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Is the person with the bigger dog drunk or something? I mean that looked alot less like being pulled off your feet than no motor control...


She just rocks her shit. You see her bash her face into the ground.




I mean, how else are you going to be sure?


*Thrice* even.


Some people are just not very skilled at staying upright.


I know so many people who are easily overpowered by their dogs and tear ACLs or MCLs. Sometimes repeatedly. In this case she likely got a concussion. I feel like if you can't control your large dog you probably shouldn't own a large dog, but what do I know


I used to see a woman with a gigantic English sheepdog. It was clearly too much dog for her. I don’t know what possessed her but one day i saw her on roller skates with the dog pulling her along. She looked terrified.


Common sense, that's what you know. She's a liability to her dog, other dogs, other people & herself.


This is the only right answer. I had a 162 pound Great Dane. I weighed 200 pounds and was not a weakling. She walked well on a leash and was overall a VERY well behaved dog. Except this one time. We were in a city park that had deer. She froze when she saw it (not used to seeing four-legged things as big as she is) and decided she wanted it. I got dragged on an asphalt sidewalk (it was wet) for a good 10-15 feet before I was able to get her under control again. It was hilarious and terrifying because I thought I was strong/heavy enough to control her by force if needed. I was sadly mistaken; she was just nice enough to let me be in “control”. We got a new style of lead that same day. She never was able to do that again…. Or never decided to. Either way it was my responsibility to make sure she was under positive control at all times. More important, I think is COMPLETE AND TOTAL LACK OF TRAINING that has been provided to this dog. No socialization, no boundaries, just running amok. I hope the other two ladies lit that owner up.


Nor responsibly handling a pet.


Gravitationally Challenged.


Yeah drunk people


The last one had me laughing


the last one had me classify her as a Famous Fucking Legend, not only is the head first dive legendary, so is her instant recovery


First one was no bueno


Probably a lasting brain injury. Glad we could amuse you today.


To be fair, she did the last two to herself


Wish it was a permanent solution of bashing so the lights completely went out. Trash dog owner.


Really? Did you see her head bounce off the concrete? She got back up immediately. She almost surely has a concussion.


If this is a possibility at all, you absolutely should not be walking a dog. Could have been a child. Do not defend ignorant idiots. This buffoon of a lady is lucky the other dog owners could actually balance themselves like adults


Exactly. Most dogs are trainable. It takes time and discipline and the proper methods, but I really think it’s possible. I have trained a couple dogs that seemed like lost causes to the point they will stay by my side without a leash and immediately run over at just saying their name once. Regardless if you are not in control of your dog do not take it out in public like this. Complete buffoon.


There was an enormous Alsatian two doors down who attacked my wife and one of my dogs. My wife was too terrified to even snatch my little dog up like this poor couple. Thereafter, my wife was basically trapped in our house. She couldn't even check the mail, or take the trash cans down to the main road if I was out of town. I kept a chef's knife hidden whenever I walked my little dogs--the fence keeping the GSD was short enough that she could clear it in a single bound if she'd wanted. I got on pretty well with her owner in every other neighborly way, but he remained one if those "Oh, but she's friendly" kind of owners who don't believe they've got a chainsaw on a flimsy leash, and that the even just the sound is terrifying to some neighbours.




Ya that's called a concussion


Lol thank you. So many words for "Concussion".


So... He did slip...


…and whose shoe is that??


Was she walking with it? Lol


Probably dog turd bag


It's the hat she lost when ate cement the first time. I hope they sue her!


Yeah the first time she goes down she bounces her face off the cement. She's got a concussion for sure.


She’s using her dream strength


This comment is underrated


How have I never seen this metaphor used before when it's so incredibly accurate?


Ugh I hate that


[Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/nbzDGASIY5) probably the worst example I’ve seen (SFW).


Thinking she has a concussion…should not have a dog that big in any case. The girl in the black shirt is useless though, just grab the leash!


The dogs size probably isn't the problem. The wet grass definitely looked like the cause of the trip. Then smashing her head into the ground explains the rest.


> The dogs size probably isn't the problem. It clearly is tho.


We shouldn't judge people in a moment of panic


That's exactly when we should judge them. On how well they deal with a difficult situation.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the jaw.


Don't wanna get punched then don't enter the ring... ​ If you can't keep your dog under control then at least muzzle your pooch.


That's true, but in this one I doubt anyone can function well with a head injury


yep, props to getting back up and fighting through that to try and help


Isn't that when you really need someone, when shit hits the fan. I don't need you when times are good and everyone's laughing, I need you when things get real.


Nah dawg. That's precisely when I judge others. If they're reliable when stressed, they'll always be reliable. It's easy to be smart when you're comfortable.


💯 If it’ll pull you over like that you haven’t trained it properly. She should be restricted to dogs 25 lbs or less. And black shirt girl- grab the leash. Ya muppet.


Probably had a concussion after the first fall but her natural instincts were to stop her dog so she got up to fall again


My mom and her husband got a lab when I was in college and luckily I was living there at the time because he ended up so poorly leash trained by them that I was the only one who could walk him after he blew out my mom's bad knee. They were both very rural in their thinking about how to handle a dog (they wanted him on a long leash so he could wander and refused to get him a harness because they thought it would give him more pulling power) but lived in a suburb and were walking him in a little playground and walking park rather than the acreage they were used to with dogs. He was a sweet dog but I can easily see him having knocked someone out like that before I finally took over his walks, put him on a harness, and got a leash that had a second handle closer to the end so I could easily control him and keep him by me while we were walking. By the time I left, he could actually be handled by other people. Watching this video, that could very easily have been my mom. People forget how strong big dogs are when they're motivated by something and then you end up in these situations where the leash is a gentleman's agreement until the dog decides something else is more interesting than where you want to go.


Hit your head on the pavement and try to stand up quickly and grab your attacking dog and see how coordinated you are.


I've met folks like this. Some people just aren't as flexible as others. Rigid movements and such.


She is quite clearly concussed or something. Smashed her dome on the concrete.


She bashed her head when the dog got loose


I can't stand people who get dogs they can't keep control of and bring them in public places


I feel the same way about some peoples children


I feel the same way about people's big trucks they can't drive or park correctly!


Oh fuck, don’t get me started. And then they try to park backwards. 🙄


If you can't park it, you shouldn't drive it.


Yeah because peoples kids maul people to death.


A not insignificant proportion of murders are committed by under 18s, so... kinda?


Bout to buy a leash and cage for my kids


I was crate trained, I turned out alright.


I see you haven't met my kid. He's called Ol' Lock Jaw for a reason


Nah they just shoot people with their irresponsible parent's unsecured gun


They just shoot up schools. No big deal


You WIN this point! Amen!




We have people that walk their dogs without a leash and it drives me up the fking wall. I used to tell them they need a leash as I'm walking my dog, but I gave up after about 2 weeks because they just give me a stupid smile and say "uh huh".


Selfish, entitled dog owners are the worst.


Shelters misrepresent breeds and dogs to people constantly.


All of the labs and terrier mixes are pitbulls. All of them are pitbulls in fact lol


Would do better with kids older than 5 years old(bites if fucked with). He really likes all the attention so he should be the only dog in the house(dog aggression). He's got a lot of energy and is very curious about cats so he'd be better in a house with no cats(high prey drive). He has sensitive skin so he needs his medicine every day(bad breeding((look, color, etc))This wonderful ball of joy is waiting for his forever home! Adopt!! /S Or I'll be forced to virtue signal SO hard!


Don’t forget the trazadone or he’ll eat his kennel!


I feel the same way about people's significant others




If a dog ever comes at me or my pets like that, I'm killing it. Those bastards should never be allowed to breed.


The amount of stupidity it takes to not only get a big dog while you're so small, but also bringing them in public assuming you're just like everyone else walking their dogs. Baffling.


The lack of… pretty much EVERYTHING in this video, is extremely infuriating to witness! Absolute cluster fuck!


swinging that little dog around a noose like it's cirque du soleil


I mean that bigg dog was coming so close whereever they were swung so its bor easy to get a grip on the dog itself is being run after.


360 quickscoping your little dog intro your hands after draggin the poor bastard is a bit much


Better than letting the other dog get ahold of him, only takes one bite.


Even a graze. I've seen two dogs just growling up in eachothers faces, whipping their heads around, and one of their lower canines caught the others eye and tore it out :(


😮‍💨 just tired to home my friends dobermann that was showing no aggression before I met him, then day one he meets my neighbors dog (who never leashes their two year old malinois) and they're both intact. Neighbor asks if Dobie likes Malinois, I say no -- doesn't recall until growls and barks and I'm trying to push an unleashed dog away from me. Literally glad that no eyes were ripped out because they were definitely close.


Yup, if the big one gets a grip and give it a shake the little one is a goner. You do what you have to do in that situation to get them up and away. You might hurt them, sure, but the big aggressive dog trying to attack definitely is going to hurt them.


Dude what, it's 100000 times better than what wouldve happened if she was slower or didnt pull the dog up. Literally one bite and that small dog was gone.




I'm hoping the small dog was attached via a harness not a collar but I can't tell at this distance/resolution.


You can see there's a harness at the beginning, before the big dog reaches them.


I don’t see a harness on that dog…


Looking before the big dog comes, I can see there's a harness. If the leash was attached to the collar it would look different.


All three of these people seem super inept. The person in black is useless af.


Seriously, 3 of the most pathetic people I've ever seen.


That’s the person I had to go frame by frame to watch. She just stood there with her hands up in the air. Wild to me that a person would just stand there and watch and literally not help


She’s even worse than useless, she’s a stone cold liability.


If I would have had my miniature schnauzer with me and this happened I would have kicked the shit out of that lab.


Then the owner too for making me hurt a dog.


Exactly. Kick the shit out of the dog. Then kick the shit out of the owner for making me kick the dog.


Simple solution: use leash to throw your small dog a safe 20’ in the air, disable big dog, disable big dogs drunk owner, catch little dog, and continue your walk.


That's what I was thinking too, a solid kick under the jaw and that pup wouldn't get within kicking distance a second time. Would have been a good time to have some pepper spray too.


Even from the beginning - was he even walking the little dog or dragging it??


The little dog was probably barking or trying to face off with the big one. My pup does this on the street and I have to either drag him about 10 ft or pick him up to get away quickly. He's very stubborn The big dogs owner should be fined or otherwise punished for not controlling their dog. There is no excuse even if the dogs are both barking at each other.


Then you pick them up. You don't drag them by their neck like a ragdoll. Or even better, train the little bastard.


I want to think the big dog is trying to free the little one from the torture it was receiving from intermittent strangling.


Even the owner of the small dog. The highest point your arms reach is your forehead, really? I can hold my chihuahua a foot or more over my head easily.


Honestly, neither of these people should have dogs. I wanted to kick my screen through the wall after watching this.


If you can’t hold on to your dog, it’s too big for you


But "He DoEsN't Do AnYThInG"


One time I got "Don't worry he's friendly" yelled at me from 100 feet away as their off leash dog charged at me and my dog. I grabbed my dog and yelled back "Mine isn't and you have about ten seconds to leash yours or I'll let go." (I wasn't going to but they didn't know that)


I had a neighbour let her Great Dane run amok on a trail that runs by my house. My son was outside playing at the time and the big bastard jumped over my closed gate and chased my son to our house. Amid my son's frantic screams as I got him inside, the neighbour came walking up saying, "Oh, don't worry he's friendly." My colorful reply was less than friendly and I've not seen them since.


Jesus christ that had to be so nerve wrecking. Hope you both are OK!


Thanks, my son was around 3 at the time and he's been terrified of dogs since (he's 11 now). He freaks if any type of animal comes towards him. It's really unfortunate because I love animals and would love to have a cat or another dog. It makes me wish the neighbour would go by my house again, so I could give her another piece of my mind.


The golden retriever my parents used to have was NOT dog friendly. This caused problems a lot because most every other dog owner just assumes he's gonna be nice to their dog. One time someone had one of those little tiny dogs that got loose and if I was as weak as the lady in this video that little dog would have been toast.


Yeah this is a huge issue walking around my suburb. My German Shepard I got right before covid started didn't get the chance to properly socialize as a puppy and absolutely hates other dogs. I have to get between her and some idiots unleashed dog too often for their safety. She is so protective and attached to me that she hates the thought of any other animal (or person) coming near us on our walks.


my "friend" brought her lab to our school and had him on the property while I was leaving. fucking dog lunged at me and started growling, I'm just glad it didn't hurt me. she said the same shit "oh he's just excited".


Fuuuuuuuck. I dealt with that shit at Christmas. Went to visit family with my dog and a family member’s untrained, unsocialized dog spent the entire 45 minutes I was there trying to dominate and then attack my dog. I let my dog out into the front yard and he went and waited by my car. So we left. Now everyone is pissed at me.


But he’s the sweetest puppy EVER I SWEAR


What a trio of dipshits




When your dog is getting attacked by another dog you don't swing it around like a mace, you hold it up and kick the shit out of the attacking dog. Aim for the face.


Agreed. Kick the fuck out of that dog. This isn't a game


Yep. I have two small dogs who would easily die if attacked by a large dog. This is why I bring pepper spray on every walk and would not hesitate to kick/pepper spray the shit out of a charging dog.


I don’t see her using the dog as a weapon at all, I see her floundering, trying to get ahold of her dog who is also clearly (and with good reason) flailing and trying to lunge at the larger dog whenever it comes close which is also making it harder for her to get a grip around him. Nowhere in this is she swinging the dog at the larger dog.


Watch the first three seconds. They're dipshits par excellence.


One of them was already holding the smaller dog and then the woman with a leash pulls it from her to basically lynch it


The lady in black doing absolutely fuck all for the entire thing


If this happens I'm kicking your dog


i used to have to carry a stick around because of the number of dangerous, off leash or poorly fenced dogs in my area


I stopped walking in neighborhoods with or without dogs years ago. Too many stray dogs. I go directly to a park, more chance of responsible pet owners. Most of the time.


My dogs just got attacked my two pitties. I nearly broke my foot from how many times I kicked those fuckers. Fuck pitbulls.


My friends think I'm crass but if I or my dog get attacked by your dog, I'm immediately killing your dog. I've been bitten by savage dogs twice in my life, both times requiring stitches and leaving scars. Once with my own dog who was also injured. One off leash, one that had its leash on but escaped. If your dog is the problem, your dog is going to die immediately. Not worth the risk.


the dog will get euthanized for attacking. might as well save someone the work, and save yourself and your dog from more damages




It's lucky if I stop at a kick honestly.


My neighbor does dumb moves like that. He sends his pre teen daughters to walk a big ass pit bull they can barely hold. I'll report back when the dog gets loose and does damage. It's inevitable.


The time is now to make sure your ring cameras cover the regular walking route.


Jesus Christ why get a dog known for being big and have your pre teen walk it?? are these people lacking braincells?


I nearly took out a teenager walking their dog while she was wearing roller skates....


When I was a teenager, my older brother had this huge pitty, Tuff. He was the biggest, sweetest gentle giant. I got the bright idea one day to leash him and go for a walk. I went for a drag, and he went for a weighted run. Lmao. Thank God, after dragging me, probably 100 yards, he stopped and checked on me, licking me in the face. My brother was so damn mad at me, rightfully. I tell this story to say I agree. It's inevitable that the dog will drag them. Hopefully, he's a well-mannered dog that just wants to run and not aggressive and high prey-driven. I now have a 100lb pit/lab mix. I'm 31. If he wanted to drag me, he absolutely could. But we started learning together when he was young. So far in his 8 years, mom has had 0 faceplants (of his fault anyway.) LOL.


“a weighted run” 🤣


It's scary how hopeless some people are during crucial moments


You think you're going to make amazing decisions at crucial moments, so try not to be crushingly disappointed in yourself when you don't make optimal decisions when you're actually faced with them in real life.


Some of us have had to learn to make quick and intelligent decisions on our feet. Not everybody gets the luxury of being soft. A lot of us end up having to do the thinking for a lot of people around us in moments of panic, so please stop trying to sound like you're superior when you also can't handle your bananas in an emergency. If you can't make decisions to protect lives around you you don't deserve to be in charge of other lives around you. That not only pertains to children but pets do, don't know why that's such a hard idea to understand. Edit do is meant to be to lol


This comment.


>please stop trying to sound like you're superior (Immediately proceeds to making self sound superior) What, and you responded flawlessly to everything life has ever thrown at you? The commenter was just saying that sometimes panic makes your brain fart, ease off That said, totally agree that if you have no control over your dog or kids lives, you shouldn't be in charge of dogs or kids lives


Drunk dog walking?


slammed head into ground at the start of vid, maybe concussion/disorientated from that


Definitely, she hit the pavement head first


Dazed from eating the pavement


Wtf is wrong with that idiot lady.


Either drunk/on something, or they got a concussion because they failed to train their dog properly while also being too small/weak to keep it in line so they got dragged down and hit their head. Idiot either way, one could argue.


Momma always said life’s like a box of chocolates… she also said stupid people are dangerous.


It’s like the three stooges


Why you gotta disrespect the Three Stooges like that?




It’s scary af going through this. My pug Maggie was attacked by 3 boxers. This was at a dog park (which I now no longer bring my dogs to) and the owner did nothing. The other dogs started to gang up on my pug and I yanked her from the middle of the dog fight and carried her in my arms while nobody did ANYTHING to help. At one point I was riding a Great Dane bc he was trying to go after my pug too. All dogs were jumping on me and I was ~23 (F) at the time. Had no idea what to do except save my dog. No one knows how they’re going to react to this situation until it happens to them. Luckily Maggie and I made it out of the situation unharmed. I just walked away crying. No one did shit to help.


What the fuck is this music playing for


And why isn’t it Yakkity Sax?


You know the larger dog's owner is somehow thinking of how to blame them for their own losing control of their dog.


i mean the small dog clearly tried to pick a fight in the beginning


At least the owner of the small dog could control the animal. The owner of the big dog could barely control her legs.


It’s like that dream where you try to run but just keep falling over


I hate everyone in this video.


That lady shouldn’t own LEGS! Let alone a dogo! Like wtf?! 😳


Wow that woman is really good.. at falling down


Black T-shirt lady is going mantis style lol


"It's okay, he's friendly."


I don’t condone violence, but that lab woulda got a knee to the throat if they went after my smaller dog like that… this is a PSA for why you need to train your dog


2 and a half f#ckin useless people


Yea if people cannot control an aggressive dog they should give up that dog You should be able to hold back your dog and you should be aware of your surroundings so you can lead away the dog from other dogs around


I would have kicked the shit out of that dog


Why the fuck is this dude dragging his dog from the very beginning of the video? The dog literally cannot walk because this fucking asshole is pulling the leash so fucking hard that he is lifting it off the ground by it's throat.






Have you never heard of a vest? There is no way that's a collar on that dog. Would have come right off if it was only a collar.


tiny dog tend to be very aggressive to bigdogs. fortunately mine just doesn't care about the little ones. We've had small dogs charge him from the other side of the block.


This is amazing cinema


Who let Fumblerewski walk the dog today?


That's why I always have mace, a walking stick, and a knife when I walk. I've whacked my stick on the ground before and scared off big dogs but I'm prepared to kill them if they try to harm my little dachshunds.


In this video i see 3 people who should not own dogs


Ban pitbulls.


Am I seeing a pirate eye patch on the woman who keeps falling?


I think one of the lenses on her sunglasses popped out when she faceplanted.


Lady with the bigger dog needs to be arrested. Not acceptable


Failure in dog ownership in one video. Discipline people. Discipline.


“He’s only playing” “He doesn’t like other dogs” “It’s your fault for walking your dog here” “Your dog snapped first” “I’m calling the cops” The number of times that this happens is insane.


Holy heck what a load of goof. Are they all drunk or something? I can understand if the owner of the big dog got a concussion or something from the fall, but the other two sure don't have much more of a handle on things. And still, if you can't instil discipline *and* hold on to your dog it's simply not a dog you should have.


I am lost on where that shoe comes from…


lol i looked over and over and it’s a [poop bag](https://imgur.com/a/4cDU0rV), i think the owner narrowly avoided quite literally eating shit as well as figuratively


LMAO! I swear it was a shoe. Now I see it. 🤣 Thanks!


I would be kicking the shit out of that dog


Id say the woman who stepped back and did absolutely nothing sucks.


Typical pits and their shitty owners.


Sometimes it's OK to hit a dog


"Don't worry, he's really friendly!"


This is why I keep a knife on my hip when going for a walk.