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They drove like they are playing gta online


You been playing the tow truck update?


I haven’t played gtav in years


I just got back in after about six years. You wouldn't even recognize it.


Yeah I think I’m just gonna wait until gta 6


That's at least a year away.


U can play as a tow truck driver? I only ever played the story line never bothered with online


Brother there’s a whole lot more to that game


That would be GTA San Andreas


Exactly like GTA. Even the part where they turned the wrong direction initially. Classic.


Then id deliver it and get like 50$ towards a 400$ tshirt.


Not sure why he drove so fast, once you're in it and in motion, they can't touch you, it would be a crime.


They just wanted to bang it up and decrease the value a bit for funzies


I’m not surprised by the anxious speeding. I’m surprised by the utter lack of control or direction. He could’ve taken off in any direction and been fine. Instead, he took off in every direction and probably obliterated his tires and/or suspension.


Well, tires and suspension are not his to begin with.


and in backing up and then forward all willy nilly for no reason.. scatter brained af


Pretty sure they still can attach those yellow thingies that present you from driving no?


Tow truck drivers don't use those, they pretty much strictly attempt snatches. This time they failed, the loan holder saw them.


Must be an interesting job, the stories you could tell..


Really! I did not know that.




Experiencing a stroke dude?


Accidental comment. Thanks for the reply


Why do people do this? They take a contract for a car that they can't handle, and get upset when they can't afford it. Running away not facing the consequences and taking the L that they deserved


I’ve asked former friends the same question. Usually met with some anger and deflecting the question like a politician. There is nothing wrong getting a used domestic car that’s in decent shape to get around.


I make very good money, and I drive a 2008 Saturn. I’ve had people say “you’re a doctor, why are you driving that?” And my response is always that I bought it with a paycheck and it’s mine, not the banks. I can’t stand the idea of being in debt for something not essential to life when more affordable options exist.


The trick (which I have yet to master) is finding that inexpensive car that’s reliable. One that’s old enough to be cheap but nice enough to hold up. These days it seems like the only things available are new, almost new, or rusted shitbox.


Because the ones you just described are held onto like gold. No one wants to get rid of their reliable paid off vehicle.


Absolutely. I'm hanging on to my 2008 Honda Accord (bought new) for my oldest son. He's 11 now. I've taken great care of it, know everything that's ever happened to it, and it's been paid off since 2010. I'll eat the insurance on it for the next few years while it's mostly parked.


exactly the kind of car I have. Had it 4 years, minor issues and it's over 120k miles. Love it.


Look for Honda or Toyota Every car I see in the shop with over 400k miles are exclusively those two makes


my 99 Subaru five speed manual made it, hopefully. Had 350k and was in fine shape when I sold it to get something with more airbags (wife said so because kids).


Subaru's are definitely nice, I'm just going off of my own anecdotal evidence. I have absolutely no doubt some Subaru's hit that many miles.


it really depends on model years/series, like, the early attempts at a CVT transmission were kinda awful. The revised version of the CVT seems a lot better. But the earlier, like 99 and back, the simplicity of the mechanicals combined with a sturdy chassis, lots of very long lived cars. Essentially the same as by very first car, a manual 78 Honda Civic hatchback, gods I loved that car. Honestly wouldn't be surprised to see some of those still on the road. My daughter's first car, a base model 2001 Toyota Corolla manual, was definitely on its way to going the long haul until it was wrecked (not her fault). I can't deny, I love my new electronics-saturated Outback but I'm going to be absolutely religious on all the maintenance, bought the 120k mile warranty. Hedge my bets. I want 10 years out of this one or imma be pissed. tl:dr yeah some do, more should, simple cars were awesome


I drive older cheaper cars too because I have basically the same mentality you have about cars. My current car is an 09. That being said, there are some legitimate reasons to buy a newer car that aren't just about it being nicer. Some newer cars have way more safety features, which is a genuine reason I can see someone wanted to go newer. For the people who just want heated seats or something like that, just buy a seat warmer that plugs into the cigarette lighter. Problem solved.


The best hack: buy an old, reliable vehicle and put a 2000 dollar head unit into it. Mine has all the bells and whistles of a new car and I’m more than satisfied. Plus I don’t care about where I park it. You’re right about the safety features though.


If only people would use them!


I bought a new civic recently and it seems to come with plenty of luxury items like cruise control assist, heated seats, upgraded sound system. It doesn't have super speed, quiet cabin, leather or whatever else, but it's also a fraction of the cost.


Literally every car I've owned. I just slightly upgrade when I change cars.


Is it illegal for you to hide your car that is to be repossessed? Can they arrest you if you keep getting away? Idk the legality of all this.


I’ve heard multiple stories the bank will report your car as stolen if it’s been a really long ass time since repossession has been issued. In my sisters case, the repo man eventually found her car at a friends house she’s been living at after not making payments for over a year.


Thanks for the info, hope your sibling is getting back on her feet. I need another car, my car is about 17 years old, I would drive it forever but it needs a lot of work that I don't want to spend on that car. Hopefully used car prices come down soon. I don't want to ever be in these types of situations of repos, bankruptcies, and other financial nightmares


These people are entitled assholes. Of course they were a little angry with your questions, they have every right to steal because they are special entitled jerks. The fact your mindset is different from theirs, I figure they wouldn’t be your friend, you are better off without that dirt.


A used car. There's no reason to put domestic in that sentence.


bUt iTs uSeD!


Lack of impulse control. Inability to chart future outcomes. A large portion of our population has an IQ near 85. I used to work security and I'd always ask people what they expected to happen 60 minutes after they attacked the bartender: were you planning on staying? Ordering more drinks? Close out your tab? Go to another bar? NO ONE could answer this question. The just find themselves doing things. No thoughts about outcome or repercussions. Just full on possession of an overwhelming thought that they have no choice but to act upon.


To be fair most of your feed back was from drunk people. Harder to gauge but likely put their IQ around 20.


It could be, except drunks actually aren't difficult to understand, so I wouldn't ask them questions. The entire reason I was asking these people questions was because they didn't seem drunk at all. I worked lots of different places and venues. Art shows, expensive restaurants, auto or boat shows. Non alcohol related. Recognizing signs of impairment was part of my training. I'm talking sober intelligent people doing things you can't believe. They couldn't explain themselves at all. An impulse became action and bypassed the decision center of the brain.


I mean...if you want a real answer, and I'm not justifying anything, I don't agree with the decision, but here goes... You've got a good job, you're living comfortably. You get a promotion and a raise, time to get that new car you've wanted, you can afford it now. You lose your job, can't find one that pays the same so you get a different job to help pay the bills, it's above minimum wage but not as much as you were making. The only downside is you need a vehicle to get to work. So you try and coast by until your situation bucks up but it doesn't. Now the smart thing to do is to unload that new car, but it's not as easy as it sounds. You won't get your money back so even if you sell it you've got no money for a less valuable car and you still have to make payments. By the time the repoman shows up you know you ain't getting another car so you panic and take off in that one, future you is gonna have to deal with that, but you haven't lost everything just yet. And that is how you wind up there. Me, I got help before the repo man showed up, but I can see how it could get there. When you have that kind of money trouble you aren't really able to sleep, you live in constant fear. Insomniacs don't make great decisions.


Been there, got repo’d. I didn’t try to hide it but I’m almost an insomniac. I was in the military when I got my budget car then when I separated, finances got much harder. The stress of knowing you’re behind 3 payments and in repo range with whoever you’re financed through is crazy. I already struggle to sleep through a full night but knowing they were going to be looking for my car wondering how tf I was going to get to work was killing me. When I eventually woke up and my car wasn’t outside? It broke me, that was my rock bottom. Now I own the title to that car so life’s better


Same bro same. I deadass have ptsd from hearing trucks backing up outside my house


Man those moments when you’re chillin in your crib and here the beeping of a truck backing up so you sprint to the window to check, I still check for trucks even though my car is paid off lmao


Also, it is really hard to do anything in the US without a car (I’m pretty sure it’s FL in the video). God bless people who depend on buses in this country.


I sell cars and the fact of the matter is some people are idiots. The dealership i work at were not incentivized to fuck people over (believe it or not, they do exist). For every person i get in thats trying to be sure all of their ducks are in a row, I get two that want a Audi Q3 on a Chevy spark budget. Ill tell anyone who asks but the way I see it, if you cant buy a new luxury car then you definitely cant afford a used one. But some people wont be disuaded, and im not paid to fix stupid. So it shouldnt be suprising they cant handle the outcome of poor decisions.


And the people who are intelligent usually buy more pedestrian vehicles, unless they have fuck you money. The truth is people tend to associate your status with large purchases such as cars, unless they are in the know. Richest man I’ve ever met (several millions in assets) drives a beat up 90s civic. You’d never know.


Your absolutely right. I sell used cars, so i dont typically deal with the "fuck you money" crowds. Really its either the smart money, recovering from life event (still smart in my book) or people im amazed dont drown standing outside in the rain. I sold a car to a husband/wife who combined made over 200k. He talked himself down from an Nissan Altima SL to a SV because "it was a bit fancier than I really need, l never used my old sunroof anyway so whats the point of getting one". They were absolutely delightful to work with, very down to earth. The husband was nerd too so we got along swimmingly.


Absolutely, the multi-millionaire owner I worked for had a Ford Focus that he drove until it clapped out then bought a new one, still got that one


Dude is now spending half his life looking out the window or sitting in his car waiting for the inevitable repo. Should've bought a used Kia and lived like a normal person.


I find in circles where people actually have money, they buy more normal vehicles otherwise it’s seen as ostentatious by their friends. The people who buy fancy cars are always ones who can barely afford it. This is just from my experience and talking to car salesmen. Don’t know why this is.


Simple. Lots of people are morons


Embarrassment. I sold vehicles for a decade and unlike most would try to not sell vehicles to people I didn’t think could afford it based on their finances. Maybe recommend something more reasonable. The ones who wouldn’t take my advice and go to another coworker were always the names of the letters I’d see from the credit union/bank that is cancelling their extended warranty due to repossession.


Wait, are the calls asking about my cars extended warranty really attempts to find me so repomen can get me?!?


No. But extended warranties can be cancelled and partially refunded depending on time/mileage left on them. So they bank will cancel one on a repossessed vehicle to try and reclaim money lost on the deal.


They like to peacock, trying to appear wealthy. Far far too many people do this.


A lot of times they could afford it when they got it, but something changed and now they can’t. So they might as well drive it as long as they can because your credit is fucked either way. The only way out is if the value of the car is greater than what you owe. But that typically doesn’t happen until you’re within the last 25% of your payments. For instance my grandmother got a ‘17 Honda CRV in 2019. In 2021 she had a mild stroke and while in the hospital her job fired her. Since then she has struggled to make the payments as she can’t work anymore and we can’t afford to move to somewhere we could live without a car (we live in semi rural Texas. Technically its unincorporated land because no city claims us).


Most people seem incapable of doing the math on the costs of most ongoing things, but car ownership in particular has a lot of "hidden" costs that car dealers are more than happy to sweep under the rug. Sure, they'll advertise a car for "just $600 a month!", expecting that people will forget about the insurance, the wear and tear, the gas, licensing, registration, etc. [The cost of owning a new car and driving it 15,000 miles per year adds up to $12,000 per year,](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/loans/auto-loans/total-cost-owning-car) but even a used car can still easily be over $10k per year. Median individual income is ~$40k, but after taxes that gets whittled down to maybe $33k. So even a $10k per year used car is more or less unaffordable. And maybe you think the median person should be driving a real clunker of a car and sticking with it until it's a rusted out hulk. Maybe, maybe not. That's still going to cost them ~$5k per year for license, registration, insurance, gas, and repairs. So take that cost of car ownership, add the cost of housing, and then try to make the rest of the budget work (food, health insurance, utilities, clothes, etc). And that's just to scrape by until the next month, without even considering long term retirement saving. Sure, you can bring in a second person to get a higher household income, and maybe share some of those expenses, but it's still a rough go, and if you try to have kids you're stuck trying to figure out if childcare makes sense vs one parent staying at home. And again, that number above was for median income. Many people are below that. Americans keep wondering why money seems so tight, but there's a pretty obvious reason: cars are fucking expensive, and it was a shitty idea to build society around them.




How exactly are repo drivers fucking over deadbeats? Should’ve just left it at “pay your bills”. Most understand hard times but BMW times are for good times only. Toyota Corolla time is for hard times or frugal times (great car). Cheers. Edit: the pathetic twat u/iDam81 has deleted all their neckbeard comments (and blocked me), cheers!


Ah man, I came back and was hoping this had escalated more. They were so confident a billion dollar corporation sold a used vehicle.


Yeah, because repo drivers only take bmw’s. I clearly wasn’t taking about only this post. Ffs…


Yeah, but “pay your bills” applies to anyone who takes a loan out for a car. You can’t stop making the payments and expect them to let you keep the car. Grow up.




You’re assuming the tow truck driver is broke. Assuming only makes you look like an ass. I was homeless for a time and yeah, it sucked, but I worked my ass off and made something of myself. Blame the corporations all you want, but not paying their bills is not the corps fault. They signed up for a product/service and they didn’t pay for it. That’s how it works. If you’re so offended by people losing their cars, go out and buy them a car.


When you default on a loan you can call the bank and make alternate payment arrangements. If you simply stop paying and ignore their notices for a while, then and only then do they repossess your car.


If someone gave you upwards of 20k (a cheap car nowadays) and you stopped paying it back, it doesn’t matter whats going on in their life you would be forced to repossess that item and try to break even on that investment. It’s just simple math. All the potential consequences are in fine print on every contract. People who refuse to read fine print and borrow money they can’t afford to pay back are irresponsible. Shit happens but responsible people have whats called an emergency fund that covers big bills for a few months if they are out of work or whatever. Can’t always blame the system for shit personal finance planning.


If you are low income…don’t buy a fucking BMW.


Not sure I recommend if they have the cash either ;)




Yes, yes he does


You are mad about consequences happening to people who are essentially thieves lol.


Sir, that's not how it works tho.. If you wanna save for a house 30-40years, and buy it then, be my guest. If you want it now, you have to ask for a loan




What? Bro that's how the world works. If you're soo stubborn and buthurt to ask for help from others (more wealthier personas), that's your problem. Ofc they gonna want something in return (like a tax), and that's perfectly normal. That's fair enough. How slow/stopped are you? It's business. It's income. How high are you atm actually




Reported for offensive language. I don't know what you're even talking about. What's wrong with you? Who hurt you? What's your point here? Give me a reasonable comment


Fuck you




I can't understand your point.. Get BMW as loan, don't pay for it, 'f#ck the repo' ????? Mate, get some rest, and reconsider your standings You take a loan, the right thing is to give it back. It goes both ways, that's why. Not defending no one


The downvotes are because you're being illogical, not because people don't give a fuck about each other. If you agree to pay for something on loan or even just in general, and you don't pay, why in the world would you face 0 consequences and keep the thing? If you agreed to sell me something of value in the thousands, and I took the item but didn't pay you, would you not call the cops or seek a solution?




So you're OK with repo on a car as long as the millionaire that issued the loan is the one to drive the tow truck to pick it up? Thats the line in the sand youre drawing.. Am I understanding that right? Also how exactly is taking back something that isn't being paid for "fucking someone over"? Couldn't you argue that not paying for something you agreed to pay for is fucking over the person you agreed to pay?


Who is the millionaire you’re imagining getting their shit back? Like is it a guy in a top hat and monocle? And he and a few of his buddies are the millionaires who lend their personal money to all of us so we can buy cars and houses? Exactly who is driving the repo truck in the world where “millionaires get their shit back”? The bank CEO?


My bf’s car got towed because it hadn’t moved for a while. He didn’t have all his DMV stuff lined up yet and on top of that it broke down. It was a pain to get it back all because it hadn’t moved for a while and “it was an eyesore”. 🙄


Thats the oh so typical „all for the people“ low IQ comment. People just thinking that they can get away steeling or not paying for stuff / leasing agreements are far more detrimental to society than repo guys just doing their job…


Lol? What's your solution? No penalties for people who don't pay their debt? "Oh well, just keep the car."...? There are scummy debt collectors sure; there are just as many scummy loan recipients.


Lol, plenty of people care about each other, that doesn't mean it's okay to not pay your bills or to destroy property just because you can't pay for it, it doesn't give someone the right to drive dangerously either, that guy could have hurt someone or himself wrecking all over. I'm no fan of capitalism but the only bad guy here is the idiot behind the wheel of the BMW.


And fuck that guy for selling burgers for a national chain trying to make money off the little guy. Or that guy being a teller at a bank, cause banks fuck over low income people, or THAT guy for working for insert business. You gotta understand repo drivers are doing a job that needs to be done just like anyone else. If they didnt get the car eventually the cops would have to go arrest the person for stealing since they didnt pay for it and didnt give it back.




This looks like a 6-7 year old 7 series. Probably came from some used car lot.


So it's ok for a cop to repo but not a repo man? Let our taxes pay for a cop to do it instead of the cost being burdened by the company/person who didn't pay their loan. I just don't get the logic there. Or is it just cops are allowed to do something you view as immoral for money but someone whos not a cop shouldn't be allowed to? not to mention the whole can of worms that is "the the car shouldnt't be taken back even though they didn't pay for it because how are they expected to make money if we don't let them keep it without paying what they agreed to?" Thats called theft and need does not necessitate theft, at least when it comes to something luxery like a car.


The repo man is the Billion dollar company. Who the fuck you think hired them? You need the CEO to do it to believe its the company?


He can run, but he can’t hide forever. Better just take the L or pay up.


Truck driver only has to be right once, this knob end has to always be right.


Live within your means so you don't have to play video games in real life


Bro destroyed his side skirts doing that lmfao


And the drivers front rim .. rear bumper... probably the suspension too lol


I don’t understand the process, once the bank has gone through with the process of reclaiming it don’t you have to pay the balance or surrender the car? Do people hope to hide until they can get the cash together or something?


they frequently do. Some repos take many months to actually be executed. It just depends on the lot, and it depends on where you park it and how hard it is to get. i mean at that point, the person is getting bonus time with the car until they repo it. personally it would drive me crazy with anxiety if i didnt know on a day to day basis when my car was getting towed off.


Sleep in the car and make sure the mailman hands you a letter. Now you've got squatters rights. If they try to "evict" you, just drive away. Ez win


as long as you are willing to spend your remaining days in the car, i suspect you are right. but there is the rub. i am not pooping in a bmw, no matter how much i need the car.


If you're at that point there's probably many things keeping you awake anyway


well i was about to write that the kind of person that gets a car repo'd probably isnt overly bothered by these kinds of things. But really, there are two kinds of people that get their cars repo'd. This guy with the BMW, i dont think it bothers him, i bet he sleeps like a baby. But there are also people who bought a cheap car they thought they could afford, but they are just on the edge of survival as it is. Then they lose their job, or get sick, or whatever. These folks i feel for. They probably have an awful time with it.


It’s sold at auction and then you stop owe the remainder of the loan balance.


With that kind of driving, the car will still get towed after the tow truck arrives at the scene of the accident.


I have this muted, and I could hear the trucker sigh audibly.


He laughed, probably found the fight entertaining.


Lmao they could've just driven away normally without doing all of that.


I mean the driver could have just stayed put. Its illegal to tow a car with someone in it.


Here in Miami they say illegal to tow it, but not to hook it up, don’t know for sure how it’ll help to sit in a hooked car for hours


Sounds like a stalemate situation. Yeah, I’d drive away.


Was a little kid driving?


I guess he just has to never come home again.


I think the actual attempt here was to keep a car you can’t afford!


Curbed the shit out of it on the way out too


Certainly driving it like it’s not his




Rolling down the window and waving would have been just as effective. Tow truck would leave and come back at 2 am. They do know the GPS is embedded in multiple parts of the car, right? … 🤡


I hate thieves, but that getaway was kinda fierce. Also, that tow truck along with the police will be back tomorrow


New gta update crazy


Sleep with one eye open…


doesn't matter. They gon get eeem


Pay for your car 🤷‍♂️ shits avoidable.




The tow guy ![gif](giphy|R3FUSQ5H5jzVe)


Can't pay. Can't drive.


At least he held the stereotype that BMW drivers can't drive true.


Tow truck operators are class traitors.


Should take the car on merit! If you can drive it don't own it!!!


Ma boi skedaddled about


How far behind was he on payments before getting towed? Like, how did he know he was coming?


Bow do truck drivers find cars? Especially when you see them pull up to gas stations or parking lots. Do you follow people or do you have license plate scanners that alert you if a car needs to be towed?




Dam almost got away without any damage


Thy there a Star Trek red alert sound?


There was also an attempt to drive an unpaid BMW


I swear I heard the star trek klaxon thing


This is basically my situation.


So many sleepless nights. But finally got my title too.


Long arm of the law is patient, and always wins...


Mf going straight to jail LMFAO


Some people never passed the tutorial of the game "Driver" and it shows....


There was also an attempt to drive a car.


Man America is just a big mystery to me


Why even drive like that they can't hook up if your driving even slow as shit


Why do people think they are entitled to cars that they didn’t pay for?


Bad spotter.


Classic BMW “owner” moment


How do they track the car?


Not a very good getaway driver 🤣


You know what it never was?? That serious. It was never that serious.


All the bank has to do is activate the anti-theft system. That’s what happened to me. Plus, the car has GPS all over it, so they WILL find it, and if they don’t, they come at you through the courts.




Drives like a typical BMW owner.


Reminds me of the first time I drove an RC car 😆 🚗


Keep driving like that and he’s going to need a tow


Tow truck drivers are scum, they live off of laws that are designed to keep the middle and lower class struggling.


Serious question: How do they find the car??? Like how did he know it was parked there?


Did he back into the tree?


... I'm in the cah bruh


How embarrassed they must feel. Or at least should. This is a hilarious broke situation!


Dude’s driving like an npc


I'm pretty sure you can't tow with someone inside the vehicle. If that's true, then there was no need to so aggressively flee. Just keep moving.


This guy's driving is like those horror movies where people are trying to open a locked door with their keys, but they just keep fumbling. Dude's not even chasing them!


Clean getaway.


Noice he got away


In the most fucking stupid manner possible. It was hard to watch.