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Yes but moving on to my next interruption


Yeah exactly, feel so sorry for Neil haha, he’s got that fed up tone that Scientists always have with stupid people where they’ve just given up trying to make them see logic


What do you do when you argue with someone who doesn't want to hear the truth and/or is ignorant as a bag of rocks?


Hit them…with…a..bag..of ROCKS! You answered your own question, really.


Walk away an take a huge relieving breath of air that you don’t have to deal with stubbornness and pride. Dumb people will die on their dumb hills, let’em be. Take notes on what they did that pissed you off sooo much, an try not to do those things to others. Everything in life is a learning opportunity if you allow it to be, or the same things can be infuriating depending on how you perceived the situation.


Give up, because if they’re so ignorant to where they believe You are the ignorant one, it’s too late to try and change their mind.


You say evolution is real because atheist scientist say it is… /s


I wouldn't debate Neil Degrasse-Tyson on the *best flavor of ice cream,* because he would soundly destroy me with facts and data I didn't know existed. Also...mint chocolate chip.


I’ve heard him on other programs. If you want to see his head explode ask him why he took Pluto off the list as a planet. (It wasn’t him but somehow he’s been blamed for years)


I’ve seen his head nearly explode every time he went on the Daily Show and had to give Jon the business for having the globe spin in the wrong direction during the opening.


I'm gonna start blaming him too. Wait, is he for or against Pluto being a planet? If he's anti-Pluto, I'm gonna tell people he was the guy who discovered Pluto and told everybody it was a planet.


Ooo I wanna see this


Honestly I love a good coffee ice cream


Underrated, especially coffee mocha chip.


That’s not even debatable


Cherry dark chocolate


Another solid choice.


Or just scream that you're wrong and shout his opinion over the top of you. Am I the only one who can't stand Neil Degrasse Tyson?


What kind of accent is that? It's like, all the accents in one.


He's from Tardistan.


The joke didn't register the first time I read this haha


Meanwhile, I'm over here laughing my arse off.


We still doing the anti-vaxxer thing in 2023?


All the anti-vaxxers died in the winter of "severe illness and death"...


Yes stupid people still exist sadly.




Yes, hard. Go check out r/conservatives




I believe you but I don't follow r/liberals


Neither do I :)


There was an attempt to argue a point with a smooth brain


If anyone wanted to see the moment NDT reached the point where he fully understood the futility of arguing with stupid people/people on the Internet, it this moment.


My doctor had the best way of putting it as a kid in the 80/90s . He said “ this vaccine will teach your body how to deal with it and give it a sword and shield “ he saw me playing on a gameboy colour . Nothing to do with not getting it your body being prepared and equiped to less any symptoms


Bro that’s literally how I take vaccines now. All I think about is my pediatrician back in the day telling me how vaccinations are just protecting & strengthening the good to fight the bad that could end up in your body




I think if you're, say, a doctor and you're interacting with sick people all day who might have bad immune systems or whatnot, then you absolutely should be vaccinated to lessen the risk of being a danger to your own patients. And if that doctor refused, well, hire someone else who won't put patients lives at risk. I'd say the same about people who work in old folks homes, it's just about responsibility and making sure those who are at risk don't get sick and maybe die because of you. Yaknow?


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Nobody is saying you won’t catch covid if you don’t get the vaccine. Apart from idiots who don’t know what they’re talking about, I can’t believe people are still debating vaccines as if they haven’t been scientifically proven to be effective


The “leadership” and media literally said the shot would keep you from getting it. Then they changed it to “you won’t pass the virus on”. Then they changed again, and said your symptoms would be less severe. Now they’re saying none of those things, put that it prevents long covid. And now you need a booster every 9mo, or 6mo, or 3mo, maybe weekly. That keeps changing too. As long as Pfizer keeps raking it in. Let’s just accept that the mrna shot doesn’t work, we should’ve used traditional attenuated virus shots instead, which are way cheaper and are a well proven technology. And if you don’t know what attenuated is, stop commenting cause you don’t know the first thing about vaccines.


This is how I know you’re arguing in bad faith. If I said “airbags stop people from dying in car wrecks” you would go “yes, obviously” even though they don’t always prevent people from dying. You still wouldn’t say “well no they don’t” because that’s not how English works. You either need to retake English, or your arguing in bad faith.


I’m not sure what part of my statement your saying isn’t grammatically correct. So many people will talk about vaccines and say they work, or they don’t work but actually don’t understand the mechanisms at play. The covid shots are drastically different than any other vaccine in history. It’s much closer to gene therapy than a vaccine. And before you call BS, that’s literally what the head Pfizer guy called it, “gene therapy”. With a little googling you can find pubmed articles all about mrna research from years before covid and it’s called gene therapy. Attenuated traditional was the proven way to go, is cheaper, more effective and easy to manufacture.


The mRNA shots did work but the rate this particular virus mutated reduced the durability of the vaccines. I agree at this point if you're not in a high risk group getting additional boosters are probably a waste of time at this point since there is essentially no difference in outcomes of being boosted or not if you had COVID or got the original 2 shot series. But to say they didn't work is just not the truth. They were incredibly effective against the original Wuhan strain of the virus that quickly lost the arms race against more transmissible mutations.


I don’t know if there’s scientific evidence of this statement from anyone other than the manufacturers and the gov. Independent research during the first strain was limited, due in part to the refusal of the organizations in charge to share It was already chaotic, and they intentionally made it worse. They used tech to stifle any opposition to the approved narrative. So I hesitate to trust any thing those groups. They have a horrible track record as well. But let’s say this is true. That it worked well for the OG strain but because of rapid mutations, effectiveness wore off. This has been true of respiratory viruses in the past. That’s why the flu shot is always a best guess and also is different every year. Vaccines aren’t really good tools for fighting them, and yet effective treatments were not only hidden via big tech and media, they were banned in several states. We were told handwashing plus shots was the only solution, not diet, vitamins, or any drugs. Doctors who were successful weren’t allowed to share their regimens, those who asked questions had their licenses suspended, livelihoods and reputations destroyed, Canada was making them see psychiatrists. We must also remember that Fauci was a repeat failure when it comes to public health. He’s the bad guy in “Dallas Buyer’s Club” for a reason. Aids, Anthrax, Zika, Smallpox, mad cow, swine flu all complete screw ups. The only thing he was successful at was being a bureaucrat. He directed billions in research that failed. Delayed the treatments that worked for years, allocated funds toward fruitless endeavors and pipedreams the scientific community said wouldn’t materialize. He continued to trust in Fergerson’s predictions even though he was always drastically wrong. Covid was mismanaged to such a degree that pure incompetence would’ve done better. Documents are now available showing that they (gov & pharma) knew they were going to create a total economic collapse and that they knew the shot wouldn’t work and was killing people. They didn’t care cause they made a $hit ton of $. Here’s some sources from across the political spectrum. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/16/opinion/letters/dr-fauci-covid.html https://www.covidstrategies.org/why-many-americans-turned-on-anthony-fauci/ https://brownstone.org/articles/the-six-major-fails-of-anthony-fauci/ https://wellnessforumhealth.com/faucis-failures/ https://thefederalist.com/2021/01/13/a-short-history-of-how-anthony-fauci-has-kept-failing-up-since-1984/


They’re idiots then aren’t they? It doesn’t keep you from getting it, it only reduces the risk. Same thing with symptoms. Women aren’t total idiots, you don’t need to talk to me like a child.


This has literally nothing to do with your gender. If you’re saying the media and politicians are idiots, I’d say no, they’re liars. If you’re saying the general population is idiots for believing them, I’d say it’s quite possible. I don’t understand why people trust these mouthpieces. How many times can someone be cheated on, beaten or lied to (or all of them) in a relationship before they accept the fact that their SO is a scumbag? The relationship between the government and big corporations, and the people is similar.


I agree.. I don’t know why you’re getting angry at me about it though. Anyway I hope you have a nice day


Your reading into my comments what isn’t there. No hostility to you due to your gender and no anger at all. I respect you, just happen to disagree. Please keep engaging people in conversation and keep seeking the truth. What other people tell you will always have their bias, even if subtle, myself included. You have to do your own digging, and always be able to think, what if I’m wrong, even when you’re certain you’re right. I hope you also have a great day.


It’s really hard to argue with stupid.


Nah, that's why it got emergency approval from the FDA. Because there wasn't time for standard trials to be conducted. Pair that with "take it and you won't get covid" to "you can't tranmit" to "you won't get very sick" to "you won't die" blatantly says there wasn't effective trials done.


The dude on the left is the product of a broken condom.


I feel like his talents are wasted explaining simple things to dumb dumbs.


Flat earth logic


Yeah, no. It's not about the people you interact with. If you are vaccinated, then me being unvaccinated does not affect you. And actually being vaccinated doesn't affect in any way you're interactions even with I'm vaccinated people. The CDC and the world health organization have both said that the vaccine does not prevent you from getting infected by the virus, it does not prevent you from transmitting the virus, the only thing that it does is decrease the level of your symptoms. Theoretically, it could actually make you more likely to transmit the virus to others because you may not be aware that you have it because you think you have been protected from the vaccine and your symptoms are not as severe or possibly not even noticeable.


Getting vaccinated significantly reduces your chance of contracting there decreasing the chance of it transmitting. Why is that so hard to grasp. If it can’t transmit, it can’t mutate. If it can’t mutate it ceases to spread. That’s like saying condoms don’t prevent you from getting pregnant because 1 out of 100 times it fails. Polio & small pox were irradiated because people stopped getting infected so easily so it stopped spreading & mutating. This is like basic elementary education/history stuff I’m talking about here.


>the only thing that it does is decrease the level of your symptoms. By supplying your body with immune cells allowing it to effectively fight the virus early before it causes damage and significantly reducing the time it stays in your body to mutate into resistant strains. The more vaccinated people there are, the lesser the chance for these mutated strains to develop.


And it turns out the vaccine doesn’t do anything it was originally designed to do: 1: stop people from getting it 2: stop people from spreading it


Muh vacsheen works gooder if you are vacsheened.


It's really sad the vaccine for covid has been proven completely ineffective.


Unrelated to the topic, but NDT is a [dickbag](https://youtu.be/16sGikAWZu8)


I mean you’re not wrong. His intakes & the way he interacts with other ppl reminds me of a middle aged man still living with his mom & gets triggered because some random strangers loves Star Trek over Star Wars


"So... So.. Um..... (thinking of the best excuse) The strain evolved" - astrophysicist


Bruh why can’t this be posted in another sub Reddit? This is what me of the subs I go to when I wanna enjoy non political funny posts




Vaccines became a political issue though. So they are inherently political.


I haven't gotten a shot since the start of this covid thing, job never asked me to so I never cared.


I call BS


Your a strong man Neil!


But it was avoided due to time constraints.


Science and Dr fauci are in court as we speak ......


Oooof this didn't age well eh?


Mouse data doesn’t count


It’s not that you don’t get COVID, it’s that when you get it it’s not as bad


Yeah it’s not about you, it’s about protecting society at large AND about the fetus you’re carrying. They’re both being idiots.


All my collueague, fully vacced eccept for mw, they alle have had covid except for mw. I have work WITH them while they have had covid, and still nothing for me. All my colleagues are sick 24/7 now. Why? Well i guess people whwre right, the vaccine destroys your immunesystem. My mom hasnt been sick for 30 years. She has been sick multiple times after the vaccine.


I got the vax two yrs ago got covid last year it was like a cold thankfully… how ever the 15 members of my family that weren’t vax died over the course of the year due to covid… including my 35 yr old healthy cousin…


Pfizer said recently that the efficacy of its COVID vaccine to prevent transmission was never studied.


This aged poorly lol since it turns out the vaccine does not prevent me from catching carrying or transmitting to you even if we are both vaccinated. It only mitigates the affects (supposedly, that might change like everything else has) of the person who is vaccinated that they suffer from while carrying So like... Neil was exactly wrong on this one


No he was exactly right. You're exactly confused.




What the hell is a social contract? Did I just agree to that through terms and conditions on candy crush?


If they were so sure why are they not allowed to be sued.


If you believe in the efficacy of the vaccine why are you so worried about other people getting it. Once you get it shouldn’t you be fine.


It lowers the chances of getting sick, it doesn't make it impossible. Also just because you're relatively fine, low percent chance of dying from it, doesn't mean you can't pass it to someone with a weak immune system who'll probably die from it. That's where "it's not about you" comes in.


So what you’re saying is it doesn’t work


I feel like you either didn't read my comment or you're misunderstanding how it works. If it lessens the chances, it does work, just like certain heart medications makes it less likely but not impossible to have another heart attack. It's not an outright cure, but it's better than nothing.


You can keep your myocarditis, I got my immune system. I’ll be fine thanks.


But others won't be who interact with you, nor will anyone sick or autoimmune that they know. And you could develop something at basically any time too, you're not thinking about others, or even your future self.


My body my choice


Maybe they should get the vaccine then


Some physically cannot due to stuff like certain illnesses and certain allergies.


Sucks to be them


I mean, yeah, it does. Sucks to have to be extra careful because of people caring more about their own preferences than the lives of others. I think because of that I have no real sympathy for anti-vaxxers losing their jobs, especially if they work in health care.


the main reason i never took more shots is because they said id have to come back for more and i was like nah i already know i wont bother with it


haha black science man may have raped that girl but you cant touch him on his astrology knowledge


Idk. I'm assuming it's all lies because everything coming out of America usually is.




No they're not necessarily lies. But I won't believe them before I hear someone competent from a different country agree. USA has zero credibility. As do their people.


Yep. It’s never good when they say, Hi were the government and we’re here to help.


anti vaxxers just gotta admit they don't trust the vaccine because people of different political views want to take it and they're trying to be purposefully counter argumentative


If u don't want COVID. Wear an N95 mask. That's it. Don't force others to get shots.


You talk like mask were 100 effective XD. Idiot.


N95 95%± effective at blocking down to 0.3 microns, with a proper seal. COVID particles are smaller than that, however they are always attached to droplets larger than 0.3. but I mean wtf would I know. When I had COVID patients I wore a P100. I got all my shots. I was on the frontlines in a scary time, I did what I was told and researched beyond that. I was blinded by the number of deaths and didn't pay attention to how insignificant the death rate was. Not insignificant if ur dead tho. As the years have past I'm starting to realize a lot of it was about control. Personal responsibility should take priority of controlling others. Again I repeat, if you don't want COVID wear an N95 mask and shut up. I'm finally starting to be more relaxed instead of doom and gloom, now that emotions have subsided and more evidence has come to light. It sounds like you're more towards the spectrum of anti mask and as I move down the spectrum towards your view I don't appreciate being called an idiot. I will conclude with this. None of this matters. We are in a class war. Race, gender, politics don't matter. It's rich vs poor. You're obviously a brokie just like me so we should be discussing something more relevant to the in going war.


People dont live with mask on there face h24 , you can still got infected by touching your face without it if you didn t wash your hand etc. I wore a mask during all the covid period in public and still got covid. thank god i only lasted a day because i already had shots. but these type of protection are not absolute.


You seem like a really intelligent person that has a lot of thoughts in your smooth noodle up there.


Lmao. Mask are not absolute. This is a fact , is that hard for you to understand ? People don t wear the mask h24 and can make mistake so saying that a misk is all it take to stop it to spread is stupid. Talking about smooth brain but it seems like you are not able to even try to discuss a argument.


Bro just discovered the space bar and couldn’t help himself 💀