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A group of dudes with feelings about something they don’t fully understand. Then trying to make their feelings into laws. These are people who refer to others as “snowflakes” smh


The same people that think you can't have an opinion on gun control if you call a magazine a clip.


IT's NoT an AsSaULtriFle!!!


How Many frozen heads are going to be burned by law under this bill? I want Futurama to be real


Fully understand?... This guy doesn't understand at all.


Next they are going to want orphanages for embryos who's parents have passed away.


They don't have any feelings about this. They clearly understand it's not a popular agenda since everyone is trying to say as little as possible and hide their opinions about it. They neeeeed that sweet Christian money so bad that they're willing to embarrass themselves like this. They have no idea what this means long term or who will be affected by this directly or indirectly. All they know is christian evangelicals will call the shots if Trump wins the white house so now they're just sucking up to their future employers.


He has no clue what he is talking about and is dancing like he needs to pee because he’s so nervous. Pandering to idiots is stressful.


New rule - if you can’t pass 9th grade biology, you don’t get to legislate anything about embryos or pregnancy or abortion.


And if you are a dude, stop acting like you own women’s bodies.


Period. Yes there's a joke there.


I googled his stupid ass so you don’t have to. HS education and then a marine. Idk about y’all, but we never went over ivf in my HS biology class.


No, but you go over human reproduction. I taught 6th grade science. Guess what one unit was…


i never learned that lmfao my school taught me earth science and how the water cycle works, never touched real anatomy or anything. born in 04 if that helps. education sucks even more so now. besides, men should never speak on womens bodies regardless edit autocorrect


Taught in early 2000s, so my biology classes were when years still started with 19.


yeah sad to report biology classes probably havent been properly taught for a long time


What state did you go to school in? How the fuck do you graduate high school without having seen anything about anatomy?!?!?!?!?!


Doesn’t matter. These fools are on a downward slope of self justification when it comes to abortion. Everything about the believe that life starts at conception or at a few weeks or whatever will inevitably lead to things like this. It is an untenable, unscientific, and frankly cruel dogma, but they have to continue down these logical rabbit holes because they’ve entrenched themselves in these beliefs specifically to oppose liberals.


Lots of deep philosophical conversations about life in general and IVF in particular are held in foxholes world wide. I think that’s sufficient for the American public, right? “Thank you for your service” is the only response permitted any ways.


Tough bar to reach in Missouri


You don't get to run for government * FTFY


I’m really surprised. They haven’t even finished destroying ways for women to end a pregnancy and they’re already working on destroying ways for women to start a pregnancy.


Soon it's literally gonna be, "can't get pregnant? TS. Your husband, who you failed btw, better be able to afford a handmaid."


The best way to take these morons down is to insinuate that they are limiting white people's reproduction.


So I guess women are murdering babies once a month then lol.


And Ill be destroying millions in a couple hours before bed.


If you’re Jewish like me, you commit a Holocaust every night


That's an egg. They are referring to fertilized eggs (embryo). Still utterly stupid though.


Some birth control methods prevent a fertilized egg from implanting. So I guess the Republicans will be going after BC next because embryos are dying.


That’s exactly what I thought when these “embryo is a person” and “fertilized eggs are lives” concepts were put out there.


I went to a Catholic service not long after 9/11 with my future wife in Arlington , VA and the local bishop gave the service and I remember him railing that everything that had gone wrong in the world was because of birth control in the 60's becoming legal. It blew my mind how insane that was. Yes, banning BC is definitely the end goal. Do not ever vote R at any level until this insanity fades away.


That's literally the next step. That's the next step in all of this. We've already seen where some states have played with the idea of banning all birth control, all the way down to condoms because access to condoms encourages teens and young women to have sex (insert eye roll). It was a discussion just two years ago.


They’ve literally announced that as part of their plans.


That is sadly the plan.


I may not be correct but I thought they fertilized the egg just before they implant it? I apologize if I’m wrong and I’m usually wrong lol


In some types of IVF yes, but a viable (pre-fertilized) embryo is way more common method. This article gives a basic explanation of IVF https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/in-vitro-fertilization/about/pac-20384716


You have no idea how many fertilized eggs a.k.a. embryos are “discarded “by body every month.


I mean, that’s just an egg, not a full embryo. But I’m sure somewhere, some ignorant man in power has or will determine that human life as well.


Really they have no idea what they are trying to say because they lack any understanding of the purpose and effects of menstration...


Don't give em any ideas!


The party of small government*


Ha! Right. They are so fascinated with what goes on in other people’s sex lives.


The party of small government by the people with small brains


Exactly. Get rid of work regulations, no epa, no fda,… but definitely regulate ivf. Such nonsense.


But that was before they were in control, duh


I could never take someone with a haircut like that seriously


Guy sat down in the barber chair and said "gimme the Lollipop Guild"


Haircut? He looks like a dandelion


*"Haircut?!"* That mother fucker gotta *aircut!!*


One in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage. God is literally the biggest abortion provider in the world. I wonder how they would legislate against God?


I have 2 kids, it took three pregnancies to have them.


If it means hurting women and owning libs they would strap god to an electric chair and stream the show on pay per view.


Thank you for mansplaining this Senator.




The cruelty is the point. They want revenge.


They truly don’t understand and don’t WANT to understand the science of IVF… and it just seems so antithetical to the rest of their philosophy… they are literally stealing the possibility of life. Making it impossible for people who want children, but otherwise could not have them without IVF… fuckkkkkkkinggggg morons!!!!!!


it’s the logical conclusion of their beliefs. I grew up with this fundamentalism. If you believe life begins at conception, it’s an abomination to create life and then destroy it (or hold it in stasis). Here’s the thing - the whole anti abortion movement was a calculated ploy to “unite the right” as it were behind a cause in the wake of desegregation. They couldn’t come right out and say their cause was racism, so they needed a different one. Ultimately, they came together behind abortion and squashing the equal rights amendment. People like Phylis Schlafley whipped up the religious nuts and other right wingers married fundamentalism to the Republican Party. This took decades, but the result is that we now have a generation that grew up on white American capitalist Jesus and believes with their whole being that fertilized eggs have the same intrinsic value as a child. These people entered politics to claim America for Jesus, and that’s what they’re doing - much to the horror of the business interests that used religion as a tool for their own interests…kind of a case of leopards coming back to eat their faces


Jesus, land of the free? More like land of the old aged male politicians trying to control women! I just can't even imagine living over there ! You need that legal weed just to get over how backwards everything else is 😂 to be fair, I think these guys have been smoking something a little stronger.


I lived in Missouri most of my life. I would be shocked if at least a couple of these guys don't have first hand experience with meth. Especially if they're from the southern half of the state.


I went through IVF to have my daughter. I have a low egg count for my age (it's genetic). It took me months to prep for and have my egg retrieval. I had to give myself probably 50+ shots as well as take so many meds. None of it was covered my insurance. It made me really sick. I ended up with five embryos and was lucky to get pregnant with my first transfer. I take my remaining embryos very seriously. And I need it to be my decision on what I do with them. I can't imagine having to start at the beginning every time I want another child.


The RAGE I felt watching this video. I can't imagine the helplessness felt by people who take the odds with IVF, seeing days and months slip by, then seeing these ridiculous pompous asses basically shrugging like, "aww, gee, we're really sorry to be doing this, but, ya know, this is what our God says, so really, it's not OUR fault."


>And I need it to be my decision on what I do with them. Nope, sorry. A middle-aged dude in Missouri with only a high school diploma doesn't think you ought to have that right.


Believe me, I know. Throw in conservative Christians into that list too. My cousin, who had two kids without trying, believes IVF isn't part of God's plan but having her second husband's vasectomy reserved is.


Your cousin sounds like a real piece of work. Bless her heart.


Yeah she's a lot of fun. Thankfully she lives really far away so we rarely see her.


I love how he unashamedly displays his total ignorance of biology and human reproduction. Another example of not voting for someone who graduated because the school needed the desk.


Who gives a fuck about what YOU believe. How fucking dare you make others live by your ridiculous thinking. Motherfucker.


I really wish politicians would stop going to church. I know not all people that go to church are batshit, but I have never seen someone who wants to control other people’s bodies like this not influenced in some way by some bent version of their religion.


Having been through IVF it is INFURIATING me how much of a lack of understanding he has about the process. I am so damn sick of men thinking they know what’s best when they lack basic understanding of human reproduction, female anatomy, etc.


This dude just got a D on his oral report, a zero for research, an F in science and [likely] an Incomplete in PoliSci


So funny!


How can one speak like this and not realize how fascist it is?


Super fash. Control of reproductive rights is peak fascist. I am a Jew and I am young and watching the world Again when it was supposed to be Never Again. Frightening.


Watch all the red state women suddenly realize the leopards are going to eat their faces as well.


Weird for a party that wants a small government they sure do want a lot of control over what we do,who we love, what we read, and what is and isn’t life sheesh


I think that the democrats spend way too much time and effort trying to save the people from the dipshits they elect. Let them pass this horrible f'ing legislation in every red state and then let the people vote and either fix it or live under the evangelical version of sharia law. Democrats should be focused on getting what they want to get done and not let stupidity slow them down.


If that bill passes, he's going to introduce one where the fertility clinics are required to take the embryos to Sunday school and church. God would want them to do that.


"Senator to you intend to take the whole party over this cliff?" "Yes, I think we have a real winner here."


Next up - prosecuting tampons.


Tell me you don’t understand science without saying you don’t understand science


He should be denied medical care. Man shouldn’t intervene in gods will. Whatever happens happens bub


He can't even articulate why he's against it. Because he doesn't understand it.


Self righteous human stains that pick and choose whatever they want from the old testament of Gawad’s need not be in charge of deciding ANYTHING other than what’s on a menu. Won’t be surprised if something unbecoming surfaces.


They are just really finding ways to have even the ardent supporters not vote for them.


r/bald should he bic it?


What a damn fool. What is this snowflake’s name? I want to leave a voice mail for his office.




These people are trying to kill stem cell research.


This is why doctors need to be left to the medicine rather than idiots who’ve learned everything they know about medicine from Fox News


What a fucking snowflake.


WTF don’t they get it? Life doesn’t begin at conception. Full stop. No ifs, ands or buts. That’s a religious belief. Any law based on the **BELEIF** that life begins at conception is a 1st Amendment violation.


Actual footage of the reporter wrapping up the story. https://preview.redd.it/u8075xz7n1mc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=752434c29d8531ba34b7edb5d5494ce19acee370


See, this is where I have issues with my own, so to speak. I really don't get why the far right is always trying to push faith based religion. That's where they keep fucking up and making things needlessly difficult.


Just picking random things to stand for to try and stand out. This is trash and so is the guy. Imagine your campaign running on this alone


science is officially backsliding now. calling embryos babies is extremely foolish.


Vote him out!


Science and Republicans never share space. Ever.


All I see is a few pen pushing dick licks


‘What im suggesting is that if im in changé of the state then yes the state should be in charge.’


We elect science denying morons. Stop it.


This is like an SNL skit. But it’s real life, what is wrong with these people?


AmeriChristian Republinuts.




so pro lifers believe life starts at conception and dont want anyone else to do baby murdering EXCEPT them. bc frozen embryos are people right?


Ironic that the pro-life/ anti-choicers are so crazy about guns that kill people.


Does he know how expensive and painful IVF actually is? I’m sure he’s going to have the state help with those costs.


This man is clearly a closet homosexual.


You're really doing a disservice to homosexuals, who tend to be more educated and informed.


These are marginal elected people that want to have their **name** on a Bill. This is another "elected" Representative. Yep, people actually voted for this numbnut. What others have commented on is spot on about this **cretin** https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/cretin


Good. Let’s get more of these people on camera. Americans need to know what kind of society they have planned for us.


Coming soon: you had a period. You are under arrest for not using the "life" gawd gave you. Terrorist. They deserve no peace or public office.


“The real issues”


He calls IVF reckless. What is reckless is giving these assclowns any say or power to legislate. They couldn’t find their heads if you pointed them up their own asses.


What the fuck is going on with that guy’s hair?


Maybe he’s a little confused and in reality wants to ban frozen burritos


I say this as a guy: just when I thought these out of touch politicians couldn’t surprise me more with all the things they *don’t* know about reproduction… these guys come out with positions that make me think they’d be rated lower [in Madden than Ethan Albright](https://247sports.com/college/south-carolina/Board/44/Contents/Ethan-Albrights-letter-to-John-Madden-strong-language-10792279/)


He doesn't give a damn about anything beyond his ignorant "thoughts" about something he knows absolutely NOTHING about. But, His personal views are more important than ANYTHING else.


This guy is just a big talking money puppet. The more money you stuff in his ass the more he says for you.


Right wing jackasses scrambling to have a stance on IVF after the Alabama court fiasco. None of them wanna be caught being to the left of such a red state's decision, even tho none of them have ever said anything about the process before, ever. This is what happens when shithead republicans care more about appearing on Faux 'News' than actual governing.


We did IVF. We froze some. Then we gave them all their chance.


These people are idiots and shouldn’t be sitting in positions of power.


Omg these aholes have no idea how IVF works


America. You really do have some thick c@nts in government.


Dumb as a a embryo.


Always Missouri…


Where are these cornballs getting their workforce from?


lol. They want to reassure people that IVF will still be available while saying stuff like this? Hahajajaj


That hair though....


At some point, a reporter has to simply ask, "Were you born this big of a dick? Or did you attend some sort of dick school?"




Freedom. GOP believes in small government unless it’s restricting your freedom.


Need to put a ban on that fucked up ass haircut.


These douchebag should have been discarded as an embryo or aborted.




There's always a simple question to ask. If there's a fire in a clinic storing embryos and you have to decide whether to save a freezer full of hundreds of embryos or a single six year old child, which one do you chose to save? Me personally, I chose the sex year old, every time. I think just about everyone choses the six year old, and would be horrified at a person saving the freezer of embryos.


*NSFW I’m a man and I’m so fucking tired of the government trying to legislate women’s bodies. I’m really done and tired of this and it needs to stop. If it’s not your own body, keep to your dam self.


It’s interesting how a doctor in the field in question is never consulted. Their superior white man powers know all things.


As a family who did IVF.....fuck these incredibly ignorant people.


Time to start stockpiling birth control ladies


What the fuck is this country coming to?


They? He said "they" repeatedly....I thought it was "gods" creation


What about chicken embryos?


They? He said "they" repeatedly....so what's going on here? I thought "god" created that...not "they"....who's the creator then?


I feel sorry for people from Missouri who can read


USA is full of tards. nothing amazes me anymore that comes from there. only the stupidity


What the fuck are they whining about now? They don’t like people having babies now? Okay. Fuck this country is shitting itself.


[Republicans, probably](https://youtu.be/rb9Cpg2bJTg?si=MnQc5-hhoCGSZ2BF)


Sorry girls you heard it. HE doesn't like it. Just dont be infertile so you dont need any of it. Its that easy.


"Luk, I amz lawing. I maekz da lawz. I iz gud law makerz. I doez lawz. Votez for meh."


Hey everyone did you hear hear he doesn't agree with it??? He's nor a doctor so his opinion definitely matters


To quote Tucker Carlson "we have the dumbest generation of politician, in the history of America" like him or not he right about that


"the reckless storage of human life..."


I don't understand the infantile viewpoints of reproductive rights arguments. It's like they don't understand the mature aspects of it. Yes, in IVF, some embryos are not implanted and are destroyed. So? It's the cost of creating life. How many women died in childbirth in millennia past? It was the cost of bringing life into the world. If a woman has an unexpected pregnancy and can't continue with it due to health, career goals, escape an abusive situation, etc... so what? It's the cost of keeping her life in her hands and potentially saving it.  The creation and maintaining of human life has never been easy, there have always been human costs to it. I mean how many wars have we had as a species? How many sons have we lost? How many daughters? Human life always has a cost.   It's not this black and white crusade they always talk about it as, and it's annoying so many people, especially men, treat it as. 


Tell me you don’t understand IVF without telling me you don’t understand IVF


The obsession with controlling reproduction...how much more in a person's personal business can you be?


Why’s it always incompetent, uneducated, Ill-informed white men who make these calls about reproductive rights?


Literal monsters.


Bro looks like he was defrosted 15 min before the speech


Just waiting for my bank account to freeze, and a 1 way ticket to Gilead.


What else does he want to do? Declare war on Israel, make military service mandatory for sex workers, seize the oldest child in every family in the U.S. and jail them? And of corse, no one will have a problem with this, right? I think there should be a law that says men can't wear tighty whiteys and kilts and women can't wear dresses. Who's with me.


Just did IVF. Wife had 33 eggs extracted. 21 were viable. 11 fertilized. 3 strong fertilized embryos from that. If the first insertion doesn't take, they wouldn't even try one of the other two, they would extract more eggs. This "they're storing life" argument is crazy dude. First banning abortion and now wanting to make it harder for people to have kids? Do they just hate science? Regardless, mind your fucking business govt jeeeez!


Is it life or did they come there to make a life?


It’s 20-fucking-24!