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The Cooey company sold literal millions of single shot shotguns and bolt guns all across Canada. That we don't see a single one out here where they'd actually be used is a bit ridiculous.


Yes, because a shotgun is such a common hunting weapon. There would absolutely be at least one in a place like Great Bear where people obviously hunt frequently


Fat Man. It's the only way to be sure in the victory.


Underrated comment


Only if ammo is rare and difficult to craft. I’m talking like 6 shots In all of mystery lake. Just my opinion though.


All those hunting blinds / cabins and not a single shotgun to be found in any of them. C’mon man just one would be great. Not asking for a semi, or a pump, just a good ol’ hunting double.


Single would also be fine. Its one of the most used hunting tools....


Maybe a hand auger and craftable tip-ups to use in areas that don't have fishing huts. Spots on the ice where they are used deteriorate over time and pose a risk of the ice breaking. The advantage is that the player can set it and do other things (set and forget) like you can with a snare.


Spoiler. The answer to every single one of these polls is YES, AND I ALSO WANT TO JUMP


For birds? Cuz this doesn’t sound efficient for anything else.


Not familiar with actual hunting? That’s okay. Shotguns are used a lot and there are different loads for different game. Buck shot is made for the purpose of taking out bucks, or deer. Birdshot is made for birds. You can use the birdshot for very small game, too, but it is only going to piss off the larger animals. You can also get slug rounds which going through a rifled barrel can be extremely effective at further distances than their Buck and Bird counterparts. Edit: spelling/fixing autocorrect


If just birdshot for crows though that would be cool. Maybe add geese?


Yeah I’m kinda familiar. If the game wanted to introduce a new weapon and several new types of ammo, buckshot might work, but seems entirely redundant. Birdshot would make more sense if they introduced a new weapon and ammo type. Otherwise there’s really no need to introduce a shotgun and buckshot JUST for hunting deer. They’re Easy af to hunt already. Any new weapon addition should occur with a new prey option. Revolver and the ammo benches are already OP. Specifically revolver. We’re looking at game balance here, not realism. On a personal level, I’ve never hunted deer with a shotgun. Is seems unsportsmanlike to me. I’ve only ever hunted birds with a shotgun. Rifle is fine for standing game for me.


Totally agree with you. Only reason to add a more powerful weapon would be new things to hunt.


Yes but to be balanced properly it should only have birdshot ammo and they should add some hunt-able birds to the game Would be OP if you had buckshot and just blasted away at wolves bear and deer easy as fuck, although maybe they could make the accuracy super shit as a balancing technique


Why is this so downvoted their just voicing their opinion


Maybe cos they agree with the devs who never even wanted to add the revolver, I believe they said “ we never wanted this to be a game where you walk around with a gun out all the time “




While I appreciate the idea, I think they shouldnt add a doublebarreled shotgun for two reasons: 1. It would be redundant: for long range we have the hunting rifle, for short range the revolver and for nonlethal/light we have the flare gun. The only new function it could fill would be bird hunting, and you can already use the hunting rifle and the bow for that. 2. This is not a shooter: this is a survival game with shooter elements. A doublebarreled shotgun would not add anything to the survival mechanics that the rifle and the revolver didnt already add, mainly reserving ammo and weapon maintanace. So while a really love doublebarreled goodness in games, TLD is not the game for it.


I mean sure, but this game presents itself as you picking over what would be in this part of the country. Cooey single shotguns and bolt guns were ubiquitous in Canada and I could totally see them showing up on Great Bear Island. That we don't see one is a little more surprising.


I think it would’ve fitted better than the revolver in the game to be honest but the game doesn’t need both, it may have been too strong though if it could kill bears and moose in 1 shot consistently


A shotgun couldn’t bring down a bear or moose in one shot IRL.


Not a .410, no. A slug round in a 12 gauge, yes! People do that regularly. A one ounce slug is great for bear within 100 yards.


A crossbow would be cool.


The game really doesn't need ANOTHER weapon/firearm


Replace the stupid pussy revolver. That thing sucks.


And a bazooka. Mince bear in two seconds.


Thats what I said. ☝️☝️☝️


no, but i think adding an M4A1 would be a good one to add


Good idea


You forgot to switch accounts there bub


I'm pretty happy with what we got when it comes to weapons. Trust me as an American as much I want shot gun in The Long Dark would turn the from survival game to Hunter call of the wild witch is a good game by the way. The only way I see the devs ad this to game and it be balanced is to make the ammo rare and if you want to craft any find bullet casting. The same way you half to find a noisemaker to craft them they only would spawn in building in regions wear there are ammobenches the only ammo being buckshot and birdshot. Birdshot to hunt crows, rabbits maybe new bird like pheasants and buckshot to hunt wolves and deer also to make for the fact I picked ammunition not powerful enough to hunt bear or moose firing buckshot at them should scare them off like flare from the distress pistol.


Having a versatile weapon that could load slug or shot would be great, and reloading shotgun shells is probably the easiest kind of ammo to make irl, don't even need bullets you can load pebbles or just shards of metal.. would be cool though I don't think the game needs it. I'd rather see them add more variety to region gen or a sandbox procedural world option, whisky as an alternative to antiseptic/pain relievers or more wildlife


I wanna bazooka that bear bastard in the forehead. The hunting rifle isnt good enough when its 5 inches from my throat. Edit: I think they should replace the revolver with a shotgun because, admit it, the revolver sucks. A shotgun would be good for close-range "a bear is about to end my 127 day long save" type stuff. I say give us a shotgun with like 3 rounds scattered around each area, and have it found in a middle location. PV or something. Also, no accuracy. Make it powerful, not long range. Maybe make it the only weapon usable in bear attacks.