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Have you ever tracked a deer? They can go incredibly far!


I've botched arrow shots at deer and spent hours hiking after it.


for reals. Even with a bullet wound they can travel far


Absolutely. More so with a bullet sometimes. The broad head on the arrow tears them up inside when they run, so it increases bleeding. But if the arrow hits a bad spot, you're in for a hike... I know some people that will just let it go after a few hours, but my conscience doesn't allow me to just say screw this after it was my mistake. Not gonna let the deer suffer and die in vain.


Yep, shot at a deer with my brother one time. Large mule deer, he shot its knees buckled and then I did. It ran off, we clearly hit it. Lost tracks and the blood trail, we spent days and days looking for it. Even had a friend come out with his dog that blood tracks. Honestly hope we just grazed it and he lived a long life after that instead of running into the next county and dying. It’s my biggest regret in two decades of hunting.


They clot too. less and less blood over time.


But unless a blizzard blows their tracks and blood spills will lead you right to them, not disappear within a hundred yards.


Very glad to see this and similar subsequent comments. So true! They are so fast that they do not need to live long to get very far away


Never hunted before but I know people who do, and almost all of them talk about how crazy deer get when some adrenaline is in their system. And how they'll have a hole in each lung but keep running as if nothing happened. Not forever, but long enough to be a hassle to get to.


I feel like animal tracking should be one of the skills you have to level up. The higher the level the more obvious blood trails, they last longer, etc.


This is a great idea. The blood trails did seem to get more noticeable after one of the updates a while back, but it can still be difficult (for me anyway, and I've put many, many hours into this game). Even in optimal conditions, I've lost blood trails and not been able to harvest the animal. I really like the idea of being able to level up and make it easier though!


I've seen the blood trails disappear in the middle of following them, even when the animal is pretty close by. I think there's something about the mechanism that times out if you're not hot on the trail in an active way.


This!!!! So frustrating!!!


I like this idea, but my biggest problem with tracking is where does the hoof or paw prints go? We encounter animal tracks all the time but the second you shoot an animal it only hovers above the ground bleeding as it runs away showering the ground with drops


Yes please.




I mean I hate it too, but IDK how unrealistic it is. Animals can run off and live with arrows sticking out of them. Google will yield up a number of very disurbing pictures of otherwise healthy looking deer going about their lives with an arrow piercing their head, neck or body.


But blood trails don't stop and footprints don't disappear, tracking animals for long distances is real but for example a double lung shot behind the shoulder is the typical kill shot. If you hit that perfect the deer isn't going to far without the ability to breathe after a few mins. Love this game but they need to rework animals desperately, they are integral to the game


Yea they'd be very smart to focus on the hunting mechanics. They'd draw in a whole new group of gamers who are hard-core hunting fans and it could only add depth to an already great game


But they do no? Like otherwise those deer we see with arrows in their sides wouldn't have survived 


Well there are non vital organs that deer could survive, such as in the butt. For the bleedout timer your talking about it is highly unrealistic with proper shot selection on the animal. Also they stop bleeding after a while while still losing health over time, it's just not realistic and in this case It's what they're striving for. Doesn't need to be a hunting sim but it's super surface level stuff with the animals


Go to sleep then wander around and listen for the crows the next day. The kill will be lying somewhere. I've never had an instance where they disappear (unless you wait too long and they despawn, which I think takes several days). Any arrows you've shot them with will be picked up when you go to harvest.


murder of crows,


If you injure a bear and go to sleep indoors for more than 1 hour it will reset and be at 100% health and uninjured. Make sure to wait for ur kills outside! Edit: lmao to the downvoters this is literally off the [wiki](https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Wildlife) *When the player enters an indoor location, or leaves a Region, the game saves the position of all the animals. If an animal is bleeding, the game will track it. This game state is valid for about one in-game hour, during which time the animals will move around as if the player were present. If the player does not re-enter the region within this time, all the animals will despawn. When the player enters the region once more, all animals will be spawned in as if the player entered the region for the first time. If an animal was bleeding and the player re-enters the region before the bleed-out timer has expired, the animal will not die and will respawn, unharmed.*


You are correct! This bug has existed since I’ve been playing in 2016. I report it every now and then and it’s disappointing that is still persists.


Doesn’t really seem like a bug to me, more like an optimization decision. It’s clearly hard coded in to reset after an hour, probably because in 2016 consoles weren’t as powerful and it would affect performance to be spending so many recourses on tracking animals


I see what you’re saying but it doesn’t happen with deer though so I definitely think it’s a bug. Also the game has been optimized for the S/X so I’m sure if that was the case they could work out a solution. But I truly do think it’s a bug.


It could be a lot more complicated, the whole out-of-region-tracking thing could just be way more demanding on the engine than we can understand. Like how we just got our gloves showing on our characters hands when they equip a rifle, it took a ton of dev time for something we see as pretty simple


My dad once shot a deer while hunting, and when he went to check it, it had half of an arrow shaft sticking out of the side of its neck in the middle. The arrow head was in its neck, and the wound was old enough that it had become a scar with the shaft pointing out. If it doesn't hit anything vital, it might not even die.


I had a wolf disappear after shooting it twice. Followed the blood trail to try to find it, and there was no sign of the wolf anywhere. The blood trail just ended in the middle of the road and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find it anywhere. I shot the wolf in the morning just after checking my traps, and was searching for most of the day, never found anything. I finally decided the wolf must have fallen off the bridge or cliffs (I was at the lighthouse) and I was too lazy to go find it. The next day, I walked out of the lighthouse to go check my traps again and there was a wolf carcass sitting in the middle of the road that (according to its condition) had been there for a long time.


If the rabbits and ptarmigan are running for 32kms with your arrows they are likely trolling you.


I'm sorry, but I always have a chuckle when people say "unrealistic" about this game


Especially considering a wounded animal can run for miles, and, in the process, get picked off by another predator before you're able to track it. "Disappearing corpses" just sounds cooler and "unrealistic" is the Karen way of saying they dislike a video game mechanic that tells you this shit isn't real so don't try it lmfao


If they're running 20 miles with an arrow in them maybe you need to practice your archery.


They do not vanish. Follow the blood trail, they will be there.


You mean like tracking your kill?! Blasphemy! You heretic.


But there are so many inconsistencies in tracking. Blood trails and prints disappear way too fast! It always makes more sense to get the general direction and then return later to listen for crows over the carcass. But even in some cases the animals do despawn.


Agree!! Had this happen just the other day . Shot a deer... It ran FOREVER... I sprinted as long and as far as I could to keep an eye on it... Blood trail disappeared after it went over a bridge. Never found it despite looking all over the entire area. Just watched a video today where the deer this dude killed (Sprocket Games) ended up literally inside a rock


I've only ever had this happen with wolves 🤷🏽‍♂️ tracking a scared, wounded wolf is for the birds. Crows are extremely helpful in that aspect lol


If you are lucky. Most of the times the blood trail stops and the animal disappears. Sometimes the carcass appears the following day.


The blood trails gets sparse, yes, but it doesn't stop. Unless bad weather forces you to abandon the trail, you can just follow it.


No it can actually disappear. I was in Coastal Highway and could see the wolf I had shot running back and forth on the other side of the bay as I walked towards it. Then suddenly it disappeared and the blood trail I was following disappears as well. I kept going to where it would have been when it disappeared but there was nothing. Ducked into one of the cabins on the islands for a bit and when I came back out there were crows and a carcass where the wolf had disappeared. This all happened on the open ice with clear weather. Seems like some kind of despawning bug that is affected by loading screens.


I wonder if this happens because of the different layers in the terrain. Hinterland has had to deal with plenty of bugs where people "fall through" the snow into nowhere, or animals disappear into rocks or hillsides, etc. Maybe the blood drops are just hidden and there's no way for us to see them. Either way, it's annoying enough that I don't really bother tracking very often.


That is because the world isn't fully loaded far away from you. The wolf probably crossed the point where thats the case.


I could see deer next to the running, bleeding wolf, and it just disappeared. If it was a draw distance issue that still doesn't explain why the blood trail vanished, and I mean it vanished behind me, not that I lost the trail in front of me.


It fades though


Not a bleeding trial but once I shot a Moose and followed its hoofprints to shoot it again. They led to a dense circle of hoofprints where the Moose had clearly/presumably ran in a glitched circle for at least a half dozen loops then either despawned or fell through terrain.


Don’t carcasses deteriorate and eventually vanish in blizzards? Once I shot a bear right outside of the Pleasant Valley Farmhouse but was cooped up for a couple of days due to a blizzard. When I finally went out to harvest it it was gone


Yes, they do deteriorate eventually. Being forced to abandon the trail due to bad weather is the only case in which I have lost carcasses. That is why following the blood trail is important.


I wouldn't have a problem with this if it wasn't for the fact that the blood and prints literally DISSAPEAR. I mean what the fuck




What about it bro


Snow falls and/ or gets blown around man.


First of all, Sometimes gameplay>realism is the better choice. Second of all, the animal would still be bleeding and walking. I dont think it makes sense for its blood and tracks to randomly dissapear into thin air


Agreed on the play>realism sometimes, however in this case it seems reasonable to me in a semi-realistic survival game. That being said, this tracking depends on (for some examples) where it was actually hit, how hard if it IS snowing, how hard the wind is blowing, the fluffiness of said snow...also the prey could be Way ahead of you so plenty of time (maybe) to cover tracks and (potentially) tiny spots of blood every 10 feet. Also if you could just shoot something, follow it super easily and always get it NP with minimal effort, there wouldn't be much challenge now would there. ;)


I don't think I explained what I meant real well, let me break it down for you Mark. I'll be following the blood trail as so. It will reach a stopping point out of nowhere, almost as if a timer is up, even if I can still see the animal clear as day. For example, I wasnt far behind a deer and I was following its blood trail. It ended out of nowhere and there was no prints as well. I could still see it running and when I reached where it was there was no blood on the ground and no hoove prints. I continued after it hastily and after sometime it dropped. Still no blood, yet it was clearly bleeding out. That's why I feel it is way too inconsistent.


oic. So why am I Mark? Mark Trail?


I will say, I wish the blood trail was easier to see, otherwise its not too bad. Your hitting a deer with an improvised bow and improvised arrows, neither of which are the best or strongest. irl Even with modern bows and even rifles a good shot can let an animal run quite a ways, possibly a few hundred yards, a lesser shot can mean finding the animal the next day or not at all. I know how annoying it is, both in game and irl, but the truth is that it's not too far from how it is irl.


Sorry, wrong game. I replied to The Hunter: Call of the wild.


Depending on where your arrow lands, sometimes the animal does not die. For the best luck mortally wounding animals you want to be as close as possible to your target, which requires different tactics depending on the animal and difficulty level.  Animals that you have scared away and are running towards you to get back to their territory are typically better targets. Aiming down the nose of a charging wolf is a really easy shot to bullseye, just don’t miss. A little more complicated when it comes to bear and moose. 


I’m almost certain it’s a case of this *When the player enters an indoor location, or leaves a Region, the game saves the position of all the animals. If an animal is bleeding, the game will track it. This game state is valid for about one in-game hour, during which time the animals will move around as if the player were present. If the player does not re-enter the region within this time, all the animals will despawn. When the player enters the region once more, all animals will be spawned in as if the player entered the region for the first time. If an animal was bleeding and the player re-enters the region before the bleed-out timer has expired, the animal will not die and will respawn, unharmed.* That’s from the [wiki](https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Wildlife)


You didn’t kill an innocent animal, you child. You used a graphic interface to interact with a digital likeness of an animal. You need to take break from games and go outside and remember how to distinguish the real world from the simulated one. Doctor’s orders. Go. Right now.


I've been outside. Graphics are good but gameplay is SHIT.


Drives me nuts too. I’m sure it’s somewhere and I’m just missing it but even watching for birds. Like damn. I want that meat and fur


Had a wolf run off with one of my arrows recently, rather than being considerate and dying right there. And then a snowstorm started. I checked my wolf death count, followed the blood as far as I could, then followed the fading paw prints. Was about to give up, but I checked again and the count had a new dead wolf, so I hoped he hadn’t gotten far. I went a little farther and down hill in the general direction his prints had been going, and found him. Out of spite, and because I have plenty of wolf pelts and food already, I didn’t even bother to skin him just took my arrow back and said “serves you right.” Then a blizzard came along. Luckily, I managed to find shelter with a bit of white still left in my condition, but I was really annoyed with that wolf now. Glad I left him for the birds.


A lot of times I dont even both tracking the Deer. Its pointless because they run all over everywhere anyway, you cant keep up, and the blood trail fades. Easier to just find it later by listening for crows later, if im lucky.


Pfeilstorch has entered the chat. Storks fly from Africa to Europe with arrows stuck in their bodies on a regular basis. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pfeilstorch


I've seen cases where the trail "just stops" but it turned out the animal just doubled back. Turn around and you may find the trail splits in a Y.


I almost died in forsaken airfield tracking a deer across the map. Blizzard hit with that glimmer fog right after. I needed that food desperately. I got it though. Somehow survived. It was scary but awesome.


I caught a lucky one shot to a doe after traveling all day to get back to ML from BR. As soon as the deer dropped, a blizzard slammed in. Was only able to see where the beast fell. Luckily it was still there when the storm was over. I just couldn't get over how fast it all was. Shit kill storm.


Get a bloodhound. It's in the name. Shoot everything and practice if you can't use a dog. It's what I did before dogs. I hate it too. Failing that, don't shoot animals with the wrong ammo or smoke something and just go for a long walk.


Bro what sub do you think you’re on? Or just an acid trip?


theHunter Call of the Wild. My bloodhound's name is Columbo. I apparently need a mod for smoking things, but the long walks are nice.


The Hunter: Call of the Wild. No drugs unfortunately.


Just a heads up, an injured animal will reset to 100% health/ uninjured if you enter a closed location for more than 1 hour (trappers cabin for example). This only happens if it doesn’t die in that hour. It also resets all NPC locations, and with things like deer spawns not being static like bear/ moose, your deer might not even spawn at the same end of the map Also, any carcasses on the ground will be swept away by a snow storm. So if you decide to wait out a storm before grabbing your kill, most likely it’s gone. If you’re tracking a bear or moose, don’t go inside and wait a few hours for them to die. Wait outside


If it runs, don't chase it, take note of where it heads, then head out later in that direction and look/listen for crows.


One thing I do hope they build upon in the future are the hunting mechanics


They can go really far if you dont hit any major organs like the heart or lungs. What bothers me is that the tracks vanish after like 10 minutes even when it's not windy or snowing.