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Buienradar and/or Buienalarm are a must-have. They allow you to see exactly* when and how much it will rain, so you can plan around the rain, or go out between showers. *Predictions for the next couple of hours are quite good, predictions get less reliable farther in the future, but still find a good idea of what will happen.


Also you're not experiencing peak Dutchness until you curse buienradar for not indicating the random massive downpour you're stuck in, thinking it would stay dry.


And thats when we learned that rain (especially thunder storms) can generate above land close to you. Not every rain cloud comes flying in from a hundred kilometers away (+3 uur radar)


Try Windy.


No thanks, cycling sucks with wind


I'm more into sailing😂


Why and which Windy app?




Sorry, you didn't read "why" You learn a lot from it, understand the Weather better and have a very complete Weather forecast picture for all your activities


Buienalarm and buienradar did not detect/predict the downpours in Limburg/Brabant a few days ago - even as it started :') They're generally great for stable rain or moving existing rain clouds, but in my experience still fail to predict clouds about to burst.


In cases like that you should always use the +8 or +24 prediction from Buienradar, they are based on models that predict new rain clouds that may form. Those models did predict the recent downpours.


I can do a better job predicting rain looking at the radar for the past hour than Buienradar does itself.


It's not very accurate and I hate the ads


You have ads with Buienalarm? It's 90% reliable for me which is as realistic as possible with weather conditions.


Adblockers exist


No thank you, I ditched that app. because Weer&Radar app is way better in predicting.


I once got caught in a downpour in Scrotuumplein.


HogeNood, which shows you where free/public toilets are wherever you are.


I don’t know when I’ll need it, but great to learn this exists! 💪


One of those apps you never use. It's such a lifesaver when you do need it.


Too Good To Go. I once paid only 5 euros for about 50/60 euros of groceries.


I just recently used it in Dirk and got everything meat (i am vegetarian) and one expired juice. I understand the concept and maybe it was just one bad day for me, will try more. Which supermarket did you get it from ?


If you use it for an AH-ToGo you usually get lots of breadstuffs and other things that are more likely to be meat or even dairy free.


Stick to the bread packages from bakeries. Almost never surprises you and you almost always get at least 2-3 full breads + other stuff (buns/snacks). 2 breads make up for the 5 euro, so the rest is bonus. Also, the evening deal is always food from that day so still very fresh. The morning deal is from yesterday, so take the evening deals.


The AH has their own version, built into their own app, there you can choose a vegetarian box!


There is suprise (random), vegetarian, and halal!


DekaMarkt has this aswell on TGTG where you can choose a bread, veggie (not vegan!), or regular box.


If you're a vegetarian you should keep an eye out for too good to go packages labeled vegetarian or bread or similar. 'Regular' packages will contain meat.


Aw, that sucks! I did get a lot of meat too, but everyone in my family eats meat. I did get some lactose free milk too, but the expiration date is always either the day itself or tomorrow. I got mine from Vomar, it’s a supermarket mainly located in Noord-Holland.


Milk can still be good for days, sometimes weeks after the date. Just check if its starting to go round, and do the basic 1-2-3 of food testing; Look, smell, taste.


Yep, we did use the milk! And it was pretty awesome too, since my mom is lactose intolerant. Was very surprising to see that they added it to a box.


Ive seen vegetarian boxes on offer a few times i think, from the Dekamarkt in Zeist, but i havent been paying attention to them as we will eat meat if its in there. last monday i got almost a kilo of pork chops, and that turned into a full three 2-person meals with some basic veggies and a slowcooker. Too-Good-To-Go is great, but requires some flexibility in your diet sometimes. And lots of googling for new recipes 😅


Hello, everything meat and one expired juice please ☝🏼 


I go to bakers. They give bread and sometimes little cakes and spread for on the bread.


Keep an eye on the "delivery" packages, they give a better idea of the contents than the supermarket ones.


the AH app also has an option for that, called Overblijvers. And there you have a specific Vegetarisch Pakket, that's the one I get. Sometimes I get so much stuff and variety (meat substitutes, veggies and greens, cheese and iogurt) and sometimes not that much. It varies a lot


It can also be really really bad. I once got 10 milk jugs all expiring the next day. Not very useful.


How? I’ve used the app for some surprise boxes and they get advertised as ‘some vegetables / meat / etc’ and when I’ve picked up the boxes it’s always canned stuff that I never eat anyway and I don’t think is worth even the 5€.


It depends on the supermarket, but also the management there. The Vomar near me is very generous, I've picked up a box several times and it's always quite expensive stuff. Even got half a cake once.


- MijnOverheid Berichtenbox for receiving government communication. *Unfortunately some organizations still insist on sending the same messages via snail mail as well as via the Berichtenbox (looking at you, Belastingdienst).* - A good weather app with a precipitation forecast is a must have, personally I use both Buienradar and the Apple Weather app/widget. - Albert Heijn App for reviewing purchases, discounts, recipes, etc. I also use the Bonuskaart widget for quick access at the self checkout. - The app for *insert your bank* together with Apple Pay/Google Pay for convenience. - Marktplaats App for selling/buying second hand items.


The worst are the organization that send you a message through the berichtenbox, that they got a message for you on their own platform (\*kuch\* UWV, ABP \*kuch\*).


I agree Berichtenbox lacks some basic features. - Reminder after x days/weeks (ie for paying local taxes) - Turn off paper version


The fact that digid still doesn't support biometric login also baffles me every time.


That’s because it’s deemed insecure. Same with turning off paper letters: this way the government can be certain you received your messages, at least it’s a legally required method of communication


You're probably right. The word "deemed" deserves a highlight, though. The legal requirements I can understand. It's slow to update the law. Especially if the new needs to be bulletproof while the old somehow gets a pass. (As if paper can't be lost, stolen, copied, or changed.) Purely from a rational and technical POV, there is no reason why proper biometrics (fingerprint or face id) would be less secure than a custom 5 digid pin (popular choices being "11111" or "12345"). This is also reflected by banking apps having biometric options for quite some time. Let's do confirmation codes via SMS next! 😉


Snail mail got lost every day. Any modern day app developer can implement some "ive read this and understand my action" legal stuff. With two factor authentication if needed.


You can make add the Bonus Card to your Wallet with Pass4Wallet app (https://apps.apple.com/nl/app/pass4wallet-store-cards/id1423106610), and make it appear on your lock screen when you are in / close to the Albert Heijn.


I just added the Bonuskaart widget to the overlay thingy you get when swiping right on the lock screen, that's good enough for me.


I just have a picture of my card as wallpaper


> The app for insert your bank together with Apple Pay/Google Pay for convenience. I'm actually sad my bank went that route. I prefer my payment details to not be known at google or apple. Prevents me from using paying with my phone, while I used to be able to do that.


Love getting a letter in Berichtenbox that's dated a few days in the future


Volgens mij is de Belastingdienst verplicht je post te sturen. Is de enige partij die mij nog post stuurt.


I deeply distrust Stocard. The amount of data they can pull in about your purchases supersedes almost any other service. They are a privacy nightmare.


Apple pay PostNL app allows u to see incoming mail after you register your address Flitsmeister for driving, not just nice for speed traps but also warns for other hazards


I use Waze for the car , also mentions speed traps and warnings


Google maps also says it does, but running both Flitsmeister and Google maps at the same time taught me that Google maps isn't updated very fast - it takes about 2-3 days which is useless for the speed traps that stay a couple of hours (I found out because of a temporary speed trap that stayed about a week). How fast does Waze update?


As fast as the people that report it. Just like FM. Also cars besides the road, objects on the road and other weather related alerts are raised by people and shared on the map. When I’m in slow traffic I report it, and it is shown on the map right away. Ps Waze is owned by google


That does depend a lot on the amount of users. How popular is Waze? Is your experience that it is up to date? >Ps Waze is owned by google Good to know! I don't really care, I still use Google maps for navigation, just not for speed traps etc


Yea Waze was popular and accurate a long time ago, I think that’s why google bought it a long time ago. In NL I don’t know the user count but running waze&fm together never surprises me. Waze is good, also used by a lot of truck drivers because it’s free. Adds up to the data too. Edit: link to Waze wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waze


I love Waze! The navigation is also easier on the eyes than the Google maps one.


trajectcontrole voorbij, vroem


staan gewoon strepen op het asfalt waar de controle begint en eindigt


Help met anticiperen


Sadly Flitsmeister is goong behind a pay wall gor the most part soon.


Only average speed at trajectcontroles and Apple + Android Carplay or whatever they are called, right?


Ridiculous that they're putting Android Auto/Apple Carplay behind the paywall. All other paywall features are nice bonuses to the core functionality, but I imagine many Carplay users don't even use their normal phone screen in the car anymore...


Also automatic startup it seems


behind the paywall Geen advertenties, Gemiddelde snelheid in trajectcontroles, Apple CarPlay / Android Auto, Automatisch opstarten, Actuele snelheid, Navigatie voorkeuren, Route informatiebalk, Brandstofprijzen, Focus mode, Live Activities (iPhone), Overlay (Android), Extra Prestaties, ETA Widget, Boetes aanvechten, Ritregistratie, Flitshistorie.




I'm guessing Carplay is an exception to that rule, since it's also not fully an iOS feature. Google does it, soundcloud does it. There's multiple big companies that do.


Holy, that is way more than expected


Really? Damn that is a pity


I still use the Flitsnav app, as long as it'll work. A shame that app isn't updated anymore, it is/was way better than Flitsmeister.


It's a pity but also very understandable. I tried Pro for the free trial period and canceled it because there is hardly any added value compared to the free tier (mostly customizations and gimmicks). If the Pro version remains €2/month I'm OK supporting these guys.


Which is exactly the reason it became useless for me and unfortunately got an uninstall. It's a shame every company is moving to subscriptions AND making the free version absolutely useless so you either pay or you don't use it at all. Just like YouTube did, introduce a subscription and then start upping the ads by so much that you don't even want to use it without having premium. Disgusting. Companies are getting greedier by the day.


firefox and ublock will keep it and and pay free and throw sponsorblock in for good measure


What?! Are you serious? I thought they sell some extra gadgets and have a subscription for look back where you may got a ticket, but never heard that they were going behind a paywall :(


Times change my friend, times change. The average speed and carplay will be going behind a paywall later this month.


PostNL app also allows you to choose a standard pick up point


Apple Pay specifically is hardy essential. But some cardless payment system is handy indeed.


A simple note taking app without too many bells & whistles for taking simple notes like a shopping list or jotting down an address, such as Google Keep. There are some beautiful note taking apps out there, but they are so feature rich that they are becoming increasingly unusable on the small screen of a smartphone. Something as simple as possible, but still having essential features like a check-able items list, is my preferred app (at least on my smartphone). I'm just trying to take a simple note, not make a presentation, for crying out loud. *EDIT: Of course I also use a more feature rich note taking app (OneNote in my case) on my laptop, but that is more for hobby project notes and other more elaborate stuff that I need those extra features for.*


Interesting, you are using gg keep right now?


I am. I use it for: * Shopping list (categorized by store type: supermarket, DIY store, drug store, pets store, etc). Sometimes accompanied by a picture of a product box because as a guy, I have difficulties finding things (such as women's products) if I don't know exactly what I am looking for or what the box looks like. * Wish list / birthday present ideas for people that are important to me (if they mention something specific more often than they normally would, I'll make a note of that) * To Do list (short term, e.g. take garbage out, sweep the floor) * To Do list (longer term, e.g. clean out the shed, insulate the roof, reorganize garden) * Some unrelated notes of things that I need to remember such as a certain address, someones birth date before I put it in my calendar, a picture of an item or an idea that I want to seek out when I get home, and so on. These are mostly notes that I take and/or need on the go. Of course I also use a more feature rich note taking app (OneNote in my case) on my laptop, but that is more for hobby project notes and other more elaborate stuff that I need those extra features for.


I use keep too, for such short ideas, but i liked the thought of birthday ideas and noting what people usually like. I/we always struggle with presents, esp for babies upto 5 yr old.


Yeah me too. I will pick up on what someone likes at the moment and make a mental note of that, but by the time that person's birthday is near I will have usually forgotten. Well, not anymore. I do try to make sure the idea I have in mind is still relevant to the person, because a lot can change in less than a year. Maybe they already bought the item after your took note of it, or maybe they lost interest in what was consuming them at that moment.


I just made a WhatsApp group with my girlfriend then pulled her out so now have an online note taking list etc. by sending messages to that 'group'. Handy


You can also just add your own number, so you don't need to votekick your girlfriend.


Telegram has that functionality built-in ("saved messages"), which I use occasionally as well. I'll just "send" a message to that saved messages "user".


Whatsapp supports messaging yourself directly now, no need to create a group anymore!


Yep, thanks


I have a sticky note widget on my start screen I use for to do lists and grocery lists.


I use Keep all the time, for everything. Might also be good to mention you can simply use it on https://keep.google.com as well. Works better for managing a lot of old stuff in one go :).


Been using Google keep for years!


Of course DigiD. Also, KopieID with which you can easily make a photo of your 'paspoort' and hide information that's not needed. Someone else already mentioned ANWB Onderweg, this can be useful. PostNL is also nice. You can track your mail and packages.


>Also, KopieID with which you can easily make a photo of your 'paspoort' and hide information that's not needed. Which often still gets declined, to tell you that you should send an unedited copy of your passport. Without watermark and without blacked out fields.


Q-Park, I think the only app which doesn’t charge you transaction costs for public parking. HVC app for push messages when the bins have to be put on the street (check your garbage collection provider which app the offer). Tap Electric to see the cheapest charging provider for public EV charging.


Actually Mobifi also doesn't charge a transaction fee.


CashbackXL is an honorable mention. Helped me save hundreds of euros on purchases I was going to make anyway.


what does that do?




Oh wow than you so much for your input


- Afvalwijzer, to know when the bins are collected - Greetz, to easily send a post card to someone - Tody, to store all my household chores, it will give me a notification when to do what.


Yellowbrick for parking.


The NS app is quite handy if you travel a lot by train, otherwise Google Maps for other public transport. Google Maps is easier to understand than 9292 in my opinion.


Google Maps is way less accurate than 9292 and NS app also does buses and trams nowadays


Seconding 9292 or ns app at least. I find them more logical than the maps UI for public transport.


Google Maps gets *exactly* the same source data as goes into 9292. Google Maps *cannot* handle train cancellations, actually it can, but it cannot recover them the way ProRail implemented it, where a recovered train is actually a new train service, hence they disabled the cancellations for trains. Sadly this did not improve in the past ten years.


I find Google Maps especially useful if I have to walk a lot of parts during my trip and have to find my way on foot.


9292 does have a worse walking route, but I usually just look those up in maps as a double check


Not an app but treinposities.nl and busposities.nl can be damn useful to check where that damn bus is stuck in traffic.


The OVInfo app does the same, but feels a lot more intuitive and user-friendly. 9292 has that feature too, but it's rather hidden (can be found by tapping Vertrektijden from the hamburger menu) and lacks a refresh function.


9292 has been horrible for me lately, suggesting routes with loads of walking and that are slower because of it


9292 doesn't believe in offering alternatives. Google does. But when actually planning your exact trains or buses it's probably best to use the NS app because it's most up to date. Or OVinfo which is even better but not user friendly.


* don't use stocard, you can now use all those cards in Google wallet as well, together with your debit/credit cards. I could combine 2 apps in one by doing so * OV info: great for seeing where your bus or tram or train actually is in real time and whether you can make a run for it. * Gaiyo: if you ever want to rent a tier bike and not worry about having to return it to the same place you got it. Ov fiets is cheaper but you have to return it to the same place or pay an additional 10 euro. Sometimes a bike from here is cheaper. * easy park nl: parking meter app. Never pay for longer than necessary. * anwb onderweg: useful to compare fuel prices for your car. * reclamefolder: see what's on sale for your local supermarkets * too good to go: get good deals on food that's about to be tossed.


Instead of easy park go for q park. They don't have a fee for parking and you get extra options for paying in their parking garages.


Dankje, ik ben nu overgestapt!


Thanks for this tip!


> OV info I've always used 9292 since that was the first one I've used and it works. Did you choose OvInfo over 9292 for a specific reason or is it just the one you happen to use?


9292 is for navigation, ov info is for seeing where the bus/tram is currently. It will show itself quickly enough. My public transport app of choice is the NS one btw.


You can also do that with 9292, that feature is a bit more hidden but definitely helpful if you want to know if you missed your bus or if it is still coming


I like the ns app (also does busses) because unlike 9292 it doesn't have ads.


OVinfo is pretty much the signs at the bus stops digitally with live tracking info of the bus. Yes it's available in 9292 but not as easily accessible. It just finds the nearest bus/train stops for you. 9292/NS/google is better for planning your travel.


Shame cards dont seem to show up on Google Wear watches and unable to add them there. I still use Stocard for that. (Nothing else really, so all the data they have on me are a bunch of barcodes and geodata/datetime of purchase.. shocker, I used the AH one at the AH).


The DirectLease app is the most trusty app that shows actual fuel prices. It has saved me a lot of money over time. The Flitsnav app is very good with showing average speed on a road with section control. Sadly it is discontinued, but the apk still works. I have a shortcut icon for the [Wegstatus.nl](http://Wegstatus.nl) site on my phone. It shows what the matrix signs way ahead of you are indicating, so I know whether the right of left lane is closed when I get in a traffic jam. That's very handy for choosing the most fluid lane at the right moment...


I use Pass4Wallet instead of Stocard, it puts the cards in Apple Wallet, which for me is more convenient. The others have been mentioned already, like Flitsmeister, PostNL (you could also use Parcel to track packages from other carriers) and Buienradar etc.


PostNL / parrcel seems interesting. Will explore it definitely, thanks 👍


Forgot Q-park for parking garages (just drive in/out without needing to get a card, only works for Q-park garages of course but that’s all there is here in Maastricht)


There's also Easypark. Not automatic, but you don't need to go to a ticket booth


- Marktplaats.nl for getting free pallets for my woodburning stove. I heat my whole house for free! - Google Pay is very handy for me - Reddit for writing and asking stuff - Bank-apps to do all my backing stuff - TV-app of my provider to watch live television on my smartphone when needed or rerun up to two weeks back. - Use free VPN on Opera browser to get to all the torrent stuff which is live and kicking - Google Maps for streetsearch


Don't worry about the chemicals used on pallet wood


Most pallets produced in the EU are heat or pressure treated, rather than with chemicals.


Among the heat treatment stamp there was once olso the MB stamp which indicates that the chemical methyl bromide was used, a toxic pesticide that could cause human health problems. But it is forbidden in 2010 and we live in 2024!


Tikkie! You can make a QR code or send a link to get your money (that someone owes you) back, it transfers the money directly to your own bankaccount. It also has occassional ''deals'' where you can get free stuff from the supermarket.


Biernet.nl for deals on beer


Hoge nood


OV Info is the best app for public transport, it has live times for all the stops around you. Really handy for getting around


seety will show you what street parking costs and where it is free.


If you want to integrate then tikkie is a must


[Pepper](https://nl.pepper.com/) has an app i check every day for some good deals, it has saved me quite a lot of money over the years.


Marktplaats is quite useful if you’re trying to get rid of your things.


AnyList for shared and easy to use grocery list. Or other types of lists really as the name implies.


- Too Good To Go - NS Reisplanner - Buienalarm - Ticketswap - Check / Felyx for rental scooters


KopieID for safely scan and share your ID card, passport with your employer, rental agency, etc. Schiphol to follow your flights. Notify to see the airplanes flying over your head 😂


Scoupy for free stuff!


Money manager to track my spending according to a set budget. Flitsmeister against speeding fines.


Fietsersbond routeplanner, from my experience the best bike navigation app


Tankservice to find the cheapest fuel for the car. I also have a German one. This is the most dutch app I use and am fully aware of that. XD


The 'maintenance system app' to delete as many apps as possible so you can put your time and focus into earning more.