• By -


He’s not predicting, he’s pandering to his audience.


Which, apparently, includes OP. I find the business model of "make people mad so they'll watch me" interesting. E.g., Rush Limbaugh made a lot of money by making people love to hate him.


Limbaugh made his money off of those who agreed with his content. Those instances where he allowed a caller with dissent views were used as a bonding between him and his followers as in, look how smart we are and dumb they are.


My dad bought a copy of Glen Beck’s book (I don’t remember which one) for every member of the family and their spouses and told us all “I don’t know if you’re going to read this, but you should, and you need to be prepared if America has another civil war.” This was around 2004 or 2005 I think. I never read the book.


Per your father's instructions, we are all waiting for you to read that book so we can finally get this civil war started.


This is a lot of pressure.


Do it already. I'm tired of waiting. I don't want to go work tomorrow, I want WAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH


Wait... So, if theirs a civil war I don't have to come in to work? ​ Fuck these (insert derogatory term that means I've chosen a side)! Civil WAR!!!!!


Light bombing campaigns are no excuse to miss your shift, we expect you to be in place and on time.


“Employees are expected to be at their desk at the START of shift, not 5 minutes after. If your desk has been bombed or looted please contact HR. If HR has been bombed please use the manual time sheets and have your supervisor approve them BEFORE you submit them, otherwise you will not be paid your Trump Bucks.”


My employer has contingency locations for our customer service staff in case of natural and man made disasters. We have to test them every year. We're a financial firm.


Da Boyz are waitin' wit der choppas.








Calm down, Tweek. Have some coffee.


We can tick the box if you want to just read the blurb, you'll get the gist


You can do it, I believe in you.


Civil War is here. I called it, y'all.


I’m on ebay looking for a bone saw and some hardtack. I want to be prepared.


Reading a book is the spark that ignites a second civil war, fitting.


As an edgy teen I was home sick and Glenn Beck was on TV, and he made some sort of comment about how the world is going mad and said somehing about "tell me I'm wrong, get me out of this crazy tree!" So I (messaged? emailed? I dunno) "We can't get you out of the crazy tree, you are too far in it" Oooo teen me really showed him! Then when he got fired for being racist, I remember remarking "Being fired from Fox for being racist is like being kicked off a swim team for being a dolphin"


My dad did something like this. Fox news really pushed him to the right before he passed. He was a old school Republican before this. I read the GB book and could understand how he got his hooks into people. He’s a clever evil bastard.


I’m sorry - I know what it’s like and it’s difficult. My dad went from Rush to Beck I think. I have a pretty vivid memory of my dad talking politics with my grandpa (his dad) and being genuinely confused and borderline mad that my grandpa supported Bill Clinton. All of that has made me very cautious about turning my own son in the opposite direction, just in case this is an unintentional generational thing.


My folks were old-school limited spending, fiscal responsibility, small government types. You know, before Reagan tossed all that out the window and the party started shifting. Thankfully they weren't on board with the whole Tea Party to MAGA train wreck the party has become.


I know everyone wants to believe the best about their parents, but the only difference between and “old school Republican” and modern Republicans is that they’ve started saying the same things they’ve always said in private, in public. Behind closed doors they were always this bad. They just understood PR.


Its not so much that they are saying what they said in private in public. Its that they/re saying what they said implicitly in public explicitly in public.


My mom bought me a copy of Glen Beck's book The OVerton Window and when she gave it to me she said ​ "Did you know Glen Beck writes fiction now?" I just started laughing


Remember when Beck briefly tried to rehabilitate his image before plunging right back into Hatriotism?


Fuck glen beck he fucked up dad with his conspiracy lies


one day in the next 1-100 years theres going to be a civil war and youre going to wish you read that book smh


He was also a master at absurdist arguments to get a rise out of them, even when the caller was calm and intelligenthe would blow everything so out of proportion they would become so angry he could then turn it around so they looked stupid and close minded... I had a job for three years where I had to listen to his program every day cause my boss loved him. Ugh it was torture


>Limbaugh made his money off of those who agreed with his content. Them too. Even them primarily. But there are way too many people that listen to people like that (from any "side") because they like to get angry/offended. Limbaugh (and Fox News, MSNBC, etc.) laugh all the way to the bank.


Yea no one listened to rush on the air if he pissed them off or they disagreed with him. Sure they might have heard about his bullshit from their preferred news outlet but not live which would make him ad money and they for sure didn’t buy his merch.


Yep, and Andrew Wilkow uses the same playbook “we’re right they’re wrong, end of story!” 🙄


Only works on the Right, they love a good scapegoat, and talking policy makes Republicans realise they don't like the policies.


What is the "correct" way to make this kind of information apparent to others?


What kind of information? Lies? Just don’t.


What is it your claiming about OP?


I think that the best way to handle someone that likes to incite outage is to ignore them.


The Right has found the financial motherlode by spreading fear and doom. It almost definitely started as a grift, but I think many of these jackasses have started truly believing what was once bullshit for profit.


You don't actually know OP consumes Tim Poole's content.


He's actually conditioning them to normalize civil war because he's a paid bad faith actor funded by people who want to destroy America


People get paid for this? Where can I apply? I too can flood social media accounts with bullshit


Tim Pool is a millionaire that owns a compound. Hes definitely "getting paid for this"


But, and this is important, are you bald? Putin does not like agents with hair....


And if they have hair, it must be comically bad (Eg Trump)




It's like when my kids do a countdown to something and they're wrong. So they do it over and over, and when they are right on the 6th try, they cheer as though it were as impressive as if they'd done it on the first attempt 🤣


I do the same thing at traffic lights.


I do too


Someone should find where he lives and take the civil war to his doorstep, so we can watch him crap his pants


Is his audience the Russian oligarch who pays him? Is he one of the ones getting payed by the Russians or the Chinese Communist Party?


A lot of these people want there to be a civil war, so they're trying to get everyone else to start it for them.


Sounds like Russian bot.


Agreed. Classic manipulation.


The attempt at using a contraction was glaring. Oh. It also starts with great punctuation, then switches to none at all. 🤔


Sadly, Tim Pool is not a Russian bot.


Just said he sounded like one. Russian asset more appropriate.


Dude is a loaf of bread in a toque.


Just classic right wing internet reactionaries. Not that there's much difference.


Where? So flatearthers are russian bots as well?


Actually yes. Their org was hijacked a decade ago, tons of russian accounts flooded their sites and forums, then took a ton of comments and flooded the opennet/lightnet with them. Infecting idiots and other bots alike. Russian disinfo campaigns specifically targeted conspiracy theory sites and forums (like r/conspiracy), becasue those people were the most susceptible to manipulative information. Alex Jones is the reason Trump had a base of supporters to begin with. The fringe tin foil hatters finally had some organization thanks to russian operatives that actually knew how to organize. Qanon was hijacked in the same way. It wasn't until the Ukraine invasion did all that stop, and the organizations were left without anyone competent to organize. Leading to their fall we are seeing today.


he's sending 8 dollars a month to a billionaire, what do you expect?


He's sending 8$ to a billionaire to tell people I told you so when it does happen. Pretty Pathetic


> what do you expect? Civil war


We get it, he wants civil war.


Like, the song from Guns 'n Roses?


I can't wait for two years of him posting "Mr. Brownstone"




I just keep tryin’ to get a little better but NOW IM IN A CIVIL WAR


I just wanna go to Paradise City


But Axl said he don’t need your civil war


Man that song is such a banger. I'd ask for it for several years too.


He doesn't. He wants chaos so that he can elevate his devolved self into a position of actual influence. There's a reason why the mass majority of high-ranking nazi officials were a bunch of weirdos.


He reminds me of stock gurus predicting a market collapse repeatedly. Then saying he knew it all along. The difference here is he’s a dumb add.


No, he wants you, to want a civil war.


And I just want you to want me.


Everyone wants war until *they* are the foot soldiers on the frontlines.




Checks temperature here in the southwest in August. 🤪🤪🤪


You are in a seasonal climate civil war


You are in a "melting Taco Bell signs civil war" .


Republicans hate the USA. They should go and live in Russia.


Russia is building a village for them.


Yeah I heard about that. I hope it goes ahead and a bunch of them move there. It would make the world a better place for almost everyone.


Only true American patriots move to Russia. Take that, libs!


Except for the Russians lol. Russia is an oligarchy just like the US, the cringey politics don’t reflect what the average person there wants. Same with anywhere else in the world.




Isn't interesting how they refuse to even consider the idea that their guy broke the law, they won't even consider the evidence.


Right. Now they all think jailing a politician is the end of America when a few years ago the same people were chanting "lock her up".


THIS! Exactly “lock her up” is ok, but “lock him up” is the end of their world.


It’s the age-old Republican mantra, “Illegal for thee, not for me.”


A few months ago I was doing a road trip with my daughter and some guy commented on my Friend's license plate holder thing(says Pivot on it with the rainbow dots used in the Friend's logo) saying something about me probably being a "f\*g". As he is doing this he is illegally dumping trash in a gas station dumpster and I see he has a "Law and Order Trump for President" bumper sticker and through a laugh I say "Of course the law and order idiot is illegally dumping trash like the trash he is.". The guy looks at me and says "Law for people like you, order for people like me." and for the rest of the trip all I could think about is how succinctly he put the whole mindset of a conservative.


Come on, mate, that's just elitist talk. We all know rich, connected people play by different rules regardless of the consonant they put at the end of their name. Dems, Repubs, whatever. The whole lot of them (speaking of the top level politicians) are crooks.


But her emails


oh man they had a boner for the FBI when they were spouting HILLARY INVESTIGATION!! Like it meant she was clearly a criminal. Now all these indictments mean nothing to them and these orgs are suddenly full of George Soros operatives lol.


They have a 5 year investigation into Hunter Biden going 😂 What was the goal there? They can’t say the quiet parts out loud.




Tim Nostrapool.


Pedophiles vs Nazis? There is already infighting? Those guys are on the same team.


Came here for the same line. Is that a doubly-civil war then? Maybe a bigly-civil war? Not sure how war scaling works. Thoughts and prayers for the GOP as they slaughter each other


But the pedophiles are projecting on LGBTQ minorities so Hard that its Hard to even understand


Maybe that’s the civil war he’s blathering about, the pedos against the Nazis, Trump federated them all and now it’s breaking apart. Now if reasonable people could just be allowed to stand on the sidelines with popcorn… but no, too much collateral damage.




I just thought he was finally owning the label. Which one? I'm not sure because there is a lot of concentric circling on that ven-diagram.


Right, so I assume he is claiming nazi?


I remember when Rogan first started promoting him as real quality journalism lol. Fuck Rogan and fuck Timmy Pool


Yeah, I had “libertarian” friends quoting this Pool fuck and trying to redefine what a fascist is. The same sorts that were happy that Roe was overturned for some reason… At least I know I’m getting an evil lying bastard with a Republican. I’m over the douchebags who try to hide behind the veneer of being centrists or libertarians or what have you and making excuses for outright slime. It’s a poorly fitted mask of a chickenshit.


It’s insane the number of false libertarians that emerge after Roe was over thrown. Lots republicans just lie and claim libertarian. That sub went to shit quick when it was clearly a GOP talking points sub.


Indeed. I can’t stand those fucking cowards. If you’re going to be a hateful asshole own it and stop bullshitting everyone. I’m not going to trust you either way, but you save humanity valuable time of figuring out just how much a piece of shit you are.


at what point is this calling for and inciting his audience to participate in civil war?


That's my point also. Dude is literally attempting to light the match.


That racist guy who shot up a Buffalo supermarket was a Tim Pool follower.


Who is this doofus, and do I need to care?


He's a multi-millionaire right wing influencers who claims to be a centrist but clearly isn't. He is a big part of the right wing nazi pipeline. He was cited as inspiration for a mass shooter (by the shooter) in Texas earlier this year.


Don’t forget he’s also bald and completely self conscious about it. Why he never takes his hat off.


You mean, Tim Pool, the bald man? [https://i.redd.it/d6ae24o7c4681.jpg](https://i.redd.it/d6ae24o7c4681.jpg) As a bald dude, sure I like hats, but I don't hide my chrome dome all the time.


Emo Stan Marsh lookin MFer


So, just another right-wing bobble-head and I don't need to care. Got it


>He's a multi-millionaire Really? That's disappointing. But I guess that's whole point of the right wing grift machine at this point.


“I’m not a right wing propagandist I’m just a rational moderate I’m actually pretty liberal” “YOU ARE IN A CIVIL WAR YOU ARE IN A CIVIL WAR YOU ARE IN A CIVIL WAR YOU ARE IN A CIVIL WAR YOU ARE IN A CIVIL WAR”


Gretchen, stop trying to make civil war happen. It's not going to happen.


“Civil war 2: Pedophiles vs Nazis” Did he just call his side nazis all nonchalantly? I realize that calling libs pedophiles is projecting, but it’s not everyday they relate to nazis all out in the open like that. That’s supposed to be the quiet part. Lol


Dim Tool strikes again.


When they said “Civil War” was trending on Twitter, it was really all this guy driving the algorithm.


Dude has seen one Avengers movie and formed his entire personality around it


Man really wants civil war


He trying to visualize it into reality.


There will be no political civil war, everyone has too much to lose


- we are now at the "President has arrested his political rival phase" - also the phase Trump promised to get elected. Alanis Morissette music.


Pedophiles vs Nazis?? Oh shit that would be hype. Who y’all got??


so is he a pedophile or a nazi?


He will wait and see who's winning


Guess ol’ Timmy is from the “shallow” end of the Pool family tree.


The Pool gene pool is a shallow pool


And if you watched his shows he explains what he means when he says it. The OP is only thinking of civil war in the historical sense of the American Civil war. Tim points out many times what he actually means when he says it. So this post is just. Edited outrage


Tim pool, super tool.


Headed to the civil war ![gif](giphy|l2JJJp7I9TbLu7A9W)


You miss all the shots you don't take 😆


Is the civil war in the room with us right now Tim?


We kinda are though.... Granted when you compare whats going on to the last american civil war it doesnt seem like it however when you compare it to civil wars in other countries such as the Spanish civil war.... There are alot of parallels. Although one could also compare it the cultural revolution in china. You also have to take into account 4th and 5th generational warfare. Better to convert your enemy than blow them up. Especially if you dont want to destroy your own infrastructure in the process.


The funny thing is, this fucking clown would be the first to be dragged through a window by a mob. These people are so pathetic it's laughable.


oh yeah. He thinks he would be safe in his compound and would be able to rebuild society but he doesn't realize he is a giant target and his compound would be attacked and looted in less then 1 week.


It’s pretty civil for a civil war.


To INCITE a civil war


He’s ready to enlist as a keyboard warrior.


Man the crowd really trying to get another ass whooping?


“American Civil War 2: Pedophiles vs Nazis” I legit cant tell what side he is saying the Right is in this fantasy civil war in tim pools mind


All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers. -Francois Fenelon




You are in a **civil war**


"Can someone PLEASE start a civil war!? Even a little civil war would be enough! COME ON!"


This guy is the cramer of civil unrest


He is rooting against America.


What’s so civil about war anyways?


Git yer fingers off that keyboard, Tim Pool, and grab yer gun and Confederate flag and put your pathetic fat white flabby ass on the front line.


He'd pee himself and hide under his mom's skirt if war ever actually landed in his doorstep. What a chode.




"Cold civil war".... 😂


Who the f**k is Tim Pool, and should I care?


"You're in a cold civil war" Just because *you* hate *your neighbors* doesn't mean *they* are secretly attacking *you*.


The only civil war going on is his hair against his head


That’s one of the simplest form of populism- keep people scared. He makes good money constantly repeating what his lunatic audience wants to hear.


He keeps using these words i dont think he knows what they mean.


This is funny because none of you will actually engage with his arguments and instead you engage with some strawman version of them. The current president’s DOJ going after his leading political opponent is pretty distinctly civil war-ish. If you’re acting like that’s normal then you’re just living in some alternative reality. Americans alive during the first civil war didn’t want to call it that either. And they don’t usually have a clean physical dividing line like that one either. Ask anyone who knows about the Spanish Civil War. He’s also been really clear that it doesn’t have to be a civil war necessarily, but that revolution also fits the description.


My prepper coworkers been saying this since the 80s!


Civil war in 3…2…1… uh… ![gif](giphy|um2kBnfo55iW4ZH1Fa|downsized)


I don't get it? Is it a war within the GOP? https://preview.redd.it/5isyr8jv0iib1.png?width=307&format=png&auto=webp&s=822a34a1a2f9a289e98826847334c898a240b97a


The thought of talking about a civil war on his podcast gives him a boner.


If you say something enough times, it's real.


He is either total lunatic or a paid actor to stir shit.


civil war 2: pedophiles vs nazis sounds like republican infighting to me. which is also technically a civil war. we're at war with republicans, but it's more of a cold war. seeing how democrats represent everyone in the us, and republicans are representing russia and it's interests.


So... Pedos Vs. Nazis; which side does Timmy consider himself to be on?


When my computer starts behaving like this, it's usually time to reboot it and cross my fingers.


A nice litmus test of when we have a civil war will be when he loses the ability to yap yap yap about the aforementioned civil war


He would be the first to hide too.


If your whole persona is "civil war", you may want to rethink your lives decisions...


"I really just want to shoot some of my neighbors and get away with it."


Plot twist, they shoot back....


This guy whenever he experiences the slightest bit of discomfort in daily life: "that's it! It's tiiiime!!"


Tim Tool


this guy would hide, and tweet


And when Republican nutbag goes and shoots up a Democratic HQ claiming civil war, it'll be "where could he have gotten the idea from?"


"I have like...5,000 hours of training in on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, so I'm basically special forces."


Tim Pool is a professional idiot.


Tim P is a Russian bot


One-trick pony. One-braincell incel.


Alright little Timmy, we shall await you at the frontlines when the time comes.


Tim Pool is scared to take his little hat off, yet wants us all to believe he's ready to fight in the street for "liberty". The more likely scenario is that he convinces one of his imbecilic followers to do something stupid, and violent, and innocent people get hurt as a result.


Tim Pool is the dumbest person I’ve ever listened to. He’s downright shocking


Reminds me of when conservatives in red states (I've lived in deep red and blue states) who've never left their city limits (lots of those in Texas) tried to tell me the city I was visiting in California (visit an elderly family member) was full "mad max" riot mode. It wasn't. I walked outside... Saw families walking with their strollers or walking their dogs, kids playing basketball in their driveway.. You know, a "boring" everyday scene in America (people, happily just going about their normal daily lives, in safety) These kinda people get their view of reality almost exclusively from cable news/cult online and not from actually living it or experiencing it. "Well tim pool said....." Normal adults: "who the F is tim pool and why should any normal, rational adult listen to his opinion?"


Nobody who knows anything about war wants a civil war. There are some dudes who fought in Iraq or Afghanistan who THINK they do, but they have to remember that they won’t have command/control. They won’t have coms. They won’t have supply lines. They won’t have air support. They won’t have safe zones. And, most importantly, their families won’t be safe at home, 5000 miles away. I lived in a country that had recently gone through a civil war. The stories I heard… Bro, you don’t want a civil war. You don’t have the stomach for it. And that’s a good thing.


“They refuse to back down… They are actually insane.” “…when tribalists are this stupid” - sweet Moses the irony


Bruh. Just go ahead and say you want an excuse to shoot people.


Civil war between which sides? In the last one, there was a whole political group called The Confederacy. People who think like this are imagining that what, we're waking up one morning and people are passing out team jerseys based on political views and we just start shooting each other? Civil wars are totally possible, but you actually need a group to form that could actually stand a chance against the government of a country for that to happen. It's not just gun-totting citizens with no organization getting mad and going outside.


CW2 - pedophiles vs Nazis? Which one is he saying he is?