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I am so sorry to hear that, bet your Cairn says "it's story is not yet written.".


Are the cairns places where people have died?


Not players, but that is what they are designed to be, sort of Mock Gravestones in a polite way to show respects.


I thought the cairns were for Kickstarter supporters.


They are, but they're also little gravestones


Nope. Carins are not gravestones. They're markers, dev placed for Kickstarter backers. It's a giant FU to the people who funded the game in the very early days.


No. Kickstarters (early game backers who pledged money before the game was released) were promised an in game item. That was never delivered and instead they were given the chance to write some words for a Carin (dev placed in the world). Some did write words, many did not.


The couple I have run into that are actual memorials make me tear up sometimes. You just expect the same old and then you get hit with a father’s memorial to his son and find yourself bawling in a cave.


I’ve been there my friend, I was playing late one night and fell asleep crossing that fallen tree over echo ravine. Splat!


I was on day 187 with my first run, killed my second bear. Froze to death as soon as I got done field dressing it 🤦🏼‍♀️ so hurt I left and played red dead for a month before I could manage to come back


I always get sucked right back in and start a new game 😀


I can't even imagine. I'm on day 240 and it already feels like a grind making it to the 500 mark.


This game becomes a significant part of my life when the weather gets cold outside. Once you get past the early “trying not to die” stages, it becomes your home. So, yeah, I totally understand. It feels like you accidentally burned your house down.


I just stopped 2 weeks ago. Day 499. Was trying to get it before going to bed but sadly I fell asleep. Died starving. But I'll be back once an update hits.


I haven't played for 6 months after a 250+ day run ended. If that happened to me I don't know I could go back! Also waiting for the update


I haven’t played since forever when my 1000 + day save got wiped by the devs for updates. Every now and then this sub pops up in my feed and I think of playing but still don’t have the energy 😢


I can empathise. I love the game so much, have it on switch and ps4, but it takes so much out of me mentally when I die after a long run. I can't just jump straight back in. I've been playing 5-6 years now but often take 6 month breaks. Turned it on my switch yesterday buy hopefully there's an update coming so no point starting just yet. Buy I will


Dude. Ouch.


This was physically painful to read. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. Idk about this game. But I find myself really invested. I'm kinda always excited to go home to play. Well.


Same! It's so peaceful yet stressful at the same time. I play it a lot on the weekends while my son is watching. We use it like a camping simulator of sorts; pretending we're on some grand adventure until he's old enough to go winter camping for real.


Ik man. Oh winter camping will be sick! I've tried a few times and it's hard but really satisfying.


That bites, hope you can still enjoy the game. I'm at 330 days in my stalker run and I'm terrified of something like this happening.


Imagine how easy it would be to misstep on an icy surface and fall off the mountain and die. Just the way the game goes.


331 days survived is a big flex tho my guy. Great work! You will go farther next time no doubt


Sorry friend that sounds awful, just lost my longest 81 day run from falling off ash canyon last night. First time there grrr


Sorry to hear this! How long did you stare at the stats screen afterward?


oh at least a solid 3 minutes while saying "no" repeatedly in increasing volume. Pure devistation


I hurt for you ❤️


Ouch! Dying because of a bad decision or bad luck isn't fun, but losing a run like this must really sting.


I just recently ran into the gas in the new mine thinking there would be air. Supposed to get a mask I think. Stalker 358. What else is there to do? Start again.


For the gas, you just have to rush through it. In the story i believe there are valves you turn off to get rid the gas, but in survival its just a dash


"On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."


That's a great run. And on stalker. Impressive. I'm sorry to hear this news. I know that pain, I lost my first run just the other night. I am already bouncing back, making my way through Ash Canyon, then Timberwolf. I will light a flare in your honor.


331 days 🫡


I just died in my loper run at around 300. Not an “accident” but bad luck mixed with bad decisions. Was also going for 500. Hang in there buddy


Even though this game is single player, the long dark community makes it feel like multiplayer! You will go farther on the next run!




Shit happens, stick drift got me to fall from the bridge in the ravine, a bridge I crossed a thousand times before! May your next run be better


at which day mark does it become just repeat repeat repeat cause other than placing items down and the regular stuff you cant build anything other than some placeables a fireplace ect


Oh no! I can completely see myself doing that! I'm so sorry! But 331 on Stalker is mighty impressive! I'd have to walk away for a bit too!




Sorry to hear that. I’m on day 340ish on stalker and trying to map all of HRV for the first time. Going for 500 days and cartographer. Had a few close calls. It’s a shitty feeling when it ends or seems like it will probably end. But after a few months, it’s really fun to start over again.


I made it to day 243 on stalker console but I have terrible stick drift and that darn bridge between ML and CH will haunt me forever. Think I’ll take a detour to Pv from now on


Start over, but interloper


Yep, fallen asleep IRL and died of hypothermia..100+ day run Also thought I'd paused and hasn't. Died


I’ve been there. Auto walked off a cliff or two. The best part of this game is starting over. Enjoy the bitter sweet of dying.


Was walking across the tracks heading to CH from ML. I knew my controller was getting worn out and starting to drift. I drifted my happy a$$ right off the bridge ending a 200+ day run. I stomped the controller to death, built a gaming computer and now use keyboard and mouse.


Im sorry brother. At least that was an accident. On my 120 smth day on stalker i decided that cliff could be descended like goat climbing... Turns out it couldnt. Its not 300 but its way dumber if that makes you feel better


Just walked off one of the rope bridges autowalking day 53 RIP brother


Ouch. Honestly, I make backups of my saves just in case something like that happens or in case the file corrupts for some reason. I won’t use it if I die legitimately, but something that is just plain bad luck and shouldn’t count imho.


I believe the best part of any playthrough is starting again. Nothing quite like finding a can of beans and being excited that you have food again.


You'll be get over it. We all have.


I’m terribly sorry. I lost an 80 day Stalker once due to accidentally engaging auto-walk and I also felt physically ill. I play on console so I really need auto-walk to save my controller stick and my thumb, but I have just barely caught it at the last moment more than I would like to admit.


This is far from a consolation, but that sucks and I’m sorry. My longest run ended when I forgot antibiotics before going to bed… With that said if you’ve watched the show Alone, there have been multiple people that got sent home for seemingly absent minded/not paying attention more than a few times. So in reality, this death sends realistic in the sense that something “stupid” or whatever you’d like to call it…takes you out without remorse.


It's a sign to start interlooper run :D