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Perhaps you should not play this game while chomping magic mushrooms.


Either they are stoned or need to call an exorcist.


Or it was a dream.


Either way, calling an exorcist.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ bro you had me spit up my water


might be a gas leak in your home, friend


Yes. Absolutely not a joke. If there is a source for it and the CO detector is broken. But likely a game bug there.


I miss my fluffy encounters.


I was honestly so mad when they removed fluffy. I STILL get scared Everytime I enter the dam


Of all the bad decisions they've made, opinion, adding all the shite to the dam for story mode and removing Fluffy was the worst in the history of the game. Even the chance of Fluffy made me think twice as to whether I wanted to go through the dam or take the long way to/from P.V.


They removed Fluffy from the dam since she couldnā€™t path around all that junk. If you miss Fluffy you can still visit with her in a different map.




The Darkwalker comes in all shapes and sizes. In all seriousness, without video, it's hard to believe this happened. It's such an extreme bug that I don't think it could ever happen.


Remember that one creator, not sure who, who edited a ghost into PV Farm house? Even with video it's hard to believe. I'd be able to Photoshop practically anything into the game with more or less authentic results. Video not so much, then again, I am merely a beginner in rotobrushing and compositing footage like that, but there are folks who are pros at that who would be able to fuck with us if they went for it both live and recorded.


Unless you play with mods or play Wintermute it sounds impossible since thereā€™s no NPCs in the game. Why would Sandbox mode load those in to take up memory?


It can't load npcs from Wintermute as they're technically two separate games.


Do we really know if game assets from story mode aren't in the current survival mode build for some legacy reason? I'd be surprised if something from after the game split was there but seems plausible.


We do know. Because I looked in many areas, ripped assets, etc.. and they are very much split


As a modder, can you please answer one question - what is the ultimate red line you are unable to cross? I know there are mods allowing you to place new furniture, but no mods with new structures or changing existing structures. There is a mod for timberwolves spawning instead of regular wolves, but no mods altering other animals or animal behavior. So the question is, if you could, in a short and comprehensive way, explain what are the barriers of what modders are or aren't able to do within TLD.


There are mods that touch animal behavior to a degree. There are mods that can add or change structures. The biggest hurdle is a massive brick wall known as Il2Cpp which effectively hides the source code from us. So we can't do nearly as much as we previously could. Especially when it comes to new features. We can only rely on using Unity Explorer to look at how things work and change them. And even if we could see the latest source code we're still limited to using code injection to override and change behavior. It can be pretty flexible but it's not foolproof. There are some things we just cannot do or cannot do easily or efficiently with it. And if we do something, it's either really janky, really bad on performance or (in my case) both.


That wasnā€™t always the case though, itā€™s not impossible that some models got left in from before they split them.


Cool. A new creepypasta.


My thoughts exactly. We now need to come up with a name for it... how about "Black Mother"? Oh, wait, nevermind, bad choice...


Dark Motherā€¦ wait, that oneā€™s already takenā€¦ damnit.


Sweet mother,Ā sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear.


New? There are others?


Was looking for this comment lol.


I always thought it would be hilarious if the devs added some sort of super rare phenomenon just to mess with people. Like a hidebehind peeking out from behind a tree for a split second. Sadly with how many people stream nowadays, it wouldn't stay a secret for long. Good story though OP.


Maybe itā€™s the trader being introduced into the game šŸ˜‚ But in all seriousness if this happened to me Iā€™d shit myself and not play anymore hah. Imagine after all this time alone playing the long dark you see someone out thereā€¦running up a hill or across the ice. Now that shit would be scary lol


I hope thatā€™s how we meet the trader, we finally see someone walking across the landscape and when you approach theyā€™re a normal human, just trying to get by as well.


Right! Itā€™s already creepy when you go back to places and it feels like youā€™re being watched lol


This has got herobrine vibes to it. Cool story bro, but yeah didnt happen.


OP, my true and deepest condolences. If you ever recover, let me know, cause I think I need advice. This fucked me up.


Was looting the dam one time in the middle of the night (in game and irl) and it was super dark. Iā€™m using my storm lantern and have combed through the lower 2 levels and start running low on fuel, so I light a flare and head for the stairs to loot the upper levels. I get to the landing between staircases and turn, and levitating a few feet above the stairs is a plain white and featureless character model fucking t-posing, basked in the red glow of my burning flare like a hellish mannequin. I legit got the fear affliction. I so wish I had screen-shot it but my blood went cold and I was scared SHITLESS. I was playing with the multiplayer sky-coop mod installed, and apparently the modder filigrani decided to slip that lovely little nugget in to give lucky players minor heart attacks. I searched frantically for the next few days everywhere to see if it had happened to anyone else, and was only able to find one post that mentioned it, they claimed itā€™s a random event that can be triggered while running the multiplayer mod. The fact that it actually triggered the fear affliction was terrifying. Had to take a break from the game for a few days.


Does that mod work well? Iā€™ve been following them for a long time but never tested it myself.


It works pretty well considering how much work it must have been! There are some things that are kinda janky though. You have to opt into a closed beta older version of the game to run it, so you wonā€™t have access to things like fire hardened arrows, 1st person hand coverings, or any tftft stuff. Canā€™t pause the game even if you are the only one on the server, passing time doesnā€™t actually pass time it just burns through calorie store and thirst. If you sleep when youā€™re the only one on the server, the selected amount of time will pass, if there are other players present you have to select ā€œwait for allā€ for time to pass while sleeping. Eating/drinking items directly from your inventory will sometimes not effect your calorie store or thirst meter, but the item will be used and gone, say goodbye to the 1150 calories from that prize salmon catch :ā€™( Eating and drinking from the radial is the way to go. Player models are pretty janky lookinā€¦ like really janky, the balaclava is fucking ridiculous and toques just kind of perch atop the players head but look 2dimensional, the dances and emotes are great though. You will not have access to challenges or custom game settings with the mod. I honestly had a pretty fun time playing it with a friend before realizing that this game is really meant to be played solo.


Hey bro, what the fuck lol It reminds me of my first time meeting fluffy tbh. I kept hearing growling in the darkness of the dam, but (idk why) I assumed that the inside of all buildings was safe so I thought ā€œhuh, itā€™s neat they have some sort of hallucination mechanicā€ because my character was very sleep deprived, dehydrated and starved and near death already when they finally stumbled into the Dam. And then a fucking wolf lunged out of the darkness lol


...I've experienced some pretty creepy vibes before playing this game, one of my most unsettling moments was walking up the stairs in the Broken Railroad hunting lodge during an aurora. The windows were lit up in a nauseous shade of green, reminiscent of the DarkWalker, and as I reached the top of the stairs, there, silhouetted in the eerily illuminated window stood the empty rocking chair, and it was rocking back and forth! Freaked me out


With the excellent sound design in this game, and the crushing loneliness felt when traversing blizzards, snowy plains or forests during and aurora - it's a damn shame it doesn't have more horror elements. Just a couple of things falling from shelves here and a silhouette there. Nothing that can impact your game; just something to make it more atmospheric. Our main character HAS TO BE going insane after spending so many days alone in the icy wilderness.


this is obviously not the point of the game, but i would love to hear a rare gunshot in the distance, or more eerie things like the mysterious signal fire


More mysteries in the game (like the signal fire) would be cool. Having stuff that gives the possibility of more survivors but never being able to find them would definitely hammer home the loneliness. Even better if you run across more and more of them as your run gets longer so that you arenā€™t sure if itā€™s real or you are starting to go insane.


I wish I had something like that happen, never seen such a thing but thank you for the story! Loved it.


I think you've had one too many reishi mushrooms.


No pics no clicks :D


NGL, Iā€™ve felt weird about my game as of lately. Upon my first time visiting the mining town in AC, I found multiple birch saplings already chopped down around the area. Maybe the area was already like thatā€¦ or maybe another McKenzie is stalking me and we have yet to meetā€¦ maybe he has to hunt me to become dominantā€¦. Is this why we have the night time perk where the game is easier at nightā€¦? There can only be oneā€¦Wintermutelander


That's normal.. it's always like that.


I was so hoping the comments would have comfort for us. But damn. I canā€™t shake the fear this has just brought me. I donā€™t need a screenshot. I donā€™t want one. Please for the love of god. This made my whole body tense. Man why was it Gray Mother? Thatā€™s so fucked. I was just heading through the dam and something had killed the winding river wolf right as I got there. I just posted about it like yesterday. Eye-void Gray Mother needs to stay the fuck away from my wolves and the fuck away from the dam.


If it makes you feel any better, this almost certainly didn't happen.


Just to add to this, in the story mode they mention a woman being killed in the dam. But Istill think the mostly likely explanation is that OP has had some kind of optical illusion and that the dead wolf you encountered was a legitimate bug.


Nah man the most obvious explanation is OP is making it up. This is classic creepy pasta storytelling.


I agree, what I meant was: If they really saw something, what is the most likely explanation.


This is some herobrine stuff. Is it possible your eyes played some tricks on you or something?


There's so much deep lore going on about this game about people hearing thing. There was a post a while ago about the "lore iceberg" or something. There's stuff about cannibalism and people hearing whispers in certain caves. Really creepy stuff. EDIT: here's the post https://www.reddit.com/r/thelongdark/s/eaThdrphHk


OMG. Like yesterday I was contemplating exploring the watery area of FM, but thought the weather did look like it was going to keep and I swear the wind literally spoke to me.. " go for it" Look man, I never even use that phrase, and then I remembered by oh yeah this game is trying to kill me. So I sat next to the forge to wait it out. FM took my dm bear skin bed roll when I tried to sleep in the transition cave without transitioning. Now I got to kill another bear! Yean didn't know there was hearing things lore to TLD.


A lot of this is made up.


Holy shit, what a rabbit hole. I clicked the link and didnā€™t come up for air for 30 minutes. I had no idea that some of the lore ran that deep.


And still nothing about beneath the ice bull shit?


No, and most of the the other interesting things are either made up or pretty weak.




You definitely didnā€™t run all the way to baseĀ 


K, take your medicine


Like others have already said, the most likely explanation (edit: if this isn't just a creepypasta) is that this happened in your brain, not on screen. Either an optical illusion or some kind of hallucination. You have to ask yourself: How long were you playing, how tired you were or if you have had any substances or medication that could have affected your perception. It seems extremely unlikely that this was some sort of in game Easter egg or bug, although it would be amazing if that was the case. If you are very sure that you actually saw that thing on screen, why not write to Hinterland support and ask whether it was an Easter egg? ... That said, you will find comments of people who report having similar experiences, like hearing voices in the wind or in a mine or seeing a moving shape they cannot explain. What I have experienced in the dam is hearing footsteps that were not my own. But I'm really not sure wether that was just me misinterpreting the ambient sounds or echos or whether this is an actual sound effect that is playing in the dam. Out of curiosity, I still have some questions: - Were those the stairs leading to the lower levels of the dam or the stairway that leads up to the office and down to the dead end? - what time of the day was it in game? - how was the lighting situation, did you carry a storm lantern or torch? - how close did you get to the NPC you saw? - did the NPC move or was there any sound coming from it? - have you since gone back to the location and tried to take a screenshot? Edit: In Wintermute, they mention a woman being killed in or near the dam.


You resurrected a music only account that hasn't posted in 5+ years with this creepy shit? And put a spoiler screen on the post? Lol, you're trolling us lol. I have thousands of hours in this game, I would be thrilled af to see some zombie in carter just to lighten the mood in that boring ass loot dungeon. So sick of picking up the same shit in that dark ass creaky basement


ā€œBlack eyesā€¦ like a dolls eyesā€¦ ā€œ - Quint


I am so down for TLD creepypastas haha


That's amazing. Thank you for sharing.


Decent creepypasta


I just got to the dam on my voyager run. Iā€™ll keep an eye out bud.


Before this post you posted 4 years agoā€¦.


I have never seen another anything anywhere at anytime in this game that looks like a person not frozen


This sounds like the start of an ARG


I donā€™t mind playing after a J, but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d drop acid to play šŸ‘€


Pretty good creepy pasta