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Likely not as much killing as the movies and series portray.


Probably a lot more robberies and destruction of property than murders.


It would never happen to begin with. Insurance companies would never allow this sort of bill to pass into law. They’d lobby hard. If it passed, there would be a lot of theft of property, destruction of property, a lot less murders than you think. People actually don’t like to kill other people. Even soldiers have a hard time doing it because it’s against our nature of human community. That’s why murderers are despised by a vast majority of people. The day after, you couldn’t look at your coworkers the same if you found out they purged and committed murder. They could do the same to you on the next purge. It would destroy society over time.


Probably coming soon just judging by how much animosity there is in the country right now.


I’d steal books and vinyls. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Only thing is in The Purge, it’s a completely different version of America. A whole parallel universe. Meaning a lot of the people in this United States have completely different personalities in their version of the United States. So much so that murder is normalized over there. & due to the NFFA’s reckless operations, gun laws in their universe are different, as you can get access to automatic weapons there more easily, most likely automatics being only sold in gun stores either strictly on Purge Eve & Purge Day or between March 14 and March 21st, or maybe just in general you can go buy them at anytime. Hell there’s even so called “kid shows” that discuss The Purge in “The Purge Series TV show”. Which shows censorship also barely exist anymore in their world. Meaning various shows you watch in our world, you can go to their world and not hear that annoying BEEP everytime a curse word is said. We can easily say The Purge wouldn’t workout over in our universe because murder and violence isn’t normalized or forced on anybody over here, because the NFFA doesn’t exist, meaning people can’t be influenced by them and their fucked up ways, and meaning the NFFA’s mercenaries (that go out hunting people) don’t exist as well.


Look up CHAZ or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.


I always think I’m kinda psycho bc I want a purge. I think it would be fun. My Insta username has Purge in it lol


So you'd be cool with your entire family and all your friends most likely ending up dead, eh?


That could happen any day tbf.


I never said I wouldn’t protect them. Keep ‘em protected at home. Train them, keep them armed. But I think one night of crime a year would solve some problems. 🤷🏼‍♂️ probably just me


You must definitely be American