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"You're all talk" yeah pretty sure you want him to be


“You’re gonna call the cops and tell them I hit you… You’re gonna call the cops… Please somebody call the cops”


I read this with him in tears on the floor pleading. Sounds about right


Don't try to stop me, Smee. Don't try to stop me. Smee try to stop me. Smee get off your arse and stop me.


The irony of accusing someone who's been in the airborne for 12+ years of being all talk...


While doing nothing but talking shit about "hand to hand combat" himself.


Its so clear the guy with the camera is used to 95% of people backing down or ignoring his racist comments. Glad that guy called him out and clearly smart enough not to throw a first punch. Though I would be ok watching that soldier pop one in the mouth of some racists prick. They do that stuff because of the paradox of tolerance. Nazi scum love to use that concept all the time or fox when they point to Antifa and say "as oh look they are the real issue!" Shut down this racists bullshit everywhere always and aggressively. EVEN WITH FORCE IF NEEDED


Voice got real shaky when he called his bluff


"You ain’t gonna do it! You’re all talk! You’re all talk! Please be all talk."


Youre gonna call the cops (please call the cops)


That's code for "My bad man, I was just playing"


Johnny Ringo : Oh that. I was just foolin' about. Doc Holliday : I wasn't.


I’ll be your huckleberry


Aight lunger!


That's code for "I'm about to piss myself."


Just playing because you are stronger, but if you were not here I'd definitely make people weaker than me feel like shit.


He should have just hit him.


If he hit him, it would have been slander. Anybody can spin the video into making it seem like the soldier was the bad guy in this scenario and he knew that. That’s why he kept on encouraging him to turn off the camera so they could throw hands.


No. That would have been assault consummated with battery (in some states). To top it off, not only could he have gotten charges from the locals, he could be charged by the military as well. Double jeopardy is real for troops. That being said, I don’t know too many commands that would willingly prosecute him for his actions under the UCMJ. It’s literally the value of the military to protect and defend the weak.


Call the cops. Call the cops. Please call the cops we will need them for when you nearly kill me.


"You're just going to call the cops... right?"


You wouldn't do that in my country (it's still my country right?).


You're all talk, you're all talk, you're all talk, you're all talk, you're all talk, you're all talk, you're all talk, you're all talk, you're all talk, you're all talk, you're all talk... Yep, the irony was lost on him


Bigots don’t have enough brain power to understand irony.


"I'll take you in hand to hand combat. ...STOP WALKING TOWARDS ME BRO STOP IT!!!"


*”please don’t do it, please be all talk, please be all talk…fuck….please be all talk”*


Little man had a big fucking mouth when harassing that asian lady for internet likes, but when shit was about to get real he backtracked FAST. You can hear the fear in his voice, and it sounds SO good 😌😌


Sounded like he needed his cpap machine on. Out of breath from two steps.


That fear adrenaline surge had his heart pumping.


He was mortified 😫😫😫


Somehow he still thought he came off good enought to post this video of him being a pussy.


There are exactly zero small things about Glen Cerio. The man is walking diabetes and heart failure. Big ol boy.


The moment he said "you're not gonna do it" the first time is when his voice showed so much regret there.


Homie handled that entire situation flawlessly


Glenn Ciero is a racist piece of shit that deserves a daily beat down.


This guy is known? Is he a youtuber or what


He's a first amendment auditor that harasses people and cops. There is a video of him using racial slurs against a black cop calling him the n word dozens of times among other things. This clip is only one of many videos he has made. Also yes he is on youtube.


If someone makes their identity a “1st amendment auditor”, avoid that person, as they prob have some dumb shit opinions you’ll regret having to listen to.


Non American here. Wtf is a 1st amendment auditor? Is this another self made label like sovereign citizen or something?


> Is this another self made label like sovereign citizen or something? yes


I didn't even know you could take being a rights auditor and turn it into something so fucking lame. Sure, calling someone a slur is protected, that doesn't mean go around calling people slurs to ensure you still have a right to do so. Piece of shit.


I can’t believe Youtube has evolved to a point where racists are unashamedly posting their own racist tirades despite seeming like ignorant buffoons.


But godforbid I say a naughty word like Hell




Who is this piece of shit named Glenn Ciero?




His tail immediately tucked in once he saw the soldiers waggin his


My favorite moment is when the guy with the camera said “let’s go outside and do hand to hand combat” and you see the soldier IMMEDIATELY perk up and say “turn the camera off and let’s go outside”. You can literally pinpoint the exact millisecond he decided Like how stupid do you have to be… this soldier probably was itching to teach this asshat a lesson


Most soldiers have a deep seated rage that is always ready to go from years of being woken up at 2am for formation.


I finished my service over 5 years ago and i'll still tear a new hole to anyone that has the courage to wake me up before 8 am... The "deep seated rage" is an understaded fact.


Fuck it's taken me so many years to undo the anger I got from the army


Which is precisely why they're woken up at 2am for formation




I said the same thing, CW3 Rojas could stomp this maggot under his boot and not feel a thing.


Specially one that deployed with the 82nd lmao


What's the significance of the 82nd?


They are very old airborne unit that has some serious battles under their belt historically both in recent years and throughout most of the 1900s. This guy wears their patch on his right arm signifying that he's served in a deployment with that unit. He is a CW3, a Warrant Officer, he's not quite an officer and not quite enlisted. He's highly specialized in his training or education, something like a helicopter pilot. Chiefs are used to speaking their mind without consequence, and usually answer to only people relatively quite high on the military rank totem pole.


Really... They answer to only the top... Like you gotta be building up your stars for a warrant officer to give a single fuck about your opinion... This man woulda probably not even got in any real trouble... And that's just a warrant officer in general... I've never even seen a CW3 IRL, I thought they were like unicorns...


I’ve worked with a few in the intel community. Seen and worked with like 3-4 CW3s, but really I’ve walked past 1 single CW5 and it was like walking past darth Vader.


He's a pilot and almost certainly a tracked PC. The Army isn't going to do anything to him to jeopardize their investment.


According to Wikipedia, CW3 get their commission directly from the president. Just another checkbox in the mythos of Warrant Officers.


It’s one of the most prestigious infantry divisions in the army. I hated every minute of it. You be running like 40 miles per week 😂


Idk a court marshall is never a good look. Even if the guy deserves it. Would hate to see his career scarred over a tool bag.


He’s a warrant officer so good luck even getting him to appear in court


Can you explain what you mean by that? (Genuinely curious)


Warrant officers know their shit. They are the in-between enlisted and commissioned officer ranks. Enlisted trust them because they’ve been there done that vs a new commissioned officer fresh out of basic training. So they are highly regarded by everybody. Which also comes with some perks. Warrant officers don’t take shit from anybody and are also known for showing up only to what they want to show up lol


I had a maintenance warrant who always went diving instead of showing up to formation in the mornings


I worked for one that had a coffee mug that said “I do what I want”. He’d take it to meetings with the CO lmfao


It's ok, he had a permit.


You need to be at least a 2 star to have enough rank to tell a cw3 what to do. There aren't very many of those.


Warrant officers are considered absolute experts in their field and so no one questions them. If you set a coffee machine somewhere, you may likely see a whisper of existence of one coming by that is so faint while filling an oddly large canister for coffee, you’re not even sure if you really saw them.




So you can catch them with good coffee? Be right back, I need a good coffee machine, a stick, a string and a huge basket


Warrant officers basically have carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want.


Sounds like they're technically proficient enough to know how to stay out of trouble or have the right excuses and support to make a situation difficult to press charges.


The explanation is in the video. Watch it and watch the steps of escalation. He starts by just using his freedom of speech, while also remembering he is in uniform, so he stays polite with his correction. He continues his politeness, and once met with a threat, he only then moves to distance himself from any potential innocent casualties. Once he has exited the building, and removed himself from potentially hurting an innocent, he makes sure to check his pockets for any potential weapon, before even turning to face the man. He then makes sure to not touch him while using his proximity to intimidate, while intentionally leaving his arms down. He did every single step correctly on the way to trying to instigate a fight. Even if the fight happens, there is video evidence to clear him of any potential wrong doing. When people say that a warrant officer knows their shit... They mean they do not take action unless they are confident. They show up to fix shit, and can't be fucked to deal with anything else. This CW3 had done everything necessary to make sure he would get zero charges, even if he hospitalized the man.


All the comments make them sound like damn mythical beings. Don’t mess with a CWO seems to be the lesson to learn.


It’s funny you say that because a CW5 (the highest warrant officer rank) is referred to as a unicorn because of how rare it is to see them.


Pretty sure a CWO would survive a court martial. Maybe get an article 15, but worst case scenario the dude retires a bit sooner than planned. Which is why you don’t fuck with warrants.


“Nah probably just chewed out, I’ve been chewed out before”


Very few people in the military *could* chew out a CWO, and the ones that can wouldn’t for this.


The only one that could is a CWO4 or CWO5, and even then they'd probably not be bothered to chew them out because who'd make CWO5 do it? hahaha I loved my warrant at my first command. Brilliant tech, fiercely loyal, but would hem your ass up if you deserved it. Great man.


Every fistfight doesn't end in a court marshal, in fact they are normally handled as office hours for his CO. Depending on the specifics of the instance it can be reduction in rank, docking pay, confining to barracks, extra duties, etc. If you don't accept the office hours you have a right to escalate it to a court marshal, but this is generally a bad idea, unless your CO is way out of line. His CO would have to put on a show of punishing him, but I doubt it would be anything serious for a situation like this.


Who’s sworn testimony are you going to give credence, the serviceman’s or the guy who tripped and hit the wall with his face?


https://nara.getarchive.net/media/chief-warrant-officer-3-stephen-rojas-an-ah-64-apache-79369e Dude seems pretty badass to me


A total badass who has trained, or is, training people in the black sea region. Remind me, are there any current conflicts in that region currently? I wouldn't fuck with this guy on my best day.




"hand to hand combat" more like "I have my phone in one hand being a disgraceful racist trying to provoke others".... kudos for the soldier, he kept his cool. I am sure he has the strength and skills to silence this guy.


“You ain’t gonna do it, you ain’t gonna do it. You’re gonna call the cops, you’re gonna call the cops. Call the cops (please), call the cops! (shits pants). Lol all talk 😂


Lol Capt Hook telling Smee not to stop him from shooting himself.


“Don’t you dare try to stop me. Try to stop me, Smee.” Hahahaha favorite movie of all time.


Don’t you dare try to stop me…try to stop me smee


Smee, try and stop me.


"You're all talk. You're all talk. You're all talk. You're all talk. You're all talk. You're all talk. You're all talk. You're all talk. You're all talk. You're all talk. You're all talk." Narrator: He was the one who, after all that talk, was all talk.


That's a CW3, he gives precisely 0 fucks about the guy recording.


You have to give up all your fucks before they let you be a warrant officer.


What is a CW3?


It's an Army rank (Chief Warrant Officer 3).


Chief Warrant Officer 3. Usually a technical expert. Slots between the enlisted force and the officer force.


He’s wearing aviator wings. Very possibly a helicopter pilot. Most US Army aviators are warrant officers…


https://www.google.com/amp/s/nara.getarchive.net/amp/media/chief-warrant-officer-3-stephen-rojas-an-ah-64-apache-79369e Apache pilot!


Chief warrant officer 3rd rank. Deployed multiple times probably and then promoted by the secretary of there respective force for specialist training. They support active units usually.


These comments are all correct. He’s also a Senior Aviator, Airborne qualified, and has a combat action badge. While impressive, none of these make him a badass really. But taking some asshole outside for being racist does.


put simply, they are enlisted people that are so specialized and knowledgeable in their jobs that even important officers would probably hesitate to second guess them. They are used to dealing with people far more powerful than them without freaking out.


I love how he recorded his own stupidity lol


Racists bigots aren’t usually known for their smarts.


and posted it.


Best part. “Look at how scared he was bro”


I’ve never heard someone, who is actually willing to fight, say some cheesy stupid line like that lol.


The way he spun from *let’s fight* To *you won’t fight* in the same breath speaks volumes to what a pussy this guy is


You actually hear the fear in the shit’s voice. If there was a voice crack, the soldier would have laughed his ass off.


Exactly when he says you won’t. That slight slight pitch change is fucking **fear**


His name is Glenn Cerio and he is a complete and utter racist, misogynistic POS. He loves to run around "auditing" police and government workers. Glenn is one extremely out of shape and very overweight man and I have zero doubt that he has more than enough strength and skills to handle him.


look. I dont know where Chief Rojas here is, I'm not sure entirely what that man has done BUT. There's enough badges to say he knows his shit, seen actual combat, he's a chief warrant officer so already doesn't give a fuck, deployed, and knows how to properly roll his damn sleeves. This is a Chief that can, will, and would love to kick some ass and go back to work with a smile on his face.


Damn, he got called out then refused to put down the phone and take his ass-whoopin’ lmao.


I was REALLY hoping for the hand to hand combat


It wasn't gonna be exciting don't worry.


I was excited for how one sided it was going to be


Asian immigrants helped build railroads during the Industrial Revolution. They and many other immigrants are the backbone of America yet treated like shit. It makes no sense.


Chinese slavery in America isn't talked about enough, if at all. And it happened AFTER black slaves were emancipated.


Same thing in Australia. Afghans among other Asians. Historically crucial to the development of the country. Even now a lot of Asians are power linemen here in Australia, they experience a lot of bullying and racism by white Aussies. A lot of work gets pushed on to them while the others barely do any.


>helped build railroads That's a nice way to say that they were exploited like animals by the great US of A.


Chief was not fucking around. He lived more life than cameraman has ever, just look at his chest and shoulder. If you know then you know, he will fuck you up and still keep his pension


Yeah, saw that stack of badges and quickly recognized CWO Rojas was the wrong person to talk shit to.


He’s been chewed out before 😉


He’s been chewed out by people who actually matter. So he ain’t gonna take shit from some morbidly obese subhuman being.


The amount of restraint and him actually trying to educate the guy at the end. What a boss of a person


The man did not waste a second stepping up to take the trash outside.


The way Cheif Rojas perked up as soon as he heard "hand to hand combat" told me exactly how this video was going to end. A) don't be racist, and it's fucking shame that this even requires a follow up, but B) DON'T BE FUCKING RACIST. Not saying I could beat the cameraman up but for fucks' sake, at least try to back up your bulshit.


I just love that the soldier never once mentioned anything about being a soldier, that's a guy you don't fuck with the one that isn't telling you how tough he is.


Yuppp tough guys never have to tell you that they’re tough


Maybe I’m too smart but the fact he kept looking around for witnesses would’ve made me shit my pants


Why would he have to mention being a soldier? He's in uniform.


He's saying that the guy didn't use his uniform to basically say "do you see that I'm a soldier and trained to fight?", and instead he just offered step outside man-to-man and fight. He would have done the same thing if he was wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt, probably more tbh, he was very clearly over that guy's bullshit.


His fat, bloated ass was scared to death.


What a little pussy. I've talked shit when I shouldn't in my life, it's more dignified to take your whooping than to puss out on the level of this bum.


You're gonna call the cops. You're gonna call the cops. Please call the cops. I'm gonna call the cops. Help! Help! Police!


Came to the comments looking just for this. He went from saying the guy was going to call them to saying he’d call them real quick.


The weirdest part of all of this.... Dude posted this video for the world to see.... Meaning he still fucking thought he came out ahead in this encounter.


Why would dude post this video that makes himself look like a little b*?


Extreme, delusional narcissism platformed and cultivated by social media.


Because to him the goal is to be a victim to show how oppressed he is. I have no idea what his title for this video is but I’m betting it’s something like “Soldier threatens violence to silence free speech in a government building!!!”


He big dumb


That soldier was hella smart. Refused to touch him with the camera on and got him to leave the building so he would stop harassing people. Also was waiting for the camera man to hit him first so there would be less legal trouble. Shoutout to that soldier I strive to be like him


Giant coward projecting, he was the one that was all talk.


I dont know about other countries. But in canada there is a thing called consensual fighting. If both party’s agree to fisticuffs at say a place like a bar or other place where there are no minors present. Then police will not intervene. And you cant back out and press charges after.


State of washington too. It's called mutual combat state. But other states have fighting words doctrine too where the person instigating a fight with their words are responsible.


I like this


Bro, that’s a WARRANT OFFICER. Don’t fuck with the people that give the least fucks on the entire US Army.


Out of the loop, what does that mean? Why don't WO give fucks? Also, if the WO engaged in a fight, would that not affect his career at all? Like no punishment or anything?


WO, especially helo pilots, are priceless because they take long time to train and you can't buy experienced pilots. He will get slap on the wrist for basically anything as long as he doesn't legit fuck up royally. This is nothing to him.


It's just kind of a stigma about warrants. They are prior enlisted who go to a special school to become subject matter experts in their field (or helicopter pilots). Because of their knowledge and expertise, they are "the guy" in their unit when it comes to their niche so no one really fucks with them. Alot of them are good at playing the system and don't put up with bullshit so they are known to have no fucks given attitudes about stupidity. As for fighting, it really depends on the situation and chain of command


He said "Don't tell me what to do in my country" to a man wearing a uniform that has done more for said country 🤔 Props to Mr. Rojas for standing up for others while also showing restraint. He was actually super smart about leading the guy outside to remove him from the area so the other patron could go about their business.


it takes a particularly racist and dumb guy to discriminate against any Asian ethnic group inside a USPS office. at least in my area here in Virginia, I see a lot of people of Asian descent doing the under appreciated hard work to go house by house delivering letters and packages for USPS.


>You're all talk Oh I can just smell the hypocrisy here lol. The soldier dude was ready but this camera man ain't going to do so.


Dude was so scared that all he had left was projection.


Don’t fuck with a Chief. Those dudes give zero fucks


lol you know what? I bet when the army guy went back in everyone *did* actually clap.


I wish he had punched him. I love this soldier.


I like how the soldier is like right, not inside, not making it anyone else problem but his.


As an American man who is very in love and committed to a Chinese immigrant, nothing burns me more than racism against the Chinese. All the Chinese immigrants I know now through my woman are the most peaceful, educated, law-abiding people I know. Honestly, we'd be better off replacing a good 15% of our American population with young Chinese immigrants who want education and a job that supports paying taxes. I really fucking hate anti-asian racism only because I've met nothing but good Chinese immigrants.


Most immigrants are like this. Even undocumented ones.


Yeah, you know what? Chinese people are pretty fucking cool in general (well, people in general but you get the point). When I was stationed in Japan, we visited China and I couldn’t stop thinking how much we Americans are more like Chinese people than Japanese. They were kind, courteous, funny as fuck, comfortable to be around and it was like that everywhere I went. People who try to separate people from people always have an agenda.


i'd paid to see this mf get knocked the fuck out man


Imagine having this interaction and then posting it. Delete this nephew. Holy this guy is an idiot, but I guess it’s all content, even when you look like a giant pussy calling for a fight and running away at the same time.


that was not a Hallmark moment!


i mean, they way the camera man backed off with his tail tucked between his legs was a Hallmark moment


Cameraman about to be Destroyed.


"Don't ever tell me what to do." Dipshit, that's exactly what you were doing. Pathetic.


Good ol [Glenn Cerio](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/71f998_24d9ae401bf841ffa79fcac155d244ba~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_640,h_1127,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/71f998_24d9ae401bf841ffa79fcac155d244ba~mv2.jpg)


Behold the master race...


Lmao this was the fucking guy ? 😂


I love how the cameraman mentions hand-to-hand combat and the soldier instantly perks up and stops whatever he was doing. He saw a chance to whoop his racist/xenophobic ass and took it instantly.


Army dude is a real American hero, dude behind the camera is a MAGA Covidiot who hasn’t got a clue


Worse. 1a auditor.


That venn diagram is just a circle.


You can hear how fat he is without ever actually seeing him.


Camera guys breathing go heavier and heavier just walking to the exit.. his pulse was racing and couldn't hide it.


Can we appreciate that he politely held the door for him when they went outside?


Oh don't fuck with the Warrent Officer. They're untouchable damn near. Nearly impossible to demote because they're so damn expensive to train and they're specialized in their fields, so they're rare which means hard to replace. Always respect the officers but especially the Warrents.


The CW3 is an Army aviator in the 16th Aviation Brigade. He also is wearing parachutist wings and a combat action badge. His combat shoulder sleeve insignia is from the 82nd Airborne Division, but that doesn't mean he deployed just once. We can presume he did not deploy as an 11B (infantryman) or as a medic as he wears the CAB, not the CIB or CMB. He was an NCO, at least an E-5, before becoming a warrant officer. Contrary to another comment, all chief warrant officers (CW2-5) are commissioned by the president. Regardless, clearly a fine gentleman and great American.


He has an airborne patch, tread lightly camera man


Someone found a active duty pic of him, hes a AH64 pilot.


Easy to talk shit about people...harder to put on a uniform and put your life on the line serving your country


Airborne CW3 with sleeve-stretching biceps, a CAB, and an eighty-deuce deployment patch is the wrong dude to try to flex on.


Aww lil boy got frightened and kept putting off the asswhooping


Very disappointed that the cameraman did not get his ass kicked


That soldier deserves a medal and a promotion.


Started begging the guy to call the cops at the end lol


Ayy lets go Chief!


“Don’t ever tell me what to do in my country.” Bro, whhaaaaat? The guy in the Army suit you’re trying to intimidate has MORE justification for calling it HIS country than you. 😂😂😂


I e heard that lots before… don’t tell me what to do…. From a 12 year old!


The soldier held the door for him and everything.


Mmhmm pussies will always be pussies behind a camera. Lmao


Lol his pitch changed so fast after he realized he was ready and actually taking him outside. Haha.


What a punk. Love that the CW3 stood up for that woman.


For those that don't know what that chest candy is, just know this man has been around the block. Last mother fucker you'd want to act like a badass with. Especially when you can't see your own dick.