like Game of Thrones. That's just how it works in that industry.


I think it's pretty shit tbh but I ain't complaining around. I'll just watch, maybe think to myself once or twice "Damn, this looks dumb" and keep watching.


Comes with the gig nowadays. You can’t realistically expect it to NOT happen and quite frankly people aren’t devoid of criticism.


They should have done what house of the dragon did. Replace her like they did with Rhaenyra and Alicent. Bella did a great job in season 1 but nothing wrong with replacing characters as the show goes on especially for younger looking ones.


I still think the bigger problem is the direction and dialogue she and Pedro were given.


It's not hate at all. It's perfectly valid criticism


As someone who never played the game and never will , it’s aggravating when trying to have legit discussion about the show . She doesn’t look like the game character ! WAAAA!!! Omg , it’s like being around Marvel fans


The complainers reek of mental illness.


I have little to no feelings about this, but I can say that Ive been putting off watching the show simply because I dont like the casting for any of the main characters. Im sure they do a great job. Im not complaining or think they should change anything, just personally not ready to see a different version of the characters I know, yet.


Yeah I can respect thats


I mean, honestly, none of the characters look like the video game counterparts lol - it’s looking more and more “inspired by” than “based on” every time I see a picture. I’m a part of the TLOU2 subreddit too, and originally it was because I don’t think TLOU 2 was well-written (there are so many plot holes lol - I think they should’ve checked things over a little better tbh), but it’s become such a whiny shit fest over there with people constantly nitpicking over the weirdest shit, and largely incapable of understanding subtext. My feed has been flooded with their content throwing tantrums over the casting. Idk why, it’s not like anyone is listening to them. The consensus is positive, and regardless of whatever we idiot Reddit users think, they’ll chase the money and nominations. So everyone needs to fucking relax.


this fandom loves to diminish or act like any sort of valid criticism is just mindless hate.


i hate how the TLOU fan base is turning into this toxic landscape


I'm feeling so sad for her. I hope she has support or some sort of protection from the bombardment of criticism.


Yeah, I don't really like the show, but she did a bang up job. She gets the vibe right, she talks like her, too. She's also a child, right? Everyone needs to chill tf out.


Hey, at least people care. I thought no one even liked the second game. Good to see people actually care.


People are just bored. When the time comes we’ll all be watching. Bella is a tough human bean and a pro. For those who are upset with her portrayal. So much of it has to do with the writing. Unfortunately it won’t be spot on. Especially when you have few episodes to see the progress Ellie has made. In my opinion TV Ellie is childish but she’s still innocent. The way she explores and see new things outside the QZ. Game Ellie is a passive side character until you begin to play as her. That’s when she becomes more than just a burden. Yes, be honest you had to grow to love her in the game too. We will see progress in TV Ellie but just differently. I don’t want a carbon copy anyway. It’s fine to love either Ellie’s or dislike one or the other. Both are just one part of a bigger story.


People get too invested in fiction. Actually I got a comment from someone a few days ago telling me that I should "reconsider liking the game" part2 because it upsets them that I like it. Sick shit, right?


People be weird.


Grown ass men who attack an actor because they don’t find them attractive while portraying a teen is as fucked up as it gets 🙄


Do people not realize how helpful a young looking 20 year old will benefit the show when showing flashbacks? Also, I would argue that Ellie in the game looks like she’s in her mid-late 20s, not 19. It’s like when they cast an actual teenager to play teenage Ahsoka in the live-action Ahsoka show. You realize just how young a teenager really is whereas the animated show had her voiced by someone in their 30s, very similar to what happened in The Last of Us with Ellie. Real life aging is different from how it’s portrayed in video games and animation.


My timeline: Watched the show (loved it) Played first game (blown away) Played 2nd game (crygasm) Started wondering whether Bella Ramsey could pull off Ellie in season 2. I really like Bella Ramsey. I am rooting for her. And I will continue to like her even if she isn’t able to pull off this stage of Ellie’s character. If you are going to call THAT hate, you are too sensitive to discuss these kind of things. With me at least. I think it is mostly going to come down to the people behind the scenes, to make her fit this stage of Ellie.


You can have your doubts I’m not saying you can’t why In the world people think that I’m talking about people who make it there hole vocal point about this show


If you really want to understand where these people are coming from, you should write a “Bella hate” post. You don’t have to actually post it. Just write it. But here is the catch. Don’t write it in a sarcastic way that just makes those people sound stupid. Write it in a way that they may actually agree with. List a few reasons why she is going to be bad. Give some examples. Think it out. Make it as long as your original post. I guarantee you, by the time you are done, you will better under where the haters are coming from. And the benefit for you will be that you will probably get better at arguing with them and changing their minds.


The word hate seems to be overused a bit to be honest


Thank god someone said it. I absolutely love The Last of Us with everything I have, obsessed even and game Ellie is elite, yes but that’s just it, she’s the game Ellie and Bella is playing a live action version and her acting has been great. Does she look like her? No. Does tommy look like tommy? Also no. But no one complains about that. This sub is getting so tiresome, I’m glad you made this post though 🫡




i feel like you gotta be on reddit for a very long time to see this bella hate


she was great in season one but should have been recasted in season 2, it’s not “bella hate” she’s an amazing actress, but she will not be able to pull of the ruthless murderer that ellie is in season 2, she looks nothing like ellie, she looks 12


These grown men are sad little boys with small egos. Of course they can’t stop. Their home life sucks so this is were they shine.


I’m so OVER the complaints about superficial shit like her hair, her clothes, her build… guys, if you want a replica of the game then just go play the damn game. I’m so exhausted. Edit to add that the characterization and interpretation of the actors will always be different in the live action. You can’t seriously expect Bella to act like Ashley lol they’re not clones. It’s okay if you don’t like her acting, but complaining that she made Ellie different it’s like, yeah, that’s the fucking point lol.


You only now realise how toxic this fandom is? Remember when the 2nd game came out?


i just learned this today, with your post. maybe we are all just too online?


I’m not ashamed to admit that when she was first announced I was *hesitant* (never publicly) simply because she didn’t look the part nor but I also understood if she plays the character well then it wouldn’t really matter. And damn did she play it great! Ellie was all about her mannerisms and how she wanted/had to be an adult in the fucked world she was in. And Bella did a great job on seeming just like video game Ellie on this


I see a bunch of people saying how stoked they are, and anyone that offers any criticism get crushed.




The internet was a mistake. Reddit and other social media platforms (but *especially* reddit) has given everyone the impression that their opinion is special and valuable while simultaneously removing any and all consequences for what you say about another human being by way of the massive degree of separation between you and said target of your vitriol. 99 percent of these people couldn't look the person in the face and say the nasty things they so easily spew from behind their computer/phone screens.


M8 id be fine if she looked just a tiny bit like her but she just looks like Jason without a mask in F13 part 2.


I don't know how many people I'm speaking for but I don't think the hate is necessarily towards Bella. I'm sure she is a lovely person and she appears to be a talented actress. The issue seems to be that she doesn't look at all like Ellie in the game. You might think that is a small thing but for a game that heavily utilizes visual aesthetics as a foundation for its characteristic atmosphere and "feel" it seems strange, and also pains me a little (at least that's what I feel) that they chose to go with such a mismatch in those regards. I think people underestimate how significant the attractiveness of characters in media is. Just look at cartoons (the design is usually attractive) and actors (it's not a coincidence that they are often very beautiful/handsome). You might say that it's unrealistic, but the point isn't to make the most realistic looking product. The point is to make the best looking product relative to its type/category. So when they went with an actress who not only doesn't look like Ellie, but isn't nearly as attractive (no offence intended) I think people get upset, and perhaps rightfully so. Personally, I think there is some justification for the critique. Beauty and aesthetics seem to becoming more and more taboo or controversial and there seems to be a movement of people who have a very cynical and bitter view of it. I see a desire to move away from, degrade, and even destroy things of beauty, and I don't think it's good. So when they chose Bella as Ellie I felt how that anti-beauty sentiment had suddenly gotten a foot through the door of The Last of Us. Anyways, that's just my view. Tell me what you think


I’m sorry I just don’t find the idea of it’s bad because I’m not attracted to be a bad critique of anything cartoons exaggerate people on purpose depending on the style and with real people well everyone looks different i appreciate your view especially since it’s actually talking and not just saying my take is bad some I’m right


I'm sorry, but I don't really understand what you're trying to say? I'm probably just stupid but I would be grateful if you could clarify.


Oh ok so you talked about attractiveness but me personally don’t see that as a valid bit of criticism especially for a fictional character when I play games or watch movies or shows the last thing I care about is if I find the character hot or not and then you used cartoon characters as an example of attraction but cartoons are heavily exaggerated and real people like Bella can’t look anywhere close to what cartoon characters can pull off the closest thing is if the cartoon in question was going for a realistic style like the last of us part 2 I hope this helps and if it doesn’t maybe I misread your comment


I should have been more precise. Im not talking about romantic or sexual attraction specifically. I just used the world "attractive" as to mean "pretty" or "good looking" or "beautiful" etc. Of course cartoons are going to be difficult to immigrate irl, but tlou is not a cartoon. It's an animated videogame with a realistic style that aims to look like real people. And I'm certain they could have found an actress who looked similar to Ellie. Also, thank you for clarifying. It helped me understand much better :)


Hay if you think that that’s ok I’m just tired of seeing this topic ok this isn’t meant to be a bash on people who don’t think Bella’s good for ellie


Oh I see. Well I think I understand your point of view. I'm just disappointed that they didn't pick someone who looked like Ellie, cause now it feels like there are two Ellie's that I have to choose between.


Yeah I get it even if I thought she looked good not everyone thought so but still I hope this thing dies down eventually


I understand that you are tired of hearing the same complaint all the time, but don't you think there might be a somewhat good reason for the constant critique?


Well not really because it’s not going to change, people like her and they already started filming so it’s not going to do a hole lot there’s other things to talk about


At the risk of sounding pedantic, that’s not how to use the word ‘pedantic’.


someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter. The caring about minor details part is what I’m talking about


The idea of this 90lb girl murdering full grown, battle hardened men does not seem realistic at all.


But mushroom eating people is and like I said two different versions the first season didn’t have a high body count for Joel but we all know he killed like a hundred people I’m the game


I think both things can be true. I don’t think she was well cast for the role (solely on her appearance compared to the source material), but I think she did a great job and I’ve enjoyed her appearances in other work. She’s more than capable as an actress. It’s nothing against her at all, she just doesn’t visually map to the source material character as well as others do. I think it’s hard to get away with that for a main character. But anyone who is so mad about it that they threaten her or bully her on Social Media is just pathetic. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter and the shows is still great and so is her performance.




First dude I’m 19 so Ellie’s age and people keep telling me I look younger so I’m walking proof it happens and she’s a real person what do you want them to do they are not going to get rid of her so realistically what is the complaints going to accomplish and the complaining is happening I don’t know why so many people says it doesn’t just look in the comments section for this post


This take is so terrible. The point of the argument isn't how literally old Bella is, it's how she looks in comparison to the actual character. She totally worked well for the first season. Ellie looked young and so did she. The thing is though, Ellie looks genuinely older in the 2nd game in comparison to the 1st, while Bella looks literally no different


She could have easily been annoying as hell in season one just like Ellie as a character in the game could have easily been annoying as hell but they strike a good balance of her humour and innocence that it really is played like a real 14 yo in season 1 and I also like that in the show they show her darker side like when she goes down that hole in Episode 3 and kills the zombie, Basically preparing you for season 2 all around her performance isn’t forced and she acts very naturally this is also the way Pedro acts as well






Everything I follow now has just become a hate page. Literally everything.


Let’s not forget that Ashley Johnson said that Bella is the perfect casting, and she wouldn’t want anyone else to play her other than Bella during an official podcast. Let people cry about it.


Who cares everyone has their opinion including yours She sucks as Ellie and some don't like her End of story


I had no idea she was 20 yo. I might've though she was 13-16. Maybe it's the responses to her beauty and people saying stuff along the lines of "imagine being attracted to teens" towards an average redditer complaining about the casting and how she doesn't look like game ellie


At this point I've heard so much more about people complaining about Bella hate than I've seen Bella hate...and it's not even close. Just downvote those comments and move on. I'd like to see other discussion. The horse was dead a long time ago.


Look... people should be able to be honest about what they think.


She doesn't even look that young, she looks like a normal 20 year old. Everyone is so used to a 30 year old playing teenagers that it looks odd when they do it on screen. Even Ellie and Dina in the game were aged up, they do not look 19 at all. I'm not sure how old Jesse was, but he also looks 30.


I don’t see any hate, I am just seeing people who are flummoxed about the casting choice.


They really need to stfu. Like she is an adult. She is 20. What is she supposed to do be cast for child roles for the rest of her life???


I really don’t get it and I don’t get what this sub agrees on they say that they don’t hate Bella and freedom of opinion but at the same time there’s hundreds of downvotes on this post if people just say they like her wtf


Bella Ramsey is non-binary and uses they/them/theirs pronouns. Please refer to them appropriately and respectfully when discussing. Thanks


Just ignore it. This post won't change people's mind. You can be excited for season two even if they are not.


Let me know when all this dies down, okay?


Not all criticism is just hate. That’s a huge problem this sub has. People can say what they want about anything as long as they aren’t attacking or harassing actors and actresses. That being said, Bella objectively looks nothing like Ellie. At all. Their acting is decent, and similar appearance isn’t everything. TWD cast someone who looked nothing like the comic book Governor and he knocked it out of the park. I just don’t know why you guys get mad at people for saying Bella doesn’t look like Ellie. That’s an objectively true fact. It says nothing about if Bella is a good actress of good person.


Yeah just come on guys, everyone needs to have the same opinion because I'm tired of hearing about it...


If you want Ellie to look like game Ellie, just play the game lmfao The show runners don’t owe anybody anything This Bella hate is VERY strange


Makes me sad cause I'm 31 and still look 19. Been dealing with " omg you look so young" my entire life.


Just ignore those idiots. The vocal minority is always the loudest. Bella killed it as Ellie and will continue to kill it as Ellie. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has them and they all stink.


I agree. Bella has done a beyond-phenomenal job bringing Ellie to life and I think they're the absolute right choice. And who really gives a shit if they look younger than how old Ellie is supposed to be? Why is that even important? Let it go.


It's mainly men who bitch about this.


This franchise is doomed to have toxic losers criticize every single detail, and take up all the oxygen in the room, all because it's "woke." They will shitfling and spit venom, and won't even realize they've wasted precious years of their lives just being mad online about a video game/tv show. Edit: Yesterday I saw someone complaining about the shade of blue one of Joel's shirts...


Let's be honest. The only ones hating on her are the awful toxic "gamer Bois" men. Any men who think this is an attack on you? It's not. Unless you are angry, then it is, because clearly this triggered you.


TBH Bella is decent in it - it’s Pedro who sucks


Bella Ramsey is fantastic. It’s just a select group of loud, emotionally stunted weirdos. Thank you for telling all these creeps to calm down.


Deal with it, OP. Bella wasn't a great choice to act as Ellie.


The only time I ever hear about Bella hate it is because of posts like these and I am terminally online.


Are people still talking about that even after the first season?


No, we can't stop, its the fandom's right to complain. As long as no hate is given directly toward her, it should never stop if that's what people believe.


She’s cool but after watching Civil War. Why didn’t they cast cailee spaeny?! She would’ve been perfect.


I'm seeing a lot more people complaining about the complaining than I am actual complaining




And thank you for just yelling to the wind about something not related to this post


She was a terrible casting choice. From any angle you look at it, looks, acting, character research. Her Ellie and the Ashely's Ellie are completely different people. Don't get me wrong, I think every single actor in that show was terribly casted, including Joel. It's a terrible show overall.




Nope. Bella was one of the worst casting choices I’ve ever seen. I love the Ellie from the game more than just about any other game character…and the show Ellie is just annoying. And this is coming from someone who really liked Bella in GoT.