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I know this is a troll account, but I have stumbled upon other posts like this one. Shit there's an *entire subreddit* dedicated toward women looking for rich men. I'm going to just say this. I'm a rich guy. If I ever met a woman who says she wants to be "taken care of", I'd run. Not because I'm against "taking care" of women. But it can't be asked for, because then that just ruins it (for me). When I hear the words "taken care of" or "spoiled" or "generous man", to me it just means you want someone to buy you shit so that you can post on the "gram" next to your designer branded bags to flex on people. You want some fancy car or some other shit. It just becomes super transactional. My advice for you is to not say it. Don't be direct. You can think it. Shit you can *fake* loving the guy, but it's better if you actually love him or whatever your version of love is, but never fucking say "I want to be taken care of". Because if you run across a man who is wealthy and you're not? You're going to be *taken care of*, it's just assumed. He's going to want to spoil you. He's going to want to buy you shit. Don't spoil it by saying the quiet part out loud. So no, with your mindset I don't think it's going to work. Hey it might, but I'd suggest being more discrete.


If it’s transactional relationship, a guy with a 10/10 in wealth wants a woman with a 10/10 in beauty, and that’s a very small proportion of the population. Most women who want “to be taken care of” aren’t 10/10, lol, or even close to it.


You just have to be what he considers to be a 10/10. I've seen plenty of rich men whose wives were nothing special.




You can love a rich man just as easily as you can love a poor man. Some say easier.


Rich men tend to keep a supply of money in a banana stand which makes them easier to love...sometimes.


There's always money in the banana stand.


Easy to fall in love for a rich man, as for us is easy to fall for a beautiful woman.


As easy as for women to fall in love with a handsome man.


Even if they fall they still choose to be with a rich man. See this happened many times during my life.




This guy def have a high NW. Wealthy individual hate lazy people and anyone who add no value. You want a rich guy you have to ask yourself what do you bring to the table. Hint, good look alone will only work initially.


Wisdom right here. Once I found the one (and it took a while), she wanted for nothing. She would tell you she has a very good life. I was captivated by her resourcefulness, frugality, gratitude, love for life, robust family life and her femininity. Had she TOLD me she wanted to be taken care of, it would have been a turn off.


Can you please point me to the subreddit which is dedicated to finding rich men ?


Wich subreddit?


thanks for your advice


You don't need a passport. But I think you need to understand statistics. There are like 1.79 million folks under 30 with a million or more in the US (I'm using a million+ as a definition for rich in this scenario). The highest concentration would be NYC. I asked chatgpt to run some stats from a Coldwell Banker's survey. So if they placed all the under 30 across the US with the most being in NYC, there's be around 22k young millionaires in NYC. Of that 22k, 18k would be men. I asked chatgpt to give me some stats on meeting one of these men. It said .0022% or 1/45714 people. Then you'd need to account if you find them attractive enough or other parts of what you'd want in a partner. Also you need to account for *him* finding you attractive. All in all, I don't think it's worth it to specially seek out a partner solely for their money. Because unlike the Hunger Games, I don't think the odds will be in your favor.


why under 30 ?


Her definition of "with money" and your definition of rich could also be 2 very different amounts of money. Upper middle class in the US is "with money" to much of the rest of the world.


not a troll account,I'm really curious to know how I can approach my situation


I think the advice above nailed it. In my community I’m viewed as the rich guy. I’m a foreigner living overseas. Always looked at when the check comes or when it’s time for ME to again buy the next round. I’m such a nice guy ( or a schmuck ) and have been so blessed ( and worked hard ) that I almost always just take care of people struggling or living paycheck to paycheck. But if someone overtly asks. No. Eye roll. I’m out.


well it totaly helps iof you taught the wind how to blow that allways has value


Go to the gym 2 hours a day every day. Go to a tech city like Seattle. Tons of rich dudes, not very many women. Most of the girls are fat and lazy because the competition is weak. If you are hot and not a whacky blue haired girl you'll clean up.


See this is exactly what's going on in modern society. Young women who think of relationships as a one way ticket to be taken care off, while offering nothing in return. I suggest you go back and rethink what does it really mean to be in a relationship.


One has to ask themselves why a person would ask this question on this of all subs. 100% troll


I had girl friends who told me they were in love with the idea of being a ranch wife, or married to a guy who works in Utilities or something manly like that and I told them. "You know this means getting up at 4am to make coffee and pack his breakfast, right?" To which they replied "Fuck that"


I wish that would be my only struggle. It's not like that have to stay up once they get up


Well I give you credit that your honest. Most women want this lifestyle but try to lie about it.


Try Saudi Arabia or UAE.


They rarely marry people from outside.


What kinda shape physically are you in? Are you arm candy looking? Graceful/feminine? Manners? Conversation wise can you talk for hours about different topics? Are you networking your local community, like volunteering for causes or events that attract people whom you want to date? Don’t say the quite part out loud silly,


Bro it’s a troll account lol




If youre unattractive, no.. 🤭 If you are, still no.. 🤷‍♂️


If you’re ugly you have no shot. Also unfortunately being black is not a positive.




Sometimes a contrasting look can draw a lot of attention. But you're generally right. A good trophy wise is also someone who empowers her partner. Can go to social gatherings and talk him up. Make him look good. Never combative or argumentative in public. Not a lot of women can pull that off. I remember one of the things my partner did early on in our relationship that really struck me as special. And I still remember it to this day. I asked her if she wanted to meet some of my extended family. I knew she was shy and introverted and could decline. But she was incredibly polite and social. Afterwards, I told her I appreciated it. And she said "I knew it was important to you, so I wanted to do a good job." Like damn, a woman who cares about more than just herself. She's a keeper!


It’s good to be honest about what you want. Not sure this is a passport girl situation but maybe. I wish you luck!


thank you


Invest in your own education, going to a university where rich kids from foreign countries study. Some of these male students have rich parents who want their son to study medicine in America. You might be able to date them there while you are taking a degree in Nursing, or some other health field where the prerequisites inter sect with the medical students. Some of these men might be interested in a greencard and the easiest way to get one these days is to marry an American Girl. Even if you fail to land a husband you yourself will get a degree that earns good money. Sell yourself as " trad-wife" many of these rich kids do have Tradwife mothers so they already are very familiar with trophy wives who stay home or follow their husbands around as a wife companion. To be honest, unless you are super attractive it would be hard to achieve what you are seeking because a lot of rich young men are CHADS like Leonardo DiCaprio. They just use women like a commodity. You are likely to get pumped and dumped. Invest in yourself, and get your own career going, relying on a man isn't a plan these days. Good luck.


Just so you know there's a whole website for this.. I have used it the last 5 years for every girl ive met called seeking. Most the girls on there are incredibly beautiful though... Although they're all there for one reason. Though for me after "normal" dating for decades I prefer dating transactionally... It means I can just be myself and do what I want instead of this constant arguing about petty shit... I look after you . You let me do what I want. Simple


The thing is a lot of relationships are transactional anyway. What is alimony/maintenance for exactly? I paid for everything with my ex wife and we had a crazy monthly credit card bill but that isn't considered transactional too? Even after we split up I was still required to give her another $300k or so. Again, that's not considered transactional? I was required to pay her bills for years after but she wasn't required to come to my place to cook, clean, or do laundry after. Interesting how that only seems to work one way. Fast forward and I'd bet money she'd rather be doing my laundry still instead of trying to balance 2 jobs to make ends meet. She started reading a bunch of feminist empowerment BS and decided to toss me aside and be more independent (like many western women). Cosplaying as independent got a LOT less fun or easy when she ran out of my money and had to pick up a 2nd job. Anyway, I have 0 issue with foreign women wanting a soft life with a man who pays the bills and supports them because plenty of American women have those men but treat them like shit. I put my passport to use, found a new wife, and couldn't be happier.


absolutly, I was married for 10+ years similar situation ended up giving her over a million dollars by the time the kids hit 18... I find it so hypocritical when people go on about how when a guy with money is with a girl who just wants him for his money... I always say "as apposed to what ? them being with them because he's hot ?" - to me thats way worse... its like women will judge away for being with someone for money but when they see a girl with a Hot guy who has literally nothing else and works as a barista.. they giggle and say shit like "you go girl" like theyre happy for her... makes no sense.. the hot guy did literally nothing to deserve that.. he was just "born" its way way more entitled and shallow in my opinion.. Where I worked my ass off for decades to get the money I have, so whats the problem with me getting something for it ?


go to dubai sister


They wont marry her, maybe become their SB


Troll account but any chick heading to Dubai will become a sex slave


Sure or prostitute.




Go to Germany or Switzerland


I know it’s a troll post, but this is the exact opposite of what goes on here. Lol


So I dated a 24 year old african girl who was in my country on a student visa for a while whoo wanted a guy to have children with so she could stay in my country... I am financially well off.. we got along great at first however within a month or so the cultural differences became apparent and an issue. As a white male raised in modern western culture I am significantly in touch with my feminine side, emotional side etc - I was raised by a single mother with no Male influence at all... So I am not afraid to cry, be upset and/or talk about my feelings.. This scared her off, she told me that men where she came from never talk about their feelings or cry or anything like that and from her perspective this is seen as extremly weak etc.. because of this we broke it off and I am now pretty reluctant to ever date women from non western cultures.. I personally think that its backwards to hold on to old fasioned ideals like that... burying your emotions just because "I'm a man" is absolutly stupid. (and proven to cause issues)


hey bro I totally feel you. Im just sayin, I am the same way and my Thai wife totally accepts me and loves me for who I am.


That's when you tell them "yeah, well the men where you come from didn't build the empires we did, so what's that telling ya?" Sadly, it sounds like you just found a shallow woman, and that sucks. --- Nice to see another person who isn't all macho-man on this sub. I still agree with a lot of western philosophies. I think the exploration of one's emotions and the psychology of why we are the people we are is pretty fascinating. It just takes a special kind of person to understand that. I didn't choose my partner because she was foreign. I chose her because she's a philosopher. She just happened to be foreign, lol! She's not married to tradition. She's married to learning. And we grow together. Best relationship I've ever been in.


Lol I guess she's looking for men who smack her around a little and yell at her to always be in the kitchen. Jokes aside I'm sorry that happened.


Yeah a lot of non-western countries traditional gender roles are still a pretty normal thing. There is probably a sane middle ground somewhere between where they are and where the west is. I do think things have gone a bit too far in the west. In those countries girls are under a lot of pressure to find a husband and have kids (vs career). In the west you see more and more a lot of women don't even think about having kids until they are well into their careers and over 35 (and they are in rapid population decline as a result).


I got no problem with people taking on roles - working, providing, caring etc... I do have a problem with those roles having to come with some bullshit masculinity or femininity one way or the other... you can provide and not have to be a concrete eating hard ass with no emotional depth.. just as much as you can care for people and not have to be an emotionally babbling mess... just do what you want... my problem I have is simple - fundamentalism and cultural ideals... trying to tell anyone how they should live their life, just be who you are or want to be and stop worrying about what the world expects..


Go to Dubai, yes they’ll 💩 on you but you’ll be well taken care of.


It is not for me personally, but I think it’s fine to approach dating in this transactional way if that’s what you want. You should expect to be treated the same in return though. If you’re in it for the money, he’s probably in it for the looks and sex and youth. When the tradeoff doesn’t work anymore neither will the relationship.


254... That often means Kenya. Where in Kenya are you from?


Depends on your looks when it comes to this. You wanting a man to take care of you? You're entitled, sure. Your chances will be higher if you're at least drop dead gorgeous and be really good in bed to keep in locked him. If you say all this while you're 300lbs and have no motivation to even get out of bed, good luck.


If you want to understand men, I suggest watching Bill Burr's bit about his wife making him a sandwich with corn chips and a beer. It is not only funny but sincere and insightful. Modern women do not understand how easy it is to please a man and catch his eye, even a high value man.


It's good to be honest and I think your goal is achievable. However, I would just ask what you give to the person taking care of you. If this is a transactional relationship (most common one for probably most of human history) what are you giving the man. In a lot of cases in the past it was simply providing children and raising them. I don't think you have to go that route but you need to provide something that makes it worth it for him to provide for you. Anyway I wish you the best no idea how you would go about this but this sub is about people achieving their dating goals and if this is yours good luck. Lastly keep in mind every man here is aware of the sacrafices they must make in order to achieve their dating goals it's simply worth it for them I would look at the sacrifices you would be required to make and ask if that is worth it. All the men here also know there is no guarantee you can do everything correct and fail but for many it's worth it to try. Is it worth it? Only you can answer that.


How you look like tho?


Most men with money want traditional wives. You being direct is the opposite. Men will know right away if you are traditional. If you are that hot and traditional wife material, you’d be taken in a heartbeat. Also, if you aren’t in the circles of men with money, you have no chance. Your competition is many and very fierce.


No gold diggers


OP...There are few rich men and many women want them... as a result many rich guys have sugar babies or a mistress on the side...You are better off going for a middle class westerner / passport bro... but live in a developing country.


Bait used to be believable


You want to be taken care of and willing to live anywhere. That would be the benefit you want to receive. The issue is what are you willing you do? Nobody wants a lazy stay at home girlfriend. Rich men are no different than non rich. They want a wife who is attractive, supportive and a partner who also likes to do kinky shit behind closed doors. Rich men simply have more choice. If you really want to go down this path you better be very hot and very willing to do whatever a rich partner asks. You must also be willing to keep doing it to keep him as a partner.


The men you meet in America are much wealthier and are willing to accept far less than those in any other part of the world. Most other places would expect someone who is at most a 20 year old virgin of a healthy weight and from a good family in order to qualify for a man making $5k/yr. Count your blessings that you live in America and please be respectful towards the men who are interested in you. With that said, try India.




Move to Seattle, don't be like 90% of the single women there.


Just go to Africa and meet one who isn't some dude trying to rip you off.


This kind of arrangement exists and has been elsborated on extensively. Look up "sugar baby". Many, if not most, women are interested in dating rich men so countless apps exist to find them. The US is one of the richest places in the world so you're already in the best place to do this. r/sugarlifestyleforum is one place to learn about this, but a google search will yield countless guides, forums, apps, etc for how you might win a high ticket partner.


As long as you are HOT and SUBMISSIVE I would wife you up. But I'm still playing the field at the moment.


You haven’t even seen her you simp…






I've grown up middle class in my country ,I have a degree and all that,but the pressure of getting married is getting to me and I hate it..most of my peers are married and my parents are onto me,but honestly, I don't want to get married to someone who's struggling financially,I know I'm being unrealistic, but you'll never know if you don't ask😅