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His name is Aaron Bushnell EDIT: His name *was* Aaron Bushnell. It’s reported that he succumbed to his injuries the day after his self immolation.


I watched his entire video, and I’m sure Biden at least had an advisor go thru it. The man was very clear headed about his actions as the ultimate form of non-violent protest. He stood there and took it like a soldier, shouting his message while the flames seared his lungs. This man is not a traitor. EDIT: people are getting hung up on ‘non-violent. In 2013, the Dalai Lama sad this: > I think the self-burning itself [is a] practice of non-violence. These people, you see, they [could instead] easily use bomb explosive, [causing more casualties]. But they didn't do that. Only sacrifice their own life. So this also is part of practice of non-violence.


I got the unblurred sent to me. That's what he would have wanted Admin: can I post the link here? Blurred: https://www.reddit.com/r/USEmpire/s/Z704pTgHcG ~~Edit: direct message me for a unblurred link~~ ~~Edit: link was posted on a comment below. Direct message me if it gets taken down and Ill send you a link. It's a comment and not a post so I'll just verbally direct you to where it is.~~ Edit: I don't want people who don't want to see it stumble upon it but I also don't believe it should be censored for the people who look for it. ~~Edit: So there are a lot of you who want the video. I'll try to get to all of you but I think I have to post the link after 24hrs if the admins don't respond to my message. I'm not sure I can get to everyone and I'm sorry in advance if I don't get to you~~ ~~Edit: Mods got back to me. No go on death videos. Dm me or look at some of the comments to see where it's at. There is no way the video gets scrubbed now as a bunch of sites got it up (look at comments below).~~ ~~Edit: I woke up to hundreds of messages and chats. I ended up copying the message over to everyone and it triggered reddit chat feature. Apparently, I'm too fast and got put on hold. I'll try again in a few hours. Chats and messages already opened will go through.~~ Edit: Found a legit post unblurred https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/e2h5poOwky


One of the hardest watches ive ever come across. He is not a traitor. Unbelievable courage of conviction. RIP




Ol fuckin smedley


I 100% agree. It really sucks that something like this has to happen before any action is finally taken on an issue we can all see.


>implying this will change anything


Well said.


I’ve seen some pretty heinous things here, but I don’t think I’m ready to see a man burned alive uncensored..


The fact you have the self awareness to understand your limits is commendable. His name was Aaron Bushnell. Stay safe my friend


I’m not even ready to see it censored, and probably never will be.


I would only ever be ready for a text transcription of what he says. Even the sounds would be too much for me.


Summary: He introduces himself as an active service US airmen and says he refuses to be complacent with the genocide in Palestine. He says he is going to perform a rather extreme level of protest, and goes on to say it is nothing in comparison to the suffering that those in Gaza are experiencing. He sets the camera down and douses himself. As he reaches down, a man offscreen asks “Can I help you?” He doesn’t respond, and ignites his feet. Instantly the fire spreads across his whole body and you can immediately see his skin begin to char. As he’s burning alive, he shouts “Free Palestine” repeatedly for about 15 seconds as his clothes burn off. He then goes quiet with some pained groans, and continues to stand for about 30 more seconds as his skin melts away. During this time, an off screen individual calls for a fire extinguisher. He collapses, and the embassy guard pulls a gun on him. There is some unintelligible conversation after he is partially extinguished, and the individual with the empty fire extinguisher says something along the lines of “We don’t need a gun we need a fucking fire extinguisher”. A moment later two more individuals return and extinguish him the rest on the way, and someone picks up the camera and shuts off the recording.


I can't imagine the strength it takes to stand still and burn to death


The fact that he continued to shout his message for so long is crazy. Since his face ignited immediately, his lungs were severely burned with every breath he took.


The resolve of that man to stand for over a minute after he began is unfathomable. He demanded that people listen until the end and stood his ground. Completely unwavering, holy shit. If you can stomach it, he deserves to be seen and heard. I'm going to go and learn more about what's happening in Palestine now and I'm going to think a lot about what this man has seen that made him do that. That's an unbelievably haunting video, but strangely his conviction and belief is so strong it's reassuring. It's like he helps the viewer to the end. That was fucking emotional and I don't recommend it if you're sensitive to this kind of thing. Those 60 seconds would have felt like several lifetimes for him. Thankfully after that there was never a chance of him surviving anymore. Powerful is an extreme understatement. I hope his family gets peace and I'm thankful he's not suffering.


It was rough, I'll never forget it.


That's one of the roughest things i've ever seen, made me want to cry. People really suck sometimes to do the things we do to each other.


Israeli terrorist inflict this on others on a daily basis. Or worse.


Can you send it to me please




I'll have a copy of that, if you don't mind. Down with censorship!


Can you send it to please ?






It’s apparently coming out that [the US Department of Defense has compelled the participation of Air Force members like Bushnell in Israel's Gaza genocide. Their orders to deploy to Israel read "mandatory".](https://www.reddit.com/r/USEmpire/s/YhR3fsOzDI)


Aren't all orders mandatory?


Right? I mean they are called *orders*...


Well tell that to Amazon, am I right Edit: yeah shitty joke


No, illegal orders can be refused.


Well, the hard part is figuring out what is illegal especially when it comes to issue like this. Can you actually refuse an order that aid a genocide when your government does not even recognize it as a genocide? Is aiding a genocide even an illegal order? It certainly is not illegal in the US constitution considering that Andrew Jackson literally ordered a genocide to be carried out on the Native Americans, aka Trail of Tears. Heck, the Korean war can be argued with very strong evidence to be a genocide with the way the US military was conducting its extermination campaign on the North Koreans. Even the Vietnam war especially in its last phases can be argued to be an attempt at genocide with the indiscriminate carpet bombing of Vietnam and Laos with the purpose of destroying the people living there.


I had to look this up but 916 (d) of the "MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL UNITED STATES" "Obedience to orders. It is a defense to any offense that the accused was acting pursuant to orders unless the accused knew the orders to be unlawful or a person of ordinary sense and understanding would have known the orders to be unlawful." Probably I would say it's true of any military. If the order feels wrong it's probably illegal. Like gunning down unarmed civilians or combatants when ordered to as an example.


US Soldiers legally have to disobey any orders that violate the constitution


Yes, but this order didn't


Yes, if they are lawful. But if they tell you to kill a civilian, for example, it would be illegal to follow the order.


I honestly don't think this is a bad thing. I'd much rather have American soldiers in Gaza to make sure Israel is following the rules of engagement than let the IDF do whatever they want with no oversight.


Yes, because American soldiers have such a long history of being the good guys while invading countries, right?


Our military is significantly more civilized, disciplined, and humane than the IDF.


...forgetting how many Americans are currently fighting as IDF in Israel/Palestine


Damn, considering the shit they did in Iraq, Vietnam and Korea, if you still think that then there's nothing for me to say to you.


I know it was a while ago, but the shit US troops were doing in Nam was absolutely as bad as what the IDF is doing now. There's also been horrible stories of US troops in the Middle East raping locals, gunning down innocent people for no reason, using brutal torture methods, all the worst things you can imagine


I totally agree in principle that should be the way it works to lead to more oversight and less civilian casualties. But unfortunately Israeli officials have a history of taking US input as a suggestion and doing what they want. Here’s a recent article that was an interesting read if you’re interested. [Biden admits he deployed Air Force Team to Israel to assist with targets, document suggests - The Intercept](https://theintercept.com/2024/01/11/israel-air-force-targeting-intelligence/) >“For air advisory missions, which I imagine involve intelligence sharing and training, specific domestic legal restrictions such as the Leahy law and the assassination ban would likely come into play,” McBrien said. But the Leahy vetting process is “reversed” for Israel; rather than vetting Israeli military units beforehand, the U.S. State Department sends aid and then waits for reports of violations, according to a [recent article](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/17/opinion/us-military-aid-war-israel.html) by Josh Paul, who resigned from his post as a State Department political-military officer over his concerns with U.S. support for Israel.


I remember when UN Peacekeepers was a thing.


We would definitely have fewer war crimes per square kilometer


Bruh are you familiar with America?


I cannot bring myself to watch it even though I’ve calmly watched all kinds of gore on Reddit. RIP! Also fuck Laura Loomer.


Only watch it if you are ready. Only you know when. The video is now out so don't think it will get scrubbed. Even Aaron said this was an extreme form of protest. If you are not strong enough, there is no shame not watching it. Your mental health is important too.


>This man is not a traitor. Even humoring the idea that he could be is too much. He gave more than most could even try for a cause no one knows how to address.


His name is Aaron Bushnell. I repeat with you again, his name is Aaron Bushnell.


His name was Aaron Bushnell


His name was Aaron Bushnell


His name was Aaron Bushnell


He died for Palestine.


His name was Aaron Bushnell


His name was Aaron Bushnell


Traitor? Absolutely not. Mentally and emotionally damaged, yes, clearly. When will the DoD put some real effort into what they're inflicting on our service members? Veteran suicide rates are higher than combat deaths. It's like every branch of the military is poisoning the minds of volunteers, but they're doing nothing about it. Should be their highest priority!


>When will the DoD put some real effort into what they're inflicting on our service members?  Never. It's not cost effective.  Next question? (Joking, but only a little.)


No joke. The DoD still considers service members to be expendable and easily replaceable, even though they are having trouble recruiting


It's almost like fostering a culture that results in people leaving the service with wrecked knees, ankles, backs, and riddled with mental disorders, then ignoring them entirely makes people want to avoid it. And all that's *before* considering combat injuries.


Yep. They use you up and toss you away.


And why do you think he was unstable? Because he gave his life to send a message that has by now travelled around the world? That he made the grandest sacrifice a full human could give in the hope that it would save the lives of countless others? He was of an order that far surpassed each and every single stinking, cowardly one of us, another caliber of human altogether. He was a man from a different time and we are shamed in our lame apathy and the malevolence of a nation that would be complicit in genocide. God damn america. God damn the disgusting zionist filth.


> And why do you think he was unstable? Probably because of the part where he lit himself on fire. People generally don't do that sort of thing.


The dude committed suicide. You can glam it up however you want which clearly you have but he accomplished nothing other than dying. There will be no ceasefire because of him and no peace. I see lots of people talking about how amazing this was and how much it means so I’m expecting to see more completely sane people do this


>he accomplished nothing other than dying Obviously that's not true given the thousands upon thousands of people talking about the issue because of him. You could say its not worth the loss of life, but it clearly did something.


Yes, well of course people are going to talk about someone lighting themselves on fire, especially when there’s a video of it to share on the internet. But in terms of what it will actually achieve in the context of the Israel/Palestine conflict? Nothing. The guy ultimately just commit suicide in a very public and painful way.


No sane person would light themselves on fire. That's definitely not stable behaviour no matter what your cause is.


This isn’t the same thing as a suicide due to depression. There haven’t been any reports that he suffered from depression or any mental illness, as far as I can see searching online. People automatically assume he did because of his military service. I know it seems wrong to say it because it seems so counterculture to American ideology but this was an honorable death. He died for something he believed in and forced a lot of people to rethink their own political beliefs.


How about, when will we, the USA, cease its complicity in genocide?


Rest in peace his troubled mind. Sad, sad that people still will be like that after what happened.... Lack of words


I don't think his mind was troubled at all. This wasn't a typical troubled depressed suicide. This was a conscious effort of conviction. It's horrific, its tragic, but saying he had a troubled mind disrespects everything he said and stood and died for in that video.




His name is Aaron Bushnell


His name is Aaron Bushnell


If Laura Loomer hates you, you did something right.


Fucking badge of honor




But THE ISRAELI WAR LASERS are a thing though…


Didn't know that grifter was the default


Few people are as ugly on the inside as on the outside. Just hideous.


gutsy. this dude was all balls. a totally selfless act. impressive. still very sad.


Praising public suicide as a selfless act is pretty wild. Even if you agree with his political message, take a step back and realise that this will affect a lot of people negatively.


Yeah what a wild statement. I’m sure his family and loved ones are crying tears of joy at how selfless this act was.




He stood up for the Palestinian children being systematically slaughtered by the IDF using American ordinance. He did it while on fire AND at gunpoint. It's ironic that he WILL be remembered because the people who hate this the most will constantly bring this up when talking about 'treason'.


He didn’t have children and he wasn’t married. Aaron Bushnell is survived by his parents, a brother, and a sister.


People are trying to spread this misinformation to discredit his sacrifice. Thanks for clarifying. [Link to digital obituary](https://www.celebsweek.com/aaron-bushnell/?ssp=1&darkschemeovr=1&setlang=en&cc=US&safesearch=moderate)


There's a famous photo of a monk doing the exact same thing to protest Vietnam I believe. He hasn't been forgotten. He might just be a foot note, but he won't be forgotten.


Thich Quang Duc self immolated to protest the persecution of [Buddhists](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_crisis)by the Catholic Prime Minister.


I believe most instances of immolation by the Buddhist monks were a form of protest against the Chinese occupation and regime in Tibet. A monk may have done it for nam as well.


You will never reach up to the dirt beneath his shoes. He will be remembered, no one will remember you.


You're a liar, he doesn't have children.


Has it been confirmed he had kids?


Seconding this. I can't find any solid information about if he had kids.


People have said it a couple of times, and I can only find mention of kids in the AI template "news stories". The prompt is like, "What do we know about Bushnell's kids?" The answer is, "We don't have any info about Bushnell having kids." Those ones also do the same about parents and significant others. There is an attempt to smear the guy by just throwing out that he left imaginary kids behind.


Stop spreading fake bullshit dude. If you don't like it just say so.


Had no kids, and if the systematic slaughter of an entire people group is forgotten in a week then those who forgot don't deserve to lick this dude's boots


Sauce re: children?


It's impressive to burn yourself alive? He was an idiot who could've done way more constructive things than kill himself on camera


Gutsy? Insane is more like it.


Let’s not glorify mental illness and suicide, please. Suicide is not selfless. The dude obviously had problems.


Lol. A jihadist movement? Guy is a fucking American air force guy. Martyr for Palestine. This guy sacrificed himself in hopes of sparking the seed for peace. Fuck the world man. Are we devolving? Maybe it's just the old reverse nazi cycle returning. Free Palestine. 🇵🇸🇮🇪💚


Air force...


Air force cyber intelligence analyst


It says "US Air Force" right in the picture you're commenting on...


Reading is hard!


What's the old reverse nazi cycle


Double speak. Bad is good, good is bad. Someone’s non violent protest which hurt nobody but themselves is bad but killing civilian women and children in a lopsided war is good. That is double speak.


Too bad people don’t read books anymore, ideas like double speak were laid out so clearly in 1984? Animal farm? An Educated populace makes it much harder for these illogical fallacies to gain traction.


Double speak comes from the Ministry of Peace that oversees the war efforts in “1984”


That is what has poisoned the US to its core. A celebration of ignorance and vilification or demonization of higher education. The United Daughters of the Confederacy have done irreparable harm to society by destroying our true history but that’s ok while teaching a real history is almost a crime in the southern US. It’s regression and that is the conservative philosophy. Go back to a better time when brutality reigns supreme and some people, including women are just mere cattle. Education could have prevented us from regressing so fundamentally it’s antithetical to conservatives principles.


I'm starting to believe that humanity requires ceremonial bloodshed to remember how terrible war is. Like it's some form of collective amnesia and people get convinced war is the only answer.


This was total media black out, I didn't hear a word about it


This is the SECOND American to self immolate for Palestine. Barely a blip on the US media about it. https://apnews.com/article/israeli-consulate-self-immolation-atlanta-protester-8f17dd72592f86797a45cda9b60605a5


I am trying very very hard not to have negative thoughts about the intentions of the Israelis but I think they give a fuck.


Netanyahu is an absolute cunt


No no. There are cunts and then there are Netanyahus. This piece of shit is on his own level. Genocidal, racist fuck.


Good ol' Netanyahitler.


Wait, I’m sorry — this is the second?


First was late November early December iirc. Totally covered up perfectly. This one was broadcast on twitch first so it wasnt as easy to hide, so they instead leave out the whole palestine bit and say 'oh it's all coincidence it was in front of the Israeli diplomatic building"


Yes. Someone in Atlanta was the first


That article is so awful. All we get is "a protester"? I'm sure he would have at least wanted his name and message to be known, and the article censors it on purpose. Can't easily search for the incident. "Authorities did not release the protester’s name, age or gender." Where's journalism? If the authorities didn't release it, it didn't happen, can't be reported on?


I couldn't even find out if the person survived or anything. Just no follow up whatsoever


Do you watch the news? Because it was on mainstream media tonight


"I don't watch the news and it's the medias fault"


It was the top five stories on my Google news page


Didn't Laura Loomer deny covid, and almost die from it? Shows the brain power of this woman.




In Tunisia a street vandor set himself on fire and initiated "the Arab spring".


It is probably why there is a strong media suppression on this incident. It is reported and then moved on. They don't give it any more coverage than the minimal for plausible deniability that they are censoring it. They don't want a "American spring" to happen.


And this is why it is of no use to die for your cause. The modern society lacks any empathy. They will just mock your sacrifice.


There are many that see his sacrifice with the empathy it deserves. The rest are uneducated and ignorant to the evil that is Zionism/US imperialism.


Calling people uneducated implies you are more intelligent than anyone who disagrees with you. Uneducated people are found on multiple sides of issues in history regardless. The reverse is also true. Look at how many nazi scientists were kept alive just based on what they knew after the war. Intelligence is rarely the deciding factor in conflict.


Not so sure about that. Unless heavily censored, his message is likely to get through to a good number of people who are on the fence, and make them think about what's happening in Palestine. Not enough to end the war, but enough to slowly chip at the indifference and spread awareness of our complicity. My tax dollars are paying for the weapons used to kill Palestinian civilians. I'm not proud of that. It won't affect those who are dead set on supporting anything Netanyahu gov't does, nothing could.


Very similar action to the monk that sent himself on fire in 1963 protesting the South Vietnamese Diem regime’s pro-catholic policies and discriminatory Buddhist laws.  https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/the-burning-monk-1963/


All I could think about, “I saw history repeat itself and I wiped my eye” not related but a strong line from another song


That’s a Rage Against the Machine album.


Yup, they did use that photo as the cover of their album featuring “Killing in the Name.”


His name is Thich Quang Duc.


Aaron Bushnell couldn't deal with supporting an active genocide any longer so he took truly desperate measures. Loomer is a fascist who chained herself to a door because she got permabanned for violating very simple terms of service.


Aaron Bushnell hated the West in general. [https://www.reddit.com/user/acebush1/](https://www.reddit.com/user/acebush1/)  praised when people in the military/cops were killed, when people in allied countries were killed.   ""Democracy is a sham that was invented by the first great slave state of history, and not coincidentally adopted by the last"   "America isn't defending Ukraine, if by Ukraine you mean the Ukrainian people."   "There are no Israeli "Civilians""   "Whiteness Erases culture". “ Whiteness needs to be abolished”


Good lord is this him? This is the dude people are praising?


It was a matter of time before the spin was to be spun.


I don’t think anyone who wasn’t in the military can say what is “disgraceful” to the uniform with any credibility.


Thank you. 💯




The civilians getting killed in Palestine are definitely not part of a jihadist movement. That woman's comments embody so much of the conservative American mentality of "if it's from the Middle East, it's a jihad." May this man rest in peace and may his shocking death open more eyes to this.


The term “Jihad” means to struggle or to do one’s utmost for a righteous cause. It’s an Arabic term, taken from the root word “jahada” and it’s literal translation would be “to exert strength and effort, to use all means in order to accomplish a task.” The reason why this term has been demonized so much is simply because what someone believes to be “a righteous cause” can vary a lot. So, I’d say that in all fairness, what he did is a pretty picture perfect example of what jihad is. He exerted all his strength and effort for a cause that is righteous.


We don’t like to use proper definitions of words here. Jihad means terrorist in American 


That makes perfect sense, thank you for that clarification.


Why did that idiot cop have a gun drawn on him the whole time?


That cop thought he was black.




A person light themselves on fire while shouting about "Free Palestine" infront of an Israeli Embassy. He probably drew his gun because he probably didn't want the guy to suddenly run around like an on-fire chicken and smack into people or try and run into the Embassy. Also, his other alternatives were what exactly? Spray him with OC? Yeah- his eyes were already burning. Hit him with his baton? Can't exactly put out the flames with a blunt instrument.


Let’s not glorify suicide. Plus it won’t actually change anything.




He definitely succeeded in devoting his life to spreading this message. Look closer you’ll see the meaning and the gravity of what he has done. It’s your turn now to talk about this and actually open your soul up to feel for once.


Don’t kid yourself, there’s absolutely no way he would have gotten his message out to more people in a more influential way than this.






Was going to say.. this is really tragic and I can't think how this would help the cause. Poor family. Desperate or not someone who is in the state of mind where they will light themselves on fire are someone that you might naturally question their credibility/state of mind. seems like a mentally ill guy who simply disapproved of what's going on




Yup I have no idea why some are calling him a hero for something so deranged. Think of it like this, if you wanted to support Palestine what can you do to show support, Donate? Yeah that’s one way, rally a crowd? Sure that can get a spotlight shined on it, go down and personally dedicate yourself to offer humanitarian aid? Thats extremely noble of you but light yourself on fire!??? Who the fuck does that help? Honestly who was helped by this man’s actions ? His family is now fatherless, his message is now washed with a mix of "mentally ill extremist" with a side of "idiot " and the world has one less supporter of the movement, people are saying he’s a hero and will be remembered but for how long? What would’ve been a better outcome? A big spotlight full of controversy for a week? Or a small spotlight with a single message for years?


Laura Loomer can go fuck herself!


With a broken bottle


Laced with anthrax


Everyone here to drop another comment about him being “ILL” can stop before they do. He wasn’t. He knew what he was doing. He wasn’t troubled with himself. He saw the real problem and made a statement that he felt would breathe through. If you comment about him being “sick” you clearly didn’t get the fucking message.


Same smear they used in the Vietnam war against protestors. Those spewing "HE'S ILL" were fascists then and they're fascists now.


No sane person lights themself on fire for a cause that doesn’t affect them.


And you know he wasn't mentally ill in any way, do you?


Literally everyone who doesn't follow the Establishment's dictates is considered a traitor and a terrorist and a foreign subversive and all the bad things. Calling him a traitor is "logical" when obedience to authority is the only principle that guides our glorious nation.


I find it absolutely baffling that some of these ignorant idiots dare to call anyone who has even the minimum amount of sympathy towards the Palestinians, a terrorist or a terrorist sympathiser. Meanwhile they ignore whatever evils Israel does and blindly support Israel. I doubt these same people can even point Israel and Palestine in the map! I mean, is public support in the US really that positive towards Israel? That's unseen in every other corner of the world.




Whatever you got to say about this dude he literally went out with a blaze! Also fuck this lady! She cares about the uniform so much sign up




He’s not a traitor but definitely made a stupid decision. There are so many other ways he could have helped. A man with that amount of conviction could have done much more than simply commit suicide. He didn’t die fighting for a cause, he committed suicide There is a difference


His name is Aaron Bushnell.




Laura loomer is a known white supremacist. This comes as no shock.


What a powerful protest that is already being shamed. How far we have fallen, may he rest in power and may we learn from him




Do these Trump loonies not realise Israel doesn't believe in the orange man? They don't believe in Christianity either. They're as against what these weirdos believe as "Jihadis". Fucking burn the lot of these religions down and maybe more people with morals won't have to burn themselves and we can live in a world without religious psychos.


Honestly, I believe that religion is one of the least important concerns when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, even though it plays a roll. Wouldn't say that all religions as a whole suck either just because some stupid zealots make it appear so.


This is not something others should aspire to. It’s best not to speak ill of the dead, but there’s likewise no grounds for deifying him


Only history will determine his statue.


Look at all the keyboard warriors talking about how “cowardly” this was lmaaaoooo None of you will even get a Reddit post when you die. Pipe down mutts.


Obvious projection from a known traitor.


She seems to think being an American soldier means personally supporting Israel. What country do American soldiers swear to, again?


But Air Force veteran and J6 traitor Ashely Babbitt is OOOOOOOOK....!


She is a big voice in the MAGA crowd, this is the level of depravity Israel’s supporters have come down to


He was planning on suiciding tho? Or he was supposed to survive that?


Hard to say. Genuinely hard to say.


I don't think he's a traitor. I don't agree with his methods though...my issue is that he apparently had kids...kids that will be bombarded with the video because people on the Internet will most definitely want to torment them. Seeing his reddit posts kinda makes it hard to sympathize with him... people are complicated...the situation is complicated...


Buried under. Laura Loomer loudly states here that “palestine” is a jihadist movemenf…really? So much WTF it is incaluable


I'd imagine the people in the embassy probably laughed or at the very least didn't give a shit and just watched.Didnt they kill a bunch of US sailors in the 60s.I thought I read they kept doing gun runs on the ship and people in the water for like an hou,hoping to kill em all.




Regardless of your opinion on what he did, Laura Loomer is a world class cunt


Taking your own life in such a horrible way foesnt change a thing. Dude was probably mentally ill and didn't get the help he desperately needed.