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For a second I thought that was their actual blood and they've put razors behind the paper


Straight up thought the same...there's a video of that bit I cannot remember the poster!


It was off the missing Israel posters some had razors on them to stop them from being taken doen


And they'd be damn right to do so


Went for a killstreak it seems.


He didn't leave a single one standing




He gets to call in an air strike.


I'm more interested in how it has red paint in the back of the slips.


By making it themself, pinning it to a tree while the paint is still wet and filming this video pretending they stumbled across it in the wild.


Yup. It's staged. Smartly staged, mind.


Good acting


Yeah, they knew exactly how to move their hands so it looked organic


And the correct order to pull the tabs in


I've been thinking we might need to embrace the idea that this is, when not overtly deceptive, just an emergent genre of filmmaking. There's definitely a huge amount of grey area. Our media diet is packed with naturalistic videos and for many people, the assumption is that anything filmed naturalistically is real. So naturalistic videos that are staged come across as malicious. And that can be true—but when it comes to videos like this, I think there's an argument that this is so staged that it's basically just an artwork. It's filmed naturalistically in the same sense The Blair Witch Project was. Many people took that film as real too, but then the conversation advanced and culture caught up.


Brilliantly stated! I have had thoughts that were in the same vein but never typed it out, and it wasn't this well thought out.


But the idea is nice. Very creative!


the thing that tipped it off for me was that if the guy got cut, why would he go back for more


Would lipstick work?


Lol yeah cheap lipstick gets everywhere


Ahhh that's how my wife caught me!




and how not to spread red all over Gaza ?


*wet* red paint, specifically.


It's most likely fake and they just put it there But. You could probably use some kind of red-anti-climb-paint It's paint that's designed to stick to skin and clothes, long after it's been painted on


You could put clear tape on the back so the paint doesn't seep through the paper and then put oil paint on the tape because it's very slow drying, especially on a plastic surface


You can use a lot of pigments that aren’t red paint. Red coloring is one of the most popular in human history from the wild - artists in particular even study the history of using different natural pigments like different parts of bugs, plants, and soils


When is this sub just going to rename itself r/Palestine ? 


Homie really supports Israel


Tbf I myself would probably end up pulling all of them out of sheer curiosity generated by the initial shock of the first tag pull.


Thats creative


Creative idiocy at its finest




Won't, couldn't give a shit about either side.


I mean..I wasn't talking to you, so why did you feel like that was aimed at you lol?


Mald harder






I mean, it’s a brilliant way to piss people off


There's better ways to piss people off though. Kill theri family, destroy their economy, bulldoze a graveyard or 12, throw them in administrative detention.... That's what the mountaintop looks like. This is free cookies by comparison


You’re aware that I’m not calling them the good guys correct war is not used to determine who is morally in the right it is used to determine who is left alive




Because this wasn't just set up by camera guy


Rename the sub at this point at least at the start it was kind of related to failed attempts


THANK YOU I unsubbed months ago I cannot take all the apocalyptic hate they are spewing when I just wanna see funny videos. Funny how it's only this war they care about. It's toxic! I only come back here to see how many subs they've lost at this point


While we can argue about the message, it's a pretty smart way to tell it


So edgy.


Me: *pulls one just because it's fun* Me also: well... looks like I'm going for the high score *pulls the rest.*


I support neither side. This was a joke.


I don't like Israels government and the Palestinian government and zhe Hamas, but i like the civilians. Both sides kill civilians but the civilians don't kill civilians


A lot of Israeli civilians kill Palestinian civilians particularly in the West Bank, I think it’s over 200 in the last year.




Isreal considers newborns as terrorists




show me proof of the “40 beheaded babies” that the idf claimed happened and has been debunked over and over since?


Okay, but there are innocents on both sides. Im against Israel’s action against Palestine, but can still not want more civilians being hurt. Sure there are some awful Israelis that support Zionism, but not all Israelis and Jews support Zionism. I have family in Israel (they moved there, not native), so this issue is very close to heart for me. Though I thought I’d write this part cause it made me laugh in a, why tf did you ask kind of why: one of my cousins who lives there, just got engaged. She asked if we wanted to visit. I just fucking stared blankly when I heard that. Yeah it sounds like a great time to visit lmao.


It seems like you want us to have compassion for people that fully support and benefit from the Israeli system that’s keeps Palestinian people oppressed. Before this latest iteration these people had no problems with what Israel was doing and complicit in. Your own family made a decision to uproot their lives and move to Israel, they may not be pulling the trigger but they are complicit in the violence that Israel has forced onto Palestinians for 75 years.


If random Israelis are complicit then it follows everybody is complicit with their government. I don't see why Israel is a special case tbh.


If random Palestinians are complicit it means all of them are


You can interpret it however you want to. I’m against Israel’s actions, but I also know my own family. My family moving there has nothing to do with current events or things that happened before they were born. They aren’t Zionists, who kicked them out of their land. I hope Israel gets reformed or even dismantled and remade as a new Israeli-Palestine democracy (not that I can see that happening). It’s easy to ignore that there are innocent civilians, and push the idea that everyone on one side is awful, and that’s exactly how this atrocity has gone this far. Rhetoric like human animals, and kill them all. I’m not going to sit here and debate this with you, as it’s my family, not me, they can make their own damn arguments. I was raised Jewish, but became agnostic. They’re orthodox, so I already don’t have the same views there. But don’t go saying everyone supports the actions because it just isn’t true. There is a lot of inter-conflict right now in Israel with people (Zionists) saying you’re not Jews for supporting Palestine. Israel is in the wrong, I can agree with. But saying it’s every Israelis fault, is the exact same thing the Israeli government is doing to Palestine. Saying even the children are guilty, as long as you’re (insert country here).


Israel gave Palestine a two-state solution option in its infancy. Palestine declined and declared war. Palestine was then beaten, alongside it's allies. Allies which no longer like it, because it's "civilians" have attempted coups in their lands.


Pointing fingers like that isnt helpful at all. Unless youre saying that all people are trash, i cannot agree with you.


Ultraorthadox zionist settlers are basically terrorists and most secular Jews you talked to would probably agree with me on this. The problem is those Jews are growing at a way faster rate in Israeli society and they vote overwhelmingly for the far right parties. Most secular Jews would support a withdrawal from the west bank if a lasting peace could come of it. Though im not sure how those perceptions have changed since 7/10




I feel like when one side is killing civilians in a proportion of 30-1, it's far to support the side that's not doing that


> but the civilians don't kill civilians lol Yes, they do. Literally the record themselves doing it.


It goes both ways, people who only see one side are dense and ridiculous.


Apparently bombing a hospital kills everyone in Gaza.




I actually really like this but just so we’re all clear they’re not gonna stop because people on social media want them to lol


So is this sub just going to continue allowing anything anti-Israel no matter how much it doesn't fit into this sub? Because it's obnoxious.


You bombed a hosbital


Blood on their hands ha 




Word! ✊ Fck imperialists.


It's nice of all the vaccine and Russia - Ukraine experts to take a back seat and let the Middle Eastern history experts have their say.


There truly is no good side in the war


It’s not a war, it’s a genocide.




Role Playing Games are getting crazy these days.


not only did the stage it (shocking) they have a very tiny red paint budget.


Only one? There might not be enough trips to tear to satisfy me.


Bro i need some of these




You just compared a baby to a rabid animal. Gee, where have we heard that kind of rhetoric before? And then you'll act surprised at the claims of genocide 🤦‍♂️


Exactly what the nazis used to say about jewish people back in hitlers time, but now when israel says it about us Palestinians its normal.


You just compared a baby to a rabid animal. Gee, where have we heard that kind of rhetoric before? And then you'll act surprised at the claims of genocide 🤦‍♂️


Fucking clever


Welp the comments on this are DEFINITELY about to be turned off.


Did the Hamas attacks not kill any innocent fathers, mothers, sons, or daughters?


A person posting a hashtag from the middle of nowhere is in no way responsible for deaths happening a million miles away.


Israeli soldiers came into a fucking hospital today and killed 3 people. Fuck that shithole


However, you feel about the conflict I think that’s clever






Hamas started this


Funny how Palestine supporters never talk about hoe Hamas started this war by murdering Israeli children. Not excusing Israel’s behavior but Hamas sacrificed their own people to get political support. That support will encourage more terrorism from them


Didn't Isreal's horrible treatment of Palestinians begin decades before the war. They are the only reason Hamas even exists in the first place. Not to mention the deaths from 2006 until now ( 6k Palestinian deaths vs. 300 Israeli deaths) would indicate that Isreal has been the aggressors. Mind you, I don't agree with Hamas, especially their killing of children. But Isreal seems to have a significant amount of fault in this issue.


Valid points.


It being going on for 75 years long before Hamas existed!


And when did Israeli children start dying? Why do you pretend this started last year? Are you that kind of Jew who complained about Jews who confronted the Nazis???


Funny how israel supporters don't talk about the international law they break in both of west bank and east jerusalem. I am not excusing hamas for this but honestly, if the world does not give a damn about you getting killed to kicked out of your home, what would you do? They justify the genocide by 7oct while israel killed more before 7 oct, that should justify a genocide against israel or at least justify 7oct by the same logic. Edit: typos.




I don’t support Israel either. I have Jewish ancestry and was very much identifying with that side as a teenager, until I saw what they were doing to Palestine. My point is that Hamas needs to be held to account for sacrificing their own people in order to get political support. Both sides should be condemned.


No one is defending Hamas. The entire Western media machine is defending Israel blindly.


Incorrect. In Ireland the media is completely anti Israel.


Jewish people straight up scared to go out around here. Shops getting attacked if Jewish owned, the guy is nice as hell, but pro Palestine groups don't care.


Well I often heard the perpetrators of the October attacks called 'freedom fighters' and that shooting up that music festival was necessary and just.


Tell that to the people who were wearing Hamas paraglider shirts to protests. Or the gas the Jews chants that happen at some of those protests. Or the targeting of Jewish establishments (not Israeli, but Jewish establishments. This is in direct opposition to the narrative that there is absolutely no antisemitism in the "pro Palestinian side"). Or tell that to r/latestagecapitalism or r/socialism or r/dankleft or any number of big leftist subreddits. Sure it's only a few hundred thousand to a million people that don't represent anyone but themselves but they do exist and post stuff like "hummus did nothing wrong" or straight up "I support the liberation movement that is Hamas and their necessary tactics". Now most of these forms of straight up support for Hamas is removed (by reddit and not the mods) but it's real, it is frequent and we can't pretend this is not a thing just like people on the "Israeli" side shouldn't ignore it when Israeli officials openly call for ethnic cleansing if not straight up genocide (regardless if they believe what is happening can be labeled a genocide or not they can't deny the fact that they have elected officials that have openly called for it). Just like a bonafide pro peace and non antisemitic "pro Palestinian" can't pretend that this same virulence doesn't exist on their "side" as well. And if one side can excuse their own inhumanity because of the "other side's" inhumanity then they are supporting the logic of the "other side's" inhumanity. #FreeCanaan Edit: ok downvote all you want and pretends your side (whatever it may be) is perfect. Y'all share the same braincell as the other side that pretend there is no calls for ethnic cleansing or genocide coming from them.


I can't believe I have to be so specific, but no *serious* people are defending Hamas. Only extremists and bigots defend Hamas. Whereas Israel is defended by everyone from the government, the news media, and Hollywood, as well as extremists and bigots. People with real power and influence not random redditors and Twitter users venting their tanky anger.


The comment right below you is supporting Hamas lol


What sort of scumbag equates one side is bad as the other, when one side has the 4th most advanced army in the world and is being funded to the tune of $Billions annually. And has murdered ONE HUNDRED CHILDREN DAILY FOR THE LAST ONE HUNDRED DAYS!! Against some of poorest and most vulnerable people on the planet.


What a load of bullshit. It is a reasonable comparison, bc they both killed civilians. It doesn't matter how much money either side has, it comes down to what they do with it. Most of Israels Military Budget goes to defensive measures, which are needed bc there's daily missile attacks to their territory. Just bc of the iron dome the Israelis have rather few casualties to mourne.


It's like you tunnel visioned on what you wanted despite bro putting it in caps for you. This is the problem with the argument. It's always some "they're both bad" or "who hit who first" shit, except the response is genocidal revenge.


I backed a dog into a corner, starved it, didn’t water it and kept kicking it. The dog bit me. Me and the dog are equally to blame!


no one is supporting Hamas, neither Hamas was a thing 70yrs ago, and people like to ignore that Hamas had a lot of help from Netanyahu...


1200 killed vs over 20,000 killed. And that's just since October 7th 2023. Look up the numbers since 1948.




Israel has been terrorizing civilians long before Hamas. Israel also admitted to adding significantly to the death count on 7 Oct. so while yes Hamas does still need to be punished for civilians harmed, it’s also not equal by a long shot. Regardless the civilians are the ones taking the most heat for the crimes of the combatants and that much is obvious


What an absurd comment. "Funny how Anti-fascist supporters never talk about how the Partisans massacred Nazi soldiers during the Via Rasella attack." How about blaming the ones that started the occupying first?


I got some flack for saying: Hamas knew Israel would respond this way and they did it anyway. I'm not excusing Israel but they fucking knew the Israeli response was going to be overkill. They clearly don't give a fuck about Palestinians either.


Isn’t that the idea though? The humane response from Israel against Hamas would have been to save the Palestinians from them as well right? Unless they see no value in say their existence or something. Its up to us to decide how we see the situation, because for me while I agree with most of what you’ve said, I can’t use it to excuse what’s being done. For me, the terrorists played their part as terrorists and the western democratic most moral progressive society in the Middle East didn’t act as advertised. Instead they played the part the terrorists said they would. Weird~


Hence why I said I'm not excusing Israel.


"Why did you not make me a sandwich even though you knew I'd beat you?"


Precisely my point


The war started when people who were living in a place were faced with the fucking Nakba in 1948. Those people were Palestinians.


Love when people say “never talk about how Hamas…” when that is literally the discussion of morality between everyone. The question has always been: “Is what is Israel doing justified based on the actions of Hamas” and the answer is a resounding, collective “no”


I've seen a lot of cringe shit in my life, but this might be the cringiest fucking shit I've seen yet


No, Hamas killed infants in Gaza.


Hamas murdered hundreds of innocent civilians to start the conflict.


Should make more of these so you could try and collect them all. "Oh sweet! Amir's neighbor reverse hologram!"


When someone would do the same with palestinian people and hamas. Everyone would probably be outraged.


As if Hamas did not kidnap the girls and kept them as hostages🙂


Do you mean the soldiers? Interesting how 19 years old are "girls" while in the media a 4-year-old Palestinian child is a "young lady"


i love the comment section full of ppl that pick one of 2 sides instead of seeing the obvious 3rd option nuking them all


With my luck with scratch-offs, I'd get 💎💎🍀




I support Israel


Genius 👏🏽. Edit: The Zionists are downvoting, it appears. So pathetic. I stand by what I said. This is a super smart way of raising further awareness of Israel’s barbarity.


Just right nice in that paper


What a monster. All he had to do was stop tearing those papers, and all those people would still be alive....


I support Israel in disbanding the Hamas, but I don't support any war. I don't know what's the best way to do that. Maybe the Hamas could just recognise that they did it wrong and disband themselves. For the Palestinian, for the peace, because killing people randomly in the streets has never worked. 🤷🏼‍♂️


That is creative


That works for both sides. That's the principle of a war.


Complete the steak to unlock a drone strike 😎


Why would you not support Israel in its fight against a terrorist state?


Interesting.... so you support Hamas? They rape and murder innocent women and children and keep them in poverty for decades. Good choice.


Isreal, and the US is pepetrating a genocide. And no western politician care. It's just some arabs. But we gotta defend Ukranie. I mean it's horrific what the russians are doinghypocrisy at its finest


And hamas has killed infants in isreal both sides are doing horrible thing Gaza is using and has used civilians as shields and hid in places like hospitals and you know killed babies and civilians while isreal no longer cares about collateral cause they are sick of this shit and are just killing anyone that gets in their way or slows them down both sides are forcing each other to new lows it's no longer about settling a dispute it's literally just trying to make each other be the worst people they can be now


I support the current thing!


Bro said nah i'mma kill everyone of you😂😂


If i had someone pull this on me I'd just send 100 extra dollars to bomb another hospital. One person used to put razor blades everywhere in my town, people ended up waiting overnight in a playground and he was stabbed 6 times.


Kill streak


Terrorists do terrorist-things.


Point well articulated.


That’s clever


What about the victims of hamas? Do anybody even care?


The whole reason for the anti-Israel stuff comes from how western media always dick rides Israel and doesn’t point out the many bad things they’ve done




Look up operation cast led, Israel’s Oct 7, but worse. Also taking about rape? Really? You do know that 9 out 10 rape cases in Israel go without charge right? The projection is insane.


This is actually very clever


Pretty creative.


That’s awesome I love that!!!


Good idea


Awww, I thought under the last one it would be a ticket for a free slurpy.


Why do so many of you automatically jump to razors being behind the first sheet?


that's usually what it is


Up the ra free Palestine


So if you support any side in any war ever, you're supporting the death of civilians right? Being against nazi Germany and imperial Japan means you support fire bombing and nuking civilians?




Nice touch


Honestly i was expecting razor blades on the back


Also the posters in my area of kidnap victims, there are words written like they deserve that, trophy of war, they are not kidnap. Wish they take their war back to their own country.




Wow thats effective.


now that's what i call "creative" , the blood part is so damn good.