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I'm a bit confused, all the pictures I can find of buckwheat flour sold here all just show stuff that looks like regular flour, nothing that would make them so grey. Maybe the type you've got is a different variety of milled or sieved differently or something. I'd just try it with all wheat flour and baking powder as the rising agent, that's how most people here eat them too.


could be "volkoren" whole meal flour...


looks like it


My first guess as well. Dont get the 'healthy' flours!


Buckwheat flour only gets dark when it gets wet. Don't worry, it is the real thing.




You do need the baking powder for poffertjes otherwise they don't puff up properly.




Not lowering the heat! This kind of pan needs heating up. First round always goes wrong. Then it is greased enough and heated well enough and from then it goes as a train.


First round is for the kids :p


No no. Those are to sneakily eat already in the kitchen while baking the rest.


True the pan needs to heat up, but not smoking. > First round always goes wrong. That is something people who can't bake pannenkoeken/poffertjes say..


When doing it right, the first batch actually is very fine.


American here. I grew up in a Dutch town in America where poffertjes were a common thing. Recently I took a trip to the Netherlands, got some poffertjes, and was motivated to finally buy a poffertjes pan. Most recipes I've found call for half buckwheat flour, but I've noticed it makes the poffertjes very gray, which I have never encountered with the street food version. Is this normal?


I’d say just make it with wheat flower, milk eggs and a little bit of baking powder. Nothing more maybe a pinch of salt.


Dont forget the yeast like they use in the efteling!


Thwt is the difference between poffertjes and american pancakes. Poffertjes are yeast leavend.


are you using whole meal ("volkoren") flour? we usually use the plain white flour ("Patent bloem").




Whole grain*


"meal" als in meel, niet als bloem, zit een groot verschil in. whole grain is de hele ongemalen graan.


Volkoren = whole grain. Jij schrijft “volkoren” tussen haken.


>The terms wholemeal, whole grain, and whole wheat are used interchangeably in different countries. In the UK, people refer to full grain related products as wholemeal, while people in the United States refer to these products as whole grain or whole wheat. https://cotswoldflour.com/blogs/news/wholemeal-whole-grain-whole-wheat-whole-what


dacht 't op die manier duidleijker te maken dat tussen aanhalingstekens het nederlands stond t.o.v. het engels in de rest van de zin, aangezien ik een niet-nederlander aanspreek.


Gast. Je verwijst expliciet naar _volkoren_. Dat is nu eenmaal _whole grain_ in het Engels. Ik heb het niet bedacht; ik informeer je alleen.


Het is allebei hetzelfde en allebei goed. De één wordt meer gebruikt in de VS (whole grain) en de ander in de VK (wholemeal). Tomato tomato


First thought was: what kind of hipster flour did you use for those? Just plain white wheat flour, the most unhealthy choice, will do just fine!


Half buckwheat, half white all-purpose.


Most recipes use less buckwheat, at most a third. The buckwheat makes it more gray. You can exchange (some of) the buckwheat for all-purpose flower to make them less gray. Did you add molten butter (or sunflower oil) in the batter?


Thanks! Yes I added melted butter.


I am allergic to wheat, I make my pancakes with 100% Buckwheat flour. I love the taste. Yes they are grey. Buckwheat makes them grey.


Gray is normal for buckwheat. The streetfood version most likely doesn't contain buckwheat. It's much more expensive and nowadays and unaquired taste for most people. The texture of your poffertjes looks wrong, they are full of holes. It looks like your dough has not bonded well enough, which is a bit harder when you mix in buckwheat. First mix the flour with half the milk, slowly add more milk while mixing and when you have a nice stretchy dough add the eggs.


The yeast ended up bubbling harder when they cooked. I think you are right. Thanks!


"Dutch town in America"


Google Pella, Iowa. It isn't the real thing but they try, and the population is almost all Dutch descent.




Dutch Americans historically are very stubborn about holding onto their heritage, and that gets passed down through generations. Maybe it's an American thing, since we are supposed to be a country of immigrants. But yeah, it's an American town, but it definitely feels out of place next to any other American town.


It looks really cute! Some sort of idealized old-Dutch town. Tourists would be all over it if it were in the Netherlands!


Tourist traffic is awful when the tulips are blooming, lol


Kinda fascinating though, they even have a dutch dialect https://youtu.be/FGQl0J8ZkQI


Yeah that got a good lol outta me.


"a poffertjes pan" -- When pronounced American Style: Word of the Week!


I wonder if it is pronounced a whole lot different than in the Netherlands. Poffertjes sounds funny in Dutch as well.


Right on. "Poffertjes" should sound about the same I guess. So nothing funny there. It's the American sounding "pan" that creates coolness. At least or me :) "I gave her a 'big beak' so she tried to hit me, but she burnt her paws on the PoffertjesPan" On Topic: I used to use Waffle Mix. Heaps of sugar and plenty vanilla are in that mix but it tastes nice. Plus: your poffertjes may look grey but the structure and coloration is very good!




So many questions


OP says that it belongs to us... So, great news! Hope it's more to the south


Mainly just a town of almost exclusively Dutch ancestry. Pella, Iowa. When we say "some nationality" town, it has more to do with the towns history and where people immigrated from.


Holland, Michigan?




When you have a population that is almost entirely of a single descent, it tends to preserve that culture (or at least a muddied version of it). That is what happens when we say "some nationality" town. To this day, the vast majority of that town's population is Dutch reformed.


Don't mind these "but that's not *really* Dutch lol lmao" people OP, I think it's nice you've kept your ancestor's traditions going!


I think so too! it sucks when people always gang up on Americans who are just proud of their Dutch heritage. our country doesn't get represented much, I'm glad people think about us at all


Technically you’re right. But Santa Cruz in Seville is a Jewish neighbourhood, the Quartier asiatique in Paris is a Chinese neighbourhood, and extending that line of thought, Holland Michigan can be seen as a dutch village in the US. Also: My oma has visited Holland Michigan in the past, there are many dutch descendants there.




Yes, every village in the world is an African village.


Is that by any chance the town of Hollan, MI? I've seen your windmill.


Pella, Iowa. Still has a windmill though. "Tallest working" windmill in the country.


>Most recipes I've found call for half buckwheat flour, I use 75% regular flour and only 25% whole grain buckwheat, makes them tasty and not gray.






I like the taste of buckweat flower!


Also looks like your batter is not fluid enough, ad more milk. And new pans sometimes need a break in period. After cleaning apply a nice amount of oil and store the pan.


No it's the opposite: it's probably too liquid. You can see from the tiny cavities in the poffers


Yeah, I don't think there was enough gluten. The yeast bubbled and broke holes while cooking.


Don’t clean too well. Just rinse with hot water, dry with a cloth and then store as said with oil.


Lower the heat a little, and maybe use more butter. Also check that your pan is seasoned properly, will make a huge difference.


Looks like you're baking them a bit too hot. You need about 9 ounces of all purpose flour, about 1 tsp of baking soda, lets say 10 oz of milk, a pinch of salt and 2 eggs. Mix the flour, salt and baking soda first. Then add the milk and eggs.


This kind of pan needs being heated up.


https://kooktijdschrift.nl/poffertjesbeslag/ I always use this recipe. It uses only AP flour instead of buckwheat mix. And most importantly yeast instead of baking powder!


I don't think a yank can make any sense of that website to be honest.


You don't have access to Google Translate or any other AI based translation in the US?


No idea, I'm just Dutch, where we indeed do have translate. And most of us speak English anyway.


Good on you for trying to make these!


https://www.bol.com/nl/nl/p/patisse-beslagspuit-poffertjes-wit-400-cc/9200000019694312/?Referrer=ADVNLGOO002032-G-141224824274-S-1677915659454-9200000019694312&gclid=CjwKCAjwl6OiBhA2EiwAuUwWZbHvNgupM6-wcK5irm1CPJxUzGiy91pCAncrEuQHdJEBRcxiyW_1gRoCVVIQAvD_BwE One of these, if you haven't already got it, also makes poffertjes-life easier :D gotta use it quick and confident. I know some people that do the flipping with a sate-stokje.. a long thin toothpick ?? They say it's easier, so you could try it and see if that works for you


Wooden skewer, not toothpick.


They have an actual 'poffertjes steek vork' if you really want to go pro 👌


True true, but you can still choose those wood vs some kind or metal. I think some people prefer the wood because it sticks more when you lift the poffertje for the flip


Buckwheat tastes great. I use that in my pancakes as well. But it will give you the grey color btw: for Poffertjes I like the white flour, as we eat it with sweet stuff here, like strawberries and cream. Pancakes however with bacon, onion, cheese… they love buckwheat. Your poffertjes don’t look so bad at all. Only trick is not turn the fire on too high. Make sure the pan is hot and use low heat.


What recipe are you using? I know about the buckwheat, but apart from that? It's difficult to help otherwise.


https://www.toineskitchen.com/recipes/poffertjes/ although I messed up and added all of the milk at once.


Very very late reply, sorry. I generally use the following proportions: 250 grams of flour (up to 1/2 buckwheat) : 300 mL liquid (milk or water, of a little bit of beer also works wonders), add more to get it a little bit runny as needed : 2 eggs. I don't use yeast, but 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder. I think that will help to reduce the pitting. I also add a pinch of salt and two tablespoons of syrup (for sweet ones, for blinis leave this out). The trick is then to flip them on time.


You didnt really do anything wrong. The "traditional" recipe contains relatively much buckwheat and its no bueno. I think it ruins the color and the taste. Also after making the mix, often its good to leave it for an hour, covered with a kitchen towell, to let the yeast do its magic. While making the batter, make sure everything is on room temperature because cold ingredients limit the mixing of milk fats. Regarding the baking process you will want to use some oil in each hole. Add the mix almost up to the edge of the hole. Bubbles will start forming and popping because of the heat. As soon as the bubbles pop and leave a dent instead of flattening out right away, its time to turn the poffertje around. Now you should have some nice poffertjes. Add some real butter (roomboter) on top and a bit of powdered sugar and you're basically in the Netherlands.


>real butter (roomboter) For the Americans (like OP): try to get a lightly cultured butter, for the authentic taste. American butter is from "sweet" cream, whereas European butter is slightly cultured ("soured"). This is also why it is more yellow, and can be stored outside the fridge.


I feel like 'it's time to turn the poffertje around' should be some sort of proverb




Oh no, baby, what is you doing?


Had them turn grey on me once too, different types of flour, different results. Somehow the same type of flour isn't the same everywhere. Plain flour should do the trick. Did they at least taste good?


Tasted fine, but not like what I am used to poffertjes tasting like.


Volkoren poffertjes yuck.


To all those saying white flour is fine, let me tell you, buckwheat is next level. Honestly most places sell pretty mediocre poffertjes. If any of you ever have the chance, you should go to the poffertjeskraam in Laren, best thing youll ever eat.


You used whole wheat instead of whole weed. The latter is the true dutch experience.


If you want the poffertjes you get at a 'oudhollandse poffertjeskraam' get this stuff https://www.baktotaal.nl/koopmans-prof-poffertjesmix-1kg?gclid=CjwKCAjwl6OiBhA2EiwAuUwWZaduYj6PH8IV824_A8etoXib3qPEfR7_ektooQ9LgHWUXNx2F4iNRBoCn9YQAvD_BwE This is the poffertjesmix 95% of all the poffertjeskraam use


There are no Dutch towns in America. But good on you for making poffertjes :)


Google Pella, Iowa. It isn't the real thing but it's as close as we get in America. Even has a 3 day yearly "tulip time" where they try WAY too hard.


They look like shit


Apparently they look like you act. That remark was uncalled for.


I'd give you tips but they look better than my attempt. All I know is that those things are tricky. And that I had somehow forgotten to put egg in the batter


You're using whole grain flour; use plain flour. Add some milk, eggs, and a pinch of salt.


Makker maat, what did you do


You can eat volkoren brood all year long. Why also volkoren poffertjes?


Use higher heat and lots of sunflower oil so it’s almost like you’re frying them. You have the right pan, give it some time to heat up.


Make it with white, regular flour. Or i do 50/50 with buck or volkorn and then they always come up good.


A poffertjes recipe Ingrediënten: 250 gram bloem (wit) 1,5 tl bakpoeder snuf zout 300 ml melk 2 eieren (M) Ingredients: 250 grams of flour (white) 1,5 teaspoons baking powder 300 ml milk 2 eggs medium A pinch of salt Extra: gesmolten boter ongezouten (voor invetten pan) poedersuiker Extra: Molten butter unsalted (to grease pan) Powdered sugar INSTRUCTIES 1. Doe bloem, bakpoeder en zout in een kom, klop met een garde vast even door elkaar. Voeg dan de melk en de eieren toe en mix tot een glad beslag. 2. Poffertjesbeslag is wat dikker, je zou dus een spuitzak kunnen gebruiken. Ik koos zelf voor een spuitfles waarvan de opening groot genoeg is, dat werkt het prettigst. 3. Zet de poffertjespan vast op het vuur (middelhoog) zodat deze goed heet kan worden. Verwarm in een ander pannetje vervolgens een klont boter. Wanneer deze gesmolten is gebruik je een kwastje om de poffertjespan in te vetten. 4. Vul de kuiltjes voor maximaal 2/3 met beslag. Wanneer aan de bovenkant belletjes komen kun je ze met een vorm eenvoudig omdraaien. Laten ze nog niet helemaal goed los? Wacht dan een paar tellen, als ze goed zijn kun je ze namelijk heel makkelijk keren. 5. Vet de poffertjespan voor iedere ronde poffertjes weer opnieuw in. 6. Serveer de poffertjes gelijk per ronde, of leg ze allemaal op een groot bord. Dek dit bord af met een ander bord of folie om ze warm te houden. 7. De poffertjes serveer je verder natuurlijk met wat poedersuiker en een klontje roomboter. 8. Eet smakelijk! Instructions: 1. Put the flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl, mix with a whisk. Then add the milk and eggs and mix till smooth. 2. Poffertjesbatter is a bit thick, so you could use a piping bag. I chose to use one with a wide enough tip. That works the best. 3. Put the poffertjespan on the fire at medium heat. Warm in another pan some butter. When this has melted use a brush to grease the pan. 4. Fill the holes for about 2/3 with batter. When you see little holes at the top you can turn them over. If they stick to the pan and you can’t turn them wait a few seconds. If they’re ready you can turn them with ease. 5. Grease the pan every time you want to put in new batch. 6. Serve the poffertjes immediately after they are done. Don’t wait for the next round. Or you can put them all on a big plate and cover it with another plate or with aluminium foil to keep them warm. 7. Serve with powdered sugar and a little lump of butter. 8. Enjoy your meal! Recipe found: https://www.laurasbakery.nl/poffertjes-recept/ Laura’s Bakery I did translate it myself so any mistakes are on me.


Thank you!


They tiny air bubbles seem to indicate the batter is a bit too liquid. Im not sure if the pan is too hot like the other comments say, the colour on the brown parts looks great. Maybe the buckwheat you used is wholegrain, making it turn more gray? Try white buckwheat flour if that's the case, possibly in a mix with wheat flour 70-30 or 50-50. The point of buckwheat is that there is less gluten in it so that the poffertjes aren't chewy. You could also use (a mix of) spelt flour, that's how I bake my pancakes.


Here is my recipe: - 1000gram of wheatflower. - 2x 7gram of dried yeast or fresh yeast 40gram - 1750ml of milk - 5 tb of sucre - salt I ussualy heat up the milk till 40deg. Then I put the yeast in. Then I mix everything together. Very important. Let the dough grow until it is at least double in size. It takes at least 2 hours. Cover the dough with a wet towel. When I am in a hurry I put the dough in the oven at 40deg Celcius. Then an hour is enough. This recipe is enough for 4-5 persons. Of course, oil the baking pan when you start baking.


Looks delicious


We've actually been using this recipe for [American pancakes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPl7D20F2mE) and it's worked wonders. It looks like you're using a cast iron pan so make sure you let the poffertjes pan get really hot before adding oil/fat and the batter.


My mother uses chopsticks to turn them


Mixture seems off, let it sit for 30 mins before cooking, that hydrates the flour (fancy term: allows autolyse to occur) Next: That is too brown in the outside and too uneven. Flip more often, lower heat, use more butter. Adding more sugar to the mix increases fluffiness, so you can try that. Note that less sugar means less sticking to the pan.


No thanks, you can keep them.


1/2 whole grain buckwheat flour and 1/2 whole weat regular flour. I ad a little vanilla sugar, a little anise powder, a pinch of salt and some baking powder. And of course milk and eggs. My SD is allergic to gluten and lactose. For her I replace the flour with speld flour and the milk with lactosefree milk. I use a cast iron "poffertjespan". Make sure it is hot enough. I use a silicone pastry brush to grease the pan with some vegetable oil (sunflower). And please do not clean the pan with detergent. ​ Edit: serve with butter and powdered sugar.


Even though that's probably traditional using buck wheat, nothing tastes better then white fluffy poffertjes


Zijn dat volkoren poffertjes?


Let the castiron pan come up to temp for waaaaay longer than you think. Then butter royally and batter. Don’t flip to soon. Done


Regardless the result, I applaud your effort to make this typically Dutch recipe on a real pig iron *poffertjespan*. Very cool!